A Multi-perspective View on AAL Stakeholders’ Needs
A User-centred Requirement Analysis for the Activeadvice European Project
Soraia Teles
, Diotima Bertel
, Andrea Ch. Kofler
, Stefan H. Ruscher
and Constança Paúl
Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, Department of Behavioral Sciences, University of Porto,
Rua de Jorge Viterbo Ferreira, 228, 4050-313 Porto, Portugal
Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS), Rua Dr. Plácido da Costa, 4200-450 Porto, Portugal
SYNYO GmbH, Otto-Bauer-Gasse 5/14, 1060, Vienna, Austria
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Reidbach 8820 Wädenswil, Zurich, Switzerland
Keywords: AAL Stakeholder Ecosystem, User-centred Design, Participatory Design, ActiveAdvice European Project,
Stakeholder Requirements.
Abstract: This paper discusses the process of including a multi-perspective view on stakeholders’ needs into a specific
project, namely the European project ActiveAdvice. It highlights the factors supporting and hindering the
development and the implementation of the ActiveAdvice platform – as an integrated communication tool
targeted at bridging the gaps between AAL stakeholders by facilitating cooperation and information
exchange – regarding user requirements, preferences, acceptances and expectations. For this, a qualitative
study was carried out, taking into account not only the older adults as primary end-users but the whole AAL
stakeholder ecosystem. 23 semi-structured interviews with stakeholders of different groups – older adults
and their relatives, business as well as government representatives – were conducted. The results show that
even though different stakeholders can have conflicting needs, e.g. regarding online communication or
feedback, those can be integrated into the requirements analysis, thus including the whole stakeholder
ecosystem in the designing process. Furthermore, all three included stakeholder groups agree on the
importance of raising awareness of AAL solutions, technologies and products. In including not only
consumers but other secondary and tertiary stakeholders as well, ActiveAdvice has the chance to reach a
broader audience and thus raise public awareness of AAL.
The emergency of political, economic, and social
challenges resulting from the current unprecedented
phenomenon of population ageing led many
countries to invest in policies that promote ageing in
place while maintaining healthier and independent
lifestyles (AAL Programme, 2014; Vasunilashorn et
al., 2012). Frequently, policies designed with this
purpose focus on the use of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) and, more
precisely, on Ambient/Active Assisted Living
(AAL) technologies. Nevertheless, numerous
constraints have been found in the implementation
of AAL, namely associated with a lack of user-
centred design and low adherence by end-users
(Doyle et al., 2013; Michel & Franco, 2014; Peek et
al., 2014); business sustainability problems
(Ehrenhard et al., 2014); absence of interoperability
between systems (Balta-Ozkan et al., 2013;
Ehrenhard, et al., 2014; Perumal et al., 2011); and
limited evidence on interactions between technology
and society, on technologies’ impact and their cost-
effectiveness (Balta-Ozkan et al., 2013; Graybill,
McMeekin & Wildman, 2014). These, among other
constraints, suggest the need for better approaches
for conceiving new technological developments. In
particular, the requisite of involving multiple
stakeholders with heterogeneous competencies,
interests and needs in technological development
contributes to the abovementioned scenario. A close
involvement of end-users is challenging and can be
less successful when the user population is varied,
thus requiring researchers to find successful
strategies to motivate users and foment trust
(Leonardi et al., 2008; Queirós et al., 2014).
Older adults have been identified as the main
stakeholders of AAL technologies, yet including
also people with disabilities, cognitive impairments
or long-term diseases (Bygholm & Kanstrup, 2015;
Calvaresi et al. 2016; Clark & McGee-Lennon,
2011; Marschollek et al., 2007; Peek et al., 2016;
Teles, S., Bertel, D., Kofler, A., Ruscher, S. and Paúl, C.
A Multi-perspective View on AAL Stakeholders’ Needs - A User-centred Requirement Analysis for the Activeadvice European Project.
DOI: 10.5220/0006380701040116
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2017), pages 104-116
ISBN: 978-989-758-251-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
van Hoof et al. 2011). Other stakeholder groups for
AAL frequently pointed out in literature include
relatives and informal caregivers such as friends and
neighbours; formal caregivers, health operators,
healthcare professionals, medical specialists
including GPs, community nurses, occupational
therapists, physiotherapists, and consultants; care
organizations and service providers; national
governments, local authorities and councils, decision
and policy makers, government officials; companies
producing or supplying the devices, methods or
infrastructure required for AAL technologies;
technology designers and developers, engineers and
researchers; insurance companies; NGOs and
voluntary groups; and mass media (Bygholm &
Kanstrup, 2015; Calvaresi et al., 2016; Clark &
McGee-Lennon, 2011; Cunha et al., 2013;
Damodaran & Olphert, 2010; Finn & Wright, 2011;
Kriegel et al., 2013; Peek et al., 2016; Reginatto,
2012; Ruscher et al., 2016; Sponselee et al., 2007;
van Gemert-Pijnen et al., 2011). It should be noted
that other groups of stakeholders can be a
combination of those categories, all with different
needs, expectations and goals regarding technology
and ageing.
Proposals to cluster this multitude of AAL
stakeholders or end-users into primary, secondary,
tertiary and even quaternary end-users were
advanced in the literature (Moschetti et al., 2013;
Nedopil et al., 2013). According to Nedopil et al.
(2013), primary end-users are older adults using
AAL solutions; secondary end-users are people
using AAL solutions for the benefit of a primary
end-user (e.g. informal caregivers); and tertiary end-
users are not directly in contact with AAL solutions
but contribute in organising, paying or enabling.
However, end-user categorization is not
straightforward, depending on the AAL solution
being discussed and other classifications can be
used. In the ActiveAdvice project
(http://project.activeadvice.eu), stakeholders are
divided into three groups in order to foster the actual
uptake and implementation of AAL solutions in
older adults’ home and living environment:
consumers (AAL2C), i.e. older adults and their
relatives, businesses (AAL2B), and governments
In a review about stakeholders’ involvement in
eHealth frameworks it was discovered that
differences between those frameworks include the
consideration of single or multiple stakeholder
groups; and the emphasis lies either on a user-
centred design approach – that takes mainly into
account the (primary) end-users’ needs – or in a
comprehensive overall approach that involves
different stakeholders and argues for a multi-
perspective view (van Gemert-Pijnen et al., 2011).
In resemblance to what was defended in past
researches (Dansky et al., 2008; Yusof et al., 2008),
the author concluded by defending a holistic
approach in the development of eHealth
technologies in order to favour its uptake and impact
(van Gemert-Pijnen et al., 2011). The current paper
is driven by said conclusion, deepening research
with the findings from the ActiveAdvice project
towards a holistic display of the highly complex
AAL stakeholder ecosystem.
It has been largely stated that a successful
implementation of AAL interventions depends on a
good understanding of stakeholders’ common and
divergent perspectives, since different agendas are
likely to affect the technology uptake (Bygholm &
Kanstrup, 2015; Clark & McGee Lennon, 2011;
Freeman, 1984; Lambooij & Hummel, 2013; Murray
et al., 2011). At European level, concerns were
expressed about the lack of suitable collaboration
and co-operation among stakeholders towards active
ageing and e-inclusion of older adults’ needs
(European Union Committee of the Regions, 2011).
In research conducted by Peek et al. (2016), all the
inquired stakeholders called for a change in attitudes
and policies towards a more collaborative approach,
targeted at bridging the gap between technologies
and individuals. These concerns find support in a
recent systematic literature review concluding that
the entire AAL ecosystem has been neglected in
solutions development (Calvaresi et al., 2016).
Applied to the field of AAL, the concept of
collaborative ‘ecosystem’ can be used to describe a
community of interconnected and interacting
entities, with the purpose of providing care and
assistance to older adults, who are also crucial
members of this complex socio-technical ecosystem
(Camarinha-Matos et al., 2015). By integrating a
diversity of actors, each with different value
systems, the AAL ecosystem forms a hybrid value
chain (Budinich, Reott & Schmidt, 2007). In fact,
the collaborative ecosystem rationale provides a
promising framework to orient new conceptual and
technological developments (Camarinha-Matos et
al., 2015).
A Multi-perspective View on AAL Stakeholders’ Needs - A User-centred Requirement Analysis for the Activeadvice European Project
2.1 Participatory Development of AAL
A growing number of studies have emphasized the
importance of a paradigm shift towards a
participatory development of AAL technologies,
which opens the design process to various
stakeholders, making it a collaborative effort
(Camarinha-Matos et al., 2015; Gudowsky &
Sotoudeh, 2015; Olphert et al., 2009). While this is
not the mainstream approach, there is a risk of
developing technologies and service delivery models
which are incapable of meeting users’ requirements,
and being adapted as these requirements change.
This was concluded in a recent systematic literature
review, noticing that existing AAL solutions seem to
be built on the available technology rather than on
stakeholders’ needs, attributes, consequences and
values (Calvaresi et al., 2016). This reflects a more
‘traditional’ techno-centric approach, opposed to a
socio-technical one, with the last mirroring the
ecosystem conception. Olphert et al. (2009) propose
the application of four theoretical approaches for the
design of digital assistive technologies: the socio-
technical approach (Cherns, 1976), where technical
and social components co-operate and co-evolve; the
participatory approach, where end-users participate
and engage in the decision-making in all stages of
the design process and not only in its use and
evaluation; the inclusive design, which recognizes
the need for including stakeholders with diverse
needs; and the information ecologies, where
stakeholders’ contexts are taken into account and
they are given the opportunity to share knowledge
and take decisions. An integrated approach should
then result in the development of a culture of
participation and engagement, promoting higher
levels of stakeholders’ influence and empowerment
as well as an enhanced sustainability of assistive
technology (Leonardi et al., 2008; Olphert et al.,
2009; Queirós et al., 2014; van Gemert-Pijnen et al.,
2011). It is widely agreed that both user-centred
design (UCD) and participatory design (PD) are
meaningful approaches in designing AAL solutions
and their importance is shown in a variety of
different studies (e.g. Lindsay et al. 2012; Mao et al.,
2005; Röcker, 2013). At the same time, however, a
lack of USD is observed (Peruzzini & Germani,
2014; Röcker, 2013).
Furthermore, most of the studies concentrate on
the integration of primary end-users, i.e. older
adults. Other stakeholders are considered very
seldom, even though secondary and tertiary
stakeholders can also be affected by AAL
technologies (McGee-Lennon et al., 2011). Whilst
this inclusion of older adults is a positive
development in the design of AAL technologies,
there is still a lack of involvement of other
stakeholders. As stressed by Leonardi et al. (2008),
stakeholders should not be treated as mere ‘servants’
of the technology development. Instead, according
to Freeman’s stakeholder theory (1984),
organizations hold a moral relationship with
stakeholders of creating for them as much value as
possible. In order to succeed and be sustainable over
time, organizations must keep the interests of
several stakeholders aligned and going in the same
direction (Freeman, 1984). In this line, Frooman
(1999) elicits the concept of stakeholder
management that can be seen as handling potential
conflicts stemming from diverging interests. Seeing
stakeholders’ mutual interests rather than their
opposite ones is challenging, since it’s not always
straightforward to find and accommodate all
stakeholders’ interests without trading off one
against another (Frooman, 1999). In a recent
systematic literature review it has been found that
solutions have been taken ‘patients’ (including older
adults) and ‘physicians’ much more into account
when compared to others stakeholders, thus
neglecting the entire AAL ecosystem (Calvaresi et
al., 2016). In this line, a recent study in the Austrian
AAL community shows that a comprehensive view
on the involvement of different stakeholders in AAL
projects is still missing; and while end-users are
involved in both requirements definition and
evaluation, other stakeholders like insurance
companies and public bodies are mostly left out
(Garschall et al., 2016). In fact, a growing number of
studies have emphasized the importance of a
paradigm shift towards a participatory development
of AAL technologies, which opens the design
process to various stakeholders, making it a
collaborative effort (Gudowsky & Sotoudeh, 2015;
Olphert et al., 2009).
A recent systematic literature review gives
account that besides the scarcity of studies on AAL
stakeholders’ convergent and divergent perspectives,
those studies don’t provide a complete
understanding of stakeholder’s positions and
relations (Peek et al., 2016). Therefore, before
addressing technical implementation issues, it is
vital to consolidate concepts bearing in mind the
mobilization and alignment of all the appropriate
stakeholders. In this paper, we discuss how a
specific project – ActiveAdvice – has been
approaching the goal of involving different
stakeholders in the process, illustrating results and
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
conclusions drawn from it. The overall objective of
the ActiveAdvice project is to raise public awareness
on AAL solutions; and provide comprehensive and
comparable information for different stakeholder
groups. Hence, the aim of ActiveAdvice is to set up
a European-wide advisory and support platform that
brings together the broad range of available AAL
services, products, experts, users and related
In line with what was argued above, for the
ActiveAdvice platform development the integration
of stakeholders at a very early stage of the project
was a precondition. Therefore, this exploratory study
was conducted with the aim of answering the
following question: Which are the factors supporting
and hindering the development and, in the ongoing
process, the implementation of the ActiveAdvice
platform, regarding user requirements, preferences,
acceptances and expectations? Research objectives
included: (i) to explore stakeholders’ attitudes and
motivations, as well as their experiences and
problems with care structures, AAL products and
services currently offered; (ii) to understand how
stakeholders currently deal with problems in those
domains, i.e. coping strategies; (iii) to explore the
potential role of ActiveAdvice in the overall care
taking and giving process; and (iv) to clarify
whether and in which form the different stakeholders
could pro-actively contribute to build up a
community around the ActiveAdvice software
solution. The user requirement engineering process
therefore built on semi-structured interviews with
selected stakeholder representatives in five countries
participating in the ActiveAdvice project. The end-
user groups we intend to discuss in this article are
the ActiveAdvice ‘clients’ who are, as mentioned,
older adults and their relatives (summarised as the
stakeholder group AAL2C); the enterprises in the
business field of AAL (AAL2B), and governmental
bodies defining policies and providing services in
the field of health and care (AAL2G).
Semi-structured interviews were conducted in
Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and
the United Kingdom, with a total of 23 interviews
being finally included in the study. This approach
was chosen because qualitative interviews allow a
better understanding and in-depth learning on how
and why people argue, what they expect and how
individual circumstances determine their reasoning.
This, however, means that the results cannot be
generalized nor quantified; nevertheless, they give
insights in the stakeholders’ different perspectives
and needs. In the discussion on AAL solutions and
products, the following overall AAL domains were
reflected: health-related services; home care services
(nursing); home & living services (household related
services, family support); leisure, culture, tourism;
activities & sports & mobility; safety, security;
obtaining and sharing information; and
communication (social interaction).
3.1 Participants and Recruitment
Based on a comprehensive narrative literature
review previously carried out – with the aim of
exploring the extent to which the scientific
production refers to different stakeholders within the
AAL domain, concerning their needs, requirements,
interests and relationships – the stakeholder groups
were specified and segmented as the subjects of this
study. The three previously mentioned groups
(clients, businesses and governments) and nine
subgroups were defined as described in the
Clients subgroup 1 (C1) – Older adults investing in a
new home: These are active seniors (55 to 70) who
decide to move to a potentially smaller housing unit,
and who wish to think ahead and adapt the house to
future loss of autonomy and upcoming chronic
Clients subgroup 2 (C2) – Older adults who are
facing loss of autonomy and wish to live longer at
home. In contrast to C1 they are forced to look for
Clients subgroup 3 (C3) – Children of older adults
who wish to help and assist their older parent(s).
This can be because of effective loss of autonomy,
but also to prevent further degradation;
Businesses subgroup 1 (B1) – Suppliers of AAL
solutions (products, services or a combination);
Businesses subgroup 2 (B2) – Suppliers of solutions
and services that could take a role as ‘active advisor’
in the field of AAL and the ActiveAdvice
Governments subgroup 1 (G1) – Suppliers of
services or solutions. This can be under normal
market conditions (e.g. a provision of home
assistance services), or under subsidized schemes for
specific target groups;
Governments subgroup 2 (G2) – Suppliers of
services assessing needs of older adults and directing
them towards the right solution or service. This
segment could also play a role as ‘active advisor’,
depending on national and regional responsibilities;
A Multi-perspective View on AAL Stakeholders’ Needs - A User-centred Requirement Analysis for the Activeadvice European Project
Governments subgroup 3 (G3) – Policy makers at
local, regional and national levels, linked to ageing,
living longer at home, health services and homecare
Governments subgroup 4 (G4) – Public Services,
senior organizations, interest groups, care
The older adults’ segmentation is based on the
interlink of the following factors: (i) chronological
age; (ii) life course events; (iii) health and
functionality status; (iv) relationship with ICT
(particularly internet use); and (v) AAL related
needs and desires. Since literature has shown that
relatives are often the decision-makers or facilitators
regarding the acquisition of AAL products and
services, they are considered as a third segment for
‘clients’. Similarly, the ‘governments’ target
audience was segmented first, differentiating
between institutions which are aimed at supplying
services or solutions to older adults, from policy and
decision-makers who design policies at several
levels (local, regional and national); second, by
distinguishing between organizations that only
supply services or solutions to older adults from
those that also provides advisory services, in
resemblance with the segmentation established for
businesses; moreover, an additional segment was
created to include public services, senior
organizations and other groups of interest. It is
noteworthy that during the data collection it was
verified that some participants reunited criteria to
cluster in more than one subgroup (e.g. older adults
who simultaneously assists a relative).
Potential participants under these stakeholders’
sub-groups were approached through convenience
sampling strategy. The 23 semi-structured
interviews included in the preliminary analysis
discussed here were evenly distributed among the
different stakeholder groups: clients (8), business
representatives (8), and members of local and
regional governments or representatives of end-user
organizations (7); furthermore, all subgroups are
represented with a minimum of 1 (C1, G3) and a
maximum of 6 (B1) participants.
With respect to the stakeholder subgroups,
different objectives have been set as follows:
- To understand the importance of specific features
we plan to include in ActiveAdvice platform (in
order to make a hierarchy and prioritization) and to
understand the attitude and readiness for ICT-based
advisory service (peer-to-peer, peer-to-supplier and
peer-to-expert) (C1, C2, C3);
- To understand business models and distribution
channels (B1, B2, G1, G2);
- To understand challenges and problems when
trying to face customers (B1, B2, G1, G2, G4);
- To understand the potential added value of
ActiveAdvice (B1, B2, G1, G2, G3, G4);
- To understand how customers are advised today
and to explore how ActiveAdvice can reinforce their
advisory services (B2, G1, G2, G3, G4);
- To learn what products and services are currently
recommend to customers (G1, G2, G3, G4).
3.2 Data Collection and Analysis
For the data collection, a study information sheet
was first developed, consisting in a general
introduction section, a stakeholder oriented
specification and a clarification of the overall aims
of the interviews. Additionally, with support in the
narrative literature review previously carried out,
three semi-structured interview guidelines were
developed, resulting in different but analogous
versions for ‘clients’, ‘businesses’ and
‘governments’, to suit the diverse stakeholders’
backgrounds. The following requirements were
taken into account when developing the interview
Clients (C1, C2, C3) – perceived ease of
use/design/functionality motivation in using ICT in
general; perceived usefulness of provided
information & offers; attitudes about ICT-based
feedback/advice; attitudes regarding online
purchase; use and familiarity with social media;
knowledge, use and access to AAL products and
Businesses (B1, B2) – perceived ease of
use/design/functionality; business models (current and
projected); distribution channels/concepts; perceived
added value of ICT-based distribution; perceived
advising concepts, actual use, needs and
opportunities; inclusion of customer feedback; interest
on ActiveAdvice platform and role as active advisor.
Governments (G1, G2, G3, G4) – perceived ease
of use/design/functionality; national/organizational
strategies regarding ICT and AAL; advice strategies
used/services provided; existing offers and concepts;
portal use (i.e. integration of new media and
solutions for policy making and information
distribution); existing programs and activities
regarding AAL and ICT awareness.
Both study information sheet and interview
guidelines were made available in four languages
(Dutch, English, French, German) and the interviews
were carried out in the stakeholders’ country and
languages by each ActiveAdvice project consortium
member. Moreover, local and national specifications
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
were taken into consideration when conducting the
interviews (e.g. role of health insurances versus
social security). All participants received the study
information sheet and gave informed consent. Each
interview took between 30 to 45 minutes and was
carried out either face-to-face in a suitable setting, or
using teleconference or telephone, according to
interviewees preferences and availability.
For the data analysis, a common matrix was used
by all partners. Relevant contents were transferred
into the Matrix Analysis and the material was
analysed by following both a horizontal and vertical
scheme, i.e. with an intra- and inter-interview
comparison. This strategy allows a better
understanding of individual assumptions as well as a
comparison of assumptions across cases. The
collected data was grouped in units of analysis
(categories), which were based on the issues that
emerged from a first reading of the interviews. The
final scheme was built as the new features emerged
from an exhaustive classification of the features.
During the codification process, the semantic units
were selected as registration units, more specifically
the theme (Bardin, 2011).
In order to determine the most prominent user
requirements and, therefore, the most pressing
factors supporting and hindering the ActiveAdvice
platform, interviews findings were critically
analysed and compared to the literature published in
this field and previously reviewed.
The following overview addresses the preliminary
results from 23 conducted interviews. The most
significant contents approached by interviewees –
clients (Cs), business representatives (BRs) and
government representatives (GRs) – are presented
below. These findings support a better understanding
of different and common stakeholders’ motivations,
intentions, needs and expectations in the scope of
4.1 Attitudes Towards ICT and
Internet Use
4.1.1 ICT Skills, Interest and Internet Use
In general, Cs have demonstrated interest in ICT-
based solutions. However, not all interviewees in
this group reported to use internet regularly, neither
to consult the web for health-related information.
This constraint was also identified by GRs, who
have shown concerns about whether or not older
adults would be able to access an advisory platform
in the first place. Perceived barriers for access
include older adults’ lack of ICT skills or fear of
technology; and missing access to technological
devices or internet connection. GRs also stressed
that different profiles for older adults must be taken
into account, since those in need for geriatric help
are very unlikely to use the internet.
For those older adults who use internet,
particularly to gather health information, a preference
for receiving information (e.g. via newsletters) rather
than actively searching for it has been expressed. Care
consultancy is more often sought to be found in the
virtual reality; but the use of internet is often reduced
to a first consultancy rather than an ongoing advice.
Regarding social media as a mean to look and provide
information, neither Cs nor BRs see it as a privileged
or priority channel. On the one hand, Cs tend to see
social networks as a mean for social interaction rather
than a platform for learning or getting informed about
products and services; on the other hand, BRs tend to
report lack of resources or skills to invest in the use of
social networks, although they wish to do it in a later
stage. Furthermore, Cs reported to only rarely have
used online catalogues (not necessarily of AAL
solutions) so far. On this topic, BRs consider that
ActiveAdvice must avoid to become just another
online catalogue providing a selling service.
Main observations by Cs and GRs on these
topics are in line with the vast literature concluding
that to the rejection of technology by older adults
contributing factors are: poor ICT skills, fear of both
the technology itself and the learning process, and
lack of financial resources to purchase devices and
internet access (Doyle et al., 2013; Finn & Wright,
2011; Lewin et al., 2010; Marschollek et al., 2007;
Sanders et al., 2012). However, concerns with older
adults’ fear of technology were expressed rather by
GRs than the older adults themselves, thus reflecting
the stereotypes on older adults use of technology,
discussed in chapter 1. Also, it is documented a
recognition by older adults that barriers associated
with ICT skills will tend to decrease in future
generations (Reginatto, 2012). In this study, some
Cs report to not search for health information online.
However, searching for health information was
identified as the activity most performed online by
seniors (Marschollek et al., 2007).
4.1.2 Knowledge on AAL Products &
The three groups of stakeholders interviewed tend to
A Multi-perspective View on AAL Stakeholders’ Needs - A User-centred Requirement Analysis for the Activeadvice European Project
consider that ICT products and services are not well
known by older adults and welcomed a possibility to
raise awareness and give information. GRs stressed
that older adults either do not know where to find
solutions or they only start looking once they are in
need. Hence, GRs considered that the ActiveAdvice
project should target the awareness rising as much as
offering advice. In the BRs perspective, more and
better information on AAL solutions is welcome in
order to make those solutions widely known.
Evidence from the literature pointed in that same
direction when concluding by the lack of general
public awareness about AAL technologies (Balta-
Ozkana, et al., 2013; Begley, 2010; Lewin et al.,
2010; Reginatto, 2012). For example, caregivers had
perceived a lack of relevant information available on
AAL technologies and its benefits, or its availability
only when a point of crises is reached (Begley,
2010; Lewin et al., 2010; Reginatto, 2012); while
business stakeholders identified it as an obstacle to
introduce and succeed with these products and
services in the market (Balta-Ozkana, et al., 2013).
4.1.3 Online Promotion of AAL Services &
BRs report to use internet predominately for
marketing. However, some also stressed they do not
use it at all, one of the reasons being the fact that
while online promotion reduce costs from a customer
perspective, this is not automatically the case for
businesses. Internet was seen as an important mean
for promoting more simple solutions: the less service
a product needs the more suitable it is to be promoted
online. In BRs perspective, internet loses relevance
with B2B promotions, since negotiations are
dependent on time, experience and trust building.
Similarly, GRs also seem to use multiple formats for
AAL products and services promotion, including
ICT-based promotion, but also other strategies (e.g.
events). GRs stress that regardless of the channel
used, promotion should include co-creation with older
adults, a focus on services rather than on
technologies, in order to guarantee solutions’ quality
and flexibility, i.e. allowing easy entry for companies
to promote services and products. As argued in the
theoretical explanation in Section 2, interviewees’
statements are aligned with the extensive literature
calling for a greater collaboration among
stakeholders. As postulated in the socio-technical
theory (Cherns, 1976), these participants seem to
endorse a co-operation and co-evolution of technical
and social components in the development of ICT-
based solutions.
4.1.4 Face-to-face (f2f) Contact
Both Cs and BRs have shown a preference for f2f
contact with each other. For clients, either buying or
getting advice online still competes with the f2f
experience which is perceived as more trustworthy.
For BRs, the f2f approach allows customers to get to
know and build a relationship with the company.
Moreover, complex solutions need to be adapted,
tested and introduced to settings, reason, as buying
online only without guaranteeing support and
service is perceived as too risky. GRs also stress that
in technological innovations, social interaction and
prevention of loneliness are important issues to
consider. In resemblance, literature produced on
usability evaluations have shown that solution’s
uptake can be hindered by older adults’ fear of
losing social interaction, f2f contact and becoming
lonely (Damodaran & Olphert, 2010; Novitzky et
al., 2015; Olphert et al., 2009; Siegel et al., 2014).
However, it has been reported that if technologies
are seen as facilitators of new social interactions
rather than a replacement of human interactions, this
apprehensiveness can be partially minimized (Lewin
et al., 2010).
4.1.5 Client-business Online Interaction
BRs have shown to be more receptive to online
interaction then Cs. While the former considered
online interaction with potential customers as very
important, the latter might experience businesses
directly communicating with them (e.g. via social
networks) as an invasion of their privacy. The
emergence of the privacy topic in this data collection
is not surprising, since older adults’ concerns about
security and privacy in ICT use – particularly when
health and well-being data is involved, or when it
comes to online transactions – has been extensively
mentioned in the literature (Clark & McGee-Lennon,
2011; Damodaran & Olphert, 2010; Nordgren, 2013;
Olphert et al., 2009; Peek et al., 2014; Wright,
2010). In spite of BRs’ more favourable positions
regarding online interaction, some deterrents were
also mentioned by these actors. In particular, it was
stressed that everyday activities are dominated by
the f2f and problem focused approach: BRs
appreciate to get in contact with their customers as
quickly as possible but they understand it as an
action-and-reaction communication pattern.
Moreover, they stress that communication must not
take place in a ‘public sphere’, a statement also
extended to feedback and advice.
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
4.2 Feedback and Advice in an Online
4.2.1 Trustworthiness and Usefulness of
Online Feedback
Most important for Cs is feedback about AAL
solutions, preferably by other end-users. Cs tend to
value feedbacks offering a description of the product
or service (e.g. price, functionalities) and personal
experiences with those; information on the service
providers; information on the website or platform
presenting the solutions; and information on the
feedback giving person. Cs declare to value family
members’ and friends’ comments for evaluating
whether or not a product or a service is reliable,
useful or trustworthy. However, even with feedbacks
from reliable customers or experts, trust is still the
biggest concern for them when accessing the web
thus, the f2f experience is preferred. In the position
of giving feedback themselves, Cs report to be
driven by negative incentives such as complaints
about unfulfilled expectations. For BRs, these
negative incentives are a reason to be hesitant about
feedback in a ‘public sphere’. When customers
interact, and discuss their positive and negative
experiences, companies of course run the risk that
too much negative feedback starts to affect the
promotion of a product. However, they also have the
chance to learn first-hand about how their product or
service is perceived and accepted in the market
(Youngtae & Thoeni, 2016). Nevertheless, for BRs,
whereas real user testimonials (on the own website
or on a meta-site) are welcomed, they doubt the need
for and usefulness in general of online customer
Moreover, businesses typically do not
appear on websites where customers can leave their
reviews. Furthermore, Cs’ willingness to provide
feedback can be dependent on the age-generation.
Literature in that respect clearly differentiates
between Millennials and Baby Boomers, with the
latter preferring to give feedback in a f2f rather than
in the virtual reality, especially as the privacy cue
has primacy for them (Obal & Kunz, 2013). Yet, in
general, interviewed Cs expressed interest in
becoming more active and successful users as well
as commenters in a secured, easy-to-use
4.2.2 Neutrality as Precondition for Advice
In general, both Cs and BRs considered advice as an
important and needed service. Cs demonstrated
willingness to learn about the best products or
services for them. However, if asking for advice is
something that Cs would like to do, at present it
seems that they are not doing it. Lack of trust in
online-advice is one of the reasons invoked for that.
In this line, both GRs and BRs stress that quality of
data and neutrality are important features for them to
get involved, and for clients to trust in online advice.
Moreover, both GRs and BRs highlighted that when
providing advice, it is important to understand what
the customer really wants and thereupon offer them
a customized, specific support, and one-to-one
advice for a perceived added value. Regarding the
question of who should provide advice, BRs
consider that, on the one hand, advice is best given
by those who sell a product, but on the other hand,
becoming themselves advisors was not seen as an
option due to a lack of resources and the disruption
of the neutrality condition. Therefore, a ‘neutral’
body or a virtual agent is suggested to perform this
task. GRs suggest that a panel of older adults could
test products and the platform itself, and, similarly,
volunteers could act as advisors on the platform.
When it comes to digital and virtual advice, it
was argued that use of virtual agents, particularly in
the e-commerce context, is especially relevant to
older adults due to the expected decline on physical
and cognitive abilities (Chattaraman et al., 2011).
Studies have supported the strong impact of virtual
agents in the context of online-shopping, arguing for
their relevance to address age related navigational
needs (Rickel & Johnson, 2000). However, building
trust is challenging, depends on different conditions
and is contradictory (Bart et al. in Obal & Kunz,
2005). For example, consumer cohorts have
different trust understandings and thereby reference
systems; furthermore, peer-endorsement seems to
have different impact on consumer behaviour
depending on the national context (Bart et al. in
Obal & Kunz, 2005). Moreover, trust is dependent
on web site-interface variables; while provider's
brand strength, online expertise or web site
familiarity were less influential (Bart et al. in Obal
& Kunz, 2005). The presence of provider advice,
privacy cues and community features have higher
influence (McKnight et al., 2002; Liang & Lai, 2002
in Obal & Kunz, 2005).
4.2.3 AAL Solutions, Platform Features and
When questioned about the AAL services and
products most relevant for end-users, GRs stressed
that platforms must include products that take the
older adults’ needs and their physical and cognitive
A Multi-perspective View on AAL Stakeholders’ Needs - A User-centred Requirement Analysis for the Activeadvice European Project
ageing process into account. Both Cs and GRs
referred that besides offering information on AAL
products and services and their suppliers, the
ActiveAdvice platform should contain information
about social services, care organizations and other
informative websites (e.g. for dementia, epilepsy).
Moreover, Cs expected the inclusion of so called
‘flow charts’ in the platform, as a tool to help older
adults solving problems or improving situations step
by step, as well as guidelines for ordering products
When reflecting on the features that a platform
like ActiveAdvice should have, both Cs and GRs
stressed the importance of inclusive design.
Furthermore, a clear communication strategy and a
simple and a well-structured web-layout can help to
build trust. This is shown by Ruscher et al. (2016),
clearly stating that mistakable wording can lead to
negative emotional reactions. It was suggested by
GRs that one possibility to address the problem of
accessing online information is to design the website
in a way that allows neatly formatted printouts that
can be easily read. Cs highlighted platform features
influencing its use, such as the website organization;
used colours; the amount of information included;
and, as a critical factor, security and safety. The
security topic was highly valued by BRs, as it was
the neutrality one, i.e. the platform needs to
guarantee impartiality in the presentation of products
and services. Neutrality was also valued by GRs,
who suggested that the quality standards should be
transparent, such as the criteria and guidelines on
how products and services are going to be evaluated.
BRs have suggested that specific functionalities
of ActiveAdvice must include videos (with
comments by developers and users) and ‘qualitative
photographs’. Both should help to best describe the
solution as well as its functionality; and also include
eExpert stories. Moreover, testimonials for the
platform itself and not only for the single services
can be a way to assess and improve platform
reliability. BRs also mentioned that both the
products and the platform need to be certified as this
is a guarantee for quality management; and thus, a
valuable and reliable offer – for both the businesses
and the customers. Additional features such as the
inclusion of a telephone number by country and the
presentation of the platform administration were
considered by GRs as relevant for raising the
website’s credibility.
4.2.4 ActiveAdvice Perceived Added Value
All stakeholder groups appear to anticipate and
recognize positive effects of a European advisory
platform. GRs value the potential benefit of the
ActiveAdvice platform for experience exchange
between organizations; in stimulating older adults to
use ICT solutions; in offering their own product(s) or
specific assistance on local municipal/communal
level; and, most of all, in offering information on the
AAL market, such as data on suppliers and services
and feedback from end-users that could feed into
evaluation process for procurement. In addition, it
could possibly serve as basis for policies for care for
older adults. On the other hand, ICT support was
considered helpful for businesses promoting AAL
solutions, with interoperability with other systems
being seen as an opportunity. A platform such as
ActiveAdvice was also seen as posing an opportunity
for smaller suppliers to promote their products.
Nevertheless, some BRs have raised concerns and
shown reluctance in contributing to the platform due
to a potential risk of competition. Also, for the
occurrence of the benefits pointed above, both GRs
and BRs stressed that ActiveAdvice must guarantee
quality of products and services, as well as security,
and, as already mentioned, neutrality. Those are
baseline conditions for these stakeholder groups to
let their products and services being promoted
through the platform and to promote the platform
themselves. BRs asked for transparency with respect
to the business model and responsibilities and
expressed that they need to make sure that the
platform is accepted and reliable. GRs suggested that
creating a trustworthy quality label customers
ensures reliability and trust; as well as, mobilizing a
wider support from governments, large associations
with high reputation, suppliers and local persons
providing services (e.g. general practitioners). The
involvement of municipality and local authorities
was considered by GRs as central to better promote
the platform and to increase trust in it among older
The above analyzed interviews gave valuable inputs
on the stakeholders’ attitudes – towards the AAL
products themselves, the web communication within
a community and web services which will be
provided in ActiveAdvice. Multiple and bidirectional
relationships among the above discussed categories
can be identified. At a baseline level, the lack of
public awareness about AAL solutions, stressed by
all groups of stakeholders, influences the interest
towards those solutions, since its benefits are not
identified. However, interest in ICT-based solutions
is not the only attitudinal factor influencing its
uptake, as demonstrated by the group of Cs, who, in
spite of showing interest in those solutions, have
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
shown preference for f2f contact. This preference
seems to be, in turn, related with a lack of trust in
web communication and services, namely in online
advice and purchase; with worries regarding privacy
breaks and loss of social interaction. From the data
gathered, trust emerged as a key attitudinal factor for
AAL solutions uptake as well as for the use of
ActiveAdvice platform. It seems to influence the
interest in using AAL solutions, as well as the
preference for f2f contact demonstrated by
stakeholders (Cs, BRs). On the other hand, trust
seems to be influenced by the communication
strategy and web-layout; by the perception of
neutrality regarding the information provided and the
individuals providing that information; as well as by
the perceived quality of that information (Cs, BRs,
GRs); by the access to real users’ feedback (Cs); and
by the perception that feedbacks are ‘fair’, i.e. not
exclusively guided by negative incentives (BRs). In
spite of the added value of an European advisory
platform such as ActiveAdvice – that is recognized
by all stakeholders - trust, in the AAL products, in
the advice platform, as well as in the stakeholders
belonging to the AAL ecosystem – is a key aspect to
consider when developing the project.
Stakeholders hold different backgrounds and
experiences, and further research is required to
understand their needs and how divergent or
congruent those needs might be. A planned and
systematic stakeholder engagement must be
promoted as a foundation for raising stakeholders’
awareness, gathering requirements, building a
participative process around development and
making informed decisions, and building consensus,
namely around the stakeholders’ needs and
requirements on AAL technologies.
The results of this paper demonstrate that there
are parallels as well as contradictions in the different
stakeholders’ needs; and that the inclusion of these
different perspectives and needs is worthwhile. As
stressed by Camarinha-Matos et al. (2015), members
in an ecosystem hold different value systems, e.g. a
business-oriented system or a social-oriented
system. Nevertheless, beyond the different values
systems, those actors share one common goal:
providing better services for older adults and foster
social innovation. Despite the difficulties mentioned
in literature as pointed out in Section 2,
ActiveAdvice has shown that it is feasible to include
different stakeholders’ needs into a requirement
analysis, thus adding a new perspective on the
involvement of a whole stakeholder ecosystem.
The scientific literature in AAL field is prolific
in calls for greater collaboration and co-ordination
among stakeholders in order to overcome or
minimize the digital divides currently separating
many older adults from mainstream European
society. While stakeholders in general have been
aware of this digital divide for a long time, a limited
understanding of older people’s technology-related
needs still prevails. This is related to a scarce
collaboration and co-ordination of stakeholders in
order to meet those needs (Wright, 2010). This call
for multi-stakeholder partnerships comes not only
from the academic stakeholders but also from other
major interested parties in AAL fields, such as
industry and CSOs, as well as governments, with
several policy documents, European Commission
(EC) communications and research reports being
published in that matter (Finn & Wright, 2011;
Wright, 2010).
A hesitant but existing AAL ecosystem
development can be identified; yet, we still speak of
prototypes rather than success stories. Literature
analysis has confirmed that the development of a
platform that supports both sharing of information,
knowhow and products, and building up networks
between different stakeholders is considered to be a
challenging task. As platforms annul the typical f2f
interaction in health care, the users’ acceptance of it
has to be a priority concern of developers and
promoters. In a next step, therefore, the identified
stakeholder needs, interests and expectations will be
transferred into requirements and finally into
measurable qualities. User-centred requirements
engineering methodology involves users right from
the beginning, allowing them to give feedback to
developers and researchers about their requirements,
preferences, acceptances and expectations. For the
ActiveAdvice platform development, it was essential
to integrate different stakeholders at a very early
stage of the project. The results of these efforts are
the foundation for decisions in specification of
technical requirements, the creation of content
structures, decision support logics and service
module functionalities. Especially on the topic of
personalized feedback and advice, ActiveAdvice
will provide added value as there are only few
examples to learn from and it is not yet common to
provide personalized feedback and advice.
Considering the interviewed Cs’ value of feedback,
this is an important aspect.
For ActiveAdvice, taking a stakeholder approach
can contribute to the identification of groups of
A Multi-perspective View on AAL Stakeholders’ Needs - A User-centred Requirement Analysis for the Activeadvice European Project
actors who have a legitimate stake in the process of
introducing, especially the software solution and the
advisory network, and result in better choices in the
design process and system development. It can
elucidate about the interdependencies between
technology, people and their sociocultural
environment (Van Gemert-Pijnen et al., 2011).
Ideally, stakeholders should be aware of these
complex relationships, thus contributing to the
awareness of each stakeholder about the expected
effects for other stakeholders. This can possibly
broaden stakeholders’ perspectives and lead to more
successful implementations of AAL technologies in
Based on this qualitative encounter,
ActiveAdvice could in a next step promote a ‘AAL
Barometer’, i.e. a quarterly online survey, which
helps to learn and even better understand the varying
and changing interests of potential stakeholders to
finally best serve their interests; and thus, adapt the
platform according to their needs.
The authors would like to acknowledge the co-
financing by the European Commission AAL Joint
Programme and the related national agencies in
Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal,
Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
The narrative literature review mentioned
throughout the paper will be the focus of discussion
on a separate paper. The interview guidelines used to
gather the interviews are available upon request to
the authors.
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ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health