Learning Experiences in Programming:
The Motivating Effect of a Physical Interface
Chris Martin
, Janet Hughes
and John Richards
Life Sciences - CITR, University of Dundee, Dundee, U.K.
School of Computing and Communications, The Open University, Edinburgh, U.K.
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, U.S.A.
University of Dundee, Dundee, U.K.
Keywords: Programming, Physical Interface, Screen-based Interface, Learner Motivation, Emotional Response.
Abstract: A study of undergraduate students learning to program compared the use of a physical interface with use of a
screen-based equivalent interface to obtain insights into what made for an engaging learning experience.
Emotions characterized by the HUMAINE scheme were analysed, identifying the links between the emotions
experienced during programming and their origin. By capturing the emotional experiences of learners
immediately after a programming experience, evidence was collected of the very positive emotions
experienced by learners developing a program using a physical interface (Arduino) in comparison with a
similar program developed using a screen-based equivalent interface.
This paper describes a study designed to explore how
learning experiences are affected by learning with
different interfaces: a physical interface or a screen-
based equivalent. A recurring issue raised by the
findings from previous work (Martin and Hughes,
2011) was the extent to which the physical artefact
mattered. Given that there are several practical issues
related to using physical equipment in a learning
setting, such as cost, maintenance of equipment and
fragility, the importance of the physical artefact does
need to be explored.
The Whack a Mole study described here offered a
comparison between two groups engaging in
isomorphic learning experiences where the only
difference was in the interface of the game they were
programming. Evidence from Martin and Hughes
(2011) suggested that an engaging learning
experience led to a measurable change in a learner’s
knowledge. This new study, Whack a Mole, was
designed to explore this further, attempting to capture
insights into which emotions were experienced by
learners and in what circumstances. It explored this in
the context of a comparison between physical and
screen-based media, aiming to answer the research
How does working with a physical artefact as
opposed to a screen-based artefact affect learning of
computer programming?
Anecdotal evidence from programmers suggests that
programming is an emotionally rich experience: bugs
are frustrating, trapping them can be satisfying, and
solving complex problems can lead to increased pride
in one’s abilities. A further range of emotions can be
evoked via collaborative working. Meyer and Turner
(2002) describe the importance of emotion in an
educational context. In education in general,
emotional response to learning with technology has
been studied for some time. D’Mello (2013)
conducted a review including 24 studies, noting that
many learning contexts resulting in engagement had
comparatively low reporting of negative emotions.
Pekrun (1992) conducted a detailed literature review
from 1974 through to 1990, which was later extended
to 2002 (Pekrun et al., 2002). This review included
studies attempting to establish links between emotion
and learning and achievement. Their review
highlighted a bias in the research towards test anxiety:
in excess of 1200 studies were found in this area, with
other emotions receiving single digit or tens of studies
at most. This reveals that broader emotion in an
education context was an understudied area. Pekrun
et al. (2002) proposed a set of nine emotions in an
academic setting that are linked to achievement and
learning. As well as anxiety, these include emotions
that are positive and negative, and activating and
deactivating: enjoyment, hope, pride, relief, anger,
Martin, C., Hughes, J. and Richards, J.
Learning Experiences in Programming: The Motivating Effect of a Physical Interface.
DOI: 10.5220/0006375801620172
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 162-172
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
hopelessness, shame, and boredom. The validity of
this set of emotions and their link to learning and
achievement was established through a number of
studies utilising complementary research methods.
Their findings imply students experience a wide
range of emotions in an academic setting, with
positive emotions represented in similar proportions
to negative ones. Their findings also argue for
emotion-oriented design of learning environments
(Pekrun et al., 2002).
2.1 Emotional Response to
There is a more limited body of work in the literature
relating to emotional response to programming,
although some interesting work has been done (e.g.
Bosch & D’Mello, 2015; Bosch et al., 2013; Good et
al., 2011). Bosch et al. (2013) sought to map the
emotional states a novice experiences and their
relative proportion, as well as explore the co-
occurrence of emotional states and the relationship
between interaction events. In addition, they mapped
transitions between emotional states. They used
participant self-reporting at a very high frequency,
sampling every 15 seconds. Following a 30-minute
programming exercise, the participant was shown a
web camera still of their face and the programming
tool they were using at 100 random points in the
session. At each of these points, they are asked to note
their emotional state and asked optionally to note a
second emotional state. In this study, a number of
emotions were offered to participants to select from:
fear, sadness, disgust, flow/engaged, anger,
confused, uncertain, surprise, natural, frustration,
boredom, happiness, curiosity, anxiety. This set has
some overlap with the work of Pekrun et al. (2002).
This approach offers a rich picture of the
frequency of change of emotions, although it does not
capture the strength of the emotion. For example,
happiness could be mild in response to a small
success or intense if a substantial challenge has been
overcome. This is a result of the primary research aim
being to identify frequency of emotional states and
transitions, rather than their intensity. Bosch also
notes the limitations of the approach and the accuracy
of participant self-reporting. Reflecting upon this, it
would be interesting to attempt to determine the
repeat validity of participants’ responses, by offering
them a number of situations multiple times and
assessing if they report the same emotion. Although
still a young field of study, the work of Bosch and
colleagues may inform the design of affective
programming learning environments that can make
decisions based on the learner’s emotional state.
Good et al. (2011) have explored self-reporting of
emotion to a quite different end. They conducted a
study that evaluated two different approaches for
students to self-report their affective state in an
attempt to help students self-regulate their emotions.
The study used a computer-based widget and a
tangible device called Subtle Stone (Alsmeyer et al.,
2008). The Subtle Stone is a physical device with
buttons and the ability to illuminate itself in a range
of colours to represent different emotions. The study
concluded that there was a preference among students
for the Subtle Stone. It had a number of advantages:
it was more visible and increased the students’
awareness of their emotional state. It also provided a
visible representation that other students could see
and respond to. The Subtle Stone can be regarded as
a physical application. This is a single unambiguous
artefact. The interface only does one thing but seems
to do it well. In the circumstance where a desktop-
based solution is used, this becomes yet another thing
competing for attention on the same communication
channel as other interactions. In Good’s study, a set
of six emotional states were used: enjoyment, pride,
frustration, boredom, nervousness, and confidence.
In the desktop application, the intensity of each state
was also captured.
In both of the studies discussed, the restricted set
of emotions is appropriate because participants were
required to report emotional state multiple times.
Choosing between a list of 5 items and a list of 50
items are quite different tasks for the participant. In
the Whack a Mole study, emotion was sampled as an
indicator of engagement and as a potentially
discriminating variable between the physical and
screen-based setting. Details of the study and method,
both shaped by the studies described above, are next.
Whack a Mole is a game found in a number of
cultures, often with different names such as Splat the
Rat or Simon. The essence of the game is simple: it
challenges reaction time via the ability to respond
speedily to a series of stimuli. In the Arduino version
of the game devised for this study, each of four LEDs
has a corresponding button. When the light comes on,
the player must press the corresponding button to
progress through the game (Figure 1). Its screen-
based equivalent had a programmable interface with
representations of clickable ‘buttons’ and ‘LEDs’ that
lit up (Figure 2).
Learning Experiences in Programming: The Motivating Effect of a Physical Interface
Figure 1: Physical Whack a Mole Interface.
Figure 2: Screen-based Whack a Mole Interface.
In the simplest version, a light comes on at
random and stays on until the corresponding button is
pressed. This results in a 'playful interaction' but lacks
some of the key elements that make a game. For
example, it lacks user feedback: there is no indication
if the user is progressing other than via a subjective
sense of getting quicker. There is also no defined goal
at which a learner could aim. For example, if there
was a goal relating to time, a player could strive to
respond more quickly. The simple version of the
game can be extended to introduce a timer for the
light to stay on for a finite amount of time. This
introduces a controllable element of difficulty. It is
possible to provide user feedback when errors are
made. An important feature is logging of correct
pressed and incorrectly pressed buttons. This enables
the player to track their performance and see how it
differs from the performance of others.
Whack a Mole involved two phases for all
learners. In the first stage, learners engaged in a
controlled piece of tuition. The taught material was
delivered via three specific worked examples. In the
second phase, learners were required to demonstrate
their understanding of the first stage taught material
by applying it to a novel problem.
A pilot version of this study was performed with
volunteer student pairs and individuals. This
identified potential problems. Firstly, if the learning
material was delivered by the facilitator, there was
potential for different aspects of the taught material to
be emphasised with different groups. Secondly, there
was a risk that the tuition would become a dialogue
between the facilitator and the learner, resulting in
different learner experiences. Whilst dialogue is
highly desirable in a typical learning situation, it was
undesirable in the situation of this study, since it
could result in each group of learners having a
significantly different learning experience. In the
wake of these insights being revealed by the pilot, a
set of learning materials was developed as a series of
video tutorials. These were designed to ensure that the
tuition given to the learners was consistent across
multiple deliveries.
3.1 Tuition Phase of the Study
A set of four short video tutorials (2-3 minutes each)
was produced for the screen-based and physical
version of the study. The single difference between
the screen-based and physical videos was in the part
of the video that demonstrated a completed task. In
the screen-based videos, the screen-based Whack a
Mole system was shown to demonstrate the taught
code working. In the physical videos, this view
changed to the physical game with LEDs, buttons and
the visible Arduino.
The first video contained a brief introduction to
the Arduino programming environment. It outlined
the workflow of programming Arduino: code,
compile, upload, and test. This video also explained
where the learner's code should be placed via the
programming environment, as in each case there is a
minimal code skeleton. The final part of the
introductory video described how to use the clickable
documentation, which included all the relevant
Arduino functions required for the tasks and a brief
description of what each did.
The second video walked the learner through the
task of making a light blink (Figure 3). This is a
traditional starting point for Arduino and is
considered the equivalent of a hello world
program. Given that the Arduino has no
straightforward method of displaying text, flashing an
LED is the simplest program that does something
observable. For both physical and screen-based
groups, this task introduces digital output. Digital
output requires the defining of a pin as an output. This
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
involves making a conceptual mapping between the
electrical connections on the Arduino (numbered
headers) where the component is physically or
virtually inserted, and the code that will control this
pin and its attached component.
Figure 3: Code Snippet for Blink Task.
The learner must then use the digitalWrite()
function to change the state of this pin from high (5
volts) to low (ground). This exercise shows the
learner how to use a variable as an abstraction device
to store the pin number. For example, if an LED is
connected to pin 13, declaring an integer variable
called led and storing the value 13 allows the
variable with a descriptive name to be used in place
of 13. This clarifies the code: instead of modifying the
state of a pin number directly, the variable name adds
meaning to the functions with which it is used. An
example is digitalWrite(13,HIGH); as
contrasted with digitalWrite(led,HIGH);. To
control the flow of execution the delay function is
used to introduce an interval between state changes.
This example also gives learners the chance to
become familiar with the structure of an Arduino
sketch: the setup() function runs once to initialise
the board and the loop() function iterates infinitely
to carry out the interactions of the game.
The second video also walked through the code
for making a momentary light switch (Figure 4). This
extends the previous example to include digital input.
The learner has to identify a pin to be used with the
button as a digital input. The idea of using a variable
to abstract the pin number is also used to reinforce the
concept. The learner must use the digitalRead()
function to retrieve pin state information. This
requires understanding that a function may have a
return type and at execution time, the function call
can be resolved to return type. It is possible to treat
the digitalRead()function as its return which is
HIGH or LOW. When a variable is used for the pin
number, this then reads as testing the state of the
given component.
Figure 4: Code Snippet for Light Switch Task.
Learners were then introduced to the if
statement, which allows them to make a decision. In
this case, they can make a decision based on the state
of the button. If the button is pressed (or HIGH) then
the LED is turned on or else the LED is turned off.
Embedded in the void loop(), this action repeats
as long as the Arduino has power.
The third video introduced the concept of an array
as a device to simplify having multiple physical or
virtual buttons and lights (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Code Snippet for Multiple Buttons Task.
Where before a single variable was used to
abstract the button or LED pin, now an array can
conveniently handle a collection of buttons or pins.
Four physical buttons in sequence connect to
consecutive digital general-purpose input/output pins
that can become collected as an array of integers in
the code. This required learners to use array notation
to specify and initialise two arrays and form the
association between the physical or virtual
component, IO pin and the code.
The learners also had to use a fixed loop to iterate
through the array, which is a typical strategy for
1) int led = 13;
2) void setup(){
3) pinMode(led,OUTPUT);
4) }
5) void loop(){
6) digitalWrite(led,HIGH);
7) delay(1000);
8) digitalWrite(led,LOW);
9) delay(1000);
10) }
1) int button = 2;
2) int led = 13;
4) void setup(){
5) pinMode(button,INPUT);
6) pinMode(led,OUTPUT);
7) }
9) void loop(){
10) if (digitalRead(button) ==
11) digitalWrite(led,HIGH);
12) }else{
13) digitalWrite(led,LOW);
14) }
15) }
1) int[] button = {2,3,4,5};
2) int[] led = {13,12,11,10};
3) ...
9) void loop(){
10) for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
11) if(digitalRead(button[i])
== HIGH){
12) digitalWrite(led[i],
13) }else{
14) digitalWrite(led[i],
15) }
16) }
Learning Experiences in Programming: The Motivating Effect of a Physical Interface
combining arrays that are iterated together. This
example highlights how the array index can link two
concepts, in this case the buttons and the LEDs. When
button i is pressed, LED i will be illuminated. This
is a key concept for the second stage of the study,
which required learners to demonstrate their
understanding of the programming concepts taught
via the video tutorial supported examples.
3.2 Challenge Phase of the Study
The challenge was for learners to devise an algorithm
for a Whack a Mole game that (i) demonstrated
understanding of the concepts that had been taught
and (ii) used some additional features found in the
documentation, such as the random function. Possible
extensions were hinted at but not prescribed or
described in detail. The algorithm for the completed
Whack a Mole game is given in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Example Code for Whack a Mole Game.
It consists of turning on a random light, waiting
until the corresponding button is pressed and then
picking another random light. This requires learners
to demonstrate all the taught skills in context and
integrate them into an application.
The Whack a Mole study ran as part of an
undergraduate module in Physical Computing. This
module is taught to Level 1 (first year) applied
computing, computing science, product design and
interaction design learners in the University of
Dundee. The class was organised into small practical
groups of three or four. To ensure an optimal staff to
learner ratio, the class was separated into two separate
sittings. The two lab groups alternated between taught
sessions and independent sessions. In one week,
group A would have a taught lab while group B would
engage in an independent lab assignment. The
following week, the sittings were reversed. Learners
were assigned randomly to either group A or group B
at the start of semester and these groupings were used
in the delivery of the Whack a Mole study. In the first
week of the study, the taught group received the
physical Whack a Mole intervention. This group had
22 participants of which 14 were male and 8 were
female. The following week, the groups switched
around and the taught group received the screen-
based Whack a Mole intervention. This group had 16
participants, 15 of whom were male.
As this study involved human participants, ethical
clearance was sought and obtained from the ethics
committee of the School. Two methods were
designed to capture appropriate data. Firstly, a paper-
based questionnaire was designed to test knowledge
and understanding of arrays. Secondly, a method was
devised and piloted to capture a learner’s emotional
response to programming. These two methods are
described in the next section.
4.1 Knowledge and Understanding
A paper-based questionnaire was designed to
measure changes in knowledge and understanding of
arrays. The first parts of the questionnaire contained
questions to test the participant’s knowledge of
arrays. The final part of the questionnaire required
responses to questions associated with given code
snippets that demonstrated array use within a small
Before the lab teaching began, participants were
given the questionnaire to complete independently
under exam conditions, i.e. without conferring with
peers and without external resources. After
completing the study, participants were asked to
complete the post-test questionnaire. Participants
were also given the emotions questionnaire
(described next) and advised how to complete it.
4.2 Emotional Response
The method designed to measure emotion was
minimally disruptive for the learners. The decision
was made to design a post-test questionnaire that
learners could fill out as a reflective process. The
studies discussed earlier involve multiple sampling,
1) int[] button = {2,3,4,5};
2) int[] led = {13,12,11,10};
3) int turnOn=0;
5) void setup(){
6) ...
7) turnOn = random(4);
9) }
11) void loop(){
if(digitalRead(button[turnOn] ==
14) turnOn = random(4);
16) }
17) }
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
identifying the points at which an emotion occurred
and any transitional states. A high frequency of
samples requires a small set of possible participant
responses and ideally the reconciliation of similar
emotions, such as calm and content. The approach
taken for Whack a Mole was the opposite. As the
response from the participant was sought once at the
end of the study, a broader range of emotions could
be included. The instrument was not designed to
measure when the emotion occurred in relation to
other emotions. Instead, it was designed to capture
why a state of emotion occurred. With more time
available and without repeat sampling fatigue,
participants were able to respond to a larger range of
emotions and offer contextual information about what
they were doing and why the emotion occurred.
Where similar emotions were present, this provided
several opportunities for a subtly different trigger to
elicit feedback from learners. Amusement, elation
and pleasure all fall under the heading of positive
lively but may be attributed to different activities. For
these reasons, a new method to obtain emotion data
was designed, based on an ontology of emotional
states: the Reflective Emotion Inventory.
The Reflective Emotion Inventory (REI) was
designed to capture emotional response in
individuals. It is a reflective tool, designed to be
delivered at the end of a session. It encourages
learners to think back over their experience and
indicate if they felt any of a range of emotions. The
list of emotions used for the REI was derived from the
HUMAINE project (Petta et al., 2011). HUMAINE’s
‘Emotional Annotation and Representation
Languageproposed a core of 48 different emotions
arranged into 10 sub-categories: negative and
forceful, negative and not in control, negative
thoughts, negative and passive, agitation; positive and
lively, caring, positive thoughts, quiet positive, and
reactive. Figure 7 gives the components of these sub-
categories that were used for the study.
The REI questionnaire captures three things. (a)
The learners are first invited to scan through the list
of emotions and indicate if they have experienced any
of them. (b) Following this, they can indicate the
degree of arousal or intensity for each of the
experienced emotions on a four-point unipolar Likert
scale (Cummins and Gullone, 2000). A unipolar
Likert scale was selected for two reasons. Firstly,
given that the REI contains many emotions, there was
a preference for a unipolar scale because it is easier
for users to respond to than a bipolar scale that places
opposites at either end of the scale. Secondly, the REI
is intended to be a reflective tool that captures
emotions experienced over a period. It is therefore
quite possible that opposing emotions will be
experienced at different times throughout the event.
(c) Once the learners have noted emotions they have
felt and the degree of arousal, they are encouraged to
offer some contextual information in a free-text
response space. The purpose of this is to understand
why they experienced the given emotion. An
example response might be: Annoyance, 3, "Getting
the wires in the correct place".
This three-part design offered the ability to
capture change in knowledge and emotional response
to programming. Results were then analysed to obtain
insights into any difference between groups.
Anger, Annoyance, Contempt, Disgust, Irritation, Anxiety,
Embarrassment, Fear, Rage, Worry, Doubt, Envy,
Frustration, Guilt, Shame, Boredom, Despair,
Disappointment, Hurt, Sadness, Shock, Stress, Tension,
Amusement, Delight, Elation, Excitement, Happiness, Joy,
Pleasure, Affection, Empathy, Friendliness, Love, Courage,
Hope, Pride, Satisfaction, Trust, Calm, Content, Relaxed,
Relieved, Serene , Interest, Politeness, Surprise
Figure 7: Reflective Emotion Inventory.
5.1 Knowledge and Understanding
Table 1 presents descriptive statistics for test
performance. The screen group scored a mean pre-
test score of 76% and a mean post-test score of 79%,
with an improvement of 3%. The physical group
scored a mean pre-test score of 57% and a mean post-
test score of 61%, resulting in an improvement of 4%.
In each group, there were three distinct classes of
learners. Some learners improved their performance,
some showed no change and some performed worse
in the post-test. The physical group performed
slightly better than the screen-based group across all
aspects, with a greater percentage of the group
improving and fewer reducing their pre- to post-test
performance but no difference was statistically
Table 1: Screen and Physical Group Scores (%).
Learning Experiences in Programming: The Motivating Effect of a Physical Interface
5.2 Emotional Response
Figure 8 gives the mean response from each sub-
category of emotion for both groups. The screen-
based group did not offer free text comments to
contextualise their emotions as readily as the physical
group did. They expressed negative forceful emotions
that were cited as being the result of problems with
the code: "code errors" or "sorting some issues with
the program". Several participants in the screen-based
group intimated feeling envy when other groups had
their program working before they did. Several
learners also expressed a feeling of friendliness as a
result of working in a group. One group noted a
feeling of worry "if they could complete the task on
time". In contrast, other groups indicated a sense of
boredom at being finished early. Positive emotions
for the screen-based group were largely cited because
of completion of the task and "getting it working".
This was attributed by many participants to a feeling
of amusement, joy and happiness. The
contextualising of positive emotions was as frequent
as that of negative emotions. However, the reasons
cited for a positive emotion were far less diverse.
The physical group offered a number of
comments for each sub-category of emotion.
Negative emotions were attributed to a range of
features of creating the Whack a Mole game. One of
the most frequently cited situations resulting in
negative emotions was wiring. Many participants just
stated the single word "wiring", while others
elaborated. Responses include "when the wires fall
out", which is a common problem if jumper wires are
not cut long enough or well organised. As with
programming, there is often a tendency by the novice
to get "stuck in" to the task and not plan their actions
well. "Getting the wires in the right places" was also
expressed as a problem by some (the pitch of the
breadboards used is one hole every millimetre, which
can be problematic). Specific components were
mentioned by some: "getting the LED the right way"
was noted by one participant, with another noting
"wiring up resistors". LEDs have a polarity and
require both the signal and ground voltage wires to be
in the correct position. Resistors, on the other hand,
do not have polarity but are very small, and placing
them into breadboards can be problematic.
These type of difficulties were most prevalent
under the negative forceful category, with learners
frequently associating these difficulties with feeling
anger and annoyance. This category was the most
strongly reported negative emotion in the physical
group. To a lesser extent, these difficulties also
appeared under the not in control category, such as
rage. Several participants cited negative thoughts
related to whether their build would work or not. Also
in the negative thoughts category, frustration was
related to wiring-up of the build. Interestingly,
frustration was also cited in response to poorly
specified compiler errors. It is fair to say that the
Arduino IDE provides much more novice-friendly
compiler errors than an industry standard IDE such as
Eclipse or Visual Studio. Nonetheless, there are
inevitably situations where there is disconnect
between the error, the specific line of code and the
description offered in the IDE. One or two of the
learners expressed passive emotions such as
boredom, at being finished early. Being stressed was
also noted by several individuals in response to the
system as a whole (wires and code) not working, or
being unsure as to whether they would complete the
build on time or not.
Positive emotions were contextualised with free
text comments less richly than negative emotions.
However, positive emotions were given greater
intensity than negative emotions. Positive and lively
was the most strongly reported emotional category of
all. This was heavily noted by participants because of
completing the build: "when it worked", and when
engaging with the product of their work: "playing the
game". Participants also noted a feeling of happiness
at getting their task completed. The second most
strongly reported emotional category was reactive.
This was cited as interest in "learning new things".
One participant noted interest in the logic they had
arrived at in developing the Whack a Mole algorithm.
When considering the screen-based group’s
emotional responses grouped together as positive or
negative, there was a noticeable difference between
the positive and negative emotions reported. Positive
emotions were experienced by all participants to a
greater extent than negative emotions. It is notable
that in the physical group there was a difference in
intensity of positive and negative emotional
categories as a whole. For the physical group, all the
positive emotions had greater intensity than the
negative ones, with the exception of caring. This
matched the rich contextual data offered by the
physical group. Where learners worked with the
physical artefact, they had a strongly positive
experience. Three of positive emotions reported by
the physical group were notably greater than that of
the screen-based group: positive & lively, quiet
positive and above all reactive.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 8: Strength of Emotional Responses.
6.1 Knowledge and Understanding
It is striking that in both groups, around two-thirds of
learners showed no change in knowledge or
understanding about arrays and associated strategies.
The most likely explanation for this is that when both
the screen-based and the physical groups were
ordered for performance, the top two-thirds of both
groups had very high pre-test scores, leaving little
room for improvement. It is likely that an earlier point
in the teaching period for the study would have
offered a greater opportunity for the interventions to
create a change in knowledge and understanding.
The groupings for the study also proved
problematic. The pre-test data for the screen-based
group showed a tight normal distribution centred on a
very high mean. The physical group had a slightly
skewed distribution in pre- and post-tests, with
several particularly weak scores. The two randomly
allocated groups thus had different academic abilities
or levels of experience. This may have reduced the
sensitivity of the questionnaire to detect
improvements between groups.
6.2 Emotional Response
Firstly, with regard to the REI, a low response was
noted for the free text component of the REI. This was
unsurprising, given the additional effort required by
learners to verbalise the contexts in which they felt a
given emotion. Secondly, considering the two
different groups, the REI did establish different
responses from the two groups. With the physical
group, all but one of the positive emotions had greater
intensity than the negative ones. Indeed there was an
observable difference in the degree of engagement of
different groups with the finished artefact. Several of
the participants in the physical group were seen
taking pictures and videos to share on social media.
This indicated a degree of pride and a desire to share
their work that was not observed in the screen-based
Most often, the anecdotal references to
programming and emotion are focused on negative
feelings. The free-text contextualisation presented
here shows that participants frequently experienced
many causes of irritation that are well reported in the
literature, including unintelligible compiler errors and
syntax errors. Programming is inherently an error-
prone activity and the activity in the study reflects
this. This particular study did not look for insights
into strategies to overcome any difficulties of
It is interesting that the physical element in many
respects confounds many of the areas of
programming difficulty. Breadboarding with
electrical components is an inherently finicky task
requiring good eyesight and a steady hand. It also has
& forceful
& not in
& passive
agitation positive &
caring reactive
sub-category of emotion
Group and intensity of emotions
non-physical physical
Learning Experiences in Programming: The Motivating Effect of a Physical Interface
many of the same problematic features as
programming, such as the error-prone nature,
requiring high degree of detail, tracing of routes
through a connected network and a one-to-many
mapping from problem to solution. In addition to
these problems, whilst programming offers compiler
errors to assist the learner in trapping errors, there is
no such support when wiring breadboards. As a
result, errors in electrical circuits are often very
difficult to identify. It seems counter-intuitive
therefore that placing programming and electrical
prototyping activities together can improve the
emotional response to the programming experience.
The dominance of positive emotions being reported
suggests that this happened in the Whack a Mole
study. The results suggest that creating a functioning
physical mole game presented a sufficient challenge
for most participants across a range of skills. The
resultant completion of the task generated an
emotional response that outweighed the ‘pain’
endured in working through the task. One theory to
propose is that this resulted from the different
bandwidth of interaction offered by the two systems.
In the non-physical group, learners could only
interact with a single device, namely the PC being
used to program the virtual game, giving a screen to
offer feedback to the user and a mouse and keyboard
to accept input. In constructing a Whack a Mole game
with the physical system, the Arduino, buttons and
LEDs used to make the tangible game all increased
the bandwidth of interaction. This may have
contributed to the richer more positive emotional
response from learners in the physical group. The
implications of Mayer’s cognitive theory of
multimedia learning (2002) would be an interesting
subject for future work in this respect.
Having a low ratio of negative emotions to
positive emotions may signify a learner who will do
well with programming. It resonates with the ‘movers
and stoppers’ findings of Perkins et al. (1986). A
stopper is categorised as person who is halted
abruptly by an error or difficulty and does not have
the inclination to tackle the problem independently. A
stopper appears to have abandoned all hope of solving
the problem on their own, the emotional response to
being confronted with a bug or compiler error being
crucial. A novice who becomes very frustrated by
unforeseen problems is likely to become a ‘stopper’.
In contrast, a ‘mover’ is a learner with enthusiasm
who views an error as a challenge rather than an
obstacle (Perkins et al., 1986). The ability to modify
and adapt programs effectively in response to errors
is likely to reinforce a mover’s ability to self-support
his or her problem solving and progress. Therefore an
important attribute for an aspiring programmer may
be the capacity to take greater pleasure from the
competed task than displeasure experienced by the
challenges on the road to success.
One limitation of the Whack a Mole study resulted
from the composition of the screen-based and the
physical groups. It is not ideal to have two groups of
different sizes and of different academic abilities.
Neither was the gender balance of the groups ideal.
A solution to the problem would be to administer the
pre-test and then create groups based on the score.
Unfortunately, it could be problematic to implement
paper tests in a single study and in this case, it would
have disrupted the established groups within the
Secondly, the approach adopted had a qualitative
focus and identified descriptive statistics. An
alternative approach, to evaluate whether the
difference between the two groups was statistically
significant, would have required much more
statistical testing around the repeated validity of
participants’ responses and the instrument in general.
Since the sample size was small and the instrument
new, the former approach was preferred to provide
early insights into the phenomenon.
One of the challenges with a pre/post-test
methodology is pitching the test difficulty correctly to
ensure maximum sensitivity to the phenomena being
researched, which in this case related to knowledge
and understanding of arrays. The pre-test knowledge
results suggest that in many cases an understanding
of arrays has developed prior to the study. As a result,
for many of the learners the measure had limited
sensitivity. Despite these difficulties, the Whack a
Mole study offers some valuable insights into the
differences observed in novice programmers working
with screen-based and physical media.
The Whack a Mole study aimed to explore how
learning with a physical device differed from learning
with a screen-based equivalent. The main findings of
the study can be summarised by referring to the
research question posed:
How does working with a physical artefact as
opposed to a screen-based artefact affect learning of
computer programming?
There was no noticeable difference in learning
effect measured between the two groups, indicating
that the physical interface did not measurably
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
contribute to or hinder learning. However, there was
a difference in emotional response to the learning
experiences. Both groups described a range of
negative emotions with similar levels of strength and
for similar reasons. Both groups also noted a similar
range of positive emotions. However, the physical
group noted a greater strength of positive emotions
associated with the learning experience.
If the Whack a Mole study were to be adapted to
enable a greater degree of flexibility, for example
allowing learners to design their own interface for the
game, there would be no additional programming
overhead to create a physical game. All that would be
required would be longer wires for the buttons and
LEDs that could be embedded in any number of craft
materials. For the same to be done with a screen-
based solution, additional skills would need to be
taught, adding to the complexity of the session.
Re-considering the literature, it is worth noting
that the sample task learners engaged in for the study
by Bosch et al. (2013) was a traditional CS1-style
maths based problem. Although this problem type is
valid, it represents what Robins et al. (2003) argue is
a knowledge-driven approach to programming
education. One can argue for an approach to
programming education that is more stimulating and
framed within a context of value to the learner. The
results of this study suggest that the powerful
affordances of physical computing, i.e. the ability to
take intangible things and make them physical (such
as when using an LED to indicate state) can lead to
very positive emotions without jeopardising learning.
The difficulties of learning to program have been
studied for nearly 50 years and many challenges
identified years ago endure to this day. The essence
of programming remains unchanged. It requires a
programmer to take a problem and describe its
solution in sufficient detail, without ambiguity, such
that a machine can reliably follow the instructions.
What has moved forward considerably is the set of
tools used to support learning to program. Just as
commercial development tools have matured from
rudimentary text editors to powerful interactive
development environments, so too have educational
tools, which have benefited from years of research
and from the increased capacities of modern
computers. Desirable features for education
programming tools and learning experiences are
increasingly being recognised as those relating to the
motivation of the learner, such as personal, social and
contextual elements rather than purely technical ones.
The study described here demonstrates that a
physical interface can provide a more positive
emotional experience than a screen-based equivalent.
Designers of learning experiences may wish to
include consideration of this insight when planning
the introduction of new programming concepts or
creating programming laboratory exercises and
assessments. Designing an engaging learning
experience is not a routine process that can be
governed by a set of rules to be followed dutifully to
guarantee consistent results; it is a much more
creative task. It requires reflection and consideration
not just of what is to be learned but also of who is
learning and how they can best be motivated to
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CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education