presented the BI architecture and in Section 5 the
main results of the dissertation development. Section
6 address a short discussion of the results and final,
in Section 7 the future work.
Today, health is one of the pillars of any society.
Since health is an area that affects every citizen, the
quality of health care delivery is important. In this
way, the need for a more sustainable decision-
making process arises, as well as the need to identify
possible aspects to be improved. Therefore, the
optimisation of healthcare delivery involves the
computerization of clinical procedures, with a
transition from paper-based processes to electronic
processes, using Information Systems (IS) or
reorganising the IS. The health professionals are
based on the analysis and monitoring of the clinical
information of each user to obtain and sustain a
correct clinical diagnosis. Nowadays, with the
technological and economic advances, all this
clinical information is available and distributed by
different SIs. According to Marins (Marins, 2013),
hospital information systems (SIH) are "systems
responsible for acquiring, processing and presenting
all information about all the participants (patients,
doctors, nurses, among others) and all services,
among others)".
In the current context, due to the pressure exerted
on organisations, given the current economic crisis,
their management focuses on the decision-making
process through the Business Intelligence (BI)
component. They need to make quick and effective
decisions in any of the areas of the organisation, be
they tactical, strategic or operational, and this is one
of the critical success factors. However, a correct
decision-making from the organisational point of
view is based on a large amount of data that allows
us to perceive the best option.
This article addresses health issues using BI in
the health area of a Misericórdia. This presents the
results obtained through the development of a BI
functional prototype. On Misericórdias, these are
characterised as non-profit institutions, whose
purpose is to express the moral duty of solidarity and
justice (Andrade, 2014). Also, they play a
considerable role in Portuguese society,
characterised by the wide range of areas in which
they work, with special emphasis on health.
Therefore, since the Misericórdias are not-for-profit
institutions and given the need for more and more
organisations to require sustained and effective
decision-making, it is concluded that the need for a
well-defined basis for decision-making is
On the article, this one presents the results
obtained through the development of a functional BI
prototype developed through the dissertation which
theme is "Prototyping of a Business Intelligence
component to support the management in the health
area of a Misericórdia ". This work also can help to
answer the research question "How can the use of
Business Intelligence contribute to decision making
in a Misericórdia?".
Thus, the solution developed throughout the
dissertation and presented in the article meets the
needs of organisations because it allows for
sustained decision making and as it is hosted in the
cloud then allows remote access on any device.
During this process, open-source tools also were
explored (Brandão, et al., 2016).
2.1 Portuguese Misericórdias
The Misericórdias have always played a very
important role in Portuguese society.
According to the Decree-Law 172-A / 2014 of 14
November the Ministry of Solidarity, Employment
and Social Security, Misericórdias are "associations
recognised in canon law, to meet social needs and
acts of Catholic worship, by its traditional spirit,
informed by the principles of doctrine and Christian
morality". In spite of they have performed different
roles in society, they have always been associated
with the provision of health care (
Decreto-Lei n
). According to the Decree-Law 172-A/2014,
Misericórdias may provide goods and develop social
intervention activities, which includes the area of
health. Misericórdias can promote health, disease
prevention and care in curative perspective,
rehabilitation and reintegration. Also, Penteado
(Penteado, 2004) defines Misericórdias as
associations of believers who, according to the
country's legislation, have the status of IPSS, which
was granted to them in 1979. The same author,
Penteado (Penteado, 2004), states that Misericórdias
are non-profit institutions, whose purpose is to
express the moral duty of solidarity and justice
between individuals and the provision of services in
the field of social security.
In Decree-Law no. 138/13 of October 9 of the
Ministry of Health, these institutions play an
important role in the health system, being
increasingly recognised in Portuguese society. The
same decree (Decree-Law no. 138/13 of October 9
of the Ministry of Health, 2013) states that the