Demonstrating Approach Design Principles during the Development
of a DEMO-based Enterprise Engineering Approach
Thomas van der Meulen
, Marné de Vries
and Aurona Gerber
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Engineering Department, Bertie van Zyl (Pty) Ltd, Pretoria, South Africa
CAIR, CSIR Meraka as well as Department of Informatics, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Keywords: Enterprise Engineering, Design Principles, Approach Design.
Abstract: Enterprise engineering (EE) aims to address several phenomena in the evolution of an enterprise. One
prominent phenomenon is the inability of the enterprise as a complex socio-technical system to adapt to
rapidly-changing environments. In response to this phenomenon, many enterprise design approaches (with
their own methodologies, frameworks, and modelling languages) emerged, but with little empirical evidence
about their effectiveness. Furthermore, research indicates that multiple enterprise design approaches are used
concurrently in industry, with each approach focusing on a sub-set of stakeholder concerns. The proliferating
design approaches do not necessarily explicate their conditional use in terms of contextual prerequisites and
demarcated design scope; and this also impairs their evaluation. Previous work suggested eleven design
principles that would guide approach designers when they design or enhance an enterprise design approach.
The design principles ensure that researchers contribute to the systematic growth of the EE knowledge base.
This article provides a demonstration of the eleven principles during the development of a DEMO-based
enterprise engineering approach, as well as a discussion to reflect on the usefulness of the principles.
Enterprise engineering (EE) studies enterprises from
an engineering perspective (Albani and Dietz, 2010)
and addresses the need for a comprehensive view of
the enterprise (Giachetti, 2010; Hoogervorst, 2009;
Kappelman, 2010; Van Tonder and Roodt, 2008). A
recent study focused on defining the domain of the
EE discipline — i.e., identifying the phenomena and
core problems of interest that require research within
the discipline (De Vries, Gerber, and Van der Merwe,
2015). Survey participants of the study highlighted a
prominent phenomenon, namely the inability of an
enterprise, as a complex socio-technical system, to
adapt to rapidly-changing environments (De Vries,
Gerber, et al., 2015). The research also highlighted
the need for appropriate methodologies and
architecture description (using typologies and
modelling languages). Yet, numerous approaches
(including methodologies, frameworks, and
modelling languages) already exist (De Vries, Van
der Merwe, and Gerber, 2015). From a practical
viewpoint, enterprises usually apply a combination of
methodologies to cover several design domains
(Blowers, 2012). The diversity of modelling
languages is not surprising if we recognise that
enterprise stakeholders have different concerns,
which need to be addressed via multiple enterprise
design approaches to deal with the full richness of the
real world (Espejo and Reyses, 2011; Mingers and
Brocklesby, 1997).
The proliferation of enterprise design approaches
however impairs the systematic growth of the EE
knowledge base, since many design approaches do
not necessarily explicate their conditional use,
contextual prerequisites, and demarcated design
scope. Drawing from existing theory on theoretical
enterprise design approaches (De Vries, Van der
Merwe, et al., 2015) and eight components for design
theory in IS (Gregor and Jones, 2007), design
research was used to develop eleven approach design
principles (ADPs) to guide the approach developer
(De Vries, 2016). Although the study applied a focus
group discussion to validate the principles, the
principles had not been applied to a real scenario.
Additional demonstration was needed to further
evaluate the usefulness of the eleven ADPs.
Meulen, T., Vries, M. and Gerber, A.
Demonstrating Approach Design Principles during the Development of a DEMO-based Enterprise Engineering Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0006382204710482
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 471-482
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the
use of a generic set of ADPs during the development
of a new approach, called the DEMO-based
enterprise engineering approach (DEEA), which had
been applied at a real enterprise. In addition, we
discuss the usefulness of the ADPs.
The article is structured as follow: section 2
provides background on a real enterprise and its need
for a new enterprise design approach, as well as a
summary of eleven ADPs that should guide the
development of new enterprise design approaches.
Section 3 presents the research methodology that was
used to evaluate the ADPs by demonstrating their use.
The demonstration of the ADPs and interview results
are discussed in section 4, followed by a summary of
the results and opportunities for ADP improvement in
section 5. We conclude the article in section 6.
The main approach developer of DEEA identified the
need to guide enterprise evolution at an agricultural
enterprise, called ZZ2. Management at ZZ2
encourages an open systems approach (evident on the
ZZ2 web site (, Vision), which
encourages farmers or other role players to
continuously adapt plans as necessitated by the
dynamic agricultural environment. Based on
discussions with employees, it was evident that ad
hoc and unintegrated designs created frustration,
since the current ad hoc approach failed to identify
and address enterprise design concerns in a holistic
way (Van der Meulen, 2017). The new approach had
to improve the quality of design, which according to
Gause & Weinberg’s (1989), can be defined as the
extent of identifying and addressing relevant
stakeholder requirements for the to-be system.
Van der Meulen (2017) considered a number of
enterprise design approaches to replace the ad hoc
nature of enterprise design with a more holistic,
comprehensive and integrated design process.
Hoogervorst’s (2009) approach was selected as a
good candidate, due to its holistic way of eliciting
stakeholder concerns and related design principles
that would govern the evolution of enterprise design
domains. In addition, requirements are translated into
constructional specifications for the organisation
domain in the form of DEMO models, which are,
according to Dietz (2006), coherent, comprehensive,
consistent and concise.
2.1 Need for an Enhanced Approach
At the start of the study, Hoogervorst’s (2009)
approach was considered as an appropriate approach
for application at ZZ2. Yet, during the
implementation of the approach, especially the
generic enterprise development framework (GEDF)
of Hoogervorst (2016), practical implementation
tools and supporting software were absent. A study
was initiated, using action design research and
guidelines from Sein et al. (2011), to develop the
DEEA (Van der Meulen, 2017). The developer of
DEEA also applied the ADPs of De Vries (2016) to
explicate DEEA’s conditional use in terms of
contextual prerequisites and demarcated design
2.2 Approach Design Principles
Drawing from existing theory on theoretical
enterprise design approaches (De Vries, Van der
Merwe, et al., 2015) and eight components for design
theory in IS (Gregor et al., 2007), design research was
used to develop eleven approach design principles
The term design approach features in almost
every principle statement and relates to an enterprise
design approach, designed by an approach developer,
with the intent of guiding the evolution of an
enterprise system or sub-system.
We distinguish between an approach and a
methodology by referring to the four-tier inheritance
structure defined by Iivari, Hirschheim, and Klein
(2001), i.e. paradigms, approaches, methodologies
and techniques.
Furthermore, De Vries (2016) states that an
enterprise design approach is based on a particular
conceptualisation of the enterprise; is designed to
create value for the enterprise; focuses on designing
particular design domains or sub-systems; highlights
particular concerns that may be neglected in other
approaches; and incorporates several mechanisms
and practices that will enable value-creation for the
This section summarises the principles as defined
by De Vries (2016) in terms of a statement and
rationale. The rationale is stated in terms of the main
focus of the ADPs, namely to guide the approach
developer in explicating the conditional use of a
newly-developed approach in terms of its contextual
prerequisites and demarcated design scope (De
Vries, 2016).
The practical components of each ADP (i.e. the
ADP implications and measures) are only presented
AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling
in section 4 when we demonstrate their use during the
development of a new enterprise design approach,
called DEEA.
Principle A: Explicit Concept of the Enterprise
Statement: A design approach should indicate how an
enterprise is perceived or conceptualised.
Rationale: Different analogies are used to
conceptualise the enterprise, such as machines,
biological systems, and psychic prisons (De Vries,
Van der Merwe, et al., 2015), which may also differ
from one industry to the next. By explicating the
enterprise conceptualisation(s) the approach author
also acknowledges the limitations of a particular
conceptualisation, as indicated by Morgan (2006).
Principle B: Explicit Phenomenon
Statement: A design approach should provide
evidence for a phenomenon or class-of-problems, i.e.
similar kinds of problems.
Rationale: Phenomena “that are not fully understood
cannot be properly addressed and improved”
(Hoogervorst, 2016, p. 49). Although numerous
approaches may already exist to address a well-
understood phenomenon, there is still a lack of
knowledge about approach performance (De Vries,
Gerber, et al., 2015).
Principle C: Explicit Paradigm of Value Creation
Statement: A design approach should state a
paradigm of value-creation as a testable proposition
for addressing an existing phenomenon or class-of-
Rationale: Creating testable propositions for existing
and new approaches provides a starting point to
extend the existing EE knowledge base. From a
practitioner’s perspective, the value-creation
paradigm clarifies the intended value of the approach.
Principle D: Explicit Means (Ways) of Demarcating
and Representing Design Scope
Statement: A design approach should clearly define
and motivate the way to demarcate design scope
(enterprise scope, design domains, and
concerns/requirements) relevant to the approach.
Rationale: Demarcation of design scope (enterprise
scope, design domains, concerns/requirements) is
contextual and depends on the intentions (paradigm
of value-creation) of the observer/ analyst (Espejo et
al., 2011; Giachetti, 2010). Thus, acknowledging that
demarcation of design scope will inevitably differ
from one approach author to the next, the approach
author should stipulate the method or theoretical
grounds used for demarcation, which encourages
reflection about the demarcation rigour.
We clarify definitions for enterprise scope, design
domains and concerns.
The enterprise scope provides a dimension to
demarcate the scope of design for a specific approach,
by referring to the internal structures of the enterprise
— e.g., business units, lines of business, departments,
programmes and projects — and the external legal
entities, such as government, partners and suppliers.
The demarcation of design domains depends on
the approach author’s intentions or paradigm of
value-creation. For example, Hoogervorst (2009, p.
134) maintains that the demarcation/delineation of
domains reveals “functional or constructional system
facets for which design activities are required”.
Concerns acknowledge a third way of
demarcating enterprise design scope. Approach
authors highlight particular concerns or areas of
concern/requirements that should be addressed
during enterprise design. For example, Parmenter
(2010) highlights six areas of concern for enterprise
design: financial asset utilisation, operational
performance, customer satisfaction, employee
satisfaction, community engagement, and learning
and growing.
Principle E: Well-demarcated and Well-defended
Design Scope
Statement: A design approach should define and
defend the intended design scope to achieve the
intended value-creation.
Rationale: The new approach should demarcate an
appropriate scope to achieve the intended value-
creation, and relate to existing theory that focuses on
a similar scope.
Principle F: Representations of Design Scope
Statement: A design approach should clearly define
and motivate notation standards that are used to
adequately describe/represent the design scope.
Rationale: Multiple languages and notation standards
already exist to represent different perspectives or
design domains of the enterprise. Yet existing
notation standards are usually based on a particular
notion about the nature of the enterprise and its sub-
systems. The approach author should defend why the
selected language and notation standard is
appropriate within his/her conceptualisation of the
enterprise. A new conceptualisation or notion of the
enterprise may require deviation from existing
notation standards. As an example, the Business
Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) standard may
be used to depict the business organisation domain.
Yet, Dietz (2006) criticizes BPMN for being too
Demonstrating Approach Design Principles during the Development of a DEMO-based Enterprise Engineering Approach
implementation-specific and motivates the need for
representing the essence of enterprise operation by
suggesting a new notation standard, i.e. the Design
and Engineering Methodology for Organisations
Principle G: Approach Form and Function
Statement: A design approach should clearly define
the constructs and features of the approach.
Rationale: The basic design process for any artefact,
including a new design approach, requires both
functional design and constructional design (Dietz
and Hoogervorst, 2007). For a design approach, the
paradigm of value creation represents its function,
whereas constructional parts represent the form. An
artefact, such as a new design approach, can only be
maintained and tailored in future if both its function
and construction/form is known (Dietz et al., 2007).
The four components of EECM provide a meta-model
of typical constructs of existing design approaches.
The third component (mechanisms and practices)
also highlights ten different kinds of constructs that
may form part of an approach.
Principle H: Justificatory knowledge
Statement: A design approach must provide
explanatory knowledge that links the paradigm of
value-creation with its constructional components.
Rationale: The justificatory knowledge provides an
explanation of why an artefact is constructed as it is,
and why it works. Pointers to some kernel theories
would provide researchers and practitioners with
information that would be useful when comparing or
combining approaches. It may also be possible that
new theories are formulated, which cannot be traced
to kernel theories.
Principle I: Approach Mutability
Statement: A design approach should clearly state
possibilities for tailoring the approach, within the pre-
defined design scope.
Rationale: Since the design approach may not have
been demonstrated for multiple instances within the
pre-defined design scope, the designer needs to
identify possibilities for tailoring the approach.
Design approaches need to address the dynamic
nature of the enterprise and its environment, which is
also a key concern within the EE discipline (De Vries,
Gerber, et al., 2015).
Principle J: Principles of implementation
Statement: A design approach may incorporate
guidance for implementing the approach.
Rationale: This principle is conditional, since the
designer needs to consider the pre-defined design
scope and decide whether additional advice would
add value, e.g. additional advice may be required if
the approach has been designed for the health
industry. Even for other industries, the designer may
need to provide additional advice to indicate how the
approach should be used in specific contexts.
Principle K: Expository Instantiation (Optional)
Statement: A design approach may incorporate an
Rationale: This principle is optional. A realistic
implementation of an approach contributes to the
identification of potential problems in its design, also
demonstrating its worth. Even though the designer
should have implemented the approach to evaluate its
utility, the implementation results do not necessarily
form part of the construction of the design approach.
Design research acknowledges the development of
principles as a valid form of knowledge contribution
(Hevner et al., 2004). Previous research applied the
first three phases of the design research (DR) cycle of
Peffers, Tuunanen, Rothenberger, and Chatterjee
(2008), i.e. (1) identify the problem, (2) define the
objectives of the solution, and (3) develop the
solution, which was a set of eleven ADPs. The ADPs
were also validated via a focus group discussion.
This article focuses on the subsequent steps of
Peffer et al.’s (2008) DR cycle, namely
(4) demonstration, i.e. finding a suitable context for
demonstrating the ADPs, and (5) evaluation, i.e.
evaluating the usefulness of the ADPs.
In terms of demonstration, an approach
developer, who was not the developer of the ADPs,
applied the ADPs when he developed a new
approach, called DEEA. He documented the
application of the ADPs as part of a Masters
dissertation. For evaluation, the ADP’s developer
followed the guidelines of Marshall and Rossman
(2011) to perform an in-depth 3-hour interview with
the user of the ADPs. The interview was structured to
inquire about every ADP, especially how the
implications and measures were interpreted and
applied by the APD user. The interview allowed for
additional inquiry where the ADP user applied a
different interpretation than was intended (see
Section 4.4). Finally, the interview feedback,
presented per ADP, was sent to the interviewee for
validation and additional inputs.
AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling
The next section presents DEEA in terms of the
eleven ADPs, i.e. demonstrating how the ADP’s
implications and measures were applied during the
development of DEEA. In addition, we provide
feedback per ADP regarding the use of its
implications and measures, based on the interview
feedback from the interviewee.
This section presents each principle in terms of the
ADP implications and measures, followed by their
application during the development of DEEA and
interview feedback from the approach developer.
During the interview feedback, the approach
developer had to reflect on the usefulness of the
particular ADP, highlighting opportunities for further
4.1 Principle A: Explicit Concept of the
Provide a description of the enterprise, using
Provide a motivation, also referring to
supporting theory, for using the particular
enterprise conceptualisation.
Measures: No additional measures.
Principle Application
Since DEEA was based on Hoogervorst’s approach,
his conceptualisation of the enterprise was also
adopted, namely that the enterprise resembles an
organised complexity, which should be purposefully
designed. DEEA also adopted the notion that an
enterprise is a heterogeneous system that consists of
many sub-systems in accordance with Dietz (2006).
Furthermore, the sub-systems are often constructed as
to support one another, e.g. ICT systems are
constructed to support the operation of the enterprise.
Interview Feedback
The interviewee indicated that the ADP implications
were sufficient. However, he commented that one of
the prerequisites for applying a particular approach is
that management had to appreciate the enterprise
conceptualisation, which would ensure buy-in and
active participation. As an example, management at
ZZ2 also adopted a systems notion of the enterprise.
More so, they used a similar conceptualisation of an
enterprise object system that needs to be constructed
in support of a using system. Hoogervorst’s
conceptualisation of the enterprise correlated with
ZZ2’s paradigm of an organised complexity, which
would also allow buy-in from ZZ2.
Furthermore, an entomologist at ZZ2 referred to
Aristotle’s belief that even nature is teleological,
since nature serves ends (see Lloyd (1968)), which
compares well with the notion of an object system
that serves a using system.
4.2 Principle B: Explicit Phenomenon
Produce sufficient evidence that an existing
phenomenon or class-of-problems exists, but
that it is inadequately addressed by existing
theory or theory application.
Measures: No additional measures.
Principle Application
The study was initiated by identifying a problem
instance at ZZ2, which was then validated as a class-
of-problems from a theoretical viewpoint. The
problem instance at ZZ2 is that the enterprise
developed in an ad hoc way to accommodate the
dynamic environment of the agricultural industry. An
industrial engineer that practiced in an agricultural
environment for more than nine years stated: “I do not
even want to begin thinking about putting this
company into circles and rectangles”. Due to its
dynamic nature, the agricultural enterprise cannot be
represented with the same rigour than a nuclear power
station or a financial department.
This problem instance features as a class-of-
problems in literature. Since the farming industry is
dependent on many variables such as temperature,
rainfall, wind, soil diseases and other natural or
political factors, it becomes a very complex
environment to implement system standardisation or
design techniques with the intent of gaining more
control (Nuthall, 2011). Geng, Ren, and Wang (2007)
state that it is difficult to implement IT solutions in
the agricultural environment, since there is a lack of
standard measures. In addition, produce is diverse and
difficult to handle. Wolfert et al. (2010) state that
agricultural companies need to constantly innovate to
be able to survive in the complicated and dynamic
agri-food environment.
According to the developer of DEEA, current
theory existed to provide some design guidance
within a dynamic agricultural environment. Whereas
systems engineering was too generic to provide
design guidance for an enterprise, Hoogervorst’s
(2009, 2016) approach acknowledges enterprise
Demonstrating Approach Design Principles during the Development of a DEMO-based Enterprise Engineering Approach
dynamics and focuses on holistic enterprise design
and representation of organisation construction in a
coherent, comprehensive, consistent and concise way
(Van der Meulen, 2017). Yet, an application of
Hoogervorst’s approach indicated practical gaps. An
approach was required to facilitate ease-of-
understanding when eliciting enterprise requirements
from employees with an agricultural background. In
addition, requirements and enterprise designs had to
be traceable and documented in an unambiguous way.
Interview Feedback
Although the approach developer adhered to the ADP
implications, the implications focuses too much on
the identification of a class-of-problems. The
implications should rather focus on the identification
of a problem instance, prior to its generalisation as a
4.3 Principle C: Explicit Paradigm of
Value Creation
State the intended paradigm of value-creation in
terms of a testable proposition, which may be in
the form ‘If approach X is instantiated, then it
will achieve the intended value, or it will be
better in some way than other approaches’.
Measures: No additional measures.
Principle Application
If DEEM is instantiated, then it will:
Generate a concept of the enterprise in an
integrated manner for a particular design
scope of interest,
Address stakeholder concerns from a
holistic point of view,
Ensure ease-of-understanding for
employees with an agricultural background
during enterprise requirements elicitation,
Represent enterprise requirements and
conceptual to-be construction in an
unambiguous way.
Interview Feedback
The ADP implications are sufficient.
4.4 Principle D: Explicit Means (Ways)
of Demarcating and Representing
Design Scope
Define the way to demarcate design domains
(e.g., using systems theory or demarcation
Define the way to demarcate concerns per
design domain (e.g., using generic areas of
concerns from theory or using heuristics to
identify concerns).
Measures: No additional measures.
Principle Application
Way to demarcate design domains: DEEA
applied the basic systems design process
delineated in Dietz (2006) to define domains
that have supportive relationships, e.g. the
information domain (i.e. the object system)
supports the organisation domain (i.e. the using
Way to demarcate concerns per design domain:
DEEA applied Hoogervorst’s (2016) heuristics,
embedded in the generic system development
framework, to elicit areas of concern and
enterprise requirements.
Interview Feedback
Although the approach developer was able to define
the means of demarcation, as stipulated under
Principle Application, he initially defined DEEA’s
design domains, rather than their means of
demarcation. The ADP should explain the phrase
“means of demarcating”.
4.5 Principle E: Well-Demarcated and
Well-defended Design Scope
Identify the overall scope of the approach —
i.e., focusing on inside-the-boundary
complexities versus outside-the-boundary
Identify the scope of the approach in terms of
design domains that will be addressed by the
Identify the scope of the approach in terms of
areas of concern for different stakeholders that
will be addressed.
Use additional ways of scoping to define the
context for which the approach is intended —
e.g., a specific industry.
AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling
Indicate the actual implementation scope used to
demonstrate the approach.
Identify the role players, especially the main
users of the approach.
Is the scope described in such a way as to relate
to existing theory that covers a similar design
Is the scope described in such a way as to know
whether an application context falls within the
scope of the approach?
Principle Application
Overall scope of the approach: DEEA focuses
on inside-the-boundary complexities rather than
outside-the-boundary complexities.
Design domains scope: DEEA provides a
method to design three design domains, i.e.
organisation, information and infrastructure.
The rationale and demarcation of the designs are
discussed in Van der Meulen (2017).
Areas of concern: DEEA is not prescriptive on
the areas of concern that should be addressed,
but rather applies the generic system
development framework to identify enterprise-
specific areas of concern.
Industry: DEEA should be applicable to
different industries, but has only been evaluated
within the agricultural industry.
Other means of scope demarcation: DEEA
applies the system life cycle model of
Kossiakoff et al. (2011) and only incorporates
the concept development stage. In future, DEEA
may have to be extended for the other stages as
Role players: DEEA should be used by
enterprise engineers and their design teams.
Although other stakeholders may contribute
towards the identification of areas of concerns
and requirements, they are not users of DEEA.
Interview Feedback
The ADP implications and measures are sufficient.
4.6 Principle F: Representations of
Design Scope
Define notation standards that are used to
describe design domains.
Motivate any deviation from existing standards.
Measures: No additional measures.
Principle Application
DEEA applied the following notation standards per
design domain:
Organisation design domain: DEMO’s aspect
Information design domain: Entity relationship
Infrastructure design domain: Process flows
with concept technologies and wire frames to
model concept interfaces and concept
Interview Feedback
The ADP implications are sufficient.
4.7 Principle G: Approach Form and
Define the overall structure and organisation of
the approach.
Define the mechanisms and practices explicitly,
stating their form (conceptual parts) and
function, ensuring that their interpretation is
Define how the mechanisms and practices are
related to one another.
Define the roles involved when using the
mechanisms and practices.
Are the structures described comprehensively
enough to be useful and transferable?
Did you validate the interpretation of the
mechanisms and practices (their form and
function) with appropriate research
For each mechanism or set of practices, is it
clear which roles are involved?
Principle Application
Structure and organisation of the approach:
DEEA is organised into two main parts,
introduction and constructs. The introduction
part describes the function, scope, users and
prerequisites of DEEA, whereas the constructs
part presents the mechanisms and practices that
form part of DEEA.
Mechanisms and practices: DEEA incorporates
a method that consists of three main steps,
illustrated in Figure 1: (1) Analyse Needs, (2)
Determine Starting Point, and (3) Design a
Design Domain. The documented DEEA also
presents additional mechanisms, namely a code
Demonstrating Approach Design Principles during the Development of a DEMO-based Enterprise Engineering Approach
book, requirements database, DEMO aspect
models, entity relationships models, flow
diagrams and wire frames (See Van der Meulen
Relationships of mechanisms and practices: The
relationships of the mechanisms and practices
are graphically portrayed in Van der Meulen
Roles involved when using the mechanisms and
practices: DEEA is not prescriptive on the roles
that are involved, since it has not been tested
with a dedicated EE team. Yet, DEEA could be
further enhanced in future to prescribe roles.
Interview Feedback
The ADP implications and measures are
sufficient. However, more guidance should be
provided to ensure that the structure addresses
the ADPs.
Figure 1: Reduced illustration of DEEA.
4.8 Principle H: Justificatory
Define kernel theories on which the approach and its
components are based, and on how they are related to
different components of the approach.
Measures: No additional measures.
Principle Application
The components of DEEA are based on existing
theoretical works, which are discussed in Van der
Meulen (2017). Prominent works include: the system
life cycle model of Kossiakof et al. (2011), the
generic system development framework of
Hoogervorst (2016) and DEMO of Dietz, as
presented in Perinforma (2015). DEMO has its roots
in the theory of communicative action of
Habermas (1984), the speech act theory of Searle
(1969) and systemic ontology of Bunge (1979).
Interview feedback
The ADP implications are sufficient.
4.9 Principle I: Approach Mutability
Define foreseeable changes — i.e., approach
constructs that will change, and the kinds of change
that would be required.
Are conditions for changes described?
Is it clear which parts could possibly change and
to what they could change?
Are possibilities for tailoring the approach
defined to enable extension of the approach in
Principle Application
DEEA provides various scenarios for enterprise
design, as well as the associated method tailoring. In
addition, advice is offered regarding DEEA’s
extension beyond the concept development stage of
Kossiakof’s life cycle development model (Van der
Meulen, 2017).
Interview feedback
The ADP implications are sufficient.
4.10 Principle J: Principles of
Implementation (Conditional)
Define tailoring advice.
Define advice regarding introduction into real-
life settings.
Does the advice for implementing the approach cover
different settings within the scope, or is it at least clear
about the scope to which it applies?
Principle Application
DEEA does not provide additional advice on
implementation, since the discussion on alternative
tailoring scenarios was deemed sufficient.
Interview feedback
The interviewee commented that ADP I and J seem
to overlap. An alternative interpretation of ADP J is
that an approach user manual should be constructed
to guide the approach user and improve the usability
AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling
of the newly-designed approach.
4.11 Principle K: Expository
Instantiation (Optional)
Report on a real-life implementation of the
Does the implementation cover a case within the
scope, and is it covering the main mechanisms
and practices of the approach?
Is the implementation specific enough to be
Principle Application
A real-life demonstration of DEEA is presented in
Van der Meulen (2017) to design the concept for a to-
be post-harvest system. The demonstration covers a
case in scope, covers all mechanisms and practices
and provides a realistic demonstration of DEEA.
Interview feedback
The ADP implications and measures are sufficient.
According to the interviewee, the ADPs were useful
in terms of their implications and measures. Yet, he
indicated that 5 of the 11 principles could be further
enhanced, namely ADPs A, B, D, G and J. Section 5.1
summarises the interview results, whereas section 5.2
presents opportunities for further enhancement of the
5.1 Summary of Interview Results
Principle A: Explicit Concept of the Enterprise
The approach developer indicated that the ADPs do
not highlight the necessity for stating prerequisites for
using a particular approach.
Principle B: Explicit Phenomenon
The ADP implications should focus on the
identification of a problem instance, prior to its
generalisation as a class-of-problems.
Principle D: Explicit Means (Ways) of Demarcating
and Representing Design Scope
The approach developer initially defined DEEA’s
design domains, rather than their means of
demarcation. The ADP should explain the phrase
“means of demarcating”.
Principle G: Approach Form and Function
More guidance should be provided to ensure that the
approach structure addresses the ADPs.
Principle J: Principles of implementation
ADP I and J seem to overlap. An alternative
interpretation of ADP J is that an approach user
manual should be constructed to guide the approach
user and improve the usability of the newly-designed
5.2 Opportunities for Improvement
Based on the feedback from the approach developer,
the following suggestions are made to improve the
Principle A: Explicit Concept of the Enterprise
Refer to ADP E and ADP G, which address the
approach developer’s feedback.
Principle B: Explicit Phenomenon
Implications should focus on the identification of a
problem instance, prior to its generalisation as a
class-of-problems. The implications may be adapted
as follows:
Produce evidence that a problem instance exists
at a real enterprise. The problem instance should
be an enterprise engineering type of problem.
Produce sufficient evidence that the problem
instance also features as an existing
phenomenon or class-of-problems in literature,
but that it is inadequately addressed by existing
theory or theory application.
Measures: No additional measures.
Principle D: Explicit Means (Ways) of Demarcating
and Representing Design Scope
The ADP should explain the phrase “means of
Define the way to demarcate design domains.
As an example, the basic systems design process
delineated in Dietz (2006) may be used as the
means to define design domains that have
supporting relationships, e.g. the ICT
domain/class-of-systems supports the
organisation domain/class-of-systems.
Define the way to demarcate concerns per
design domain (e.g., using generic areas of
Demonstrating Approach Design Principles during the Development of a DEMO-based Enterprise Engineering Approach
concerns from theory or using heuristics to
identify concerns). As an example, Hoogervorst
(2016) provides a heuristic, linked to the generic
system development framework, to elicit
enterprise-specific areas of concern and
enterprise requirements.
Measures: No additional measures.
Principle E: Well-demarcated and Well-defended
Design Scope and Using Scope
The principle description should be extended to
include the phrase “and using scope”. In addition, the
implications should also be adapted to reflect the
Identify the overall scope of the approach —
i.e., focusing on inside-the-boundary
complexities versus outside-the-boundary
Identify the scope of the approach in terms of
design domains that will be addressed by the
Identify the scope of the approach in terms of
areas of concern for different stakeholders that
will be addressed.
Use additional ways of scoping to define the
context for which the approach is intended —
e.g., a specific industry.
Indicate the actual implementation scope used to
demonstrate the approach.
Identify the role players, especially the main
users of the approach.
Specify the using scope by defining
prerequisites. An example of a prerequisite is
that the approach should only be considered for
implementation if management has a similar
conceptualisation of the enterprise than
delineated in the approach.
Is the scope described in such a way as to relate
to existing theory that covers a similar design
Is the scope described in such a way as to know
whether an application context falls within the
scope of the approach?
Principle G: Approach Form and Function
We suggest that ADP G should mandate inclusion of
an approach component that explicitly states
prerequisites for applying the newly-developed
approach, also providing an example of a
prerequisite. In addition, more guidance should be
provided to ensure that the approach structure
addresses the ADPs. The implications and measures
may be adapted as follows:
Define the overall structure and organisation of
the approach and ensure to address the relevant
A suggested structure is depicted in Table 1,
also relating to the ADPs that should be
addressed. The principles that are omitted (H
and K), should not be incorporated as structural
parts of the newly-designed approach.
The overall structure should incorporate the
approach function (i.e. Introduction part) and
form (i.e. Mechanisms and practices part).
Table 1: Suggested structure for a design approach.
Structural parts ADPs
Objectives and intended value A, B, C
Scope D, E, F
Users E
Prerequisites E
Mechanisms and practices G
Approach tailoring I
User guidance (conditional) J
Define the mechanisms and practices explicitly,
which encapsulates the approach form. The
mechanisms and practices should also be
detailed in terms of their form (conceptual parts)
and function, ensuring that their interpretation is
Ensure that mechanisms and practices are
sufficient to address the objectives and intended
value of the approach.
Define how the mechanisms and practices are
related to one another.
Define the roles involved when using the
mechanisms and practices.
Are the structures described comprehensively
enough to be useful and transferable?
Did you validate the interpretation of the
mechanisms and practices (their form and
function) with appropriate research
For each mechanism or set of practices, is it
clear which roles are involved?
Principle J: Principles of implementation
We suggest that ADP J highlights additional advice
for implementation, rather than providing advice on
AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling
tailoring the approach. The implications may be
adapted as follows:
Define advice regarding introduction into real-
life settings.
Compile a user manual for using the newly-
designed approach, including examples.
Does the advice for implementing the approach cover
different settings within the scope, or is it at least clear
about the scope to which it applies?
Previous work applied design research to develop
eleven ADPs which needed additional demonstration
and evaluation (De Vries, 2016). The ADPs were
developed to guide the approach developer in
explicating the conditional use of a newly-developed
approach in terms of its contextual prerequisites and
demarcated design scope (De Vries, 2016). The
ADPs thus primarily have an academic value to
encourage systematic growth of the EE knowledge
This article presented a demonstration of the
ADPs, since they were used during the development
of a new approach, called the DEMO-based
enterprise engineering approach (DEEA). In addition,
we evaluated the usefulness of the ADPs, using an in-
depth interview to inquire about every ADP,
especially how the ADP user interpreted and applied
the ADP implications and measures.
The ADPs currently have an academic focus,
ensuring that new/enhanced enterprise design
approaches are explicated in terms of their
demarcated design scope, contextual prerequisites
and their conditional use. In terms of the stated
academic focus, the evaluation feedback was positive
and useful to suggest a number of opportunities for
extending the current ADPs. However, when an
approach developer identifies a
phenomenon/problem that may be addressed by
developing a new design approach, the ADPs alone
will not provide sufficient guidance for the
development endeavour. Thus, although the approach
developer of DEEA applied the ADPs during
approach development, he also required additional
guidance, e.g. using guidelines from Sein et al. (2011)
on action design research, to develop DEEA.
Future applications of the extended ADPs will
further increase the rigour of the ADPs. It is possible
that developers of new approaches, such as
ambidextrous BPM, will identify valid reasons for
adapting the existing ADPs or identifying additional
De Vries and Berger (2016) also provide
additional guidance on appropriate research methods
for enterprise approach design, highlighting action
design research, whereas Venable et al. (2016)
provide guidance for evaluating design science
The authors would like to thank the management of
ZZ2 for the opportunity to demonstrate and use
DEEA within the enterprise and their consent for
documenting the findings. We would like to convey
our gratitude towards Johannes Grobler who
supported the project for redesigning the post-harvest
system from the start.
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AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling