Crowdsourced Software Development in Civic Apps
Motivations of Civic Hackathons Participants
Kiev Gama
Centro de Inform
atica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil
Software Crowdsourcing, Hackathon, Motivation, Civic Apps.
Hackathons are intensive events that typically last from 1 to 3 days, where programmers and sometimes peo-
ple with interdisciplinary backgrounds (e.g., designers, journalists, activists) collaborate to develop software
applications to overcome a challenge proposed by the event organizers. Civic hackathons are a particular type
of hackathon that gained momentum in the last years, mainly propelled by city halls and government agencies
throughout the world as a way to explore public data repositories. These initiatives became an attempt to
crowdsource the development of software applications targeting civic issues. Some articles in academic litera-
ture have conflicting arguments about factors that motivate developers to create such apps. Claims are mostly
based on anecdotal evidence since research is still scarce in the empirical analysis of civic hackathons. Thus,
we decided to do a study to gather data under the perspective of hackathon participants, focusing on what
motivation factors make them join such competitions. We conducted a survey research where we intended to
provide empirical evidence for a diverse audience (e.g., hackathon organizers, open data specialists) interested
in civic hackathons as a form of software crowdsourcing. In this work, we present preliminary results.
Hackathons are continuous events that engage peo-
ple in small groups to produce software in a limited
amount of time, typically lasting from 1 to 3 days
(Komssi et al., 2015). They gained popularity in
technology companies in the 2000s as a way to pro-
mote exploratory coding, new idea generation, and
prototyping with low-risk (Carr and Lassiter, 2017).
Leveraged by many government open data initiatives,
which aim at the increase of public transparency, civic
hackathons or ”app contests” became an opportunity
for governments to invest in crowdsourced software
as a new form of procurement (Johnson and Robin-
son, 2014). These are issue-oriented hackathons, fo-
cused on governance and public life, that go in a dif-
ferent direction of corporate hackathons, which con-
centrate on specific technologies and business oppor-
tunities (DiSalvo et al., 2014).
Initial competitions for ”civic apps” development
brought the argument that a few thousands of dollars
invested in prizes would generate crowdsourced soft-
ware that altogether would cost millions of dollars to
develop (Lee et al., 2015). However, in recent years,
the potential of these contests started to be criticized
due to numerous issues such as the apps’ utility (Carr
and Lassiter, 2017) or quality (Johnson and Robinson,
2014), and the hackathons process (Ferrario et al.,
2014) or scope definition (Lee et al., 2015).
Apps developed in civic hackathons are said to be
quickly abandoned by users because of a lack of fo-
cus on the citizen (Townsend, 2013). These claims are
in part confirmed by a study(Lee et al., 2015) report-
ing that developers participating in these competitions
have a limited perspective of the city problems and lit-
tle experience with city services. Therefore, they usu-
ally create what they think to be appealing, guided by
their personal experience. However, that study also
brings into discussion other aspects such the appli-
cations being of low quality. Johnson and Robinson
(Johnson and Robinson, 2014) also mention the vari-
able quality and highlight that the gap between design
and implementation signals the importance of track-
ing the outcomes of civic hackathons.
Besides these claims about the results of civic
hackathons, we also found contradictions in the lit-
erature about the motivation of participants to join
these events. While some studies say participants
join these competitions because of money and prizes
(Almirall et al., 2014), others allege that those are the
least important motivation factors (Hartmann et al.,
2016) (Juell-Skielse et al., 2014). Briscoe and Mul-
Gama, K.
Crowdsourced Software Development in Civic Apps - Motivations of Civic Hackathons Participants.
DOI: 10.5220/0006377005500555
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 550-555
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ligan (Briscoe and Mulligan, 2014) present the top
three reasons for attending a hackathon as learning,
networking, and social change, while prizes come in
fourth place.
After looking for empirical studies with deeper
analysis and evidence to support all of those claims,
we found academic research about civic hackathons
to be scarce and limited. Johnson ad Robinson (John-
son and Robinson, 2014) mention that fact which is
reinforced by more recent work from Carr and Las-
siter (Carr and Lassiter, 2017). Even though crowd-
sourced labor is one of the most common features of
civic hackathons (DiSalvo et al., 2014), we still found
limited literature on software engineering research
focusing on civic hackathons as a way of software
crowdsourcing. Currently, studies of crowdsourcing
in software engineering (Mao et al., 2016) are rather
focused on a perspective where global software engi-
neers are recruited through open calls in online plat-
forms. Concerning motivation in civic hackathons,
most of the work is either addressed to more gen-
eral forms of crowdsourcing (Leimeister et al., 2009)
(Hossain, 2012) or brings limited studies sampling
the participants of just one competition (Juell-Skielse
et al., 2014) (Decker et al., 2015).
We decided to do a preliminary study to gather
data under the perspective of hackathon participants,
focusing on two points: (1) how they are dealing with
software engineering activities and (2) what motiva-
tion factors make they join such competitions. Based
on that, we did an online survey with civic hackathon
participants from different countries. We presented
the results around point (1) in another work (Gama,
2017), while the results around point (2) we detail
here. What we explore the current article is based
on the following research question: ”What are the
main motivation factors of participants in civic
hackathons?”. With this study, we want to gain an
initial understanding on that topic as well as to verify
if our preliminary results can support the claims we
found in literature. It also allows us to provide empir-
ical evidence for a diverse audience (e.g., hackathon
organizers, open data specialists) interested in civic
hackathons as a form of software crowdsourcing.
The remainder of this paper presents related work
in section 2, section 3 presents the methodology we
employed, section 4 discusses the results of our sur-
vey, followed by our conclusions in section 5.
From a general perspective on crowdsourcing, there
are some studies highlighting aspects that motivate
people to join such practices. Leimeister et al.
(Leimeister et al., 2009) analyze motives and in-
centives that lead to participation in information
technology-based ideas competition. Intrinsic moti-
vation is related to behavior initiated without exter-
nal incentives (e.g. a hobby). External motivation is
activated by external incentives (e.g., direct or indi-
rect monetary compensation, recognition by others).
They allege that competitions organizers are not able
to influence intrinsic motivation. In a crowdsource
competition organized by a large technology com-
pany, Leimester and colleagues found that prizes were
an important motivation aspect after ”Appreciation by
the organizer.
These findings go in a different direction from
other studies, like (Seltzer and Mahmoudi, 2012) who
emphasize that any compensation by money or re-
wards is less important than more subjective aspects
such as the prospect for public recognition or satis-
fying inner desires. Hossain (Hossain, 2012) per-
formed a study on motivation in crowdsourcing where
he mentions intrinsic incentives as the dominant mo-
tivational factor in open source software. When ana-
lyzing crowdsourcing platforms, the author arrives at
the conclusion that extrinsic motivation is more domi-
nant than intrinsic motivation. However, that analysis
is limited since it is solely based on the analysis of
platforms, without ever collecting opinions of people
that participate in crowdsourcing.
If we narrow down the scope to studies focusing
on civic apps development on different types of civic
app competitions (e.g., civic hackathons), we also see
contradiction about the importance of prizes. Almi-
rall et al. (Almirall et al., 2014) support the argument
that instead of being motivated by civic engagement,
hackathon and application development contest de-
velopers are driven by entrepreneurship and the re-
wards of the contests. There is no data presented
by the authors to support those claims. Decker et
al. (Decker et al., 2015) found that the social as-
pect and the community involvement aspect were rel-
evant to some of the participants of a non-competitive
hackathon they organized. (Lee et al., 2015) mention
that developers go to civic app contests not only af-
ter money but also looking for visibility that would
help them get investments. In a study of 24 civic
app contests (Hartmann et al., 2016), researchers con-
firmed that civic hackathons are typically centered on
the support of open data usage and development of
useful services for citizens. Participants are driven
by motivation around engaging in the construction of
that as well as meeting new people, discussing ideas
and improving skills. Juell et al. (Juell-Skielse et al.,
2014) performed a survey with participants of a 24-
Crowdsourced Software Development in Civic Apps - Motivations of Civic Hackathons Participants
hour civic hackathon held in Sweden; the authors
found that the top three triggers of motivation were
all related to intrinsic motivation: fun and enjoyment,
intellectual challenge, and status and reputation.
Briscoe and Mulligan (Briscoe and Mulligan,
2014) on a survey with 150 participants from the USA
reported that the motivation for these people to partic-
ipate in hackathons was learning, networking, social
change, win prizes, free pizza, build a product, glory,
find a team, find employment, and attract investors, in
that order.
Hackathons, in general, have been used as a learn-
ing platform (Nandi and Mandernach, 2016), where
students can teach and learn from their peers. Partic-
ipating students spawned creativity and enthusiasm.
The hackathons established valuable mentorship con-
nections with alumni. The authors mention that stu-
dents involved in these hackathons tend to have better
grades than those who did not participate. We found
this related to the different forms of intrinsic motiva-
tions, from an interpersonal level, such as cooperation
and recognition, which are supported by (Malone and
Lepper, 1987) in the context of learning.
In our study, we used a survey to gain a broad un-
derstanding on how participants of civic hackathons
perceive the software development practices they em-
ploy in the different project lifecycle activities and
what factors they consider more important as moti-
vation for joining such competitions.
3.1 Research Question
When performing survey research, having clear re-
search questions is a precondition (Easterbrook et al.,
2008). Before defining the questionnaire, we defined
our research questions that would be broken down
into a more detailed questionnaire. Our research fo-
cuses on two concerns: (1) how civic hackathons are
dealing with software engineering activities and (2)
what motivation factors make they join such competi-
tions. In complementary work (Gama, 2017), we dis-
cuss research questions concentrated on the first con-
cern (1) while the second one is depicted below:
RQ: ”What are the main motivation factors of
participants in civic hackathons?”. We try to un-
derstand the motivations of people that participate in
civic hackathons. For instance, participants of civic
hackathons are driven by motivations such as meeting
new people, discussing ideas, and improving skills
rather than going after money (Hartmann et al., 2016).
Table 1: Motivation factors asked to civic hackathon par-
ticipants. The answer was measured in a five-point Likert
scale, ranging from ”not important at all” (1) to ”very im-
portant” (5).
Motivation Factor
MF1 Prizes (cash, products)
MF2 Engaging in the resolution of civic problems
MF3 Learning and developing new skills
MF4 Performing teamwork
MF5 Networking (make contacts, meet new people)
MF6 Increase your visibility in the community
3.2 Questionnaire Design
In agreement with the research question, the question-
naire was formulated based on our field observation
from previous experiences in the organization of civic
hackathons. We validated it with other two hackathon
organizers who suggested rephrasing some of the sen-
tences to avoid ambiguity.
In a previous attempt of an exploratory survey
employing open questions, we did not get many re-
sponses after sending out emails to participants from
civic hackathons. Thus, instead of open-ended ques-
tions, in the survey instrument described here we
focused on multiple choice questions, which were
grouped into three sections:
Participant profile: Since teams in civic
hackathons may mix people with different
backgrounds, we asked about the participant’s ex-
perience and their roles in the project (developer,
designer, project manager, activist).
Software Engineering Practices: This section
contained questions about different project activ-
ities: requirements gathering, software design,
project management, development, configuration
management, testing, software release, and main-
tenance. The results from this section were
explored and detailed further in another work
(Gama, 2017).
Motivation: In this final section, which is the fo-
cus of this article, we used a ve-point Likert scale
(ranging from ”not important at all” to ”very im-
portant”) to ask participants about the importance
of different factors that may have motivated them
in the hackathon. Table 1 details the motivation
factors we asked participants.
3.3 Population and Sampling
Certain scenarios make difficult to gather probabil-
ity samples from a significant part of the target pop-
ulation. Trying to reach out participants of civic
hackathons who were willing to answer a survey
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
questionnaire was not an easy task. Therefore, our
best option was to gather non-probability samples,
which is supported by Kitchenham (Kitchenham and
Pfleeger, 2008) in situations when the target popula-
tion is very specific and of limited availability. Re-
sponses from a convenience sample might be useful
in developing research hypotheses in early stages of
research (Fricker, 2008), which is our case.
We use a Google Form as the online question-
naire that collected the data. The sampling was per-
formed by sending the survey to participants of three
civic hackathons: Hackacity
, GovHack
and Hacker
. These competitions were held in May, July
and August of 2016, and January of 2017 respec-
tively. The first one took place held in Australia/New
Zealand while the other two happened in Brazil.
GovHack is one the worlds biggest annual open
data hackathon, attracting over 3,000 participants
from 40 different locations in the 2016 in Australia
and New Zealand
. The access to them was done
online during the last day of the hackathon through
messages posted on Twitter by one the organizers and
through Slack
In the other two of civic hackathons we were the
organizers: Hackacity and Hacker Cidad
ao). The for-
mer was a 24-hour event that was held simultaneously
in four cities worldwide, focused on solutions that
will have an impact in the city. We applied the sur-
vey to 45 participants in the Brazilian side. The latter
is the official hackathon from the City Hall of Recife,
Brazil, which was held in two rounds on two consec-
utive weekends, involving 46 competitors. The goal
was to create civic applications that use data from the
city’s Open Data Portal as well as from connected
sensors. All participants from both hackathons re-
ceived the survey link by email in the week after the
event. We sent a reminder email a week later.
We also used the Facebook social network to post
the link to the survey in 12 civic hackathon communi-
ties and also sent it to some civic hackers mailing lists.
However, the data collected was not representative of
any demographics (e.g., region, country) therefore it
was not used in our analysis.
Our questionnaire had 123 respondents from three
civic hackathons: GovHack (55 responses), Hackac-
ity (32 responses) and Hacker Cidad
ao (36 re-
sponses). We used the same set of responses in
our analysis of software engineering practices (Gama,
2017), where we decided to consider a subset of re-
sponses only from participants who marked ”devel-
oper” as their role in the team. However, in this
study of motivation factors presented here, we exam-
ine the responses from all participants, from all roles.
We decided to partition our responses grouping them
by hackathons. This partitioning approach is useful
when one may want to compare responses from dif-
ferent subgroups, reporting it separately, and can also
be used to alleviate initial design errors of the survey
(Kitchenham and Pfleeger, 2008).
4.1 Motivation Factors
The motivation factors were analyzed for all re-
sponses, since we were interested in the motivation
of all participants, regardless of their profile or back-
ground. A summary of the results is presented in
Table 2. We chose to consider the values from the
Likert scale as intervals (Brown, 2011), which al-
lowed to use descriptive statistics that helped sum-
marize the data from our sample and understand the
central tendencies. A similar approach was used in
(Juell-Skielse et al., 2014) to analyze the main moti-
vation factors of participants in a 24-hour hackathon.
4.2 Discussion
This section discusses survey results from the per-
spective of the research question ”What are the
main motivation factors of participants in civic
hackathons?”. The discussion is centered around the
data presented in Table 2.
Contradicting claims we found concerning the
motivation around prizes (Almirall et al., 2014), our
results show it was the least important motivation
factor for the civic hackathon participants we sur-
veyed, as illustrated in the answers of MF1. If we
look at the top three motivation factors for respon-
dents of those competitions, learning and develop-
ing new skills (MF3) was rated as the most impor-
tant factor by respondents of two competitions (Gov-
Hack and Hackacity) and as the third most impor-
tant in Hacker Cidad
ao. This reinforces the perspec-
tive of a hackathon being also a learning environ-
ment (Nandi and Mandernach, 2016). Networking
(MF5) was considered as the second most important
Crowdsourced Software Development in Civic Apps - Motivations of Civic Hackathons Participants
Table 2: Mean, standard deviation, mode and median of the results about motivation factors (see Table 1) in civic hackathon
GovHack (N=55) Hackacity (N=32) Hacker Cidadao (N=36)
Mean SD Mode Median Mean SD Mode Median Mean SD Mode Median
MF1 2.73 1.08 3 3 3.34 1.1 3 3 3.81 0.95 4 4
MF2 3.85 0.99 4 4 4.47 0.67 5 5 4.75 0.65 5 5
MF3 4.22 0.83 5 4 4.78 0.42 5 5 4.72 0.57 5 5
MF4 4.11 0.98 5 4 4.44 0.8 5 5 4.64 0.68 5 5
MF5 4.05 1.03 5 4 4.56 0.91 5 5 4.75 0.50 5 5
MF6 4 1 4 4 4.22 0.97 5 4.5 4.53 0.77 5 5
factor for respondents from two hackathons (Hackac-
ity and Hacker Cidad
ao) and as the third most im-
portant factor for GovHack respondents. Engaging
in the resolution of civic problems (MF2) was the
most important factor in the responses from Hacker
ao. Performing teamwork (MF4) was the sec-
ond most important factor in the answers from Gov-
Hack but was less important for respondents of the
other hackathons.
4.3 Threats to Validity
Like any research, this one poses some threats to va-
lidity. Easterbrook et al. (Easterbrook et al., 2008)
state that in survey research one of the major chal-
lenges is to control for sampling bias. Due to that risk,
it is dangerous to draw strong inferences from the
samples (Kitchenham and Pfleeger, 2008). It applies
to this survey, which has a limited representation of
the target population. The samples have only the per-
spective of participants from three hackathons, which
is a limiting factor. The professional background of
participants was not collected, which may lead to an-
other bias. For instance, students may be more mo-
tivated to learning. According to general estimates
from hackathon organizers, the overall profile of Gov-
Hack participants is a fairly distributed proportion of
both professionals and students, while Hackacity and
Hacker Cidad
ao had a slight majority of students.
The low response rate from GovHack also is a ma-
jor limitation. Researcher bias also poses threats to
validity in the formulation of questions. Our experi-
ence in the organization of civic hackathons may have
influenced the questions regarding the practices ob-
served in hackathon participants, instead of going to a
broader view. The survey has a probability of having
responses from members of the same team, however,
we intended to measure individual perceptions.
Many government agencies have been exploring
hackathons as a way to foster the usage of public open
data and as an attempt to crowdsource the develop-
ment of civic applications. We can find in literature
criticism about the resulting applications (e.g., bad re-
quirements definition, lack of quality in the applica-
tions, incomplete work) and contradictions about the
real motivations of participants in those competitions.
However, those claims are mostly based on anecdo-
tal evidence. We collected data in a survey with civic
hackathon participants in order to find empirical evi-
dence. Results concerning applications are presented
in another work (Gama, 2017), while motivation fac-
tors are detailed and analyzed in the current work.
After examining the data collected with partici-
pants from three civic hackathons, we could find sup-
port to some of the claims reported in the literature.
When looking into the motivation of participants, we
found that prizes are the least important factor. The
top three motivation factors were learning and devel-
oping new skills, networking with other people, and
engagement in the resolution of civic problems. This
is aligned with the findings of (Briscoe and Mulligan,
2014), who reported similar results in another study
involving 150 hackathon participants from the USA,
where the top three reasons for attending a hackathon
were learning, networking and social change.
Among future work to be pursued, we plan to per-
form a broader study involving more competitions
with pre- and post-hackathon interviews, to gather
data that can reveal motivation factors we could not
find or were not apparent in literature.
This research was partially funded by INES 2.0,
FACEPE PRONEX project APQ 0388-1.03/14. The
author acknowledges support from the organiza-
tion of GovHack (Richard Tubb and Kathy Reid),
Hacker Cidad
ao (Breno Alencar and Eugenio An-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tunes) and Hackacity (Margarida Campolargo and
Claudio Nascimento).
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Crowdsourced Software Development in Civic Apps - Motivations of Civic Hackathons Participants