with regard to the storage unit, wh ic h ca n be Hard
Disk Drive (HDD) or Solid-State Drive ( SSD) ,
and this can lead to changes in price. There is
also grouping of instances considering th e users’
profiles. For those who use little, providers o ffer
instances with a smaller configurations, while the
instances with more powerful configurations are
used by large companies, which have a large vo-
lume of applications running simultaneously.
• Discount Mo del: generally, the providers offer
this to users who acquire an instance for a g iven
amount of time. The longer the time of acqui-
red, the greater the discount will b e for the usage
rate. There a re also cases whe re the user can pay a
percentage of the total cost in advance, where the
higher the perc entage of this payment, the g rea-
ter the discount obtained. Other fo rms of discount
include that for allocation of virtual machines in
specific regions (Amazon, 2016), for pe rcentage
of month ly use of the virtual machine (Google,
2016) and for instances with cost above a pre-set
value (Azure, 2016). Due to the d ifferent types of
discounts offered, the elaboration of a model that
includes all of them is a complex task , considering
the peculiarities of each. For example, consider a
provider P, for which one o f the discount modes is
given for the amount paid, and two clients, A and
B, which have spe nt the same amount of money
and, so, theore tica lly would get the sam e discoun t.
Assuming that client A has been u sing the service
provider P for a lo ng time while client B is using
the service for the first time. Customer A may
be offered a discount greater due to their allegi-
ance, thus partaking of another form of discount.
Therefore, considering this imminent difficulty in
modeling discounts, they are not considered in the
proposed mod el.
• Geographical Location of the Provider: many
providers have virtual machines that are hosted in
various parts of the world and the price of the in-
stance can change considerably within the same
provider. Some providers have more than 10 pos-
sible location s (Amazon , 2016; Azure, 2016), ma-
king it difficult to compare. However, users may
not always be a ble to choose the location in which
the instance is cheaper, because there may be legal
issues of the co untry in which the virtual machine
is hosted. Mitr opoulou et al. (2016) analyzed the
influence of geographical location on the prices
charged by providers a nd choose to group the dif-
ferent regions covered by continent. I n the present
proposal, which foc uses on the lowest price with
an ideal QoS, an adja c ent survey of each of th e
providers should be made in order to iden tify re-
gions with the lowest prices, limited to, at most,
five of them.
• Billing Model: in addition to having numerous in-
stances composed of different configurations, the
providers also offer different pricing models. For
example, Amazon EC2 provides three pricing mo-
dels: On-demand, Reserved and Spot. For On-
demand instances, the user pays according to use,
without a long-term commitment; in Reserved in-
stances, the user acquires the instance fo r a given
amount of time and, because of this, pays a lo-
wer usage rate (per hour or per minute); finally,
Spot instances allow the user to take par t of a kind
of auction for unused c omputing capacity, which
can generate savings of up to 90 % in relation to
the On-dema nd mode. However, the spot price
fluctuates based on supply and demand for avai-
lable capacity. If the user’s offer is over that of
the spot price, the instance will c ontinue running;
otherwise, the serv ic e will be inte rrupted. The
need to stand out on the cloud computing mar-
ket makes providers offer different pricing mo-
dels, among which the On-deman d model and the
Reserved mod e l are the most common. The Re-
served models are always more economical in the
long term and the price tends to fall even more as
the subscrip tion time increases (an analysis of pri-
cing models Amazon EC2 can be found at Murthy
et al. (2012)).
• Period of Use: finally, a more detailed study seeks
to identify whether all of the chosen p roviders
change their prices for the use of the serv ic e s at
different times and whether this alteration is sig-
nificant. T he user may choose to run applications
on different schedules to achieve a reduction in the
cost of their virtual machine. At peak hours, the
price of the instances tends to be larger or the dis-
count offered, if any, ma y be lower. Each provider
defines peak h ours.
3.2 Mathematical Model
Multiple linear regression was used to estimate the
price of the instances for the three selected providers,
due to the linear behavior of the data collected fr om
the providers. Durin g data collection, a ll the possibi-
lities of geographical location of each of the providers
were co nsidered, as w ell as information pertain ing to
Linux a nd Win dows operating systems. The pricing
model considere d was the On-demand model.
Using the regression method, it is possible to es-
timate the c ost of individual c haracteristics that in-
fluence the final price of the instances by ca lc ulating
the coefficients for each of the variables of the model.