Interpreting and Leveraging Browser Interaction
for Exploratory Search Tasks
Dominic Stange
, Michael Kotzyba
, Stefan Langer
and Andreas N
DKE Group, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Volkswagen AG, Germany
Web Usage Mining, Interaction Log Analysis, Exploratory Search, Recommender Systems, Interactive
Information Retrieval, Machine Learning.
In this paper we introduce a novel approach for modeling and interpreting search behavior for exploratory
search by using a so called exploration graph. We use an existing methodology of logging and analyzing user
interactions with a web browser and add an additional interpretation step that can be used, e. g. to integrate
sensemaking or browsing patterns into the log data. We conducted a user study and are able to show that:
(a) interaction logs can be interpreted semantically, (b) semantic interpretations lead to a more connected
exploration graph, and (c) multiple (even contradicting) interpretations of the same search behavior may exist
at the same time. We also show how our theoretical model can be applied in the area of professional search by
incorporating insights gained from the model into novel recommendation and machine learning approaches.
In contrast to simple fact-finding search, in ex-
ploratory search techniques of learning and investi-
gating are used (Marchionini, 2006). Furthermore,
exploratory search is characterized as open-ended and
multifaceted with unclear goals (White and Roth,
2009; Wildemuth and Freund, 2012). These char-
acteristics make it difficult to track and examine a
user’s learning process during search just by consider-
ing the interactions with a browser. Especially, in the
World Wide Web typical interactions of exploratory
search are likely to involve “many impasses, illstruc-
tured goals and tasks, navigation and exploration, and
substantial influences from the content that is encoun-
tered” (Card et al., 2001). Methods that enable effi-
cient support during interactive (exploratory) search
could strongly improve the efficiency of the search
process, especially in the area of professional search
(e.g. technology scouting), which is a common task in
large enterprises (N
urnberger et al., 2015). However,
one major problem is that an appropriate data model
for exploratory search which also enables mecha-
nisms for effective storage and analysis is still miss-
ing. Therefore, we propose in this paper a data struc-
ture and preliminary results of a small user study to-
wards improved ranking and recommendation based
on semantic interpretations of exploration graphs.
This paper is structured as follows: The next sec-
tion describes related work. Sect. 3 provides a formal
model for exploratory search behavior. In Sect. 4 we
outline how the model allows us to interpret search
behavior and provide a problem definition. After-
wards, the conducted user study and preliminary re-
sults are described in Sect. 5. Then, Sect. 6 shows
how data about interpreted search behavior can be
used as input to a recommender system in a business
environment. In Sect. 7 a short discussion and con-
clusion is given.
The analysis of search behavior has a long history
in research and is rooted in the area of library and
information science with the goal to gain a holis-
tic view on the search process and to derive gener-
alized models (Bates, 1989; Marchionini, 1997). A
good overview on this macroscopic view is avail-
able in (Knight and Spink, 2008). Further research
in information retrieval focuses on the user’s con-
crete interactions to build models which represent the
user’s state or search success. For example, Hassan et
al. (Hassan et al., 2010) propose a Markov Model with
transition times and show that this approach performs
significantly more accurate than traditional relevance-
Stange, D., Kotzyba, M., Langer, S. and Nürnberger, A.
Interpreting and Leveraging Browser Interaction for Exploratory Search Tasks.
DOI: 10.5220/0006372901910197
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 191-197
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
based models for predicting user search goal success.
Ageev et al. (Ageev et al., 2011) apply different model
approaches to predict user’s success for fact-finding
search tasks. Card et al. (Card et al., 2001) as well
as White and Drucker (White and Drucker, 2007)
use browser interaction analysis to create behavioral
graphs that model search behavior. Their studies rely
on browser interaction logs which store data about
how searchers interact with their Web browser. In par-
ticular, White and Drucker investigate browser trails,
i.e., the sequence of visited websites. For example,
if a user visits two websites, a and b, in a row and
returns to a to browse to a website, c, the correspond-
ing search trail can be written as a b a c.
This approach allows to, e. g. analyze and investigate
searcher profiles.
Our approach facilitates browser interaction logs,
as well. We use them to model a user’s search be-
havior and keep more information about the actual
browsing activities in a search than with behavioral
graphs. With this model we are also able to create dif-
ferent interpretations of search behavior, based on ad-
ditional assumptions about a user’s sensemaking ac-
tivities during search. The problem of creating such
interpretations is formulated in the course of the next
This section outlines a model to formally describe
search behavior based on browser interaction. The
model is particularly designed with an exploratory
search task in mind.
When a person explores the World Wide Web
using a Web browser there is always one website
visible in the browser. If the URL to this web-
site is, e. g. we say that the per-
son is in state ON( If the per-
son moves to another website by interacting with the
Web browser, e. g. by clicking on a hyperlink within
the website and the URL to this second website is, the action can be written
as GOT O( Hence, the
corresponding search process of the person starting
on the home screen can be written as an alternating
sequence of states and actions:
State 1: ON (home screen)
Action 1: GOT O(
State 2: ON (
Action 2: GOT O(
State 3: ON (
Action 3: . . .
We call this sequence of states and actions the per-
son’s search history. The search history is the result
of observing the person’s search behavior. A search
history contains the websites a person visits during a
search process and the order in which they are vis-
ited over time. It also contains the actions through
which the websites are opened. Note that it is possible
for the person to visit a website multiple times during
search, e. g. when switching browser tabs, so different
states in the search history can have the same web-
site. One could say that through browser interaction
the person transitions between different states, where
each state is determined by the visited website. These
transitions can be written as
)) = ON(w
i. e. the person moves from state ON(w), where web-
site w is visited, to another state, ON(w
), where web-
site w
is visited by performing the GOTO-action.
Web browsers typically process the data about
these websites and also the browser tabs in which they
are shown. Since we want to model a user’s interac-
tion with a Web browser our model has to consider
all browser tabs and the websites they display. To
simplify the model we assume that only one browser
window is used by the user. Therefore, only one web-
site is visible in the web browser at any point in time
while the rest of the websites are hidden. We call this
visible website the active website of the browser. The
browser state can then be defined in terms of the ac-
tive and all opened websites.
Definition 1 (Browser State). Given a set W of web-
sites, a browser state s can be written as
s(W ) = ON(W ) = ON(w
where each website w
W is shown in a browser tab
and the underlined website w
is the active website of
browser state s, with 1 k n.
At the beginning the browser state is typically
empty, i. e. the set W is empty. We write this as
s = ON(). Similarly to the user’s search history the
interactions with the browser result in an alternating
sequence of browser states and user actions. We call
this sequence the browser history.
Definition 2 (Browser History). Given a set S of
browser states and a set A of user actions, a browser
history h is an alternating sequence
h(S ,A) = h s
, a
, s
, a
, ...,s
, a
, s
of browser states s
S and user actions a
An example of a browser history in which the
websites w
, w
, and w
are visited is:
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
h s
: ON (), a
: GOTO(w
: ON (w
), a
: GOTO(w
: ON (w
), a
: GOTO(w
: ON (w
) i.
Initially, the browser history is empty. Then, web-
sites are opened in the course of the search process.
Notice that in the example the third website, w
, is
opened in a new browser tab. Thus, the previous web-
site, w
, is not removed from the set of websites W
in state s
. That is, if we only consider the GOT O-
action it is not possible to “predict” its exact outcome
for a browser state. In other words, the RESULT -
function is not determined for a browser state and the
GOTO-action. Therefore, we need to observe other
user actions to solve this ambiguity. Preliminary anal-
ysis shows that the eight actions of Table 1 are well-
suited for our search model to work as intended:
Table 1: User actions and their descriptions. The actions are
part of our exploratory search behavior model.
Action Description
URL open a website in the active browser tab
open a website in a new browser tab
CLICK enter a URL in the address field of the
active browser tab
enter a URL in the address field of a
new browser tab
CLOSE close an existing browser tab
SW ITCH switch from one browser tab to another
BW /FW move backward/forward within the lo-
cal history of a browser tab
QUERY enter a search query in the search box of
the active browser tab
The actions have their expected effect on a
browser state. The U RL-action opens a website for
a given URL which is entered in the address field
of the active browser tab. The action removes the
active website and adds the new website to the next
browser state. For example, if the browser is in state
ON(w) and the user performs the URL-action the
transition is RESULT (ON(w),URL(w
)) = ON(w
The symbol
in the URL
-action indicates that
the website for the URL is opened in a new browser
tab. For example, if the browser is in state ON()
and the user performs the URL
-action the corre-
sponding transition is RESULT (ON(),URL(w)) =
ON(w). The CLICK-action removes the active web-
site and adds the website of the clicked hyperlink to
the next browser state. Consistently, the CLICK
action opens the website of the hyperlink in a new
browser tab and, therefore, adds this website to the
next browser state without removing the active web-
site. The CLOSE-action removes the active website
from the next browser state. The SW ITCH-action
changes the active website from one website to an-
other website. The FW /BW -action uses the local his-
tory of a browser tab to navigate forward and back-
ward, replacing the active website with the one of
the local history. Lastly, the QUERY -action issues
a search query to the active website, removing it from
the next state and adding the corresponding search en-
gine results page (SERP). Using these user actions the
browser history for the previous example can be writ-
ten as:
h s
: ON (), a
: ON (w
), a
: CLICK (w
: ON (w
), a
: ON (w
) i.
As can be seen, this browser history describes the
person’s search behavior unambiguously. Note that
sometimes an action is not applicable for a browser
state. For example, the QUERY -action is only appli-
cable if there is a search box on the active website.
The actions are atomic in the sense that any of them
creates a new browser state. Some Web browsers pro-
vide functions that perform more than one atomic ac-
tion in one interaction, e. g. opening a hyperlink in a
background browser tab.
With the help of the eight user actions listed in Ta-
ble 1 of the previous section we can create a suffi-
ciently rich model of any person’s exploratory search
behavior. Now, based on the model we want to intro-
duce the noval approach of interpreting this behavior
formally and also propose the concept of semantics in
this interpretation.
A structure that takes both the browser states and
transitions between them into account is a graph. We
call this the exploration graph.
Definition 3 (Exploration Graph). An exploration
graph x(V , E ) is a cyclic, directed graph with a set
V of vertices and a set E of edges, where elements
of E are ordered pairs (v
) of distinct vertices
V .
An exploration graph describes how a user ex-
plores an information space based on the websites be-
ing visited during search. Every vertex in x represents
exactly one website. An example of an exploration
graph with five vertices and four edges is shown in
Interpreting and Leveraging Browser Interaction for Exploratory Search Tasks
Figure 1: An exploration graph for a random browser his-
tory. It consists of five nodes (w
to w
) that represent the
visited websites. The edges between the nodes indicate how
the information space is traversed. The edge labels indicate
between which states the connection is added.
Figure 1. The figure shows an extension to the exam-
ple from the previous section, where two additional
websites, w
and w
, are opened.
An exploration graph visualizes the different ex-
ploration paths of a user, e. g. w
or w
. Note the difference of the paths to the one-
dimensional strictly chronological sequence w
or a browser trail w
. The direction of an edge be-
tween two websites is determined by the direction
of the hyperlink between them, e. g. w
. For
ease of understanding the edges of the example ex-
ploration graph are labeled such that they show be-
tween which states they are added. In general, it is
possible that a user visits the same website multiple
times (e. g. following links on different websites to the
same target) and, hence, the graph can contain cycles.
New paths are created whenever a user enters a URL
manually or issues a search query to a search engine.
That is, in contrast to browser trails, for example, an
edge is not automatically appended to the last active
vertex, reducing possible randomness (e. g. the link
) and also avoiding heuristics to close a path,
c.f. (White and Drucker, 2007).
However, if a user issues a search query based on
something she has learned on a website, it is reason-
able to assume that this search query continues the
path that has led to the website. That is, search queries
may refer to the content of visited websites. This re-
lationship is typically not present in the browser his-
tory because there is no interaction to be logged. Yet,
an edge connecting the website with the SERP of the
query can be weighted by the degree/probability that
they are semantically related. Thus, edges in explo-
ration graphs can express semantics in search behav-
ior. For instance, the probability could indicate how
likely it is that the user has used insights gained from
a specific website to issue the search query. This is
likely to result in a more connected exploration graph,
because in addition to the actual browsing the seman-
tic relationships are taken into account. Following
this approach also means that there is not a single
“true” exploration graph but several possible instanti-
ations that are all different interpretations of the same
search behavior. In the example shown above not all
actions have been interpreted in a way that they cre-
ate an edge between two websites. For example, a
SW ITCH-action is not represented by an edge. This
is in contrast with the interpretation corresponding to
the browser trail, which - using our terminology - can
be thought of as being based on a search history rather
than a browser history. In some cases it may be rea-
sonable to use one interpretation over another depend-
ing on the research scenario. There are certainly more
types of interpretations possible. A detailed analysis
of possible interpretations is beyond the scope of this
paper but subject for future work.
The problem of creating an interpretation for (ex-
ploratory) search behavior can be stated as follows:
Problem Statement: Given a browser history
h(S ,A), find an interpretation function
f : (h)
that best represents the search behavior modeled in h
as an exploration graph x(V ,E).
By adding the component theory to the problem
statement we emphasize that interpretations can make
assumptions about a user’s search behavior. These as-
sumptions can be used, e. g. to incorporate semantic
relationships into the exploration graph. An interpre-
tation can be understood as a projection of observa-
tional and/or sensemaking patterns on the data col-
lected via browser interactions of a user.
One goal of the user study is to show how a semantic
interpretation of search behavior looks like and how
it compares to an interpretation without assumptions.
Using insights gained from a pre-study in which we
investigated the complexity of exploration graphs, we
designed the main study as follows.
Study Design. Participants are asked to search
for information about two predefined topics. The
topics are selected to satisfy the attributes described
in (Wildemuth and Freund, 2012): i. e. learning
and investigation as goals; general, ill-structured and
open-ended problems; and an involved uncertainty.
One search topic is about the procurement of so-
lar energy panels for a private houshold as adapted
to (Gwizdka and Lopatovska, 2009). The other is
about body scanners and their affect on man’s health
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: An interpretation of browser interaction data with-
out assumptions about a user’s search behavior.
as adapted to (Wu et al., 2012). Participants are ad-
vised that each search task should take at least 15 min-
Data Preparation. For each search task we create
a single browser history by merging the interaction
data of all participants into a single log file. Combin-
ing the search activity of the participants allows us to
“simulate” a more extensive exploratory search with
multiple starting points, at least one for each partici-
pant. However, we lose the ability to examine individ-
ual search profiles, because the resulting interaction
log exhibits characteristics from multiple searchers.
We then create exploration graphs based on the log
files using two different interpretations, one with and
one without assumptions about the search behavior.
Preliminary Results. Nine participants aged be-
tween 26 and 33 participated the preliminary study.
Figure 2 shows the result of an interpretation for
the first search topic without assumptions about the
search behavior, i. e. only the actual navigations be-
tween visited websites are considered in the interpre-
tation. As can be seen, several disconnected graph
components represent the search behavior. Most of
the starting points are created by visiting general-
purpose search engines, like Google. Note that some
participants visited the same websites (red rectan-
gles), so even based on this interpretation some of the
individual explorations are connected.
˜ A semantic interpretation of the same data is
shown in Figure 3. The graph is more connected, be-
cause some search engine results pages are connected
to relevant websites visited before. To calculate the
relevancy of a query we index every website at the
time it is visited in a local search engine. Whenever a
user issues a query we make a lookup to find relevant
Figure 3: A semantic interpretation of browser interaction
data incorporating sensemaking patterns during search.
websites in this index for the same query terms. At the
beginning the index is empty. Only the most relevant
(already visited) website is selected to be continued.
In this interpretation it is necessary to add a param-
eter to the interpretation function to set a minimum
relevancy threshold. The example interpretation uses
no relevancy threshold. A sample of that exploration
graph for the first user study is shown in Figure 4.
The graph shows an episode of search activity and it
outlines how pre-query browsing (as opposed to post-
query browsing) and search queries can contribute to
the same line of thought during a search process.
Figure 4: A sample exploration graph for the user study
using a semantic interpretation. It contains three Google re-
sults pages (G
to G
) and five content websites (W
to W
The query terms of G
are “solar panel advantages over con-
ventional methods”. The subsequently visited websites ex-
plain pros and cons of solar panels. Website W
, however,
deals with photovoltaics. The query terms of G
are “pho-
tovoltaic vs solar heat”. The websites W
and W
the difference between solar and photovoltaic systems. Due
to the used interpretation function the path G
is appended to W
, indicated by the dotted arrow.
It is also possible to interpret the log data such
that search queries are appended to the top k relevant
websites at the same time, where k becomes another
parameter for the interpretation. This may express un-
certainty towards the user’s line of thought during ex-
ploration. By appending the query website to multiple
Interpreting and Leveraging Browser Interaction for Exploratory Search Tasks
paths it is possible to represent concurrent interpreta-
tions that may contradict each other. For example, a
query may be similarly relevant for websites in dif-
ferent paths. Keeping (some of) these interpretations
may support a later graph analysis or mining, because
more data about the search behavior is available.
In the introductory section of this paper we briefly
summarized exploratory search as open-ended and
multifaceted with unclear goals. Researches often ar-
gue that users in exploratory search often do not know
exactly what search queries to use in order to find the
answers they desire. In this section we want to show
how exploration graphs can be leveraged in a recom-
mender system to suggest websites to be visited in
such situations. We believe that the analysis of explo-
ration graphs is an exciting approach to develop new
support mechanisms for enterprise search systems.
We have implemented a web-based search plat-
form which is currently rolled out in a large automo-
tive company as part of a long-term research project.
The overall goal of the project is to make complex
search tasks more efficient and support collaboration
within teams. Our platform uses a client-side data
collection approach. With the help of a browser ad-
don we detect the search actions described in Sect. 3
and send them to a server where they are interpreted
as an exploration graph (see Sect. 4) and stored in a
graph database. The server processes the stream of in-
teraction data online. We create a single exploration
graph for all users. For the recommendations we per-
form graph mining to find patterns in this exploration
graph. Domain experts can use a special-tailored
search user interface to query for relevant websites.
They are presented with relevant websites containing
the query terms and related websites (which might
not contain the query terms) based on the structure
and semantics of the exploration graph. This kind of
post-query recommendation is a novel approach and
particularly suited in business environments where
searchers are likely to address similar topics repeat-
edly over time, e. g. in patent search or technology
scouting. Especially, in a scenario where multiple do-
main experts are interested in the same (or similar)
topics, they can benefit from each others’ search ef-
In order to further improve the quality of recom-
mendations we have added an additional action to
the list of user interactions: the LIKE-action marks
the active website as an interesting resource for the
current search. So, whenever a user issues a query
and browses to a website with relevant content the
user can “like” this website. The system then deter-
mines the path in the exploration graph from a pos-
sible query to this website (also taking into account
the length of this path) and recommends it in future
searches when similar queries are used. Examples for
patterns we examine for our recommendations are:
Given a website w, find all websites W
in the
neighborhood of w that are “liked” by at least one
member of the group.
Given a search query q, find those search engine
results pages W
that are visited based on similar
search queries, and identify all websites W
the neighborhoods of all websites w W
are “liked” by at least one member of the group.
Next, we want to briefly outline two research direc-
tions we want to look into in the future.
Learning to Rank. It is possible to create machine
learning algorithms which modify the relevancy of
any visited website for a given search query based on
the exhibited search behavior using the data of an ex-
ploration graph. The LIKE-action allows us to use
both unsupervised as well as supervised and hybrid
approaches. It is even possible to extract additional
features from websites, e. g. website content, title, or
meta information, and incorporate this into the learn-
ing process. Then, suggestions are made based on
complex data, taking into account the structural and
semantical relationships of observed search behavior.
Learning to Automate. One of the main motiva-
tions to initiate the research project with the automo-
tive partner is the long-term goal to (partially) au-
tomate complex search tasks. Technologies like fo-
cussed crawlers have shown since two decades how
automated search algorithms can reduce the effort to
perform complex search manually. We believe that
using the data provided by exploration graphs we can
further improve the results of automated crawlers.
The advantage of training such a crawler based on
real exploration graphs is that such an approach is
flexible with respect to the search topic and the indi-
vidual traits of the searchers. For example, a domain
expert can perform a complex search task manually
to provide an initial starting point for the learning al-
gorithm. Once, the algorithm learned to explore the
topic it can recommend relevant websites based on its
own explorations. These recommendations are then
visited (and further explored) by the domain expert,
again providing data for the algorithm to learn from.
Over time the topic will be explored increasingly ex-
It is also possible to use methods from the field of
transfer learning, e. g. to 1) apply a learned model
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of one topic to another topic for the same expert, or
2) apply a learned model of one domain expert to an-
other expert. With the help of exploration graphs we
believe it is possible to develop more elaborate algo-
rithms that are able to automate complex search tasks.
The result of this learning goes beyond “learning to
rank”-approaches described earlier, because it has to
take into account the utility of information. That is,
an automated search agent trained with data about
search behavior of human domain experts should sug-
gest only highly relevant and novel information.
This paper presents a hybrid log-based and observa-
tional approach for modeling search behavior. We
formulate the problem of interpreting search behav-
ior based on browser interaction logs and introduce
the idea of an exploration graph to model transitional
and semantic relationships during search. These in-
terpretations can help to keep valuable information on
how users explore an information space, if reasonable
assumptions about the search behavior can be made.
With the help of a user study we outline how seman-
tic interpretations compare to interpretations without
assumptions. Interpreting a user’s interactions during
search in an exploration graph may be key to various
new investigations, e. g. how users interact in groups
to fulfill a certain research task. Finding meaningful
interpretations becomes a new challenge in the analy-
sis of interaction logs. We also show how leveraging
the data inherent in exploration graphs can be used in
recommender systems to make search tasks in busi-
ness settings more efficient. Since the quality of such
recommendations depends heavily on the quality of
the interpreted exploration graphs it is important to
put a lot of effort into creating meaningful interpre-
tations of search behavior in the first place. We be-
lieve that leveraging data about exploration graphs is
a promising approach to tackle new research direc-
tions and produce highly innovative support systems,
especially for professional searchers.
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Interpreting and Leveraging Browser Interaction for Exploratory Search Tasks