Charging/Discharging Behaviors and Integration of Electric Vehicle
to Small-Scale Energy Management System
Muhammad Aziz
Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Electric Vehicle, Charging Behaviour, Vehicle to Grid, Energy Management System.
Abstract: Integration of electric vehicle (EV) to support a small-scale energy management system (EMS) was
demonstrated and studied. Initially, charging and discharging behaviours of electric vehicle in different
seasons were evaluated to clarify the impact of surrounding temperature to charging and discharging rates. It
was found that charging and discharging during summer results in higher rates than ones during winter. In
addition, the integration of EVs to small-scale EMS (office) for peak-load shifting showed a very positive
effect. Discharging of EVs during noon’s peak load can cut and shift the load. Therefore, higher contracted
capacity of electricity can be avoided leading to lower total electricity cost.
A massive adoption of electric vehicle (EV) replacing
the conventional internal combustion engine vehicle
(ICEV) is potential to reduce both greenhouse gases
emission and fossil fuel consumption (Oda et al.,
2016). Therefore, better environmental impacts can
be achieved. Rapid development of EV was
accelerated by some factors including rising oil and
gas prices, enhancement in battery technology, and
policies related to environment and transportation
(Aziz et al., 2015a; Oda et al., 2017). However, EV
has some barriers in its deployment such as high
initial cost, long charging time, and limited cruising
range. Although the operating cost of EV is relatively
lower than conventional ICEV, the production cost of
EV is significantly higher (Thiel et al., 2010).
Therefore, a value-added utilization of EV is crucially
required to improve the economic performance of
EV. Hence, sustainable deployment of EV can be
achieved. However, a massive deployment of EV can
give a significant impact to the grid, especially in case
that uncontrolled charging and discharging take place
massively. To minimize the impact of this problem,
as well as increase the economic performance of EV,
the concept of vehicle to grid (V2G) has been studied
(Kempton and Letendre, 1997).
EV utilization in supporting the grid has been
evaluated by some researchers previously (Kempton
and Kubo, 2000; Tomic and Kempton, 2007; White
and Zhang, 2011; Aziz et al., 2014; Aziz et al.,
2015b). The integration of EV to grid (V2G) can be
realized because of the character of EV in both
charging and discharging behaviours. As these can be
controlled, scheduling and rate control become
The parked and connected EVs can be considered
as a potential battery which is capable to absorb, store
and deliver back the electricity from and to the grid
following the given schedule and control value. The
realization of V2G can be achieved when minimally
three essential requirements are fully satisfied: (1)
electricity connection between EV and grid, (2)
communication facilitating control flows between EV
and operator, and (3) metering system providing fair
measurement (Drude et al. 2014). In V2G system,
certain grid operator or energy management system
(EMS) can send a request for electricity to a number
of parked and plugged EVs to discharge or absorb the
electricity to and from the grid.
V2G leads to possibility of several ancillary
services to grid such as load levelling, frequency
regulation, spinning reserve, and storage (Kempton
and Tomic, 2005; Gao et al., 2014). The distributed
EVs in large number and area are potential as massive
energy storage that can be used to balance
responsively the fluctuating supply such as PV and
wind. Furthermore, because EVs are mobile, they can
be utilized as energy carrier carrying the electricity
from and to different places and time because of some
factors including price difference and emergency
condition. EV utilization in V2G is considered
Aziz, M.
Charging/Discharging Behaviors and Integration of Electric Vehicle to Small-Scale Energy Management System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006377303460351
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2017), pages 346-351
ISBN: 978-989-758-241-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
feasible because the estimated profit is higher than the
current market price of EV batteries although
considering the wear of battery.
This paper focuses mainly on two issues: 1)
evaluation on charging and discharging behaviour of
EVs, and 2) impact of peak-load cutting and shifting
in a small-scale EMS based on demonstration test.
2.1 V2G in Community Energy
Management System
A community EMS (CEMS) has been proposed in
Japan with the main aim of integrating the energy
utilization, covering both demand and supply sides,
therefore, more efficient energy utilization and
reduction of CO
emission can be realized. The
initiatives to propose and adopt CEMS came from the
willingness to harmonize energy services, minimize
environmental impacts, and maximize economic
benefit. CEMS manages both demand and supply of
energy, especially electricity, across the whole
community. It is responsible in maintaining the
balance and harmonization in the community, hence,
the comfort, security, and safety of the members are
improved. In addition, environmental parameters are
also considered in parallel with the living quality.
Therefore, in CEMS, both information and energy
are flowing simultaneously across the community.
CEMS receives and manages the information and
then delivers it to the community members according
to their function. CEMS must be sufficiently robust
and secure because it deals with personal and
authentication information from the community.
Figure 1 represents a schematic structure of
CEMS including electricity and information flows,
especially its relation with the EV utilization inside
CEMS. CEMS collects and manages the information
from smaller EMS such as building EMS (BEMS),
house EMS (HEMS), and factory EMS (FEMS). In
addition, CEMS also has a communication with the
outside of community and also upper energy supply
such as electric utilities. CEMS predicts and
maintains both energy supply and demand based on
available previous historical data for certain time and
forecasted weather information. Furthermore, CEMS
also calculates and optimizes the energy balance with
the aim of achieving the lowest energy cost
throughout its community. In addition, in case of
emergency such as disaster, CEMS evaluates and
controls the energy conditions and communicates to
its lower EMSs and negotiates with other CEMSs or
electric utilities to cover its energy demand and
recover the conditions.
Figure 1: Utilization of EVs to support CEMS.
2.2 EV Utilization System
Utilization of EVs to support the grid, including
ancillary services and storage, is possible because of
EVs characteristics. In energy storage utilization,
charging of EVs can be scheduled when the price of
electricity drops because of electricity surplus in the
grid. In addition, when the electricity price increases,
electricity can be discharged and delivered back to the
grid, leading to economic margin for the owner. The
ancillary services from EV to grid includes frequency
regulation (both up and down) and spinning reserve.
Ancillary services are important to maintain the
quality of the electricity. As the responses of EV in
both charging and discharging are very fast, the
ancillary service by EV is considered potential.
Figure 2 represents the schematic utilization of
EVs for grid support. In general, there are two
schemes in this utilization: direct and aggregator-
based schemes. The collection of real time data in a
certain interval from EVs includes battery state of
charge (SOC), EVs position and predicted arrival
time. This data collection is performed by a vehicle
information system (VIS). In the reality, VIS can be
owned and operated directly by EMS, aggregator or
independent service operator.
Figure 2: Schemes in utilization of EV supporting the grid:
(a) direct scheme, (b) aggregator-based scheme.
In direct scheme, EV owners have the service contract
Charging/Discharging Behaviors and Integration of Electric Vehicle to Small-Scale Energy Management System
directly with electricity-related entities. In this
scheme, both the electricity and information are
handled privately. This scheme is well suited for a
relatively small-scale EMS and in where EVs are
parked and connected in relatively long time (such as
office). Its main advantage is the potential to
maximize the profit of the involved entities.
Furthermore, both charging and discharging controls
are easier as EVs are directly connected and fully
controlled by EMS. The current study focuses on this
type of utilization scheme.
On the other hand, in aggregator-based contract,
EV owners have service contracts with the
aggregator. The information including its position
and battery SOC are handled by aggregator via VIS.
Aggregator negotiates for electricity business with
the electricity-related entities (EMS or electricity
utilities). This kind of utilization scheme is prevalent
for relatively large-scale EMS or electricity utilities.
EVs may be distributed in different location, such as
charging stations and parking areas. The electricity to
and from EVs may be transferred via power wheeling
system through the available grids. Aggregator offers
some possible ancillary services to the EV owners. In
turn, EV owners can choose them and receive their
profit payment from aggregator.
Load levelling correlates strongly with the
management of both demand and supply of
electricity. Its aim is lowering the total power
consumption in peak hours by shifting the load from
peak to off-peak hours. Load levelling can be
performed through peak-load shifting and peak-load
cutting. The former is defined as moving the
electricity load during peak time to off-peak time. It
could be achieved through utilization of stationary
battery or other storages. The latter deals with the
effort to reduce the electricity purchased from the grid
by generating or purchasing the electricity. In reality,
it can be performed through harvesting the energy
especially during peak hours, such as RE, or by
purchasing the electricity from other entities
including EVs. In this case, EVs are considered as
energy storage and carrier storing and transporting the
electricity from different time and place. Hence, the
economic performance of EV can be increased by
joining this kind of ancillary program.
EVs largely adopt li-ion batteries to store the
electricity as power source because of high energy
density, stable electrochemical properties, longer
lifetime, and low environmental impacts (Aziz et al.,
2016). Temperature is considered as one factors
influencing charging and discharging behaviours of
li-ion batteries. Generally, lower temperature leads to
poor charging and discharging performance because
of electrolyte limitation (Xiao et al., 2004) and
changes in electrolyte/electrode interface properties
including viscosity, density, electrolyte components,
dielectric strength, and ion diffusion capability
(Jansen et al., 2007). Liao et al. (2012) found that as
the temperature decreases, the charge transfer
resistance increases significantly, higher than bulk
resistance and solid-state interface resistance.
Unfortunately, lack of study deals with the effort
to clarify the charging behaviours in different
temperature or season. In this study, to clarify the
effect of temperature (ambient temperature), to the
charging behaviour of EV, charging in different
seasons: winter and summer, were conducted
Figure 3: Charging performances of EV in different
seasons: (a) winter, (b) summer.
Figure 3 shows the relation among charging rate,
charging time, and SOC of EV battery both in winter
(a) and summer (b). Generally, although the rated
capacity of the charger is 50 kW, the charging power
absorbed by EV battery is relatively lower, especially
in winter. Compared to charging in winter, charging
in summer leads to higher charging rate and shorter
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
charging time. Numerically, to reach SOC of 80%,
the required charging times in winter and summer
were 35 and 20 min, respectively. In summer, higher
charging rate (about 40 kW) could be achieved up to
SOC of 50%. It decreased gradually following the
increase of SOC and it showed the charging rate of 16
kW when SOC reached 80%. On the other hand, in
winter, the charging rate reached about 35 kW
instantaneously in very short time and decreased
following the increase of SOC. The charging rate
when SOC reached 80% was about 10 kW.
The schematic diagram of EV integration test to
support the electricity in a small-scale EMS is
presented in Figure 4. EMS basically controls all the
electricity demand and supply. It requests, manages,
and integrates some information: electricity load,
weather information from meteorological agency, EV
information from VIS, electricity condition from
CEMS and utilities. The meteorological agency sends
periodically the weather information. It is used by
EMS to calculate the next coming load and the
possibly generated electricity from RE. Building load
is classified into base and fluctuating loads. The
former is the minimum demand consumed by the
system to operate for 24 hours continuously.
Therefore, it is generally constant throughout the time
and almost not affected by the weather condition. In
addition, the latter depends strongly to the behaviours
of the residents. Human behaviour is influenced by
the weather condition including temperature and
humidity. In addition, the generable power from RE,
such as wind and solar, is predicted also by EMS
based on the received weather information.
EMS also receives information from VIS
including EV position, battery SOC, and estimated
arrival time. VIS collects the information from EV
routinely. The collected data is utilized to coordinate
both charging and discharging of EV and to keep the
balance of electricity distribution and avoid any peak-
load in EMS. In addition, VIS also can provide
additional services to the driver regarding the
availability of ancillary service programs offered by
EMS or aggregator. Therefore, EMS also requests
from electric utility the electricity condition and price
information. These will be used to calculate the
demand as well as the charging and discharging
behaviours of both EVs and used EV batteries.
Figure 4: Schematic diagram of developed V2G in small-
scale EMS.
4.1 Developed V2G Concept
Figure 5 represents the concept of peak-load cutting
and shifting (load levelling) developed for a small-
scale EMS. Four main subsequent steps were
proposed: (1) forecasting of load and power from RE,
(2) forecasting the amount of load levelling, (3)
correction of calculated value, and (4) charging and
discharging controls of EVs. Forecasting of load and
power from RE is conducted for 24 hours-ahead.
During forecasting of load and generable power
from RE, EMS initially requests a weather
information from meteorological agency for
calculating the generable electricity from RE
including PV and wind. In this study, the generated
electricity from RE is completely used for peak-load
cutting and will be consumed entirely with no storage.
Therefore, the weather information is also utilized to
predict the fluctuating load mainly due to human
behaviour inside the building, especially related to air
conditioning and lighting. The outputs from this first
step are forecasted RE generation and load curves for
the next 24 hours ahead.
Figure 5: Load-levelling concept used in the V2G
Once the load and RE generation have been
forecasted, EMS calculates the possible load levelling
which can be achieved in the next 24 hours. For this
purpose, EMS communicates with VIS to estimate
the number of EVs and their SOC states which are
Charging/Discharging Behaviors and Integration of Electric Vehicle to Small-Scale Energy Management System
available to join the program. VIS initially receives
the travelling schedule from the drivers and,
subsequently, VIS transfers this information to EMS
including EV’s ID, planned departure time and
estimated arrival time. Moreover, the registration of
travelling schedule by the driver should be done up to
24 hours before the departure. As the available
resources for peak-load cutting and shifting and load
curves are estimated, EMS can calculate the peak-
load cutting threshold for the next day. It is defined as
the maximum amount of electricity purchased from
the grid by EMS. It is theoretically calculated based
on some factors including electricity price, contracted
capacity, available power generation, and storage.
When the electricity consumed by the building
increases and the purchased electricity from the grid
reaches the peak-load cutting threshold, EMS sends
the command to EVs and used batteries to discharge
their electricity. Hence, the electricity purchased from
the grid is same to of lower than the calculated peak-
load cutting threshold. In the real application, it may
avoid a higher price of electricity during peak time.
When EVs are in motion, the information of EVs
is transmitted to VIS. VIS sends the data to EMS
which is used to recalculate the available electricity
from EV. EMS also recalculates the building load
based on the real weather and the real load of
building. Next, EMS modifies its energy management
plan, especially the peak-load cutting threshold.
When EVs arrive and are connected to the
chargers, they communicate directly with EMS.
Hence, all the information is updated including the
available electricity from EVs. From this moment,
EVs are ready to take part in the ancillary service
program offered by EMS. EVs are fully controlled by
EMS, especially their charging and discharging
behaviours. Finally, EMS calculates and sends the
control command to each EVs and used batteries to
keep its previously calculated peak-load cutting
4.2 Demonstration Test
The demonstration test facility was constructed in the
factory area of Mitsubishi Motors Corp., Okazaki,
Japan. It was connected and utilized to support the
electricity of the main office building. As RE
generator, 20 kW PV panels were installed on the roof
top of test bed. Five EVs (battery capacity of 16
kWh), Mitsubishi i-Miev G, were taking part in the
program and the drivers were also the employee.
Hence, EVs were mostly parked and plugged to the
charging poles during working hours. Therefore, five
used batteries, used for about 1 year from the same
type of EV, were also installed and directly owned by
EMS. EMS are managing all the demand and supply
sides of the test bed. On the other hand, VIS was also
developed as a standalone system to communicate
with EVs and transfer the information to EMS.
Used batteries were practically used for peak-load
shifting. They were charged during the night time
(off-peak hours) when the price of electricity was
cheaper. In this study, this charging was performed
from 00:00 to 06:00. The SOC thresholds during
charging and discharging of both EV and used battery
were fixed at 90% and 40%, respectively. In addition,
as the total capacity amount of EVs and used batteries
was very small than the total load of the office, peak-
load cutting was designed to start from 12:00 until
18:00 (targeting mainly on the afternoon peak).
Figure 6 represents the results of load levelling
test in a representative weekday consisting of total
grid load, building load, generated power from PV,
and charged/discharged electricity to and from EVs
and used EV batteries. The grid load is the net
electricity from the grid. Light green blocks in
positive and negative sides represent discharge and
charged electricity amount from and to EVs and used
batteries, respectively. The main objective of peak-
load cutting and shifting is to reduce the grid load,
especially during peak hours, to reduce the total
electricity cost of the building.
Figure 6: Schematic diagram of developed V2G in small-
scale EMS.
PV generated the electricity during a day and it was
directly consumed without being stored. The used EV
batteries were charged during the night with a lower
electricity price, starting from 00:00 to 06:00. As the
result, the grid load during the night slightly
increased. In the morning, around 08:00, EVs reached
the office and they were plugged in designated
charging poles. From this moment, charging and
discharging behaviours were fully controlled by
EMS. Because the building load was smaller than the
calculated peak-load cutting threshold, charging for
EVs was performed until the building load reaches
nearly the peak-load cutting threshold. Additional
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
charging started again during noon break (12:00 to
13:00) because the building load dropped drastically.
Peak-load takes place twice in a weekday: before
and afternoon. Peak at the morning is lower than one
in afternoon. The afternoon peak usually starts from
13:00 following the end of noon break. As the peak-
load is higher than the calculated peak-load cutting
threshold, EMS sends the control command to both
EVs and used batteries to discharge their electricity.
As the results, the grid load can be reduced. However,
because the total capacity of EVs and used batteries
is very small compared to the total building load,
peak-load cutting can only be performed in a
relatively short duration . If the number of EVs
participating in the load levelling program increases,
the effect of load levelling becomes more significant.
Therefore, longer peak-load cutting and lower peak-
load cutting threshold can be achieved.
Integration of EV to small-scale EMS is studied and
demonstrated in this study. Charging and discharging
behaviours of EV were initially clarified. It was found
that charging and discharging rates during summer is
higher than ones during winter. The demonstration
test was performed to measure the application of EVs
for peak-load cutting and shifting. It was clarified that
the utilization of EVs for peak-load cutting and
shifting in small-scale EMS is very feasible.
The author expresses his deep thanks to Mitsubishi
Corp. and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. for their
collaboration during demonstration test.
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Charging/Discharging Behaviors and Integration of Electric Vehicle to Small-Scale Energy Management System