improve the overall understanding of decision mak-
ers. Different cases and solutions were presented
that showed the trade-off in between the resilient co-
efficient and monetary savings (e.g. one may wish
to increase the resilience of electricity network but
may result in extra investments). The tool would be
needed to make the point that all those complex as-
pects should be considered by minimizing such trade-
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feedback obtained, the tool can be further improved
by providing more descriptions of the grid scenario,
data information such as the capacity of generations
and demands, better navigation of adding/removing
components, and a clearer description of the OGM
The tree representation of the grid architecture is
a first step in the OGM tool. As the grid architecture
does not account for mesh networks, moving to the
meshed grid is the future work.
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Towards Improving Resilience of Smart Urban Electricity Networks by Interactively Assessing Potential Microgrids