Challenges for the Adoption of Model-Driven Web Engineering
Approaches in Industry
Esteban Robles Luna
, F. J. Domínguez-Mayo
, José Matías Rivero
1, 2
J. A. García-García
J. M. nchez-Begines
, M. J. Escalona
and G. Rossi
1, 2
LIFIA, Facultad de Informática, UNLP, La Plata, Argentina
Conicet, Argentina
Web Engineering and Early Testing Group, University of Seville, Seville, Spain
Keywords: Model-Driven Web Engineering, Human-centred Interfaces, MDE, Industry.
Abstract: Model-driven web engineering approaches have become an attractive research and technology solution for
Web application development. However, after 20 years of development, they have attracted little attention
from the Industry due to the mismatch between technical versus research requirements. In this joint work
between academia and industry, the authors present the current problems of using these approaches in scale
and provide guidelines to convert them into viable industry solutions.
Model Driven Web engineering (MDWE) approach-
es appeared 20 years ago to fulfill a missing area of
Model Driven Development: Web application de-
velopment (Selic, 2003). From that moment, about 7
to 8 of MDWEs (Rossi et Al, 2007) were created but
only a few ended up providing tool support and one
became the mayor player with small company and
support from OMG to convert its language to a
Though MDWEs have claimed to improve
multiple aspects of Web application development
such as: code quality, development speed and level
of abstraction , Why has the industry given little
attention to it? A recent study (Hull, 2013) has
presented the 20 obstacles that hinder Web
application scalability and though they are not
specifically targeted to the applications derived from
MDWEs, they are still affected by them. Another
study related to Web Engineering in the Cloud
clearly explains some of the problems of moving the
current tools to support this kind of applications.
Though the study is not focus on why MDWEs are
not a viable solution in the Industry, some of the
problems presented clearly show related technical
limitations of current MDWEs.
In this study, we present a list of issues that
hinders the usage of MDWE in medium to big size
companies and as a consequence shows clear
practical problems that need to be resolved to
support the claims that the MDWE community have
done for years. To provide a context for the issues
we have found, Figure 1 presents an agile
development life-cycle process of a Web
application. In this figure, the main phases appear in
bold type format and the issues that hinders the
usage of MDWE are represented by posits that are
sticked to the picture in the affected phase in which
the issue is localized.
The study uses small experiments to apply
MDWE in a company in addition to exhaustive
literature review to give support to its claims. As
many different aspects are considered (not only
technical) when dealing with limitations of MDWE
approaches, we have created a categorization to
stress the area where the issue was found:
Social [S]: A social issue is related with prob-
lems between the people involved in the
project or between the people and the soft-
ware artifact.
Technical [T]: A technical issue is related
with the software elements that constitute
the Web application.
Economical [E]: An economical issue is re-
lated with the project’s budget or money
involved in the development of the applica-
Luna, E., Domínguez-Mayo, F., Rivero, J., García-García, J., Sánchez-Begines, J., Escalona, M. and Rossi, G.
Challenges for the Adoption of Model-Driven Web Engineering Approaches in Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0006382704150421
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 415-421
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Issues that hinders the usage of MDWE in medium to big size companies.
In Table 1, we sum up the categorization of the
issues that we will next present in the following
subsections. Each subsection explains the issues and
offers a final guideline to solve it.
2.1 Lack of Control in Development
and Deployment [S, T, E]
Creating a Web application is a complex process
that involves not only coding/modeling but also
having meetings with stakeholders and debugging
the application to fix production problems. In
particular, when the application is deployed, aspects
such as monitoring, logging and profiling become
more important (Hull, 2013). Therefore, the
engineering teams that develop the web application
have the ownership and responsibility for the
deliverables and as a consequence they want to have
to control the complete process (from development
to deployment).
Though model driven technologies provide many
benefits, they also add an extra level of complexity
as the derivation process feels like a “magic wand”
that obtains an application from a set of models.
Most MDWE tools hide and make this process
“close source” creating a dependency between the
MDWE tool and the development teams. This
dependency is not good with time constraints and
not having the source code available to everyone
makes things worst. Additionally, it is highly
probable that the commitment from the MDWE tool
team requires paying fees in the form of licenses that
adds another economic cost to the development.
2.1.1 Guideline
To give more control of the actual development,
MDWE tools need to provide:
Ways to hook in the modeling and transfor-
mation phases so that developers can add
and improve the development process
based on the application they are building.
This could be done if the transformation al-
gorithm works using the template method
design pattern.
Make the code open source so that the tool is
easy to debug by the development team in
case problems arise during development or
2.2 Too Focused in Navigation [T]
Original hypermedia based Web applications that
were developed 10 years ago are rather different
from the current integration Web paradigm were
navigation is one tiny concern. Aspects such as Rich
Internet applications, integration with different
systems, search capabilities, personalization and
recommendation have become aspects that are more
complex and more important than navigation.
In the early stages, MDWEs were created to
adapt the navigation paradigm from hypermedia to
APMDWE 2017 - 2nd International Special Session on Advanced practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
Table 1: List of issues by category.
Lack of control in development and deployment
Too focused in navigation
Metamodel support and adaptation of its tools
Traceability and debugability
Lack of tools
Rigid architecture
Technological aspects
Just in time development
the Web. Many new concepts were introduced and
although most of these enhancements have been
reported in the literature (Robles et Al, 2011) only a
few of them has been actually implemented. As a
consequence, still today, the main model of industry
leading WebRatio is the navigational model that
describes the navigational paths that a user can
follow. On the contrary to what many researches
have shown about the importance of the UI aspects,
integration (among others), navigation is still the
most important aspect for MDWE approaches.
2.2.1 Guideline
MDWEs need to detach from being focus in navi-
gation to support navigation as one concern of the
Web application lifecycle. Additionally, there is a
special need to provide a real tool support for the
features that MDWEs claim to have and in the case
that they are not supported, provide hooks to per-
form manual coding of these features.
2.3 Metamodel Support and Adapta-
tion of Its Tools [T, S]
The increasing number of technologies that are
being developed every day in addition to customer’s
time constraints poses multiple challenges to Web
application development. Although these tasks can
be performed manually (in code based
environments) and may be time consuming, they can
be easily done by extending and hooking into the hot
spots that code base frameworks provide.
In MDWEs, this kind of extensions may be
either done by instantiating some preexisting
metamodel classes or, if the functionality is not
supported, by metamodel extensions. Extending a
metamodel does not only require to add the new
classes and transformations but also to adapt the
tools in a timely manner. Some approaches such as
or UWE
are extensions of the UML profile,
so, these approaches can be adapted easily than
others such as IFML
2.3.1 Guideline
Due to the existing technology and economic time
constraints, metamodels and tools need to be
adapted within days to cope with customer’s
2.4 Traceability and Debugability [T]
One of the most important aspects of software
development is the ability to introspect, change and
monitor the “live” application under development to
quickly fix the problems; these actions are
considered as “debugging” an application. Code
based development in high order languages such as
Smalltalk, Java and .NET have these features from
the beginning and they make easy to iterate in the
development process.
In MDWE tools where code is generated from
models, the ability to debug is related to derive
traceability links between the models and the
generated code. Nowadays, only WebRatio partially
supports this schema (Fraternali and Tissi, 2011) by
allowing debugging the application under
development. Still, WebRatio needs further work to
help tracing back the problems while the application
is running in production and exceptions occur as
non-support is provided in this case. All these
aspects make core engineers to avoid adopting
MDWE tools as they lack control over the system
under development.
NDT and NDT-Suite, Retrieved April 2014 from
UWE and MagicUWE, Retrieved April 2014 from
IFML: The Interaction Flow Modeling Language, Retrieved
April 2014 from
Challenges for the Adoption of Model-Driven Web Engineering Approaches in Industry
2.4.1 Guideline
As high-level languages (e.g. Java) provide ways to
trace back problems to concepts of the language
(e.g. classes and line numbers in exception stack
traces), MDWE should provide those features in
order to detect the root causes of the problems.
Additionally, further debug support must be
provided to debug, evaluate and alter the application
while it is running in a development environment.
2.5 Lack of Tools [T]
Building a Web application requires a set of tools
that eases the process of development, deployment
and monitoring. For example, a typical JEE Web
application can be developed using Maven4 as a
build system, Jenkins 5 for continuous integration
and a variety of frameworks to actually build the
application (Spring, Hibernate and JQuery to name a
few). To perform the actual deployment, a set of
tools that automate and control the process from the
moment the application is built to the instantiation of
the servers and application deployment and its initial
monitoring is provided. All these tools though from
a lower level of abstraction (if compare with
MDWE) clearly help to build and deploy an applica-
However, in the MDWE area to much focus has
been put in the actual development of the application
from high-level models. Though that is correct from
the MDWE philosophy, it increases the effort put in
development and monitoring for many other topics
discuss in this work (Technological features and
Traceability and debugability). To provide concrete
examples to the reader:
There are no tools to trace back stacktrace
exceptions back to the model elements.
This aspect makes super hard to correct er-
rors of the application deployed.
There are no tools to support the monitoring
of the model elements and as a conse-
quence detecting performance issues is
hard. By using New Relic6, we can detect
some of these aspects but those would be
classes derived from the MDWE tool that
may correspond to multiple model ele-
Maven, Retrieved April 2014 from
Jenkins, Retrieved April 2014 from
New Relic, Retrieved April 2014 from
2.5.1 Guideline
To provide an industry valid approach, MDWEs
need to support a handful set of tools that help with
the complete application lifecycle. Some of tools
mentioned in this section (Maven, Jenkins, New
Relic) are fully extensible so building some of these
tools can be fairly simple by having good traceabil-
ity links and extending them with the right infor-
mation. Tools around the Web applications are one
of the most critical aspects to keep the application
running 24 by 7.
2.6 Rigid Architecture [T]
Creating a Web application of any size may require
small to big changes in a standard 3-tier Web appli-
cation. Some aspects that need to be considered may
involve integration with external services, asynchro-
nously processing of queued information, exposed of
REST services for external users or internal mobile
applications, etc. As a consequence been able to
adapt the architecture to support any of these types
of requirements is extremely important.
In current MDWE tools, the architecture is not
modeled at all and as a consequence they derive a
simplistic 1 tier Web application7. A 1-tier architec-
ture can only handle a few sets of uses cases and
doesn’t allow the development team to be able to
adapt to future needs. A recent paper (Toffetti, 2012)
showed the need to model theses aspects in some
way so that they can be considered through the deri-
vation process. In its current state, MDWE tools can
derive simple applications that may not scale well,
thus making harder to gain adoption in medium to
big size companies.
2.6.1 Guideline
To be able to adapt to more complex requirements
that may involve functional (e.g. processing offline
data) or non functional (e.g. performance and scala-
bility issues) requirements, MDWE need to model
the architecture in such a way that development
teams can decide which approach to use. We must
stress that though some architectures (e.g. 3-tier
Web app) can be pre-configured, it is important to
model the architecture primitives and let develop-
ment teams abstract higher-level concepts from them
such as the 3-tier Web app instead of hardcoding it.
A big limitation of this approach is that they are not able to
handle more the a few hundred of users as they have a tight de-
pendency with the database and database generally handle less
than 300 concurrent connections.
APMDWE 2017 - 2nd International Special Session on Advanced practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
2.7 Technological Aspects [T]
Logging, caching, load balancing and profiling (to
name a few) are some of the aspects that engineers
need to build high scalable Web applications (Hull,
2013). The lack of any of these poses some limita-
tions on the type of application that you can build.
For instance, lacking a caching strategy forces the
application to compute or fetch information for eve-
ry request limiting the application growth. Addi-
tionally it may add the following problems:
Run out of DB connections: Being not able to
cache information stored in a DB requires
the usage of a DB connection for every re-
quest. Thus, because of a DB limitation is-
sue, the maximum number of users able to
access the Web application is equal to the
number of DB connections and as a conse-
quence, new users won’t be able to access
the DB.
Increasing response time: If we can’t cache
external service calls, those calls need to
happen every time thus increasing the over-
all response time of the requested Web
Increase in hardware needed: If no cache is
provided, we may need to use more hard-
ware to recompute values that were com-
puted before.
Though caching is fairly simple aspect that is in-
trinsic to application development, MDWE consider
it, and the aforementioned aspects, as “technologi-
cal”. Being part of this category means that little
importance has being paid in the models and as a
consequence engineers will have to tweak them in
the generated code. As none of the MDWE tools
provide a roundtrip between the generated code and
the models, these “technological” tweaks have to be
adjusted every time the application is derived.
2.7.1 Guideline
The “technological” aspects need to be considered in
some way inside the model driven development. If
MDWE move to consider and model them, it would
provide a great benefit for the size and quality of the
application that can be built with MDWE tools. At
the same time, the response time can be tweak to
decrease while a bigger amount of work is handled
by the same amount of hardware; and that will clear-
ly show the benefits of using a model base solution.
2.8 Community [S, E]
In the MDWE research area, there is a good initia-
tive like the MDWEnet
which the main research
focus is on meta-modelling and on model transfor-
mations, and it was created with the aims of improv-
ing the interoperability between existing MDWE
approaches and their tools and to provide better
methods and solutions to the industry. Today, the
fact is that most approaches have a great lot of not
agreed aspects; i.e. (Dominguez-Mayo et Al, 2012):
Meta-models and models are different, different way
to implement transformations or different tools and
used technology among other things. Then, there is a
lack of consensus and documentation between ap-
proach designers and this entire context is causing
different situations:
On one hand, organizations do not know how
they can take advantage of these approach-
es and how they can be helped in their par-
ticular context due to the diversity set of
characteristics offered by these approaches
and the global heterogeneity associated
with specific aspects or ideas processed by
each approach.
On the other hand, under this situation is very
complicated for designers of approaches to
identify the real organization’s needs and
demands in order to improve their ap-
proaches or design new ones.
However, within the context of MDWE, there is
an exception with WebRatio. This tool support pro-
vides a big community with a big variety of tutori-
als, webinars, user guides, support, forums, and dif-
ferent types of tool certifications for users. There is
no doubt that WebRatio is the current leader tool in
the market within the context of MDWE approaches.
However, neither this tool nor this community can
be compared to other communities in the world re-
lated to Web development.
The other side of the coin of MDWE are existing
and very extended Web development frameworks in
the world like Ruby on Rails
, Django
, Grails
among others. All of them count with
big communities of developers that provide lot of
documentation, tutorials, user guides, forums and
support among other things. In addition, these
MDWEnet, Retrieved April 2014 from http://www.iswe-
Ruby on Rails, Retrieved April 2014 from
Django, Retrieved April 2014 from
Grails, Retrieved April 2014 from
Codeigniter, Retrieved April 2014 from
Challenges for the Adoption of Model-Driven Web Engineering Approaches in Industry
frameworks have in common lot of features and
common components that let developers compare
these frameworks between them.
2.8.1 Guideline
So, these limitations and problems of description on
MDWE not only entail understanding these issues,
but also require unifying criteria and define common
strategies in a shared quality model (Dominguez-
Mayo et Al, 2012). In addition, this common model
could help to approach designers when improving or
designing new approaches in future. Besides, a
common model can help to developers to compare
all these MDWE approaches between them.
2.9 Licensing [E]
Today, two main business models to exploit these
approaches in industry have been found on MDWE.
The first business model consists in implementing
a specific tool support for the approach from free
source environments. This specific tool can be of-
fered to organizations by a license fees or freely. As
regards license fees, there are different types of fees
by each tool depend on the case of the organization.
According to existing license fees on MDWE, we
have classified their costs in “High” (more than
5.000 $ by activated seat), Medium” (between
5.000 $ and 1000 $ by activated seat) and “Low”
(less than 1000 $ by activated seat) costs. For in-
stance, WebRatio is developed under a free source
environment like eclipse but with extensions that
transform the eclipse environment in a practical and
valuable product like WebRatio. In this case, We-
bRatio is a powerful tool to support the IFML visual
modeling standard. In this case, WebRatio offers an
enterprise edition license in which organizations
must pay a fee for each activated seat. This price can
be classified by “High” costs.
The second business model consists in imple-
menting the approach under the environment of a
powerful but payment CASE tool support. So, the
use of the approach is free but organizations must
pay for the license of this CASE tool support in
which the approach is supported. For example, the
NDT-Suite is a tool to support that is developed un-
der the Enterprise Architect
environment. This
CASE tool allows organizations to have and work
with all elements of the NDT approach and, under
the environment of Enterprise Architect enables or-
ganizations to work with the concepts of the ap-
Enterprise Architect, Retrieved April 2014 from
proach and lot of other visual modeling diagrams
and characteristics that EA additionally offers to
organizations. In this case, one activated seat of EA
licenses can be classified by “Low” costs. Other
example of this business model is MagicUWE,
which is a tool that has been developed for the com-
puter-aided design of Web applications using the
UWE (UML-based Web Engineering) approach.
MagicUWE has been built as a plugin of
, which is a tool support that can be
classified by “Medium” costs.
We must consider that organizations just going to
pay a fee for these licenses if it is sure that they are
going to receive the value they need but with mini-
mal costs, risks and incertitude. As regards value of
tool support, it is not possible to know what the most
valuable approach is because it depends on the con-
text. So, each tool support has its strength and weak-
ness points. So, just with the context we could say
which approach is the most suitable one for it. The
adoption of these tools in industry could be achieved
maximizing their competitiveness: Competitiveness
= Value / (Cost + Risk + Incertitude).
In fact, in the market, there are other very known
and used frameworks for the development of Web
applications that they are not so abstract approaches
but effective solutions for developers. Frameworks
like Ruby on Rails or Django that encourages rapid
development and clean, pragmatic designs for de-
velopers and they are completely free of costs. And
one of the most important things is that they are cur-
rently very extended solutions by developers. So,
this increases the trust in organizations to consider
their use.
2.9.1 Guideline
Key questions are not only the costs of a license but
also the value (although it depends on the context),
risks and incertitude that organizations assume with
the implementation of these approaches and tools.
So, it is important to offer a high value solution,
with no costs and minimal risks and incertitude for
This research has been partially supported by the
POLOLAS project (code TIN2016-76956-C3-2-R)
of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation,
MagicDraw, Retrieved April 2014 from
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Challenges for the Adoption of Model-Driven Web Engineering Approaches in Industry