and sensors at shop floor to end user software tools
and applications at the industrial sites. Data coming
from the IoT Platform and eco-efficiency KPI are
used by the platform user to design specific objective
function. The IoT Platform provides interoperable
interconnection of appliances, devices, terminals,
subsystems, and services. The platform has been
designed according to the service-oriented
architecture (SoA) approach where services are
provided to the other components by loosely-coupled
application components.
Each of the functional submodules of the
architecture is explained in the following. The Shop
Floor will usually be the place where the major part
of the relevant data is being produced, e.g. material
consumption in injection moulding machine. Device
Connectors (DC) provide the means for devices to
communicate with the rest of the framework
regardless of the communication protocol it uses.
DCs need to be developed specifically for each new
device or protocol. Business Systems are the second
type of data source. Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) and Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
systems can be connected to the IoT Platform in order
to complement the data from shop floor. Frontend
Applications represent all the end user software tools
and services, which are the main data consumers from
the point of view of the IoT Platform. These include
mainly tools for eco-efficiency and process
efficiency, which allow the overall assessment
providing relevant KPIs. The optimization tool then
finds the optimal solution, based on defined objective
function and process based model, see section 3.1,
with the result of optimizing the KPIs.
3.1 Modelling of the Process
The process modelling allows the optimization
algorithms to iterate the influence of the design
variables in the response function. Most of those
relationships representing the influence of those
variables are linear or can be simplified as linear (e.g.
production rate vs. material consumption, parts per
cycle vs cycle time per part, etc.). Nevertheless, the
complexity increases when several linear correlations
influencing the same process performance output are
analysed simultaneously. One powerful approach is
recommended to deal with this complexity – the
process-based models (PBM) (Peças, 2013). The
PBM comprises mathematical relations that bridge
the design choices and the resources inventory from
where the costs, environmental impact and value are
calculated. PBM is composed by a process model and
by an operations model. In the process model the
relation between process variables and performance
output are established and programmed. In the
operations model the production context is defined,
like number/type of machines, production time,
operators use rate, etc. The PBM outputs are, in
general, the time required to produce the parts, the
material, energy and consumables consumed, as well
as the number of tools, number of machine and other
resources required (if applicable).
The aim of the intended analysis to be performed
influences the PBM design (its extension in number
of variables and outputs). Therefore, the eco-
efficiency KPIs aimed to be accessed (optimized)
should be defined in this phase. There are some
almost obvious KPIs like the ratio between the
product added-value and total environmental impact,
parts produced and energy consumed or tool/system
duration (in shots or parts produced during its life
cycle) and its life cycle environmental influence
(LCA results). For each specific analysis particular
KPIs should be defined and the PBM must be
designed to allow the output of time and resources
consumed figures required for the KPIs calculations.
Aiming to optimize a set of KPIs at the same time is
not a simple task, since for the same process variables
variation each KPI will vary in a distinct way, so
metaheuristics methods abilities allow the
identification of the most proper variable setting that
maximizes performance.
3.2 Optimization Module
The process based model approach defined in the
previous section can describe a relation between the
input process variable ̅ and the resulting process
behaviour. With this and the tools implemented in the
efficiency framework we can extract the TEI and
other KPI that measure the ECO-efficiency of the
Figure 4 represents the optimization approach
applied to the efficiency framework concepts. After
the definition of the objective function composition
that can be personalized following the specific project
under study the optimization algorithm defines a new
set of possible solution following its own
characteristic strategy. The new set of solutions is
evaluated through
and if the value is minor
than a user defined value the solution is accepted
otherwise a new iteration of the optimization
algorithm is run to find a new set of solutions. If the
number of iteration is higher than a predefined
maximum number defined by the user, the best
solutions founded until that iteration are given to the
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security