empty seats. In future, other form of resources may
also be offered. This includes trunk space, power for
mobile devices, and even connectivity services (such
as WiFi). The future of transportation will need to be
adaptive to meet the diverse demands and needs.
In this study of transportation systems, we
analyze potential untapped resources and
opportunity that can be used in the future
transportation systems. It is critical to develop an
algorithmic approach for optimizing the matching of
driver, passenger, and delivery of parcels. In this
work, we carry out a theoretical study of Single
Driver to Multiple Passenger/Parcel (SDMP). The
SDMP arrangement means that each driver may pick
up and deliver one or more passengers and parcels
during their trip, in which the seat occupancy can be
increased while opening the available trunk space
for parcel delivery.
The organization of the paper is as follows.
Section 2 describes related intelligent transportation
system approaches. The problem formulation is
highlighted in Section 3. In Section 4, we present
our proposed MOEA approach. Section 5, presents
the experiental results. Final, our conclusions are
drawn in Section 6.
As mentioned in the introduction, the diversity in the
demand and supply creates an unique multi-
objective optimization problem where a number of
objectives such as travel distance, trip duration and
services provided needs to be concurrently matched
and optimized for different stakeholders. In contrast
to single objective optimization, a solution to a
multi-objective optimization problem exists in the
form of alternate tradeoffs known as the Pareto
optimal set. In a Pareto optimal set, each objective
component of any non-dominated solution can only
be improved by degrading at least one of its other
objective component. Therefore, the multi-objective
optimization consists in discovery of a possible set
of Pareto optimal solutions for which decision maker
can select an optimal solution based on the current
The evolutionary algorithm inspired by Darwin’s
theory of evolution has been used often in search of
Pareto optimal set (Fonseca, 1995). It has been
successfully applied to a wide variety of problems
and shown to be capable of producing optimal or
near-optimal solution for multi-dimensional
problems (Ross, 1994). An evolutionary algorithm
function with a population of solutions is
represented in the form of chromosomes. Each
chromosome is encoded with a number of genes,
each gene representing a unit of information. The
algorithm searches for new solutions through the
process of combining (crossover) and altering
(mutation) of existing chromosomes in the
population. Upon creation of new chromosomes,
they are evaluated. Better quality solutions remain
while inferior solutions are eliminated from the
population. Through multiple generations, it
artificially simulates ‘natural selection’ in survival
of the fittest.
There are many research studies on matching
and optimizing transport related routing problem,
under some restrictive assumptions. (Huang, 2015)
designed an intelligent carpool system which
matches new passenger(s) to an existing trip. (Baker,
2003) describes the use of genetic algorithm in
vehicle routing problem (VRP) for goods delivery.
(Tan, 2007) has extended the use of mutli-objective
evolutionary computation to time constrained VRP
with stochastic demand. The actual demand is
revealed only when the vehicles arrive at the
customers premises.
In this paper, a Multi-Objective Evolutionary
Algorithm (MOEA) is applied to the pairing of
requests to the transportation resources. The
proposed approaches balance the benefits and trade-
off between stakeholders.
The resource planning considered in this paper is
defined around the situation in which a number of
potential passenger and customer requests have
similar origin and destination. Such requests can
then be paired with a vehicle taking a route similar
to those requests. Passenger(s) or customer(s) submit
their trip request to a central server via smart
devices. Given this scenario, the problem at hand is
to decide which requests should be matched and
assigned to an available vehicle such that the
benefits attained by the primary stakeholders is
maximized. The four primary stakeholders that we
consider in our work are the transport company,
drivers, passengers and parcel’s customers.
This section presents the challenges and
constraints for the mutli-objective optimisation
problem. Each of the functional groups has a