promote health and wellbeing in older adults. They
can also inform training programs for health and
social care workers on the use of ehealth in caring
for the elderly. These results are particularly relevant
for informal caregivers, family members and older
adults themselves who need reliable information on
the opportunities offered by ehealth for supporting
health and wellbeing. Thus, this project will allow
translating the best scientific evidence on effective
ehealth interventions for HA to inform decision-
makers, providers, older adults and informal
caregivers through strategies that are adapted to each
of these groups.
Given the huge challenges associated with
population aging worldwide, ehealth can be seen as
one of the strategies that could improve active and
healthy aging. It is thus important that effective
ehealth interventions are implemented for the benefit
of older adults and their informal caregivers, but also
the society as a whole. The knowledge derived from
this project will contribute to: 1) disseminating
evidence about ehealth interventions to the aging
population; 2) rising awareness of health and social
care professionals regarding ehealth interventions
that have proven to be effective and acceptable for
older adults; and 3) promoting policy options on
ehealth interventions for HA among decision
This project is funded through a Dissemination grant
from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research.
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