charging started again during noon break (12:00 to
13:00) because the building load dropped drastically.
Peak-load takes place twice in a weekday: before
and afternoon. Peak at the morning is lower than one
in afternoon. The afternoon peak usually starts from
13:00 following the end of noon break. As the peak-
load is higher than the calculated peak-load cutting
threshold, EMS sends the control command to both
EVs and used batteries to discharge their electricity.
As the results, the grid load can be reduced. However,
because the total capacity of EVs and used batteries
is very small compared to the total building load,
peak-load cutting can only be performed in a
relatively short duration . If the number of EVs
participating in the load levelling program increases,
the effect of load levelling becomes more significant.
Therefore, longer peak-load cutting and lower peak-
load cutting threshold can be achieved.
Integration of EV to small-scale EMS is studied and
demonstrated in this study. Charging and discharging
behaviours of EV were initially clarified. It was found
that charging and discharging rates during summer is
higher than ones during winter. The demonstration
test was performed to measure the application of EVs
for peak-load cutting and shifting. It was clarified that
the utilization of EVs for peak-load cutting and
shifting in small-scale EMS is very feasible.
The author expresses his deep thanks to Mitsubishi
Corp. and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. for their
collaboration during demonstration test.
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