A Review of Cloud Computing Simulation Platforms and Related
James Byrne
, Sergej Svorobej
, Konstantinos M. Giannoutakis
, Dimitrios Tzovaras
, P. J. Byrne
Per-Olov Östberg
, Anna Gourinovitch
and Theo Lynn
Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland
Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, 6th km Xarilaou-Thermi,
57001 Thessaloniki, Greece
Dept. Computing Science and HPC2N, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Cloud Simulation Tools, Data Centre, Fog Computing.
Abstract: Recent years have seen an increasing trend towards the development of Discrete Event Simulation (DES)
platforms to support cloud computing related decision making and research. The complexity of cloud
environments is increasing with scale and heterogeneity posing a challenge for the efficient management of
cloud applications and data centre resources. The increasing ubiquity of social media, mobile and cloud
computing combined with the Internet of Things and emerging paradigms such as Edge and Fog Computing
is exacerbating this complexity. Given the scale, complexity and commercial sensitivity of hyperscale
computing environments, the opportunity for experimentation is limited and requires substantial investment
of resources both in terms of time and effort. DES provides a low risk technique for providing decision
support for complex hyperscale computing scenarios. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in
the development and extension of tools to support DES for cloud computing resulting in a wide range of
tools which vary in terms of their utility and features. Through a review and analysis of available literature,
this paper provides an overview and multi-level feature analysis of 33 DES tools for cloud computing
environments. This review updates and extends existing reviews to include not only autonomous simulation
platforms, but also on plugins and extensions for specific cloud computing use cases. This review identifies
the emergence of CloudSim as a de facto base platform for simulation research and shows a lack of tool
support for distributed execution (parallel execution on distributed memory systems).
The definition of cloud computing is widely
accepted to be “…a model for enabling ubiquitous,
convenient, on-demand network access to a shared
pool of configurable computing resources (e.g.,
networks, servers, storage, applications, and
services) that can be rapidly provisioned and
released with minimal management effort or service
provider interaction” (Mell and Grance, 2009).
While the reference architecture for cloud
computing has evolved over time the essential
characteristics, service models and deployment
models have largely remained the same (Liu et al.,
2011). The broad cross-domain applicability of
cloud computing has led to the emergence of a
variety of resource profiles and technological
options, with a substantial degree of heterogeneity in
data centre resources and service offerings (Östberg
et al., 2014). Recently, this trend has also been
magnified by increasing demands for dependability
and real-time low latency communication, which has
driven integration of telecommunications and cloud
infrastructure (edge computing), as well as
development and integration of applications that
make increased use of the capabilities of end-user
devices and appliances (fog computing). A general
inability to control and process the network
environment and predict and control network
conditions in hyperscale computing environments
has necessitated the development of discrete event
simulation (DES) platforms capable of supporting
complex decision making within these environments
(Jiang et al., 2012), (Tian et al., 2015). IDC (2016)
predict rapid and substantial increases in enterprise
cloud and the Internet of Things (IOT) adoption with
Byrne, J., Svorobej, S., Giannoutakis, K., Tzovaras, D., Byrne, P., Östberg, P-O., Gourinovitch, A. and Lynn, T.
A Review of Cloud Computing Simulation Platforms and Related Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0006373006790691
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 651-663
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
at least 40% of IoT-created data being stored,
processed, analysed, and acted upon close to or at
the edge of the network by 2019. These trends are
increasing both the range of use cases and features
that DES tools are required to support. An overview
of the state of the art for such DES tools is presented
in this paper.
Earlier efforts for DES in this domain focused on
grid computing, whereby simulation tooling support
was provided for uniformly aggregating and sharing
distributed heterogeneous resources for solving
large-scale applications, such as in the fields of
science, engineering and commerce (Sulistio et al.,
2008). Various grid computing simulators have been
developed (Sulistio et al., 2008) and are presented in
literature, such as OptorSim (Bell et al., 2002),
MONARC (Legrand and Newman, 2000), SimGrid
(Legrand et al., 2003), GridSim (Buyya and
Murshed, 2002) and MicroGrid (Song et al., 2000).
However, these alone do not provide an environment
that can be directly used by the cloud computing
community (W. Zhao et al., 2012); grid computing
simulators assume compute jobs to be deterministic,
non-interactive fixed duration whereas cloud
simulators typically aim to analyse the behaviour of
data centre resources that host virtual machines in
multi-tenancy scenarios over non-deterministic
timeframes, with highly variable user load taken into
consideration. The work presented in this paper
focuses on DES tools that support Infrastructure as a
Service (IAAS) cloud computing use cases and the
related Edge and Fog Computing paradigms.
There are a number of potential advantages to the
use and development of such DES tools to support
cloud computing. Experimentation in a simulated
environment is typically far less expensive
economically than using a real testbed. Furthermore,
such experimentation is repeatable and potentially
scalable in terms of addressing the simulation of
larger-scale systems. In addition, experimentations
can be performed in a timelier fashion, and risks
with respect to stochastic inputs can be taken into
account. However it is noted by (Sakellari and
Loukas, 2013) that while simulation offers a number
of advantages especially in terms of such scalability
and experiment repeatability, it is still based on
assumptions and simplifications that might not fully
represent an actual cloud. For this reason, it still
might be preferable in some circumstances to use
real cloud testbeds in place of simulation or to
validate results developed in simulated
environments. Sakellari and Loukas (2013) provide
an overview of such testbeds and software
frameworks for setting up such cloud testbeds.
This paper gives an overview of current work in
cloud computing simulation tool development. It
categorizes and reviews DES tools for cloud
computing, identifies application DES tools for
cloud computing environments, and provides a
multi-level feature comparison of identified
simulation tools plugins and extensions. This multi-
level comparison concerns a general high level
comparison as well as comparing high level
technical characteristics for classifying the tools.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 provides and overview related
research to position the contribution of this work.
Section 3 introduces the tools identified in the
review. Section 4 presents a multi-level feature
analysis of the tools. The paper concludes with a
discussion of key findings and areas for future
There are a number of existing papers that provide
overviews of DES tools to support cloud computing.
Zhao et al. (2012) present a summary of tools to
model and simulate cloud computing systems,
including both software and hardware simulators.
They give a feature description for 11 tools, and
provide a comparison based on the underlying
platform, programming language, and whether they
are software or hardware-based. Sinha and Shekhar
(2015) present a high level overview of 15 cloud
simulation tools, and provide a tabular comparison
of these based on graphical user interface support,
platform used, language used, support of TCP/IP,
whether they are software or hardware-based, and
their availability (software license type). As part of
their work, Sakellari and Loukas (2013) provide an
overview of cloud simulation software. They present
an overview of eight tools, and provide a tabular
comparison based on whether they support energy
efficiency modelling, performance/quality of service
(QoS), programming language, availability (on the
web), and license type. Malhotra and Jain (2013)
provide an overview of five cloud simulation tools,
and compare them based on underlying platform,
programming language, networking support, the
type of simulator (event versus packet based), and
license type. Similarly, Mohana, Saroja, and
Venkatachalam (2014) provide an overview of six
cloud simulation tools and compares them by
underlying platform, simulator type, language,
networking, and availability. Ahmed and Sabyasachi
(2014) give an overview of 12 cloud simulators and
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
compare these based on underlying platform,
availability, programming language, whether or not
they provide cost modelling, if they have a GUI, if
they have communication models or energy models,
the simulation time and whether they model
federation policies.
The work presented in this paper builds on these
previous related works by extending both the
breadth and depth of analysis. 33 platforms, plugins
and extensions are introduced and analysed
including many which have not been analysed and
compared previously e.g. CactoSim (Östberg et al.,
2014), DISSECT-CF (Kecskemeti et al., 2014),
iFogSim (Gupta et al., 2016) and CloudEXP
(Jararweh et al., 2014). For each tool, a multi-level
feature analysis is provided, for high-level
comparison of the frameworks.
Table 1 lists current identified tools that support
DES for cloud computing, in alphabetical order.
Table 1: Identified cloud computing-related DES tools.
Bazaar Extension* DISSECT-CF
CEPSim* GreenCloud
Cloud2Sim* GroudSim
CloudAnalyst* ICanCloud
CloudEXP* iFogSim*
CloudNetSim++ MDCSim
CloudReports* MR-CloudSim*
CloudSched NetworkCloudSim*
CloudSim SimGrid
CloudSimDisk* SimIC
CMCloudSimulator* TeachCloud*
DartCSim* Ucloud*
*Derivatives or extensions of CloudSim
This refers to DCSim by Tighe, (2012)
This refers to DCSim by Chen et al., (2012)
Bazaar-Extension (Pittl et al., 2016) is a CloudSim
extension for simulating resource allocations by
negotiation processes. The negotiation process is
realised between provider and consumer using the
offer-counteroffer negotiation protocol for resource
allocation, while the authors simulate different
negotiation strategies. The architecture of Bazaar-
Extension (which is built on CloudSim) consists of
the Datacenter broker and the Negotiation Manager
that handles the auctioning process for forming
service level agreements.
CactoSim was developed as part of CACTOS, a
European Union Framework 7 project (CACTOS
Consortium, 2016). CACTOS aimed to deliver a set
of integrated tools for analysing application
behaviour and infrastructure performance data,
mathematical models and their realization to
determine the best fitting resource within a provider
context, and a prediction and simulation
environment for diverse application workloads
(Östberg et al., 2014). To this end, CactoSim is a
DES framework built on top of Palladio (Becker et
al., 2009), and SimuLizar (Becker et al., 2013)
which was developed as part of CloudScale (Brataas
et al., 2013). It is used to evaluate the effectiveness
of optimization strategies for the cloud, as well as
for iterative resource planning and operations
decision support.
CDOSim (Fittkau et al., 2012) is a simulation
framework based on CloudSim and focuses on
evaluating competing cloud deployment options. It
simulates response times, SLA violations and costs
of various deployment options. Its purpose is to
assist cloud users to find the best ratio between high
performance and low costs.
The CEPSim (Higashino et al., 2016) simulator
is also an extension to CloudSim that focuses on
supporting cloud-based Complex Event Processing
(CEP) and Stream Processing (SP) systems that
related to big data technologies. CEPSim transforms
user queries into directed acyclic graph
representations. The modelled queries can be
simulated on different deployment models including
private, public, hybrid and multi-clouds.
Cloud2Sim (Kathiravelu and Veiga, 2014) is a
concurrent and distributed cloud and MapReduce
simulator that is built on top of CloudSim, using the
distributed shared memory from Hazelcast and the
in-memory key-value data grid of Infinispan. The
motivation for the development of this simulator was
the long execution time and limited simulation size
on uniprocessor systems. It provides the
functionality to execute CloudSim in parallel and
thus scale up simulations.
CloudAnalyst (Wickremasinghe et al., 2010) is a
Cloud simulation tool developed on the Java
platform for the simulation of large-scale cloud
applications with the purpose to study and analyse
the behaviour of such applications under various
deployment scenarios. It extends the functionality of
the CloudSim toolkit through the introduction of
concepts that model the Internet and Internet
A Review of Cloud Computing Simulation Platforms and Related Environments
application behaviour. It allows description of
application workloads including information on the
geographic location of users generating traffic, the
location of data centres, the number of users and
data centres, and the number of resources in each
data centre. Provided with this information, metrics
such as the response and processing time of requests
are generated. The main features of CloudAnalyst
are: the easy to use Graphical User Interface, the
ability to define a simulation with a high degree of
configurability and flexibility, the repeatability of
experiments, its graphical output, the use of
consolidated technology, and ease of extension.
The CloudExp framework is Java-based and
again is built on top of CloudSim (Jararweh et al.,
2014). CloudExp can be used to evaluate cloud
components such as processing elements, data
centers, storage, networking, SLA constraints, web-
based applications, Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA), virtualization, management and automation,
and Business Process Management (BPM)
components. In addition, CloudExp introduces the
Rain workload generator which emulates real
workloads in cloud environments.
CloudNetSim++ (Malik et al., 2014) is designed
to allow researchers to incorporate their custom
protocols and applications for analysis under
realistic data centre architectures with various
network traffic patterns. It provides a framework
that allows users to define SLA policies, scheduling
algorithms and models for different components of
data centres. The energy utilization is computed in
three components: servers, communication links and
data centre infrastructures (such as routers and
switches). It is built on top of OMNeT++ and
provides a rich GUI to simplify analysis, debugging
and addition of hardware components into the
CloudReports (Teixeira Sá et al., 2014) is an
extensible simulation tool for energy-aware cloud
computing environments to enable researchers to
model multiple complex scenarios through a GUI. It
provides four layers on top of the CloudSim
simulation engine: Reports manager, Simulation
manager, Extensions and Core entities. The main
advantage of CloudReports is its modular
architecture that allows the extension of its API for
experimenting with new scheduling and
provisioning algorithms.
CloudSched (Tian et al., 2015) is a simulation
tool for the evaluation and modelling of cloud
environments and applications with a focus on
comparing different resource scheduling algorithms
in IaaS with regards to both computing servers and
user workloads. CloudSched was introduced as a
means to provide better cloud performance
compared to CloudSim and CloudAnalyst. Unlike
traditional scheduling algorithms that consider only
one factor (such as CPU), which can cause hotspots
or bottlenecks in many cases, CloudSched treats
multi-dimensional resources such as CPU, memory
and network bandwidth integrated for both physical
machines and virtual machines for different
scheduling objectives. The main CloudSched
features are: its focus on infrastructure as a service
(IaaS) layer, the provision of a uniform view of all
resources, the lightweight design and scalability, its
high extensibility and ease of use.
CloudSim (Calheiros, 2011) is an open source
and extensible Java simulation platform for enabling
continuous modelling, simulation, and
experimentation of cloud computing and application
services. CloudSim is the de facto platform of choice
for open source simulation tool development; 18 of
the tools analysed were derivatives or extensions of
CloudSim. The
CloudSim architecture follows a
layered approach. At the fundamental layer,
management of applications, hosts of VMs, and
dynamic system states are provided. By extending
the core VM provisioning functionality, the
efficiency of different strategies at this layer can be
studied. At the top layer, the User Code represents
the basic entities for hosts, and through extending
entities at this layer, one can enable the application
to generate requests using a variety of approaches
and configurations, model cloud scenarios,
implement custom applications and so on. In the
CloudSim implementation, there are no actual
entities available for simulating network entities,
such as routers or switches. Instead, network latency
between two components is simulated based on the
information stored in a latency matrix. The event
management engine of CloudSim utilizes the inter-
entity network latency information for inducing
delays in transmitting message to entities. This delay
is expressed in simulation time units such as
milliseconds. The CloudSim framework provides
basic models and entities to validate and evaluate
energy-conscious provisioning of
CloudSimDisk (Louis et al., 2015) is a CloudSim
extension focusing on modelling and simulating
energy aware storage hardware components in cloud
infrastructures. The implementation of
CloudSimDisk is based on analytical models that
were tested against hard disk drive manufacturer
specifications. It includes HDD power models, disk
array management algorithms and energy-aware data
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
center storage. Experimentation with CloudSimDisk
shows good results in terms of validation, while the
scalability of the extension allows future
implementations of more complex systems.
CloudSimSDN (Son et al., 2015) is a CloudSim
extension for Software Defined Networking (SDN)-
enabled cloud environments. It provides a
lightweight and scalable simulation environment to
evaluate the network allocation capacity policies. It
simulates cloud data centres, physical machines,
switches, network links and virtual topologies for
measuring performance metrics, and energy
consumption. It also provides a GUI for simplifying
the simulation configuration.
CMCloudSimulator (Alves et al., 2016) focuses
on simulating applications with various deployment
configurations. It incurs the cost it would require
when implemented in a cloud provider according to
the cost model of any service provider. It is built as a
CloudSim extension and supports various cost
models that can be designed using XML. With
CMCloudSimulator, one can estimate the total cost
of the resulting simulation and compare the results
with different cloud providers, by obtaining the best
price from them dynamically.
DartCSim (Li et al., 2012) is a GUI layer on top
of CloudSim providing a more user-friendly
interface. This allows the user to configure all the
simulation data easily including the configuration of
network cloudlets, network topology, and the
algorithms for managing the cloud data center.
DCSim (Tighe, 2012), (Keller et al., 2013) is an
extensible framework for simulating a multi-tenant,
virtualized data centre with special purpose of
dynamically managing hardware resources. DCSim
provides an application model that can simulate the
interactions and dependencies between many VMs
working together to provide a single service, such as
in the case of a multi-tiered web application. DCSim
simulates a virtualized data centre operating an
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud. Virtual
machine management operations, such as VM live
migration and replication, are supported within
DCSim. The resource needs of each VM in DCSim
are driven dynamically by an application class
component, which varies the level of resources
required by the VM to simulate a real workload.
DCSim reports a number of metrics in order to help
determine the behaviour of the data centre during the
simulation such as SLA violations, data centre
utilization, active hosts, host-hours, active host
utilization, number of migrations, and power
consumption. A visualization tool is included with
DCSim which automatically generates a set of
graphs based on the simulation log files.
There is an additional simulation platform also
called DCSim (Data Centre Simulator) as referred to
by Chen et al., (2012). They use this to model a
small-scale operating system, HDD and SSD
towards achieving a multi-layer heterogeneous
system simulation.
DISSECT-CF (DIScrete event baSed Energy
Consumption simulator for clouds and Federations)
is a simulation framework capable of simulating the
internal components and processes of cloud
infrastructures allowing the evaluation of energy
consumption, network behaviour and the effects of
cross virtual machine CPU sharing (Kecskemeti et
al., 2014). In their paper, (Kecskemeti et al., 2014)
introduce techniques for unifying DISSECT-CF with
GroudSim, thereby providing GroudSim with the
ability to model the internals of infrastructure clouds
(such as energy models and more complex
networking), as DISSECT-CF is more focused on
the internal organization and behaviour of IaaS
systems. This improves the modelling of resource
usage, network usage, power consumption and data
centre configurations.
EMUSIM (Calheiros et al., 2013) is a tool built
on top of CloudSim that automatically extracts
information from application behaviour via
emulation, and uses this information to generate a
corresponding simulation model. This process is
performed order to better predict the service’s
behaviour on cloud platforms; increased accuracy in
an application behaviour model leads to higher
accuracy in simulated system resource utilization
estimation on cloud platforms.
GDCSim (Gupta et al., 2014) is a simulation tool
for studying the energy efficiency of data centres
under various data center geometries, workload
characteristics, platform power management
schemes, and scheduling algorithms. The main focus
of GDCSim simulator is the energy efficiency
analysis and its functional behaviour can be
characterised by: automated processing, online
analysis capability, iterative design analysis, thermal
analysis capability, workload and power
management and consideration of cyber-physical
GreenCloud (Kliazovich et al., 2012) is an open-
source cloud computing simulator, specifically
designed for data centre simulation by implementing
detailed modelling of communication aspects of the
data centre. It is classified as a packet-level
simulator, and, along with the workload distribution,
the simulator is designed to capture details of the
energy consumed by data centre components
A Review of Cloud Computing Simulation Platforms and Related Environments
(servers, switches, routers, and connection links
between them) as well as packet-level
communication patterns in realistic setups.
GreenCloud also allows analysis of the load
distribution through the network, as well as
communication with high accuracy (TCP packet
level). It implements a simplistic application model
without any communicating tasks or limited network
model within the data centre. GreenCloud simulator
is an extension of ns-2 simulator, which is used in
computer networking. Using ns-2 as the foundation,
GreenCloud implements a full TCP/IP protocol
reference model, which allows seamless integration
of a wide variety of communication protocols
including IP, TCP, and UDP with the simulation.
GroudSim (Ostermann et al., 2011) is an event-
based Java-based simulation toolkit, mainly focused
on scientific applications running on combined Grid
and cloud infrastructures. GroudSim supports
modelling of cloud compute and network resources,
job submissions, file transfers, as well as integration
of failure, background load, and cost models.
iCanCloud (Núñez et al., 2012) is aimed at
simulating cloud resources as provided by the
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), although its
creators claim it can be extended to simulate other
environments using the provided API. Its primary
aim is to predict the trade-offs between cost and
performance of a given application executed in a
specific hardware. iCanCloud is based on various
platforms: OMNeT++, MPI, and C++. The
iCanCloud architecture follows a layered approach
with four layers: VMs repository, Application
repository, Cloud hypervisor and Cloud system. It
provides configurations for storage systems, which
include models for local storage systems, remote
storage systems and parallel storage systems.
iFogSim (Gupta et al., 2016) is a simulator built
on top of CloudSim specifically for supporting the
modelling of IoT and Fog computing environments,
in order to measure the impact of resource
management techniques in terms of latency, network
congestion, energy consumption and cost.
MDCSim (Lim, 2009) is a flexible and scalable
simulation platform for in-depth analysis of multi-
tier data centres. It implements all the important
design specifics of communications, kernel level
scheduling artefacts and application level
interactions among the tiers of a three-tier data
MR-CloudSim is primarily concerned with
designing and implementing the MapReduce
computing model on CloudSim (Jung and Kim,
2012), in order to provide an easier way to examine
a MapReduce model in a data centre.
NetworkCloudSim (Garg and Buyya, 2011) is an
extension of CloudSim that supports a scalable
network model of a data centre and generalized
applications such as high-performance computing
(HPC), e-commerce, social networks, and web
applications. NetworkCloudSim can simulate a cloud
data centre network and applications with
communicating tasks with accuracy. It provides
models to support realistic, multi-tier applications
that comprise several tasks that communicate with
each other. In the original
implementation, it was assumed subtly that each VM
is connected with all other VMs. The drawback of
this is that it fails to model a realistic data centre
environment. To tackle this issue, NetworkCloudSim
provides three types of switches in the
corresponding levels: root, aggregate and edge level.
Users can design customized types of switches and
their ports according to the data centre environment
they want to simulate.
SimGrid (Casanova et al., 2008) is a simulation
toolkit for the study of scheduling algorithms for
distributed applications. Originally designed for
simulating grid computing, it has been extended to
support a variety of cloud computing use cases
including multi-purpose network representation
(Bobelin et al., 2012); VM abstraction (Hirofuchi
and Lebre, 2013); live migration (Hirofuchi et al.,
2013); virtual machine support (Hirofuchi et al.,
2015), and storage simulation (Lebre et al., 2015).
Sotiriadis et al. (2013) present SimIC (Simulating
the Inter-Cloud) which is a DES toolkit based on the
process oriented simulation package of SimJava
(Howell and McNab, 1998). It aims to replicate an
inter-cloud facility wherein multiple clouds
collaborate with each other for distributing service
requests with regard to the desired setup of the
According to (Sriram, 2009) SPECI (Simulation
Program for Elastic Cloud Infrastructures) is a
simulation tool that allows exploration of aspects of
scaling as well as performance properties of future
data centres. SPECI simulates the performance and
behaviour of data centres given the size and
middleware design policy as an input.
TeachCloud is a tool designed to overcome
challenges in teaching cloud computing (Jararweh et
al., 2013). Based on CloudSim, the authors
developed a GUI for the toolkit. They also integrated
the MapReduce framework, and added a rain cloud
workload generator, modules relating to SLA and
BPM, cloud network models, a monitoring outlet for
most of the cloud system components, and an action
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
model to enable students to reconfigure the system
and study impact on the total system performance.
UCloud (Sqalli et al., 2012) was also developed
for educational purposes. Built on CloudSim,
UCloud’s architecture is based on the hybrid cloud
model and therefore supports both public and private
clouds. It comprises two parts, the Cloud
Management System and the Hybrid Cloud.
WorkflowSim (Chen and Deelman, 2012)
extends CloudSim through the provision of a higher
layer of workflow management. This enables
researchers to evaluate their workflow optimisation
techniques with more accuracy and support.
In order to compare the identified DES platforms
presented in Section 3, a multi-level approach is
employed. Two feature matrices have been
produced: Table 2 presents a general high level
feature matrix, whereas Table 3 presents a high level
technical feature matrix.
Table 2 presents the following key features for
comparison of general high level aspects:
Underlying Software Stack. Any major 3rd party
dependencies that are required for software to
License(s). The software license type of the
simulation platform and the underlying software
Initial Publication Year. The year when the first
academic publication became available
describing features and usage scenarios of
simulation platform.
Lines of Code (LOC). The number of lines of
code, determined by using Cloc v1.64.
Comments and empty lines are not included in
this calculation. Also, the authors made the best
judgement to exclude any 3rd party source code
that also was distributed in a bundle. For
example, for all CloudSim based simulators the
actual CloudSim code (usually located in
src\org\cloudbus) was removed from
Last Code Update. The identified year that the
last commit of the source code was carried out.
User Documentation Availability. The identified
availability of separate documentation that
explains how to install and use the relative DES
Source Code Availability. The identified
availability of an online repository with the latest
source code that can be downloaded and used by
Binary availability. The availability of pre-
compiled executable code.
Table 3 summarises the high level technical features
as follows:
Language(s). The major identified programming
language(s) that were used in the development of
the simulation platform.
Platform Portability. The ability to use the
simulation platform under multiple operation
systems (e.g. MS Windows, Linux) without
significant effort and performance difference.
Distributed Architecture. The ability of software
to be executed on more than one host. This
category includes a single simulation run being
distributed among multiple hosts as well as
scaling up for load balancing if the multiple
simulation runs need to be executed at the same
Model Persistence Type. The identified
persistence format of the experiment scenarios
that the simulation platform requires in order to
execute simulation runs.
Web API Availability. The identified availability
of a web-based API for controlling the
simulation platform remotely.
User Documentation Availability. The identified
availability of separate documentation that
explains how to install and use the relative DES
Graphical User Interface Availability. The
availability of a graphical user interface that
enables the graphical modelling of experiments,
simulation execution and the presentation of
simulation results.
Headless Execution. The identified ability to run
the simulation platform without a user interface,
using only command line arguments.
Format of Result Output. The format which is
used by the simulation platform to save
simulation results once a simulation run(s) has
been completed.
This work provides an overview of 33 cloud
simulation tools through an analysis of the available
literature. This analysis not only focused on
autonomous simulation platforms, but also includes
plugins and extensions that many researchers have
A Review of Cloud Computing Simulation Platforms and Related Environments
Table 2: Identified cloud computing DES platform high-level feature matrix.
Lines of Code
Last Update
Source Code
Bazaar-Extension CloudSim, F(X)yz Apache 2, BSD 2015 N/A N/A No No No
CACTOSim DESMO-J, Palladio,
Simulizar, EMF,
Eclipse, CDO
GPL, Apache 2,
EPL 2014 46914 2016 Yes Yes Yes
CDOSim CloudSim,
CloudMIG Xpress,
Eclipse, EMF EPL, Apache 2 2012 15619 2012 Yes Yes Yes
CEPSim CloudSim MIT 2015 5564 2015 No Yes Yes
Cloud2Sim CloudSim,
Infinispan GPL, Apache 2 2014 2994 2015 Yes Yes Yes
CloudAnalyst CloudSim No data, Apache 2 2009 3277 2010 Yes Yes Yes
CloudEXP CloudSim No data, Apache 2 2014 N/A N/A No No No
CloudNetSim++ Inet, Omnet++ GNU, Academic,
GPL, LGPL 2014 2276 2014 No Yes No
CloudReports CloudSim GPL 3, Apache2 2011 19274 2015 Yes Yes Yes
CloudSched None No data 2015 16681 2015 No Yes Yes
CloudSim None Apache 2 2009 28450 2016 Yes Yes Yes
CloudSimDisk CloudSim LGPL3, Apache 2 2015 1901 2015 Yes Yes No
CloudSimSDN CloudSim GPL 2, Apache 2 2015 4006 2015 Yes Yes No
CMCloudSimulator CloudSim No data, Apache 2 2016 566 2016 No Yes No
DartCSim CloudSim No data, Apache 2 2012 N/A N/A No No No
None GPL 3 2012 7369 2014 Yes Yes No
MicroC/os-II No data, Comm. 2012 N/A N/A No No No
DISSECT-CF Trove, Apache
Apache 2 2015 9153 2016 Yes Yes No
EMUSim CloudSim, Xen GPL, Apache 2 2012 1369 2012 Yes Yes No
GDCSim None GPL 2 2011 3061 2001 No Yes No
GreenCloud NS2 GPL 2010 6543 2016 Yes Yes Yes
Apache,GPL 3 2010 8714 2010 Yes Yes No
iCanCloud Inet, Omnet++ GPL 3, GNU,
Academic 2011 38708 2015 No Yes No
iFogSim CloudSim No data, Apache 2 2016 8397 2016 No Yes No
MDCSim CSIM Commercial/Educ
ational 2009 N/A N/A No No No
MR-CloudSim CloudSim No data, Apache 2 2012 N/A N/A No No No
NetworkCloudSim - - 2011 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
SimGrid None GPL 2001 94951 2016 Yes Yes Yes
SimIC SimJava, jFreeChart Uni. Of Ed. Acad.
LGPL 2013 N/A N/A No No No
SPECI No data No data 2009 N/A N/A No No No
TeachCloud CloudSim, Rain GNU, Apache 2 2013 9891 2014 No Yes No
Ucloud CloudSim No data, Apache 2 2012 N/A N/A No No No
WorkflowSim CloudSim LGPL3, Apache 2 2015 5269 2015 Yes Yes No
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 3: Identified cloud computing DES platform high level technical feature matrix.
Java Yes No Java classes No Yes No data
plots, F(X)yz
3D renders
CACTOSim Java Yes No Ecore No Yes Yes EDP2, CSV
CDOSim Java Yes No Ecore No Yes No PNG export
CEPSim Scala, Java Yes No Java classes No No Yes Text
Cloud2Sim Java Yes Yes Java classes No No Yes Text
CloudAnalyst Java Yes No XML No Yes No PDF
CloudEXP Java Yes No No data No Yes No data No data
CloudNetSim++ C++ Yes No NED No Yes Yes Text
CloudReports Java, JS Yes No SQLite DB No Yes No Javascript, text
CloudSched Java Yes No Text No Yes No XLS,Text
CloudSim Java Yes No Yaml No No Yes Text
CloudSimDisk Java Yes No Java classes No No Yes XLS,Text
CloudSimSDN Java Yes No CSV No No Yes CSV, JSON
Java Yes No
XML, Java
classes No No Yes Text
Java, C++
data No XML No Yes No data XML
Java Yes No Java classes No No Yes Text
No data
data No No data No No No data Text
DISSECT-CF Java Yes No Java classes No No Yes Text
EMUSim Java No No XML No No Yes Text
GDCSim C/C++, Shell No No C code No No Yes Text
GreenCloud C++, TCL, JS,
CSS, Shell No No TCL Yes Yes Yes Dashboard plots
Java Yes No XML No No Yes
Java API,
Tracer handlers,
iCanCloud C/C++, Shell Yes No NED No Yes Yes Text
iFogSim Java Yes No JSON No Yes No data XLSX, PDF
No data
data No No data No No No No data
No data
data No No data No N/A No No data
NetworkCloudSim - - - - - - - -
C/C++ Yes No
XML, Java
C++ classes No Yes Yes Text
Java Yes No
text, Java
classes No No Yes Text
No data
data No No data
data No data No data
TeachCloud Java Yes No Java classes No Yes No Java graphs
Ucloud Java Yes No No data No No No data No data
WorkflowSim Java Yes No Java Classes No No Yes Text
proposed and target to solve and support different
aspects of cloud, edge and fog computing. These
features have been presented and compared across
these tools with respect to two main categories:
general high-level features and high-level technical
features of the simulation platforms.
This review identifies the emergence of
CloudSim as a de facto base platform for simulation
A Review of Cloud Computing Simulation Platforms and Related Environments
development and research. 18 of the platforms
analysed were derivatives or extensions of
CloudSim. This is not surprising given the early
mover advantage CloudSim had, the eminence of the
researchers involved, and the quality and timeliness
of the release of the simulator platform. There are
advantages and disadvantages to such dominance
including code reuse, resource efficiencies and
development of a wider knowledge base in the use
of CloudSim. However, one might also argue that
dominance of CloudSim may result in inherited
limitations from drawbacks in the CloudSim design.
The multi-level analysis presented identifies
some apparent gaps in the features of existing
simulation tools. For example, the analysis
highlights a gap in the capability of the simulators
identified to support distributed execution, i.e.
parallel execution on distributed memory systems.
Due to the nature of the problem that simulators
have to solve, execution and scalability are crucial
and are limited by the sequential execution.
Similarly, with a number of notable exceptions there
are few simulators focussing on emerging cloud use
cases e.g. HPC in the cloud, Edge and Fog
computing, and IoT. This is unsurprising given the
nascent level of these use cases compared to the
public cloud IAAS use case.
This review is a significant extension of existing
reviews of simulation tools for cloud computing
both in terms of breadth and depth however it is not
without limitations. Future work is recommended
towards a deeper analysis of the tools against
alternative real cloud computing scenarios with a
focus towards heavy validation of simulated results.
Moreover, further analysis can be performed by
reviewing simulation models, VM allocation
policies, supported cloud services and levels, and in
general more cloud oriented specific characteristics.
Similarly, whereas this review focuses on simulation
tools for cloud computing, an additional survey on
the uses to which such tools are employed is
warranted and is worthy of investigation.
This work is partially funded by the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 and FP7 Research and
Innovation Programmes through CloudLightning
(http://www.cloudlightning.eu) under Grant
Agreement No. 643946, RECAP (http://www.recap-
project.eu) under Grant Agreement No. 732667 and
CACTOS (http://www.cactosfp7.eu) under Grant
Agreement No. 610711.
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A Review of Cloud Computing Simulation Platforms and Related Environments