Enterprise Architecture
An Approach to Promote Traceability and Synchronization of Computational Models
José Rogério Poggio Moreira and Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel
Department of Computing Science, Federal university of Bahia, Av. Adhemar de Barros, S/N, Ondina, Salvador, Brazil
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Model Synchronization, Traceability of Models, Alignment between Business and
IT, Alignment between Strategy and Business Processes, Strategic Alignment, Business Model.
Abstract: In the context of Enterprise Architecture (EA) modeling, the lack of alignment between the computational
models from the strategic level to the operational level of Information Technology (IT), focusing on
information systems, constitutes an organizational problem. The root cause of this problem is the low
capacity of traceability and lack of synchronization between the computational models present in the EA.
Among the negative impacts related to this problem are, for example, the obsolescence of models, the
difficulty of carrying out impact analyzes and making decisions, in scenarios of organizational changes.
This paper aims to propose an approach to enable the traceability and synchronization between the
computational models of enterprise architecture. It is hoped to provide a greater alignment, understanding
and adaptation of the organizational environment, from the strategic level to the operational level of IT.
An enterprise architecture is the organizing logic of
strategy, business processes and IT infrastructure,
including information systems, which reflects the
integration and standardization requirements of an
institution's strategic-operational model, such as the
Zachman and TOGAF models that have driven and
consolidated, respectively, the works in this area
(Zachman, 1987; Ross, 2008; Josey et al., 2011). An
enterprise architecture is formed by levels that are
related: (i) strategic; (ii) business processes
(tactical); (iii) services and; (iv) IT infrastructure
(operational) (Ross, 2008). In the modeling of
enterprise architecture, the relationship between
strategy, business processes and information systems
can be represented by the alignment of the
computational models elaborated within the
organization (Engelsman et al., 2011). The models
represent instruments to reach and graphically
represent the different levels of abstraction of
enterprise architecture and to contribute to the
achievement and maintenance of the strategic
alignment between business and IT, in addition to
their unions providing an integrated visualization of
an organization's EA (Ross, 2008). These models,
then, represent the achievement of: (i) corporate and
IT strategic planning; (ii) the business tactic to
achieve the strategic objectives defined in the
strategic planning and; (iii) the IT operation,
focusing on information systems. However, the
isolated construction of models such as the
construction of a requirements model, without
having a process model and a strategic model
previously defined, can result in the elaboration of
semantically fragile and non-aligned models with
the business. If there is no established strategy and
the processes are not defined and are unstructured,
without maturity and inefficient, there is no reason
for an institution to start developing information
In this scenario, to allow a better understanding
of this research, this work defines the term
alignment as the ability to trace and synchronize the
strategic, tactical and operational structures present
in the computational models of an organization.
The lack of traceability or its delivery in an
inadequate way constitutes a problem and makes it
difficult to see and understand how a set of models
and their structures are related, which contributes
negatively to the analysis of impacts in scenarios of
organizational changes (Bleistein, 2006).
The absence of synchronization between
different models (such as business process model
and system requirements model) is another problem
and results in the obsolescence of these models,
which are now outdated and inconsistent, since the
Moreira, J. and Maciel, R.
Enterprise Architecture - An Approach to Promote Traceability and Synchronization of Computational Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0006374304600465
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 460-465
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
change in some element of the model, does not
guarantee the updating of the other associated
structures. This makes it difficult to maintain
business strategy or at least generates a significant
impact analysis effort in a scenario of change. In
addition, there is still an equally significant
probability of occurrence of failures, since the
activity of checking the points that can be affected
by a possible change, is manual (Salgado et al.,
In this way, it is proposed an approach that has
the objective of enabling the synchronization and
traceability between the computational models of an
EA. The proposed approach consists of: (i) a meta-
model set comprising the strategic, tactical and
operational levels of the EA; (ii) an independent
traceability model that supports configuration and
change management through the use of COBIT
(ITGI, 2012) and ITIL (OGC, 2007) best practices
and; (iii) the application of Model-Driven
Development (MDD), through the construction of a
model transformation process, as a way to
synchronize elements between different models.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 presents the related works.
Section 3 describes the meta-model set. Section 4
presents de traceability model. Section 5 describes
model transformation process. Finally section 6
presents the conclusion of this work.
This work sought to gather relevant contributions,
focused on the theme of strategic alignment between
business and IT, focusing on the alignment between
computational models of enterprise architecture. For
this, a bibliographic survey was performed using
systematic review techniques. Were considered the
1,500 works that were most relevant to the theme
and that were returned by the search. Posteriorly, 96
works were identified from the association of their
titles, with the respective theme of the research and
the application of filters related to authors relevant
to the theme. Of these, only 44 articles were
selected, based on the analysis of inclusion and
exclusion criteria defined for the research. The study
covered the work that was identified during the
research and which was published in the last 13
years (2004 to 2016) and was in English and
Portuguese. The following databases were searched:
(i) Compendex; (ii) Web of Science; (iii) IEEE
Xplorer; (iv) Springer e; (v) Elsevier, in addition to
the data sources: EJIS, SCIENCEDIRECT,
WORLDSCIENTIFIC and AISEL. Also included in
the bibliographic collection, from this work, sources
of classic information (Zachman, 1987) and
reference (Josey et al, 2011). From the analysis of
the works it was possible to answer the following
research questions:
Q1. Are there techniques that align IT and
business through traceability and synchronization
between computing models at all levels of an
enterprise architecture?
A1. There was no identification of studies that
performed alignment (traceability and
synchronization) between computational models
at all levels of EA. However, research was
carried out that deals in a theoretical and partial
way with the alignment between computational
models (Babar et al, 2011) (Giannoulis et al,
2010; Fritscher et al., 2011; Jonkers et al., 2004;
Engelsman et al., 2011).
Q2. Is there a graphical language pattern to
represent the elements present in the models of
the different levels of enterprise architecture?
A2. A graphical language pattern has not been
identified for the modeling techniques that are
used at the levels of an EA, since each level of
the EA uses a different modeling technique and
even within an EA level, such as the tactical,
represented by business processes, exist different
languages that can be used to modeling business
process (BPMN, EPC, UML) (De Souza et al.,
2014; Kurz, 2016; OMG, 2015).
Q3. Are there standard concepts that are used to
define the components used in the models of
enterprise architecture?
A3. It was possible to identify a conceptual
standard to define the components used in the
models of enterprise architecture. At the process
level, for example, there are process and activity
concepts (De Sousa et al, 2014). At the strategic
and operational levels of IT, it was also possible
to identify a conceptual standard (Babar et al.,
2011; Engelsman et al., 2011).
The analysis performed in the correlated work
identified, showed that information technology is
relevant to organizational performance and
contributes directly to business operations. However,
the lack of alignment between IT and business still
prevails. For the analysis of the related works, tree
technical criteria were defined. Each criterion
represents the alignment between computational
models at a certain level of the business architecture.
The criterions defined were:
Criterion I - Alignment between strategic
models: that reflects the alignment between
Enterprise Architecture - An Approach to Promote Traceability and Synchronization of Computational Models
strategic corporate and IT maps;
Criterion II - Alignment between strategic and
tactical models: that reflects the alignment
between strategic maps and business process
Criterion III - Alignment between tactical and
operational IT models: this reflects the
alignment between business process models and
IT requirements models, necessary for the
development of information systems.
In order to improve the analysis of the works, tree
attributes were defined for each criterion. Each
attribute represents a characteristic that can be
treated by an identified criterion. The attributes
identified were:
Theoretical: it should be used when the work
theoretically addresses subjects related to the
Traceability: should be used when the work
deals with traceability between models;
Synchronization: should be used when the work
deals with synchronization between models.
Based on the identified criterion and attributes, the
analysis of the studies found that the vast majority of
research focuses on the theme related to criterion III.
However, the study revealed that even in the theme
of concentration (criterion III), the surveys do not
cover the alignment in its completeness, because this
does not contemplate the attribute of
synchronization between models. The topics related
to criterion I, as well as criterion II, have been very
incipient, containing proposals that discuss their
concepts and focus on the extraction of knowledge
from strategic and tactical models (strategic maps
and business process models) to identify
requirements of systems.
The evaluation of the analyzed works indicated
that the contributions of (Bleistein, 2006) and
(Engelsman et al., 2011) that originated the
languages BSC-P and ARMOR can be adapted to
allow the closure of the gaps found in the themes
associated to criteria I and II, since these works deal
theorically traceability between models that are
associated with criterion III. The B-SCP, also stands
out as a contribution, due to the validation and
verification of business requirements models, in
terms of business process and strategy, which may
allow an adaptation to the reality of the I criteria and
II. (Babar et al, 2011), together with (Giannoulis et
al., 2010) also presented works relevant to the topic
of this article, when discussing concepts related to
strategic maps, and can be used to support research
in the first and second criterion.
The architecture model proposed by (Fritscher et
al., 2011) also provides a relevant contribution and
can be evaluated with a view to adapting to a more
strategic business view. Considering the above, the
evaluation validated the need to study the strategic
alignment theme between business and IT, focusing
on the computational models of an enterprise
architecture, since it can be verified, the absence of
work for some aspects (criterion I and II) and lack of
completeness in others (criterion III).
Considering the above, the evaluation validated
the need to study the strategic alignment theme
between business and IT, focusing on the
computational models of an enterprise architecture,
since it can be seen, the absence of work for some
aspects (criterion I and II) and lack of completeness
in others (criterion III).
The proposed set of meta-models aims to represent
the semantics of EA, proposed by Zachman and
TOGAF, and enable the tracking and
synchronization of the models present in their
different levels of abstraction, keeping the EA
always aligned and without obsolescence. For this
purpose, meta-models were constructed through the
Meta Object Facility (MOF) (OMG, 2016), with the
purpose of representing the main concepts,
characteristics and relationships present in the
strategic, tactical and operational levels of an EA.
Each meta-model is composed of: (i) concepts;
(ii) aspects and; (iii) relationships. The concepts
represent relevant elements that exist within the
levels of the EA and are represented by meta-
classes. The aspects represent the important
characteristics that are related to the identified
concepts and are represented by meta-attributes.
Already the relationships represent the semantic
associations that exist between the concepts present
in the meta-models, being represented by
associations. The meta-models were also designed to
be independent of the technology used to construct
the models (strategic, tactical and operational) that
are associated with the respective meta-models. The
concepts and aspects present in the set of meta-
models were adopted from the perspective of
techniques and good practices related to strategic
planning, process management and software
engineering, which, in turn, are associated with the
strategic, tactical and operational levels of EA.
A relevant issue in the conception of this set of
meta-models is the integrated and holistic approach
to modeling (strategic, tactical and IT operational),
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
viewing them as a single organizational model and
reinforcing the institution's strategic thinking
development (Objectives, strategies, strategic
initiatives, processes and system requirements).
Figure 1 presents the proposal of the meta-model
of strategic IT alignment, with a focus on
information systems. In it, it is possible to observe
that there are three types of modeling: (i) strategic;
(ii) tactic and; (iii) IT operational. These types of
modeling are represented, respectively, in the set of
meta-models by the packages: (i) MMEstrategic; (ii)
MMTactical and; (iii) MMOperational.
This research works with the concept of horizontal
and vertical traceability (forward and backward),
and may also be associated with low and high
granularity. The traceability model proposed in this
work is based on several traceability models such as
those proposed by (Sayão et al., 2006; Oglio, 2010;
Ramesh, 2001).
Figure 4.1 shows the traceability model proposed
in this work. The model is divided into three parts.
The first part (in blue) represents the structure that
allows to trace the elements of the models, present in
the different levels of the EA, of vertical or
horizontal form, forwards or backwards and in the
granularities high and low.
The first part is organized so that a component
represents the abstraction of an element or a
traceability link between two elements. An element
may represent a concept or an aspect, and every
traceability link is formed by two elements, one of
origin and one of destination. In this way it is
possible to create traceability links between
concepts, between aspects and between concepts and
aspects, besides enabling, as previously mentioned,
traceability of low and high granularity, vertical and
The second part (in gray) is formed by the
configuration management structure. This structure
is necessary to identify, control and provide the
necessary information about an Organization
Configuration Item (CI) (OGC, 2007). A CI, in the
context of this work, is represented by the Class
“Model” that represents the strategic, tactical and
operational computational models of enterprise
architecture, along with its versions, types and
The third part (blank) is formed by the change
management structure that allows changes to be
recorded, prioritized, evaluated and authorized by
the Change Advisory Board (CAB), tested and
implemented, allowing control over the changes.
Which occur on the models and their components,
reducing the risk of incidents and consequently of
damages to the organization.
Figure 1: Meta-model set.
Also according to the elaborated model, a change in
a component can generate positive and / or negative
impacts for the organization, besides having a
requester, a responsible and the affected parties. A
change may be requested for the purpose of
correcting any problem, for the purpose of
functional improvement or inclusion of a new
component. In addition, a change always has a
reason, which is why the change must be carried out,
together with a strategy backout, which is necessary
to restore a component to the situation immediately
prior to the change.
Enterprise Architecture - An Approach to Promote Traceability and Synchronization of Computational Models
Figure 2: Traceability Framework.
In order to synchronize the elements of a set of
models, preliminary theoretical studies were
performed, demonstrating that the use of the Model-
Driven Development (MDD) (Lucrédio, 2009)
approach would allow the synchronization of the
concepts and aspects present in the models of an EA,
allowing, therefore, that the elements of the models
are always updated.
With MDD it is possible to transform more
abstract models into more specific models. Among
these models, there is a set of transformations rules
that are applied to achieve the expected result.
The transformations are relevant and many
works have been carried out in order to improve
them and even automate those (Dias et al, 2006).
However, most of these works deal only with the
transformations between the Platform Independent
Model (PIM) and the Platform Specific Model
(PSM), leaving behind the transformations that
involve the Computation Independent Model (CIM)
(Lucrédio, 2009). For (Dias et al, 2006), the
transformations involving the CIM models are
relevant, since it is through this model that an
adequate understanding of the business is obtained
that will give rise to the requirements that the
information system must attend. Therefore, from the
business specification represented by the CIM, the
requirements of the information systems that make
up the PIM must be determined. For this work, the
CIM are represented by the strategic and tactical
models of an EA. The operational model is a
representation of the PIM.
The process aims to carry out transformations of
models (strategic, tactical and operational),
originated by the set of meta-models proposed in
Section 3. The process, according to Figure 3,
consists of five activities: (i) define transformation
models; (ii) define transformation strategies; (iii)
design transformations; (iv) implement
transformations and; (v) execute transformations.
Figure 3: Model Transformation Process.
This article presents the proposal that aims to enable
the synchronization and traceability of the
computational models present in enterprise
architecture. The development of this work was
carried out based on bibliographic research on the
subject of enterprise architecture and under from the
perspective of computational models and the
strategic alignment of business and IT. At this stage
of the work, no studies were found to perform the
alignment (traceability and synchronization) of
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
models in their completeness. The possible benefits
expected for this research are:
Creation of the integrated modeling (strategic,
tactical and IT operational) approach in a
traceable and synchronized way, viewing the
models as a single organizational asset.
Decreased obsolescence of organizational
models and, consequently, of the organizational
holistic view;
Improve impact analysis in scenarios of
organizational changes, allowing the institution
to be more flexible;
Facilitate the construction and maintenance of
information systems.
Contribute to the achievement of strategic
alignment of IT, through by aligning the models
present in A.E.
In this way, this work intends not only to improve
the way organizations think about performing their
computational modeling at the levels of enterprise
architecture, but also to improve the way the current
tools work with their models.
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