A System for Aspect-based Opinion Mining of Hotel Reviews
Isidoros Perikos, Konstantinos Kovas, Foteini Grivokostopoulou and Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis
Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Keywords: Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Online Reviews Analysis, Text Mining, Latent Dirichlet Allocation,
Dependency Tree.
Abstract: Online travel portals are becoming important parts for sharing travel information. User generated content
and information in user reviews is valuable to both travel companies and to other people and can have a
substantial impact on their decision making process. The automatic analysis of used generated reviews can
provide a deeper understanding of users attitudes and opinions. In this paper, we present a work on the
automatic analysis of user reviews on the booking.com portal and the automatic extraction and visualization
of information. An aspect based approach is followed where latent dirichlet allocation is utilized in order to
model topic opinion and natural language processing techniques are used to specify the dependencies on a
sentence level and determine interactions between words and aspects. Then Naïve Bayes machine learning
method is used to recognize the polarity of the user’s opinion utilizing the sentence’s dependency triples. To
evaluate the performance of our method, we collected a wide set of reviews for a series of hotels from
booking.com. The results from the evaluation study are very encouraging and indicate that the system is
fast, scalable and most of all accurate in analyzing user reviews and in specifying users’ opinions and stance
towards the characteristics of the hotels and can provide comprehensive hotel information.
User web reviews on hotels and services constitute a
valuable source of information. The growth of web
2.0 and the rise of social portals where users can
share their experiences have changed the role of
users and have transformed them to active producers
of valuable content. User generated content and
reviews on hotels in web travel portals are rich in
opinions and experiences and can provide very
indicative information for the characteristics of the
services that users receive (Mellinas et al., 2016).
Indeed, with the advent of Web 2.0, the social media
and the web platforms, people have become more
eager to express their opinions and share their
experiences online regarding almost all aspects of
their activities and experiences (Ravi & Ravi, 2015).
The advances on Web 2.0 services have caused
substantial changes in the procedures of the tourism
sector and have brought great innovations (Hu et al.,
2017). Travel portals are becoming more and more
necessary and helpful to users when deciding which
hotel to choose and which service to acquire. The
growth of the reviewing and feedback capabilities of
the travel portals has rendered the internet the main
means of seeking and acquiring travel information
generated by other people. The user generated
contents and hotel reviews on travel portals are
growing in an exponential rate and can provide
access to a wide pool of opinions and experiences of
many other people (Bjørkelund et al., 2012; Tian et
al., 2016). Users through the travel portals can
communicate and share their perspectives and
opinions and a great number of reviews is generated
on a daily rate (Hu et al., 2017).
As the online commerce activity continuously
grows, the role of online reviews is expected to
become more and more important in the user
decision making process (Moghaddam and Ester,
2012). These kinds of user reviews and opinions
have always been an important piece of information
that can greatly affect people decisions. Almost 95%
of the people read online user generated hotel
reviews when they are about to make a booking
decision and more than one third of them find them
of extreme importance in making their hotel decision
(Ady, and Quadri-Felitti, 2015). This highlights the
significance of reviews in the booking process and
suggests that the analysis of the user reviews on
travel portals and booking sites could assist both the
travelers in choosing the proper hotel and services to
acquire and also the hoteliers in monitoring and
Perikos I., Kovas K., Grivokostopoulou F. and Hatzilygeroudis I.
A System for Aspect-based Opinion Mining of Hotel Reviews.
DOI: 10.5220/0006377103880394
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 388-394
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
understating what their customers liked and what did
not (Baka, 2016; Guo et al., 2017). Indeed, positive
online user reviews on hotels can have a significant
impact on other customers’ decision-making process
while on the other hand, complaints and negative
reviews and comments could easily cause potential
customers to lose loyalty and create negative
electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) (Au et al., 2009;
Wu et al., 2010). Thus, the user generated reviews
are useful for behavior analysis and their accurate
analysis and understanding is of great importance for
businesses. However, the automatic analysis of user
generated content and reviews on hotels constitute a
very challenging procedure.
In this paper, we present a work on the automatic
aspect-based analysis of hotels reviews on the
booking.com travel portal and the automatic
extraction and visualization of information. An
aspect based approach is followed. Initially, latent
dirichlet allocation is utilized to model topic opinion
and natural language processing approaches are used
to specify the dependencies on a sentence level.
Then, a Naive Bayes classifier is used to recognize
the polarity of the user’s opinion utilizing the
sentence’s dependency triples. An extensive
evaluation study was conducted and revealed very
promising results. The results indicate that the
system is fast, scalable and most of all accurate in
analyzing user reviews and in specifying users’
opinions and stance towards the characteristics of
hotels. Also results indicate that the system can
provide comprehensive hotel information in a
concise way. Several studies have shown that
analysing and recognizing opinions in text is a quite
complex problem which is acknowledged to be
NLP-complete and the interpretation highly depends
on the context and the background world knowledge
(Shanahan et al., 2006).
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2, literature is surveyed and related works
are presented. In Section 3, the proposed method is
illustrated and the system developed is described. In
Section 4, the results from the experimental
evaluation are presented and discussed. Finally, in
Section 5 conclusions are presented and also main
directions for future work are described.
2.1 Background Topics
When coming to user generated content and reviews
on products and services, opinion mining has been
studied manly on three different types of granularity,
that are the document level, the sentence level and
the feature level. Document level aims to find the
general sentiment of the author of the text. For
example, given a user hotel review, it determines
whether the reviewer is positive or negative about
the hotel. Sentence level focuses on individual
sentences and aims to find whether a sentence
expresses an opinion or not, and then whether the
opinion is positive or negative (Liu, 2010). Studies
have shown that both document level and sentence
level analyses in general do not discover what
exactly the user liked or not (Freitas and Vieira,
2013) (Liu, 2010). Feature-based approaches require
in general some kind of manual tuning of various
parameters something that can make them complex
to port to other data (Moghaddam and Ester, 2011).
Models that rely on latent variable models can
overcome the aforementioned limitations mainly by
learning the model parameters from the data in an
automated approach. In this line, the design and the
implementation of efficient aspect-based approaches
is crucial for the accurate understanding of people
thoughts and opinions towards each aspect of the
hotel services they received and experienced.
Indeed, although some traveling portals ask
customers to express an overall rating that can be
denoted in stars, focusing just on the overall rate of
the hotel will not be sufficient in any case for a user
to make a decision (Moghaddam and Ester, 2012).
2.2 Related Work
The analysis of user generated content and reviews
in web travel portals has attracted the increasing
attention of researchers in computer science, natural
language processing and sentiment analysis mainly
during the last decade. In the literature, there is an
increasing research interest and many studies have
been made on the design of methods and the
development of systems for the mining of opinion in
text. A thorough and complete description of
approaches and techniques can be found in the
literature (Medhat et al., 2014; Liu and Zhang, 2012;
Vinodhini and Chandrasekaran, 2012). Several
works study the way people express opinions and try
to identify opinions in forums, social media and
travel portals (Cercel and Trausan-Matu, 2014; Liu,
In the work presented in (Bjørkelund et al.,
2012), authors present a system that assists tourists
in choosing the appropriate hotel by visualizing
polarity information on Google maps. Authors use
A System for Aspect-based Opinion Mining of Hotel Reviews
the burst technique in order to find changes in users’
opinions and visualizations represent good and bad
hotels in graphical map forms. In the work presented
in (Berezina et al., 2016), authors examine the
underpinnings of hotel users that were satisfied and
dissatisfied using text-mining approaches on the
online hotel reviews. Authors achieve this mainly by
comparing the online hotel reviews of satisfied users
to the reviews of others and those of dissatisfied
using text-link analysis of the reviews. Authors in
the work presented in (Wang and Fu, 2010), present
a model that extracts data from NTCIR- 6 opinion
corpus. The Chi- Square metric is utilized in order to
extract the subjective cues from the customer
reviews which are then used to find the subjectivity
density from training data. Then, a Naïve Bayes
classifier is applied for the classification of
subjectivity reporting satisfactory results. In the
work presented in (Ye et al., 2009) authors present
an approach on analyzing user reviews on travel
sites using supervised machine learning approaches
such as Support vector machines and Naïve Bayes.
The N-gram model is used to represent text and the
evaluation results report quite satisfactory accuracy
which is above 80%.
In this section, the system developed to analyze user
reviews on booking.com is presented and its
functionality is illustrated. It overall workflow is
depicted in Figure 1.
Initially, the system’s crawler is used to access
hotel pages on booking.com, and to collect and
index the user reviews on them. The collected
reviews undergo a series of analyses. Latent
Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is used to model the
topic and specify main aspects. The analysis of the
textual reviews is conducted on sentence level, so a
given review is split in sentences. Each sentence is
analyzed by Stanford parser tool and the dependency
tree indicating the interaction among the sentence
words is created. Sentences that contain key aspects
among the dependencies of the sentence words are
forwarded to the Naïve Bayes classifier, trained to
recognize the existence and the polarity of users
opinions towards the aspect.
3.1 Indexing and Preprocessing of
The first part of the system consists of the crawler
Figure 1: An overview of the workflow of the approach.
developed to automatically assess, retrieve and index
user reviews on the booking.com travel portal. The
crawler follows a hotel-based retrieval process
where hotels are accessed and users’ reviews
towards the hotel are retrieved and indexed. It
automatically extracts all reviews on a single hotel
using the hotel’s information page on the
booking.com portal. Then the crawler can navigate
through hotels to extract all users’ reviews. The
textual content of the reviews are stored on the
system’s database. For each review, are retrieved the
date that it was created, the full textual content of the
review, the title of the review (if any) and also user
related information such as the type of user’s travel
(e.g. business, leisure, solo, couple, family).
The retrieved reviews are indexed in the
database of the system and natural language analysis
processes are conducted. Initially, sentences of the
review are split and then each sentence is separately
handled by the system.
3.2 Topic Modelling using LDA
Latent Dirichlet Allocation is a powerful and widely
used approach for the modelling of topics and it
infers hidden topic structure from the reviews based
on a probabilistic framework. The idea behind the
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
method utilized in the approach is that all hotel
reviews share the same topic set but each hotel’s
review corpus exhibits a different probabilistic
mixture of those topics. In general, the LDA model
assumes that there is a hidden structure which
consists of a set of topics in the whole textual
dataset. The LDA algorithm utilizes and relies on the
co-occurrence of the words in the different reviews
in order to infer the underling hidden structure. The
model computes the posterior distribution of the
unobserved variables in the corpus of the review. So,
for a specified part of training reviews, the LDA
specifies two main outputs. The first output is a set
of topics which are associated with the set of words,
which contribute to the topic via their weights. The
second output consists of a set of reviews with a
vector of weight values displaying the probability of
a review containing a specific topic. After the
specification of the main aspects of the reviews
corpus, the analysis of each textual review is
3.3 Textual Analysis of Reviews
The system analyzes the structure of each sentence
with the use of the Stanford parser (De Marneffe et
al. 2006). The Stanford parser is used to determine
the grammatical structure of a sentence and specify
for each word its base form (lemma) and its
grammatical role in the sentence. Also, it specifies
the relationships between the sentence’s words and
determines the corresponding dependencies, which
provide remarkable assistance in sentence analysis.
The dependency tree represents the complete
grammatical relations between the sentence’s words
in a concise tree based approach. Dependencies in
general indicate the way that sentence’s words are
connected and interact with each other. When the
sentence morphosyntactic analysis is completed and
the dependency tree is created, special parts of the
dependency tree and specific words are further
analyzed. The dependency tree is analyzed and the
relationships and types of interactions/connections
between the sentence words are examined. As an
example case, let us consider the sentence: "The
morning breakfast was nicely presented". The
dependencies of the sentence indicating the way that
the sentence words are connected are the following:
"The morning breakfast was nicely presented."
((‘presented’, ‘VBN’), ‘nsubjpass’, (‘breakfast’,
((‘breakfast’,‘NN’),‘det’, (‘The’, ‘DT’)),
((‘breakfast’,‘NN’),‘compound’, (‘morning’, ‘NN’)),
((‘presented’,‘VBN’),‘auxpass’, (‘was’, ‘VBD’)),
((‘presented’,‘VBN’),‘advmod’, (‘nicely’, ‘RB’)).
and the dependency tree of the sentence is depicted
in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Dependency tree of the sentence.
The specification of the dependencies is a quite
important step of the proposed approach. After the
analysis of the user’s review and the specification of
a person’s references to specific aspects of the hotel,
the sentence that contains that aspects, is deeper
analysed and the word dependencies are specified.
These word dependencies can provide indicative
clues to the machine learning algorithm in order to
specify user’s attitude towards the specific aspect
he/she mentioned and addressed in his/her review.
3.4 Polarity Recognition
The recognition of the user’s opinion towards each
aspect is conducted using the Naïve Bayes classifier.
After the analysis of a user’s comment on a sentence
level, and the recognition of aspect in a sentence, the
sentence’s words and the corresponding
dependencies are given as input to the Naïve Bayes
classifier in order to classify the sentence into the
proper polarity category. The output of the classifier
concerns the one of the three categories neutral,
positive, negative that classifies the user’s textual
mention to the aspect. The integration of the Naïve
Bayes method in the system was decided based on
its performance during the experimental phase.
Naïve Bayes is a widely used model for
classification and it can achieve high accuracy when
it comes to text categorization. It is based on Bayes
theorem and assumes that documented words are
generated through a probability mechanism. The
lexical units of a textual corpus are labelled with a
specific category or with a specific category set and
are processed computationally. During this
processing, each document is treated as a bag of
words, and the document is assumed not to have any
internal word structure, and words do not have any
interconnection. The Bayesian formula calculates
the probability of a defined polarity class as:
A System for Aspect-based Opinion Mining of Hotel Reviews
In the formula P(c) represents the probability that a
sentence belongs to category c, P(s) represents the
probability of the occurrence of sentence s’, P(s|c)
represents the probability sentence s to belong to
the category c and finally, P(c|s) represents the
probability that given the sentence s’, the sentence
belongs to category c. The term P(s|c) can be
calculated by taking into account that the conditional
probabilities of occurrences of sentence words given
category c, as follows:
= 𝑃(𝑠
where 𝑃(𝑠
|𝑐) is the probability that the term 𝑠
occurs given the category c, and n represents the
length of the sentence s.
3.5 Hotel Statistics
After the analysis of all users’ reviews on a hotel,
the system can provide indicative aspect-based, hotel
centric statistics of users’ reviews. This piece of
information is visualized in various graphical forms
and can represent the summative opinions of users.
Statistics and visualizations could be assistive to
both users and hotel administrative staff to monitor
their customer’s opinions across the characteristics
of the hotel services offered to them.
Figure 3: Analysis of the reviews for specific hotel.
Initially, given an inquiry about the analysis of a
hotel’s reviews on the booking.com travel portal (as
presented in Figure 3), the system retrieves and
analyzes each review and specifies the user’s
attitude in the review towards the aspects he/she
mentioned in his/her review. In the context of the
system’s functionality the number of the aspects
specified by LDA method was 15. In an example
case hotel, the presentence of the aspects mentioned
in the users reviews are depicted by the system in
figures such as Figure 4.
The most frequently mentioned aspect in users
reviews was specified to be the room and after that
the hotel location, the staff, the cleanness and the
bed. Given the 15 aspects specified, the less
Figure 4: Percentage of aspects that were indicated in user
frequently mentioned aspect was the reception, and
the (existence of nearby) station. Also, the system
illustrates the rates of the polarity users’ opinions.
Figure 5: Rates of the polarity of users’ opinions towards
each aspect.
Given the above example diagram, almost half
of the users mentions to the room aspect were
specified to be negative, approximately 40% were
specified to be positive and only 10% were specified
to be neutral.
In this section, we present the experimental study
that was designed and conducted and also the results
collected. Initially, we describe the datasets that
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
were used in the study and then, the results and the
performance of the system.
4.1 Dataset
A dataset that consisted of user generated reviews on
various hotels on booking.com was formulated.
Initially, the crawler of the system accessed and
obtained hotel reviews for various hotels and, for the
needs of the study, a total number of 1131 reviews
for 27 hotels were used to formulate the dataset. For
a hotel centric scope, we indexed hotels that had
more than 25 reviews written in English language.
After that, an expert human annotator was used
to read each review and specify the user’s opinion
polarity for the aspects that he/she mentions. These
annotations made by the human expert were used as
gold standard for the evaluation of the system’s
4.2 Results
In the context of the study the annotated dataset of
reviews that had their polarity on aspects determined
by the expert, was used and the performance of the
system was assessed. Given that we have a multiple
class output variable, we use the following metrics:
average accuracy, precision and F-measure
(Sokolova and Lapalme, 2009). In general, for a
given class, the precision metric is the fraction of the
instances that were classified to a class and actually
belong to that class, while recall is the fraction of
instances that belong to class A that were correctly
classified to that class. The F-measure metric
combines the recall and precision values and is
calculated as follows:
𝐹_𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 = 2 ×
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐 × 𝑟𝑒𝑐
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐 + 𝑟𝑒𝑐
Table 1: Performance in detecting the polarity of the
The results indicate that the system’s
performance is quite encouraging. The system
specified correctly the category of the polarity of
users’ mentions on aspects in almost 72% of the
cases. A deeper examination of the systems
performance revealed the cases that were
misclassified concerned neutral opinions that were
classified as polarized. Also, the system’s
performance in separating positive from negative
mentions of aspects is very good. Results show that
the system is performing quite well and it can be
utilized to provide an analysis of users reviews in
order to assist both hotel businesses in understanding
their customers thoughts and future travelers in their
decision making process.
In this paper, we present a work on the automatic
aspect-based analysis of user reviews on the
booking.com travel portal and the automatic
extraction and visualization of information. An
aspect based approach is followed. Initially, latent
dirichlet allocation is utilized to model topic opinion
and natural language processing approaches are used
to specify the dependencies on a sentence level.
Then machine learning approaches such as Naïve
Bayes is used to recognize the polarity of the user’s
opinion utilizing the sentence’s dependency triples.
An extensive evaluation study was conducted and
revealed very promising results. The results are very
encouraging and indicate that the system is fast,
scalable and most of all accurate in analyzing user
reviews and in specifying users’ opinions and stance
towards the characteristics of the hotels. Also results
showed that the system can provide comprehensive
hotel information in a concise way.
Future work will focus and examine specific
directions. Initially, a bigger scale evaluation will be
conducted to provide a more complete insight of the
performance of the system. Another direction for
future work is to examine ensemble classification
schemas that will combine discrete classifiers under
different ensemble approaches with the aim to
enhance the classification performance.
Furthermore, another direction concerns the
examination of temporal and geographical
characteristics with the aim to capture the way that
opinions on hotel’s aspects change over time.
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