Enriching Frame-based Structured Representations for
Requirements using Case Frames
An Approach Towards Handling Incompleteness in Informal Requirements
Akanksha Mishra
and Richa Sharma
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, India
BML Munjal University, Gurgaon, India
Keywords: Requirements Engineering, Incompleteness, Quality Attributes, Requirements, Case Frames, FrameNet.
Abstract: Requirements gathered during early phase of requirements engineering are informal and vague. These
informal requirements are analyzed with the goal of detecting three major problems in requirements
ambiguity, inconsistency, and incompleteness in order to arrive at correct and formal set of requirements.
These problems are quite intertwined, with one problem leading to another. Incompleteness in requirements,
however, is considered to be a principal reason for poor quality of requirements, and is the most difficult
issue to address. There are multiple views around defining and detecting incompleteness in requirements. In
this paper, we present an approach towards handling incompleteness in informal requirements considering
individual requirements statement expressed in natural language as an atomic requirement. Our approach is
based on enriching frame-based structured representation using FrameNet database that, in turn, can prove
useful in identifying potential missing information from requirements. We also report our observations from
the evaluation study conducted with a case study.
Requirements Engineering (RE) is the most crucial
and critical phase in software development as rest of
the successive phases depend on the quality of
requirements gathered and analysed during RE.
Though there is no precise criterion for defining
good quality of requirements but an abundant work
in context of requirements quality (Saavedra et al.,
2015; Firesmith, 2003; Zowghi and Gervasi, 2002;
Fabbrini et al., 2001) identifies completeness,
consistency, verifiability, non-ambiguity, and
traceability as some of the important indicators of
good quality of software requirements.
Completeness of requirements is relatively hard
to address among other indicators of requirements
quality. There are various differing propositions
(Kuchta, J., 2016, Génova et al., 2013,
ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard, 2011; Pohl,
2013; Firesmith, 2005, Durán et al., 2001) on the
definition and measurement of completeness of
requirements. However, there is an agreement on
two points: (a) we cannot achieve absolutely
complete requirements (Carson and Shell, 2001); (b)
completeness of requirements is related to other
indicators of requirements quality (Saavedra et al.,
2015). Ambiguity in requirements statements, for
instance, could possibly be there because of
incompleteness in the gathered requirements.
Similar such interference of requirements
completeness exists with consistency and
correctness of requirements. This leads to
concluding that addressing completeness can help
addressing other quality indicators of requirements
though absolute completeness cannot be achieved in
requirements specifications.
The challenge in addressing the completeness
concern with informal requirements gathered during
early phases of RE lies in understanding what
completeness of requirements mean, and how to
ensure that completeness is achieved. These
challenges are the motivating factors behind our
work presented in this paper. We study
completeness concern in requirements with respect
to atomic (individual) requirements statement. Our
approach makes use of frame-based structured
representation (Bhatia et al., 2013, Sharma, 2016) of
the requirements statement under study, and checks
for related (possibly missing) information by
Mishra, A. and Sharma, R.
Enriching Frame-based Structured Representations for Requirements using Case Frames - An Approach Towards Handling Incompleteness in Informal Requirements.
DOI: 10.5220/0006379103140319
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2017), pages 314-319
ISBN: 978-989-758-250-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
looking up for relevant frame for a key concept from
the requirements statement in the FrameNet (Atkins
et al., 1988; Fillmore et al., 2003) database.
The rest of the paper is organized as: section 2
briefly discusses related work towards handling
incompleteness concern in requirements. In section
3, we present background of the concepts used in
our approach followed by the proposed approach
and case studies conducted to verify the feasibility
of our proposed approach in section 4. Section 5
finally presents conclusion and future work.
As introduced in section 1, completeness in
requirements is acknowledged as an important
criterion for establishing high quality of
requirements. However, completeness attribute of
requirements quality has been interpreted differently
by different authors (Kuchta, J., 2016, Génova et al.,
2013, ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard, 2011;
Pohl, 2013; Firesmith, 2005, Durán et al., 2001,
Boehm, 1984) in their work. Davis (1993) too has
pointed out that it is difficult to precisely define
completeness of requirements.
As per IEEE standard 29148:2011
(ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard, 2011), a
requirements specification document is said to be
complete if: (i) the stated requirement or a set of
requirements need no further amplification; (ii) the
stated requirement is measurable, and it sufficiently
describes the capability and characteristics to meet
the stakeholder's need, and (iii) there is no TBx (To
Be Defined/Specified/Resolved) item in the
specification document. However, identifying
whether a requirement statement or a set of
requirements need further amplification remains a
practical challenge. Boehm (1984) has earlier
discussed the completeness is terms of: (i) internal
completeness, and (ii) external completeness. Here,
internal completeness emphasizes that no
information in the document should be left unstated
or to be determined. External completeness states
that there should be no missing information. But, it
is difficult to find ‘missing information’ without the
knowledge or idea that something is ‘missing’ in the
requirement statement or set of requirements.
Durán et al. (2001), in their work on XML-based
approach for automated verification of software
requirements, emphasize page numbering and the
presence of referenced material as the defining
criteria for completeness of requirements. Their
viewpoint on requirements completeness is primarily
driven by their solution approach for requirements
verifiability. Génova et al. (2013) and Pohl (2013)
share similar views on completeness concern that all
relevant requirements must be specified. Firesmith
(2005) defines completeness in terms of
requirements models, namely context models, data
models, decision models, formal models, state
models, and use case models. Kutcha (2016) has
proposed metrics for Software Requirements
Specifications (SRS) in terms of formal model of
requirements, missing semantic elements, and
missing references.
Most of the earlier works (Zowghi and Gervasi,
2002; Sutcliffe and Maiden, 2002) in the direction of
addressing completeness concern in requirements
recommend the domain knowledge as an assistive
tool for uncovering ‘missing information’ from
requirements. However, domain knowledge is often
not available in the form of clear and well-structured
documents that can be referred to. The absence of
domain knowledge indicates the need for some other
source of knowledge that can assist in detecting if
there is some missing information from the
Our contribution lies in detecting the presence of
‘missing information’, i.e. external completeness as
indicated by Boehm (1984), using the existing
knowledge base of FrameNet. Our approach strives
to find missing semantic elements as proposed by
Kutcha (2016). The key concept to be searched for
in FrameNet database is selected from the frame-
based structured representation of the requirements
statement under study. We present our proposed
approach in detail in section 4. The background
concepts used in our proposed approach are
discussed in the following section.
In this section, we present background concepts that
we have used in our proposed approach towards
enriching requirements statements expressed in
Natural Language (NL) using additional knowledge
components/concepts (frame elements) from
FrameNet lexical database. Our contribution lies in
finding lexical units from the requirements statement
that act as reference pointers for evoking frame(s)
from FrameNet. The lexical units are extracted by
converting NL requirements statement to its
corresponding frame-based structured representation
(Bhatia et al., 2013; Sharma, 2016). Following sub-
section presents a brief overview of these structured
Enriching Frame-based Structured Representations for Requirements using Case Frames - An Approach Towards Handling Incompleteness
in Informal Requirements
3.1 Frame-based Structured
Representation of Requirements
Frame-based structured representation (FBSR) of
requirements, proposed by Bhatia et al. (2013) and
refined in the work of Sharma (2016), is a structured
representation of NL requirements statement in the
form of frames (Minsky, 1981). These frames store
information elements from the requirements
statement as key-value pairs, where each key
represents syntactic units present in the statement.
The authors have proposed seven different types
of frame structures based on the Grammatical
Knowledge Pattern (Marshman et al., 2002) present
in the NL requirements statement, namely: (a)
Active Vice frame, (b) Passive Voice frame, (c)
Conjunction frame, (d) Preposition frame, (e)
Precondition frame, (f) Marker frame, and (g)
Relative Clause frame. These frame-based structured
representations of NL requirements statement
capture the semantics of the statement in the form of
union of the above-mentioned frame structures. The
advantage of using FBSR form of NL requirements
is that the process of generating FBSR does take
care of anaphora ambiguity and coordination
ambiguity (Sharma, 2016).
Let us consider a sample requirements statement,
RS1, to show how FBSR of NL requirements
captures the semantic of NL requirements statement
in the form of frame keys:
RS1: If a person is not a member of library then the
person cannot borrow the book.
Table 1 below illustrates the FBSR of RS1,
which is a union of three types of frames identified
for RS1:
Table 1: Frame Structure RS1.
Active Voice
Neg Action
Actor Modifier
Neg Actor Mod
Preposition Object
Governing Object
The frame-based structured representation of NL
requirements statements can be used for automated
reasoning, refining, and reusing the knowledge of
requirements statement stored in its corresponding
FBSR. We have used FBSR representations of NL
requirements, in our study, for refining them after
deriving additional related and relevant knowledge
from FrameNet. We present a brief overview of
FrameNet in the following sub-section.
3.2 FrameNet
FrameNet is a lexical database of words or phrases
in NL to describe how words or phrases are used in
NL statement through annotated examples (Fillmore
et al., 2003). FrameNet is based on the theory of
meaning - Frame Semantics, which is a conceptual
structure describing the meaning of a word in an NL
statement in terms of frame elements like entities
participating in an event, type of event, location of
event etc. Frame Elements (FE) are the keys
representing semantic roles for words in an NL
statement. A frame is composed of core FEs and
non-core FEs. Another constituting element of
FrameNet is a Lexical Unit (LU) that is responsible
for evoking a frame. One frame can be evoked by
multiple LUs. Let us consider a sample statement to
understand how knowledge in that statement is
organized as FEs and LUs in FrameNet:
S2: The chairman of the company only has the
authority to approve a claim.
Authority frame from FrameNet, evoked by LU,
‘authority’ best describes the statement S2 in terms
of core FEs of authority frame agent and theme;
and non-core FEs descriptor, domain, and source
as indicated below:
Agent - The chairman of the company
Domain - claim
FrameNet lexical database contains over 1200
semantic frames, 13,000 lexical units and 202,000
example statements. FrameNet organizes its frames
in terms of relationships among frames. These
relationships indicate inheritance relation, preceding
frame, perspectivize_in frame, causative, uses, and
inchoative associations between frames in
In this section, we present our proposed approach
towards enriching NL requirements statements using
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
additional knowledge components (frame elements)
from FrameNet lexical database. The requirements
statement can possibly be grammatically,
syntactically, and semantically correct. But, it is still
possible that this statement does not reflect complete
view of the real-world knowledge around it. Our
contribution lies in bringing forward additional
concepts (not present in the requirements statement)
related to the concepts present in the statement under
study. Such identified additional concepts can assist
analysts in finding potentially missing information
in the requirement.
4.1 Enriching NL Requirements using
In this sub-section, we present our approach to
evoke frame(s) from FrameNet database while
referring to FBSR of an NL requirements statement
under study. As discussed in section 3.1, FBSR is a
union of two or more frames. Each of these frames is
referred to while evoking frames from FrameNet.
The FEs from the evoked frame, in turn, assist in
enriching NL requirements
Figure 1 presents our algorithm for finding new
related and relevant concepts for an NL
requirements statement. We refer to FBSR
generation algorithm (Sharma, 2016) to identify
concepts or lexical units present in the input
requirements statement. The algorithm presented in
Figure 1 requires manual intervention in the step
3(d) when questions need to be articulated for the
newly identified concepts. Requirements analysts
can present the formulated questions to domain
experts for enriching the requirements.
Let us consider RS1 as example to understand
how algorithm presented in Figure 1 helps in
refining RS1:
RS1: If a person is not a member of library then the
person cannot borrow the book.
LUs present in corresponding FBSR of RS1 after
dropping duplicates include - person, borrow, book,
member, library. Referring to FrameNet library, we
found that there are no corresponding frames for
LUs person, book, and library. However, for the
concepts borrow and member, following
respective frames are evoked:
Figure 1: Algorithm for finding new concepts from
FrameNet database.
1. Borrowing Frame This frame has three
core FEs, namely borrower, lender and
theme. There are six non-core FEs for this
frame duration, manner, means of
transfer, place, purpose, and time. This
frame inherits from ‘Receiving’ frame and
has perspective on relationship with
‘Temporary Transfer scenario’ frame. The
non-core FEs in this frame, thus, include
relevant aspects around lending,
transferring and receiving acts.
Analysts need to check which FE is present
in RS1 and which FE is missing with
reference to FEs from membership frame.
RS1 has all the three core FEs present the
borrower (person/member), lender (library),
and theme (book). However, non-core FEs
are potential candidates of missing
information from RS1. Analyst can enrich
RS1 by seeking information from domain
expert around non-core FEs as:
Input: NL requirements statement,
Output: New related concepts identified
2. List of LU = value of these frame keys
from each frame - actor’, object’,
modifiers of actor’, object’, and
action’. Ignore ‘neg’ key and the
frame-identifying key like marker,
preposition etc.
3. For each LU
in the list of LU:
(a) Search for LU
in FrameNet
database against lemmatised LU in
FrameNet to evoke its
corresponding frame.
(b) If no frame exists in FrameNet for
, report ‘No Frame found’,
(c) If duplicate (LU
), continue in the
(d) If a frame is found for LU
, then
extract core FEs and non-core FEs
for that frame. Formulate
questions around the extracted FEs
to help analyst uncover any
potentially missing information.
Enriching Frame-based Structured Representations for Requirements using Case Frames - An Approach Towards Handling Incompleteness
in Informal Requirements
(a) What is the duration for which member
can borrow the book?
(b) What is the means of transfer, i.e. how
to identify the notion of ‘borrowing’
with reference to theme ‘book’?
(c) What is the purpose of borrowing?
Does it need to be stored?
(d) What is the time of borrowing? Does it
need to be stored with the details of
Responses to these questions will help
analyst in refining the informal
requirements gathered during early phases
of RE, and enriching these requirements
with newly acquired knowledge from
domain experts. In the absence of domain
knowledge or any other body of
knowledge, it is difficult and challenging to
find any missing information when there is
no clue as to what should be asked to gather
more information.
2. Membership Frame This frame has two
core FEs group and member (person
belonging to the group) and four non-core
FEs manner, place, standing and time.
This frame inherits from ‘Be subset of’
frame, and is used by two frames
‘Exclude member’ and ‘Member of
military’. Following similar approach as for
borrowing frame, it is found that RS1 has
core FEs information incorporated within
its corresponding NL statement. Further, it
can be enriched by getting information
around these non-core FEs - standing and
The above example considered for RS1 indicates
that even though FrameNet does not correspond to
domain knowledge of library management but it is
capable of providing useful pointers for adding more
information to RS1. Encouraged by this observation,
we have carried out our study on event-processing
case study (Sharma, 2016) to check the applicability
and viability of our solution approach towards
handling incompleteness in requirements. We
present observations from the case studies to
evaluate our approach in the following section.
4.2 Case Study
The case study (Sharma, 2016) that we have used to
carry out evaluation and viability study of our
proposed approach for enriching the informal
requirements is as stated below:
Event-processing Scenario: An event, announced on
a security, has an event type. The customer who
holds the security can get benefits of the event.
System should permit creating events online. System
should be able to process file XXX received from
ZZZ server to create events in batch. The event
details should be displayed in a list. The number of
events displayed on one page should be
configurable. The customer can get benefits on the
event as cash, stock or both. The GUI should allow
customer to opt for one or more of these benefits. If
the customer opts benefits as cash, then cash is
distributed to the customer for the event announced
on security held by the customer. If the client opts
stock as benefit for the event announced on security
held by the customer, then stock is distributed. If the
client opts benefit as both for the event announced
on security held by the customer, then both are
distributed. However, base country of security and
the country of the customer may influence the
benefits distributed to the customer. The customer
can view his entitlement after selecting an event and
clicking on the entitlement button.
For this scenario, 32 unique LUs are identified to
which algorithm presented in Figure 1 is applied to
evoke relevant frames in FrameNet. For these 32
LUs, only 8 corresponding frames were found and
evoked, i,e. 25% matching LUs between the
scenario and the FrameNet database. These eight
LUs are: event, create, get, hold, type, system,
process, and receive.
The fact that FrameNet database is meant for
generally used concepts in news, discourses, and it
does not extend to any business or technical domain
can be attributed to fewer overlaps between LUs
collected from scenario and the FrameNet’s LUs.
Nevertheless, the FEs present in the frames served as
guiding pointers to further enrich event-processing
scenario. For instance, ‘getting’ frame corresponding
to ‘get’ LU added value by assisting in collecting
details for these FEs means, result, and time.
Our study on sample statements from library
management scenario and the case study on event-
processing scenario indicate that though FrameNet
might not be of help to find most of the missing
issues but in the absence of domain knowledge or
reference documentation, it can serve as a guiding
tool to find a considerable number of missing
elements in the gathered informal requirements. Our
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
study currently processes FEs from the evoked
frame only, and does not make reference to other
related frames (inheritance, uses, used_by,
perspective_on etc.). Secondly, we are not
considering synonyms in our current
implementation. We intend to work on these two
lines in future and improve our solution approach.
In this paper, we have presented an approach to
enrich and refine informal requirements gathered
during early RE with the objective of addressing
incompleteness concern in these requirements. The
presented study is only a preliminary investigation
of the proposed approach. There are challenges with
the proposed approach as frames in FrameNet
lexical database correspond to generic concepts
whereas software requirements pertain to a specific
business domain covering technical aspects. The
preliminary study, however, reveals sufficiently
encouraging observations to further refine the
proposed approach to handle incompleteness
problem in the informal requirements. In future, we
plan to extend our algorithm to other related frames
while invoking a frame for an LU. Secondly, we
need to work with synonyms, and conduct more
rigorous case-studies for validating our proposed
approach. We believe that as FrameNet database is
increasing, our approach will yield in better results
though the same needs to be supported by a number
of case-studies.
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Enriching Frame-based Structured Representations for Requirements using Case Frames - An Approach Towards Handling Incompleteness
in Informal Requirements