Extending Cognitive Skill Classification of Common Verbs in the
Domain of Computer Science for Algorithms Knowledge Units
Fatema Nafa, Javed I. Khan and Salem Othman
Department of Computer Science, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, U.S.A.
Keywords: Higher Order Thinking Skills, Knowledge Representation, Bloom Taxonomy, Learning Objectives.
Abstract: To provide an adaptive guidance to the instructors through designing an effective curriculum and associated
learning objective, an automatic system needs to have a solid idea of the prerequisite cognitive skills that
students have before commencing a new knowledge before enhancing those skills which will enable students
to steadily acquire new skills. Obtaining the learning objectives in knowledge units based on cognitive skills
is a tedious and time-consuming task. This paper presents subtasks of an automatic meta-learning
recommended model that enables the extraction of learning objectives from knowledge units, which are
teaching materials. Knowing the cognitive skills will help mentors to connect the knowledge gaps between
learning materials and their aims. The model applies Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to
identify relevant knowledge units and their verbs, which assist in the identification of extracting the learning
objectives and classifying the verbs based on cognitive skill levels. This work focuses on the computer science
knowledge domain. We share the result that evaluates and validates the model using three textbooks. The
performance analysis shows the importance and the strength of the automatic extraction and classification of
the verbs among knowledge units based on cognitive skills.
Bloom’s Taxonomy is an important tool that is used
as a guideline for educators to develop teaching
materials, organize learning goals, and create
assessments to match a learning activity with the
learning objective (Thompson,2008) and
(Lister,2000). Benjamin Bloom proposed Bloom’s
taxonomy; this divides learning objectives into three
domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective
(Bloom,1956). The cognitive domain is related to the
knowledge and mental skills of a learner. It is the
most widely used domain including six levels from
moderate to high mental processing levels.
Bloom’s taxonomy was modified by (Anderson,
2001), and a significant change was made by adding
and ordering the levels’ names. However, the number
of levels was kept consistent. The revised cognitive
domain’s levels from simplest to most complex are:
1) remembering, 2) understanding, 3) applying, 4)
analyzing, 5) evaluating, and 6) creating.
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a cognitive skills
classification that has been applied for different
educational purposes in many fields of study. In the
area of computer science, Bloom’s taxonomy was
used in course design, teaching methodology,
preparing materials, and measuring student responses
to learning (Doran,1995) and (Burgess,2005). The
ACM Computer Science Curriculum specifies
learning objectives based on the revised Bloom
Taxonomy(Cassel,2008) and (Gluga, January 2013).
There is a strong need to describe computer science
knowledge units regarding learning goals and the
level of mastery.
Using already acquired skills’ will help nescience
or lack of understanding to connect the knowledge
gaps between learning objectives and learning
materials as well as ensure the effectiveness of
teaching and learning. Also, the learner should have a
better understanding of learning objectives and
learning materials, and teach students how to master
all new concepts in each knowledge unit. Also, their
mental skill levels should increase as they progress
from one knowledge unit to the next.
Generally, the Bloom taxonomic relationships are
extracted manually. Until now, extracting and
describing learning objectives were derived using the
verbs that connect concepts. In 1956, Bloom
suggested a classification of verbs, which are now
widely used as a “clue” to determine the relationship
Nafa, F., Khan, J. and Othman, S.
Extending Cognitive Skill Classification of Common Verbs in the Domain of Computer Science for Algorithms Knowledge Units.
DOI: 10.5220/0006376501730183
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 173-183
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
between concepts. In 2001, the verb list was extended
and revised by Bloom. Bloom’s measurable verbs are
indicative of cognitive skills, (Nevid, 2013) but not
all the verbs are included in Bloom’s verb list.
Unfortunately, for a fast-growing knowledge domain
such as computer science, these tables do not contain
many verbs used in the field. A question was raised
as for how to determine the Bloom relationship that is
implied by other verbs, not on Bloom’s verbs list.
This paper presents a meta-learning
recommended model foundation to extend the
cognitive skill relations indicated by those new
knowledge domain verbs figure 1 illustrates the
model. A subtask of the model is used to classify
verbs in the learning objectives into cognitive skill
levels. For this task, not all verbs are equally
important; we are primarily interested in a domain-
specific verb, which is computer science. The
classification of a domain-specific verb is defined as
a relationship between the concepts that are used in
sentences with the given verb.
We investigate three techniques to extend the
current classification of the listed verbs, where
Bloom’s verb list is used as a baseline method. The
first method includes WordNet (
WordNet,2010) which
was used to access the verb synonym. Then, we
investigate the use of VerbNet to further extend the
classification based on the class and the membership
of the verbs in VerbNet database. Finally, The verbs
that were not found in WordNet synonym, or VerbNet
class another method is used, which is Singular Value
Decomposition (SVD), to classify the rest of the
verbs; the three methodologies will be explained in
section 4.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the
literature review is presented in Section 2; the
problem definition is discussed in Section 3; Section
4 describes an overview of the meta-learning
recommended model and the classification
methodologies; Section 5 shows the experiment setup
and an evaluation of the methods, and Section 6
presents the conclusion, discussion, and the direction
for future work.
In the area of linguistics, verbs are central to the
syntactic structure and semantics of a sentence. Some
computational resources and classifications have
been developed for verbs. These resources can be
classified into these three types:
Syntactic Resources: Examples of these are multiple
dictionaries (Grishman et al., 1994) and ANLT
(Boguraev et al., 1987), which are manually
developed. An entry here will have verb forms and
subcategorization information.
Figure 1: Meta-Learning Recommender Model.According to Palmer (2000), WordNet lacks generalization, and its level of
sense distinction is too fine-grained for a computational lexicon. Syntactic Semantic Resources: Here verbs are grouped by
properties such as shared meaning components and morpho-syntactic behaviour of words in Levin’s 1993 verb classification.
Since then, VerbNet expands this classification with new verbs and classes (Kipper-Schuler, 2005).
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Semantic Resources: Examples of these include
FrameNet (Baker et al., 1998) and WordNet (Miller,
1995). FrameNet groups word according to
conceptual structures and their patterns of
combinations. The second example, WordNet, groups
words into synsets (synonym sets) and records
semantic relations between synsets. There is little
syntactic information present in these resources.
In the area of cognitive domain, to the best of our
knowledge, there has been no previous work on
Bloom’s Taxonomy in the field of computer science
for various purposes such as managing course design
(Machanick, May), measuring the cognitive difficulty
levels of computer science materials (Lister, 2003),
and structuring assessments (
Oliver,2004). Bloom’s
Taxonomy has also been used as an alternative to
grading with a curve (
Hearst, 1992). Additionally,
from the perspective of mining information, there has
been some interesting research about extracting
relations among concepts. Relations could be
replaced by the synonym relationships, or a
hypernym, an association, etc. (
Hearst, 1992), and
(Ritter, 2009) these relationships are successfully
used in different domains and applications
Another related work comes under graphical
representation; the graph being the representation of
the relationship that was gathered by the extracted
data. There has been some research on graphical text
representation such as concept graphs
Rajaraman,2003) and ontology (Navigli,2003). The
authors proposed Concept Graph Learning to present
relations among concepts from prerequisite relations
among courses.
Even though there exists an extensive collection
of literature on verb classification, none of the
presented techniques have been developed to classify
the verbs based on Bloom’s Taxonomy levels.
Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues provided the
verbs to help identify which action verbs align with
each Bloom level to describe the learning objectives
(Starr,2008). Benjamin Bloom provides a sub-list; to
which not all the verbs are included. There is a need
in the computer sciences to use the domain verbs to
keep the description of the learning objectives
measurable and clear.
In this section, we introduce some terms used in this
paper and define the problem.
Concept (C): Represent the most important words in
a text that describe a particular domain.
Cognitive domain verb (βi): According to Bloom
theory, a learnable concept, can be learned at multiple
cognitive skill level. The prerequisite concept which
needs to learn the target concept at specific cognitive
level depends on the verb connecting them. Thus,
each verb can have multiple cognitive skill level
labels (βi) where βi= {β1, β2, β3, β4}.
Cognitive graph (Gc): It is a directed Graph Gc = (C,
CL) where Nodes represent a concept (c) and Edges
represent CL (cognitive level).
Computer-Science based Cognitive Domain (CSCD):
is a modification of the Bloom Taxonomy tool which
is more useful to computer science learners than
existing generic ones (Nafa and Khan, 2015).
Semantic domain knowledge graph (Gk): is an
instruction of the domain knowledge content in a field
text. Each text has a set of domain concepts(C), the
sentences in the text describes the relationship
between a pair of concepts. We label the concepts by
their domain terminology, and we mark the edges (E)
by the principal verb connecting two concepts in a
Problem Definition: Given 1) a semantic domain
knowledge graph Gk = (C, E), where nodes represent
concept(C) and edges(E)represent knowledge domain
verbs (Vi) and 2) a subset of cognitive domain verbs
Vi βi. Find out a mapping function £: Vi→βi which
maps domain knowledge verbs to their βi cognitive
levels, where each edge v V belongs to a particular
relation type £ (v) βi.
For example, suppose we have a knowledge unit
represented as a semantic graph Gs including ten
nodes, which are concepts C = {Heap-Sort, heap-
property, time, priority-Queue, max-heap, producer,
sorting, array, Data Structure and elements} and
edges E = {Analyse, Describe, Has, Implement,
Maintain, and Update}. We need to map the domain
knowledge verb Vi to its βi levels which are used to
describe the learning objectives required for
mastering this knowledge unit at different cognitive
levels. Figure 2.a shows a given semantic graph Gs
and figure 2.b illustrates the cognitive level required
to master each group of concepts in the knowledge
Extending Cognitive Skill Classification of Common Verbs in the Domain of Computer Science for Algorithms Knowledge Units
Figure 2.a: The example of our problem.
Figure 2.b: The example of our problem.
In this subtask of the model, which is extracting
learning objectives based on cognitive skills, the verb
level used to describe the obtained learning
objectives. Bloom’s Taxonomy provides a ready-
made structure and list of action verbs. These verbs
are vital to writing learning objectives. All the verbs
are action verbs since the learning objectives are
concerned with what the students can do at the end of
mastering a specific knowledge unit. As an example,
a list of the active verbs used to assess a remembering
level is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Example of Bloom Action Verb List
Remembering Level.
To run the linguistic analysis for the knowledge
unit in the textbook, Stanford University’s Core NLP
library is used. This step has been done in the first
phase of our model, but more characteristics are
added to analyze the verbs in the knowledge units.
We analyzed the results of the sentence structures for
the verbs. The most common modification to get a
high accuracy of the results were incorrect POS tags;
we noticed errors are stemming, sometimes a verb can
be mistagged as a noun. These incorrect POS tags,
causing incorrect parsing structures, are modified
manually. Also for auxiliary verbs, we removed all of
them by checking the verb with a list of all auxiliary
verbs and their derivatives. For more accurate results,
we introduce the proposed methodologies used
(WordNet, VerbNet, and Value Decomposition
(SVD)). The three methodologies will be explained in
detail respectively.
4.1 WordNet(WN) Methodology
WordNet is a lexical database for English words and
was developed at the University of Princeton
). It clusters words (Nouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs) into sets of synonyms called
synsets to help identify the meaning of the words, and
is interlinked with a variety of relations. There is a
different type of relations available in WordNet.
These relations relate to concepts as follows:
Nouns (Synonym ~ antonym, Hypernyms ~
hyponym, Coordinate, and Holonym ~ meronym);
Verbs (Synonym ~ antonym, Hypernym ~ troponym,
Entailment, and Coordinate);
Adjectives/Adverbs in addition to above relations
(Related nouns, Verb participles, and Derivational
In this research, we are interested in the Verbs
relation, which is the Synonym relations only. The
Synonymy relation is at the base of the structure of
WordNet. WordNet-like taxonomies behave in some
ways as a dictionary, in others as an ontology. To
avoid confusion, we use WordNet in this research as
procedu r
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
a dictionary for verb synonym relations. Around
3,600 verb senses are included in WordNet.
As the first method to finding the level of domain-
specific verbs based on Bloom Taxonomies, we
mapped all domain-specific verbs to their verb
synonym from the WordNet database. Due to the
WordNet limitation of not having all the classes for
all verbs, classifying some of the verbs nor the others.
WordNet has certain restrictions. It does not cover
particular domain words or includes the forms of
irregular verbs.
Figure 4 presents an algorithm used in WordNet
methodology Input for the algorithm include Bloom’s
verb list and a domain specific verb list. The
algorithm starts by reading a domain-specific verb list
and compares the verbs in both records. It then
indicated the verbs that are in Bloom’s list and those
that are not. It then starts to maintain the unknown
verb list by checking the verb synonym from the
WordNet database; some new verbs have been added
to known verbs in Bloom’s list. In case the verb
synonym does not return any Bloom level for the
verb, the Algorithm returns a new verb list with
Bloom’s classification and another verb list, not in
Bloom’s taxonomy. Thus, new verbs synonym based
have been added to known verbs as in Bloom list. The
list will be saved in a text file as unknown verbs in
Bloom’s taxonomy. A limitation for WordNet suffers
from gaps between verbs in the database for that
reason; some of the verbs will not be found in the
WordNet database. Finally, for those verbs in which
a classification is not determined, the algorithm starts
the classification process over for verbs and uses a
different methodology using the VerbNet
methodology. This will be explained in detail in the
next section.
VerbList=open('Verbs.txt','r') //Reading verb‐
Bloom‐List, Level=GiveBloomLevel(CS‐Verb‐
Bloom‐Found = GetmostFrequ (Bloom‐
Figure 4: WordNet Algorithm.
4.2 VerbNet (VN) Methodology
VerbNet is a vast online repository for the
classification of English verbs, which includes
syntactic and semantic information for classes of
English verbs derived from Levin’s classification as
explained in related works, section 2. It is an updated
version considered more detailed than that included
in the original organization. VerbNet classification
considers paramount properties, the lexical meaning
of a verb and the kind of argument interchanges that
can be observed in the sentences with a verb. The
ranking of VerbNet is verb sense- based. It covers
5,200 verb senses. The classification is partially
hierarchical, including 237 top-level classes with only
three more levels of subdivision (Kipper Schuler
The VerbNet database contains information about
the correspondence between the categories of verbs
and lexical entries in other resources. Each verb class
in VerbNet include a set of members, thematic roles
for the predicate-argument structure of these
members, local restrictions on the arguments, and
frames consisting of a syntactic description and
semantic predicates with a temporal function. New
subclasses are added to the original Levin classes to
achieve syntactic and semantic coherence among
Extending Cognitive Skill Classification of Common Verbs in the Domain of Computer Science for Algorithms Knowledge Units
VerbNet Includes over 5,000 verb senses. It is a
rich database with verb classification and provides
easy access to be used by the programming language.
It is also not very helpful when it comes to processing
texts in specific domains where verb senses only
partly overlap with those in general language use. It
has been used to help NLP applications such as
semantic role labeling (Swier and Stevenson, 2004)
and word sense disambiguation (Dang, 2004).
Figure 5 explains the algorithm used for VerbNet
methodology. As an input for the algorithm, it starts
by reading the output verb lists from the previous
methodology, which is WordNet. It then checks
unknown verbs in Bloom’s list to return the verb class
from the VerbNet database. After it returns the verb
class from the VerbNet database, new verbs are added
to the known verbs as Bloom’s list. In case the verb
class returns nothing for the verb, the algorithm uses
the verb member to check the availability of having
new verb members for the verb under study and
checks if the new verb is in Bloom’s list. If so, the
verb level is returned.
If the verb is not found either in a class or members
in the VerbNet database, the list will be saved in a text
file as unknown verbs in Bloom’s taxonomy. A
limitation for VerbNet includes gaps between verbs
in the database; for that reason, some of the verbs will
not be found in the VerbNet database. Finally, for
those verbs whose classification is not found, the
algorithm starts the classification process over for
verbs but uses a different methodology, the Singular
Value Decomposition (SVD) method, which will be
explained in detail in the next section.
Figure 5: VerbNet Algorithm.
4.3 Singular Value Decomposition
(Svd) Methodology
In this part, verbs are classified based on Latent
Semantic Analysis (LSA). LSA is a theory and
method for extracting and representing the usage
meaning of domain concepts by statistical
computations (Landauer et al. 1998). The process is
divided into two tasks, calculating SVD to split the
matrix A into three matrixes, and finding verb level
in Bloom Taxonomy applying SVD to the matrix (A)
will break down each dimension in the matrix using
equation 1. The details of this methodology were
published in (Nafa, 2015).
4.4 Example to Explain the
Let the given knowledge unit include ten high-level
concepts C = {Heap-Sort, heap-property, time,
priority-Queue, max-heap, producer, sorting, array,
Data Structure and elements}. The process of finding
the cognitive level of the verb is to describe the
learning objectives required for mastering this
knowledge unit at different cognitive levels.
Figure 6 shows an example of a text graph where the
concepts extracted as learning objectives are used to
describe the knowledge unit with instances of the
high-level concepts.
In figure 6 A, only four verbs are known their
cognitive level from the Bloom original list appears
as black lines in the graph. In figure 6 B, by using the
first methodology for verb classification which is
WordNet only, one verb is classified into its cognitive
level. The verb appears with a double line in the
graph. In figure 6 C, by using the second
methodology for verb classification which is VerbNet
only, two verbs are classified into their cognitive
level. The verbs appear with a double line in the
graph. In figure 6.D, by using the third methodology
for verb classification which is SVD, the rest of the
verbs are classified into their cognitive levels. The
verbs appear with a double line in the graph.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: Example of verb Classification Methodologies.
After all, verbs are classified into their cognitive
levels, and the high-level concepts candidate to be
learning objectives for this knowledge unit, the
teacher queries his\herself on what cognitive level are
needed for my students to master this knowledge unit.
Based on that, we query the graph to answer the
question as a subgraph to describe the learning
objectives for the knowledge unit.
The task of a learning objective extractor is to
automatically identify a set of high-level concepts in
the textbook that best describes it. Figure 6 illustrates
three different levels of learning objectives for
mastering a knowledge unit, which is Heapsort
Algorithm. As it is evident in figure 6, to understand
Heapsort Algorithm, students must learn the concepts
in subgraph A, which represents the concepts that are
in one of the lowest skill levels which is the
understanding and remembering level because most
of the concepts are common but important to
understand the knowledge unit.
5.1 Experiment Result
For this paper, we test the methodologies using three
high-quality textbooks that are used in computer
science classes as course materials. We obtain three
text corpora, “Introduction to Algorithms,” “Data
Structures and Algorithms,” and “Algorithms,”
respectively. These written works are used at other
universities. Experimental result and evaluation show
that the proposed task of our model is effective in
classifying verbs based on the cognitive level of
learning. Table I. shows the statistical information for
the three textbooks.
Ti me
proce dure
Ti me
proce dure
Ti me
proce dure
Ti me
proce dure
Extending Cognitive Skill Classification of Common Verbs in the Domain of Computer Science for Algorithms Knowledge Units
Table 1: Physical Characteristics of the Textbooks.
In this paper, our focus is only to classify the
extracted computer science action verbs based on
CSCD levels. As a subtask of the meta-learning
model, the verbs are used to describe the learning
Figure 8 illustrates the percentage of verbs found
in the textbook which equates to 341 words. The first
scan in the original Bloom list consisted of 100 verbs
found in Bloom levels where 241 classified as
unknown verbs in Bloom’s list. Then, out of 241, a
total of 120 verbs were classified using WordNet
synonym methodology, and 121 of those were
unknown verbs. Then by using VerbNet, out of 121,
a total of 37 verbs found in Bloom levels and 84 verbs
were classified as unknown verbs. Finally, a total of
84 verbs were classified as Bloom’s verbs using SVD
As more details of the classification resulted in
figure 9, a prominent feature is that significantly
equal percentages of the verbs fell in Bloom level2,
Bloom level3, and Bloom level4, while the proportion
of the verbs in the Bloom level1 are the most heights.
We can say that the textbook used to describe a small
Bloom cognitive level is the undergrad level. So the
learning objectives for this book will be a prerequisite
for the advanced courses of the algorithm. On the
other hand, there are equal opportunities for high
Bloom cognitive levels in the textbook.
5.2 Evaluation Measures
As an evaluation step, the gold standard for any
linguistic analysis is human judgment. In this paper,
we used statistical measures to estimate the
agreement between the human classification of the
verbs as well as the agreement between the results of
verb classification and the “gold standard.” There are
different measures of the agreement; we applied
Cronbach’s alpha measure from the fields of inter-
rater agreement.
Cronbach’s alpha α is one of the most common
measures of internal consistency. The calculation of
α uses equation 2. Cronbach’s alpha is a value
between 0 and 1; the closer a value is to 1, the higher
the reliability. The acceptable ranges of alpha are
from 0.70 to 0.95 (Mohsen and Reg, 2011). The result
of Cronbach’s alpha for our data was 0.70.
) (2)
where N is the number of cases,
refers to the
variance associated with item
, and
refers to the
variance associated with the observed total scores.
In this result, humans share intuitions about the
analysis. For the methodologies output, the classified
verbs were given to native English speakers, who are
Master’s students in English. This is typically done
by checking to see if they agree or disagree with the
automatic classification of the verbs. Apart from the
cognitive validation of our analysis, the majority
agreed that the verb classification could be used as a
baseline classification for computer sciences to
describe the learning objective.
In this paper, we described and discussed the concept
of using Bloom Taxonomy in the field of computer
science. Automatic methodologies that are used to
classify the verbs according to CSCD levels has been
presented. The methodologies are a sub-task of our
previous work (Nafa,2015) and (Nafa,2016).
Classifying verbs based on CSCD levels is a novel
and challenging problem.
The classification methodologies make use of the
cognitive domain in computer sciences. Not all the
verbs found in the corps are equally important in the
process of extracting the learning objectives; the most
informative are the action verbs. These verbs are
automatically classified using proposed
methodologies; Bloom suggested a short verb list be
used as a baseline. The methodologies are also able to
recover verbs that are relatively infrequent or
specialized and thus unlikely to be captured manually
by an expert.
In the three textbooks analysis, we started with the
first textbook which is “Introduction to Algorithm,”
and we used it as a knowledge base for the other
textbook that included four levels of CSCD. Also, we
involved the intersection between verbs in the four
levels; one verb could have more than one level based
on the semantic meaning and the semantic function
Book1 Book2 Book3
Number of
Knowledge unit
120 60 30
Number of
8500 8200 3000
Number of
1060 1020 950
Number of verbs 341 480 300
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 7: Verbs Intersection between Cognitive Classes.
that verb used for. The intersection set could be
presented as:
Figure 7 shows the verbs intersection between
cognitive classes.
The results show that the classification of verbs is
overlapping between CSCD levels; one verb can be
in more than one level based on its function as a
cognitive verb level. This adds a different flavor of
describing the learning objectives. Based on our
analytical result, it is possible to conclude that by
using CSCD levels we can decide which verbs to use
at which level to match with the learner’s skills and
help in writing the learning objectives.
Through our experiments, we identified several
promising lines for future research. First, we planned
to present our model as a complete online tool and
included a feedback section for the expertise based on
their background in the learning materials. Second,
we plan to carry out larger-scale experiments to
generalized across different domains such as physics
and math.
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Figure 8: Verb Classification Methodologies for a txt-book (Introduction to Algorithms).
CSVerbs Bloom
WordNet VerbNet SVD
BloomVerbs CSVerbs
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 9: All verbs classified Based on Bloom levels for the textbook (Introduction to Algorithms).
BloomLevel BloomLevel2 BloomLevel3 BloomLevel4
Extending Cognitive Skill Classification of Common Verbs in the Domain of Computer Science for Algorithms Knowledge Units