both essentially provide the same key concepts of
hardware isolated execution domains and the ability
to bootstrap attested software stacks into those
enclaves. However, the TrustZone hardware can only
distinguish between two execution domains, and
relies on having a software based trusted execution
environment for any further refinements.
Online services are increasingly relying on third-party
cloud providers to host sensitive data. This tendency
brings forth strong concerns for the security and pri-
vacy of data owners as cloud providers cannot fully
be trusted to enforce the restrictive usage policies that
often govern such data. Intel SGX provides hardware
support for general trusted computing in commodity
hardware. These extensions to the x86 instruction set
establish trust through remote attestation of code and
data segments provisioned on non-trusted infrastruc-
ture, furthermore guaranteeing the confidentiality and
integrity of these from potentially malicious system
Prior efforts demonstrate the capabilities of SGX
through rigorous systems capable of hosting large
legacy applications securely inside enclaves. These
systems, however, do not quantify the exact cost as-
sociated with using SGX. This paper evaluates the mi-
cro architectural cost of entering and exiting enclaves,
the cost of data copying, the cost of provisioning new
enclaves and the cost of memory usage. From this,
we have derived five recommendations for application
authors wishing to secure their cloud-hosted privacy
sensitive data using SGX.
This work was supported in part by the Norwegian
Research Council project numbers 231687/F20. We
would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their
useful insights and comments.
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Performance of Trusted Computing in Cloud Infrastructures with Intel SGX