create maps of many different types. GIS-created
maps can store and display large amounts of data
within a single map (Yu-Liang Tang et al., 2010;
Son et al., 2004; Tamás Szálka et al., 2009; Peppino
Fazio et al., 2012).
According to the Environmental Protection
Agency, a GIS, which refers to Geographic
Information System, works by combining database
functions with computer mapping to map and
analyses geographic data. It uses a "layering"
technique to combine various types of data. Special
GIS software is used to analyse layered data and
create new layers of data (Broch et al., 1998;
Francesco Calabrese et al., 2010; Heiko Bauke et al.,
GIS maps can be used to show an estimated
number of people living in a given region. Because
these maps are created after careful considerations of
various data, the results are usually quite accurate.
These maps can be quite specific and show the
number of individuals in a region according to
profession. Users can actually tell the number of
doctors, lawyers or policemen in a region by simply
going through a GIS map (Injong Rhee et al., 2011;
Jae-Hyung Jeon et al., 2013).
GIS maps are capable of giving users a rough
idea of each region on the map and what it is prone
to. For example, a map can depict flood-prone
regions against the landmarks situated close by.
Researchers use these maps to analyze the
characteristics of a given region over a period. This
help in developing strategies to combat issues such
as crime, flooding and any other form of disaster
(Chellappa Doss et al., 2004; Berk Birand et al.,
2011; Matteo Leccardi, 2005).
Disadvantages of using a geographic information
system, or GIS, are that its technical nature might
portray results as being more reliable than they
actually are, and errors and assumptions can be
hidden, leading to a lack of questioning into the
results. Another disadvantage of analyzing the
results from a GIS is that the results will only be as
accurate as the data that they come from. Because of
this, the data may not be able to serve different
contexts, particularly if the data is not applicable
(Francesco Calabrese et al., 2010; Matteo Leccardi,
For instance, if the input data on a GIS is entered
at the county level, the results in the GIS will only
be usable for the county level, not any other level,
such as the district or ward levels. Data availability,
in itself, is also a major issue. If the data is not
available, than the GIS system is useless.
Furthermore, GIS systems are not like other
programs. They do not come "off the shelf," which
means that they must be assembled and constructed
to a user design. This could be a long, complex and
costly process. Because of this, many GIS systems
don't come to fruition or fail outright in their
implementation because their creation was rushed or
inadequately planned (R. Chellappa Doss et al.,
2004; Jae-Hyung Jeon et al., 2013).
GIS systems are often so complex, in fact, that it
becomes difficult to describe the intangible benefits
they may provide, making it difficult to find funding
for their creation. Also, the technology behind GIS
technology expands rapidly, causing GIS systems to
have a high rate of obsolescence. It's also very
difficult to make GIS programs that are both fast and
user friendly. GIS systems typically require complex
command language (Chellappa Doss et al., 2004;
Broch et al., 1998). Data fields and their
accessibility are also not very understood, and data
can become incomplete, obsolete or erroneous,
rendering the GIS misleading.
In this paper, we introduced the mobility model
which help us to simulate the movement of users
with more realistic as in the real case. There are a lot
of types of mobility model depending on the
characteristics of nodes such as historical model,
correlated model and geographical depending. Each
method has its advantages and disadvantages. In our
work we use random way point method (RWP). It is
simple; most common used in mobile networks and
needs less memory and time for computation. It fits
our requirements. Also we use random walk method.
It is more realistic and near to human walk.
But the goal for our system is to find the location
of users and decide the best way that can be used.
Therefore we need also to predict the position of
users. We use Polynomial method as a predicted
method. It gives accurate and fast prediction of user
Beside the individual movement of user, we use
the relative movements (within the area). We used
geographical mobility depending using map from
openstreet program and parsed the geographical
constraints using Matlab (ways, nodes and tags) to
present the required area.
Using the mobility model is very useful to
decide the way taken by user and improve it. It helps
the city planner to have correct decision depending
on the data given from mobility model. It is one step
to model smart city with enhanced transportation
and improved the ways taken by users.
Using mobility model is much easier and
accurate compared with GIS. It is more realistic and
near to human walk. Also it takes into account the