Paramo and High-Andean Simulation using Reactive Agents
Hydrological Role of High Andean Ecosystems
J. A. Villarraga Morales and L. D. Alvarado Nieto
Departament of Engineering, Universidad Distrital, Bogotá D.C, Colombia
Keywords: Ecosystems Simulation, Simple Reactive Agents, Artificial Intelligence.
Abstract: Ecosystems like Páramos and High-Andean forests have a very important role as regulators of the water
process for the majority of rivers in Colombia. For this reason, a simulation, which shows the main functions
performed by them, was developed. Simple reactive agents was the technique used in order to simulate these
ecosystems and their components. the results obtained reaffirm the ecological importance both (paramos and
High-Andean forests) for Equatorial countries.
Colombia is a country with an exceptional natural
wealth because it’s conformed by diverse ecosystems,
and geographic characteristics, which together make
of it a unique country. Clear examples of this wealth
are the paramos, ecosystems located at great heights
in the equatorial zone and with a great ecological
value for the countries that possess them (Russi et al.,
Paramos are natural water regulators, thanks to
theirs types of soil and vegetation, they can absorb the
water of the rains and later release it towards the
tributaries that feed the main rivers of the country.
Also, those soils are covered by a great amount of
organic matter that prevents the release of captured
CO2 into the atmosphere (IUCN, 2010).
Although there’s a lot of benefits that paramos
give to Colombian population, some people don’t
take care of those fantastic and important places, and
with activities like mining, agricultural expansion and
afforestation they are damaging them
Reasons like these motivate to the “Universidad
Distrital Francisco José de Caldas”’ complexity
group to contribute with the paramos care, and
actually, the group is into a developing project, about
an application that simulates a paramo ecosystem
using simple reactive agents.
The main goal is to develop a game where
children can interact with nature ecosystems (as
paramos, High-Andean forests), transform them in
other kind of environments (mixed or urban
ecosystems) and understand the positive or negative
effects of such interaction. However, for this paper,
the objective is only to make a model and simulation
of the ecosystems logical part.
Simple reactive agents is the main technique used for
modelling paramo components, given that this one is
based on action and reaction processes, allowing the
components interaction of a dynamic system
(Vlahavas and Dimitris, 2005).
Basically, plants, rivers, soils, and other
ecosystem components are modeled in this section,
showing the main interactions of these components
and defining their roles (sensor or effector) as reactive
2.1 Modelling Photosynthesis of a Plant
Photosynthesis is a very important process made by
the majority of the plants, which allow them make
their own food and purify the air (Flexas et al., 2012),
It is therefore required to build the representative
model of the plant.
Analyzing the Figure 1, the interaction plant-air
and plant-root is generated by the root (sensor) and
leaves (sensor and effector) of the plant, and all the
information obtained in such interaction is processed
by the following control rules:
Morales, J. and Nieto, L.
Paramo and High-Andean Simulation using Reactive Agents - Hydrological Role of High Andean Ecosystems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006379301390143
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2017), pages 139-143
ISBN: 978-989-758-244-8
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Leaves: If air has sunlight, then absorb CO
sunlight, also if plant has water, then absorb
Root: If water capability of plant isn’t full, get
water of soil
Leaves: Generate glucose using photosynthesis
general equation.
Leaves: Release by-products from the
photosynthesis process.
Photosynthesis process is based on the equation 1
(Palmeri et al., 2014), for this reason all the elements
absorbed by the plant agent are measured in moles:
+6H2O+Photo energy = C
Figure 1: Model of plant using reactive agents.
2.2 Modelling Paramo and High
Andean Forest Ecosystems
Colombian paramos have denoted characteristics like
unique vegetation, soils and animals, and a lot of
tributaries, lakes and creeks (Vásquez and Buitrago,
2011). However, this simulation is being focused only
in the vegetal and hydrological part.
With respect to High Andean Forest (HA-forest),
the main goal is to show the role that it plays as a
water regulator and air purifier, because a large
amount of water that is evaporated by the HA-forest
to the environment returns in form of rain that falls on
the paramos.
The main interactions of ecosystems are
represented in the following figure.
Figure 2: Model of paramo using reactive agents.
Ecosystem interaction (either paramo or high
Andean forest) with the environment is represented
by the Figure 2. The following rules of control are
generated from this model:
Plant: Through the photosynthesis process, plants
release oxygen and water into the air.
Soil: Absorb a percentage of rainwater and the rest
is released to the tributaries. In the case of the
paramos, their soils have the ability to retain
rainwater and then release it slowly, this is the
reason why paramos are so important in the
hydrological process of Colombia (Díaz-
Granados Ortiz et al., 2005).
Tributaries: They collect all rainwater and water
released by soils in order to transport it to rivers.
Interactions of ecosystems are very important in order
to understand how the simulation was developed. For
this reason, the majority of such interactions are
represented by activity diagrams showed in this
3.1 Territory Interactions
Taking into account the Territory entity as the main
ecosystem formed by other ecosystems like paramos
and High-Andean Forest, the Figure 3 represents the
top level in the simulation. In this one, the different
ecosystems, clouds and other components interact
through time.
Time entity is composed of minutes, hours, and
days. This entity verifies if is day or night changing
COMPLEXIS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
the light state to day when hour=6 and night when
hour=18 because in Equatorial countries like
Colombia, days and nights are 12 hours each one.
Figure 3: Territory activity diagram.
Finally, Cloud entity stores a certain amount of
water from the Air entity, and if the variable rain is
true then a rainfall percent is stored by the Territory
entity. Else, the probability of rain is increased, this
probability is given according to the day because
every day represents a month of the year and so every
day has a different probability.
These processes are performed repeatedly until
the end of Day 12, which is the December
representation. Then the Time entity is restarted.
3.2 Plant Interactions
Interaction of the Plant entity with its components is
represented by the Figure 4, where main processes
made by this one are photosynthesis and absorb
Photosynthesis is performed by the Leaves entity.
Processes like absorb CO
from Air entity, absorb
water from Plant entity and verify if the day variable
is true are validated. Then, the glucose is made and
O and O
are released into the Air entity. This
process is performed only if the day variable has true
Figure 4: Plant activity diagram.
Absorb water is the second process, for this one
The Plant entity verifies if the its water storage
capacity is full. Else, the Root entity absorbs water
from Soil entity increasing the water stored boy the
Plant entity.
The Figure 4 represents internal interactions of the
Plant entity. Nevertheless, the Figure 5 shows
external interactions, allowing to observe the
dependencies between this entity and other
3.3 Ecosystem Interactions
Perhaps, Figure 5 is the most important diagram
because this shows the general interaction of the
components. For example, plant processes, which
allow you to understand how plants collect CO2 from
the air and release water and oxygen into the air.
Other important aspect is the rainfall distributed
between the soil and the river and how the soil also
releases water into the river.
Both ecosystems (paramo and High-Andean
forest) were simulated using the Ecosystem activity
diagram and results obtained are exposed in the
following section.
Paramo and High-Andean Simulation using Reactive Agents - Hydrological Role of High Andean Ecosystems
Figure 5: Ecosystem activity diagram.
In order to test different scenarios, were performed
three simulations with the following characteristics:
Initially, the territory was simulated including
both ecosystems, the paramo and high Andean forest,
from this simulation the following data were
Table 1: Rain precipitation and river flow including Paramo
& H-A Forest.
Month Rainfall(Lt) Cabrera river flow(Lt/H)
1 375,59 50,73
2 1230,04 30,81
3 4706,25 97,84
4 8896,34 118,37
5 10943,42 125,75
6 10142,84 122,21
7 13238,05 137,11
8 3272,27 108,36
9 3028,24 107,16
10 2499,72 106,19
11 2281,27 105,76
12 1581,46 104,12
When Table 1 is analyzed, the river flow has an
average of about 100Lt in most months. With respect
to the amount of rainfall, the period of greatest
rainfall was between May and July, which is in
agreement with the rainy season in the paramos
(Díaz-Granados Ortiz et al., 2005).
The second simulation was done eliminating the
organic matter and vegetation of the soil in the
paramo, from this simulation the following results
were obtained:
Table 2: Rain precipitation and river flow including only H-
A Forest.
Month Rainfall(Lt) Cabrera river flow(Lt/H)
1 594,97 51,24
2 1594,52 50,69
3 4210,00 96,44
4 7522,20 198,82
5 10469,37 373,62
6 10847,70 366,72
7 14413,35 463,47
8 2396,23 95,53
9 3847,78 122,85
10 2446,71 58,64
11 3324,86 107,86
12 1192,23 66,34
COMPLEXIS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
The data in Table 2 are similar to Table 1 for the
period of time in which the rainy season occurs,
however, the river flow data varies abruptly in the
Table 2.
Finally, the third simulation was done eliminating
the highAndeanForest object. The data obtained are
shown in the following table:
Table 3: Rain precipitation and river flow including only
Paramo ecosystem.
Month Rainfall(Lt) Cabrera river flow(Lt/H)
1 108,26 44,23
2 194,71 3,80
3 540,59 12,02
4 467,19 23,67
5 1443,40 39,31
6 1713,36 54,60
7 2059,47 72,19
8 450,80 14,22
9 259,73 9,50
10 395,28 9,78
11 200,28 7,70
12 102,78 4,88
The third simulation shows a huge drop in the
amount of rainfall recorded with respect to the
previous simulations.
The following graph corresponds to the
comparison of flow river, taking into account the data
of Tables 1,2 and 3:
Figure 6: Comparison of the river flow for the simulation 1,
2 and 3.
Analyzing the Figure 6, it is observed that the flow
of the river is balanced due to the interaction of both
ecosystems (the paramo and high Andean forest),
while in the simulation that includes only the high
Andean forest the river flow undergoes drastic
Observing the Figure 6, the importance of the
paramos as regulators of the water cycle is evidenced,
because in the rainy seasons they avoid that rivers
flow grows in excessive form, whereas in the dry
seasons they maintain the flow due to the water that
is released periodically by them.
On the other hand, the data in Table 3 reflect the
importance of high Andean forests because they
evaporate a large amount of water, which then falls as
rain over the paramos.
Reactive agents were necessary techniques in the
simulation of ecosystems because they allowed to
generate interaction of each component of the
ecosystem with the environment, those simple
interactions generated emergency, which is a
characteristic of complex systems
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Flexas, J., Loreto, F. & Medrano, H., 2012. Terrestrial
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Palmeri, L., Barausse, A. & Jorgensen, S. E., 2014.
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Russi, D. & others, 2013. The Economics of Ecosystems
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Vásquez, A. & Buitrago, A. C., 2011. El Grán Libro de los
Páramos, Bogotá D.C: Recursos Biologicos Alexander
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Paramo and High-Andean Simulation using Reactive Agents - Hydrological Role of High Andean Ecosystems