This paper deals with the high abstraction level
design of the DP-RTE systems using a patterns
system that allows generating model solutions. Our
method focuses on the application part in the DPR
design flow. It allows reusing recurrent application
models and sharing experience-owned knowledge.
We have proposed patterns that limit the vocabulary
of the UML/MARTE and identify the essential
concepts for the specification of the model solutions.
Our method enables the DPR to be processed very
early in the design flow, in contrast to the Xilinx
flow that only offers it during the phase of
placement of the reconfigurable zones on FPGA.
Indeed, since the creation of the application model,
the concepts of MARTE have enabled to define
what the reconfigurable tasks are. Our method was
illustrated on a concrete example of an image
processing application, starting with the modeling of
the patterns system until the instantiation and the
implementation of the patterns.
In our future works, we plan to complete and
validate the specifications of the patterns system.
This refers to the refinement of the classification
criteria as well as the proposed product and the
process patterns. Then, we intend to integrate the
proposed patterns in an MDE-based approach for the
automatic generation of DP-RTE systems. Similarly,
we seek in our future work, to apply the models
@runtime (Thomas
et al., 2011) on the adaptation
process design of the DP-RTE systems to solve a
particular problem related to the complexity and the
wealth of the information associated with the
execution. This is useful to check the designer’s
needs and the non-functional properties, support
dynamic behavior monitoring and fix the errors
during the execution.
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