2012) was one start point for our work. For automatic
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mentation of rules in SWRL. The rules into FixOnto
were then implemented in SWRL following the rules
proposed by (Marinho et al., 2012).
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et al., 2015). We also demonstrated the traceability,
which is very important to prevent errors and provide
time efficiency, using the model with DL Query.
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for traditional FM, but we still need to evaluate that in
future work as well as we aim to automatize the whole
approach. A usability evaluation should also be per-
formed over FixOnto to verify the benefits to the final
user, specifically the domain specialist. It is also im-
portant to model a second CASPL into the tool to an-
alyze different scenarios. We also aim to increase the
tool usability, displaying only human readable mes-
sages and excluding OWL individuals information.
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Semantic Enrichment and Verification of Feature Models in DSPL