Service-oriented Architecture: Describing Benefits from an
Organisational and Enterprise Architecture Perspective
Hatitye Chindove, Lisa F. Seymour and Francois I. van der Merwe
Department of Information Systems, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa
Keywords: Service-oriented Architecture, SOA Benefits, Enterprise Architecture, Service Orientation.
Abstract: Software architecture models describe the technical structure, constraints, and characteristics of software
components and the interfaces between them. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a recent software
architecture style with many benefits if used in the right context. Business agility, customer satisfaction, faster
time to market, ease of partnering and lower business costs are some promised benefits. Yet SOA has not
always benefitted organisations. One reason given is a misunderstanding of the relationship between SOA
and enterprise architecture (EA). Therefore, this study in a large retail organisation in South Africa describes
SOA benefits and classifies them into the various EA domains. SOA benefits are also classified into six broad
categories namely: strategic, organisational, operational, managerial, maintenance and governance. The study
comprises three cases from one organisation that deployed different architectures. SOA benefits are contrasted
with benefits from other approaches. Organisational benefits not described before include greater
collaboration amongst SOA participants enabling better learning opportunities. The results should assist IT
management in preparing SOA business cases and in managing SOA deployments to ensure benefits are
Organisations need to constantly change to keep up
with market competition (MacLennan and van Belle,
2014). Yet change is greatly dependent on
information technology (IT) and business
infrastructure (Krafzig, Banke and Slama, 2005)
which needs to be flexible enough to accommodate
strategic changes and reflected then timeously and
efficiently within the organisation. Enterprise IT is
closely coupled with internal organisation, process
and business models of the organisation. Therefore
enterprise IT establishes system integration, agility
and change which requires a focus on system design
(Hoogervorst, 2004). System design in turn requires
a set of statements and models that describe the
solution component and the assigned functionality of
those components (Krafzig et al., 2005; Valipour et
al., 2009) which can be referred to as software
architecture. Software architecture artefacts or
models describes system components and includes
the technical structure, constraints, and
characteristics of the components and the interfaces
between them (Reyes-Delgado et al., 2016; Valipour
et al., 2009).
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) promises
business agility and is defined as a software
architecture style and a technical and organisational
framework enabling the development of platform-
independent business functionality through using
services (Malekzadeh, 2010; Singh and Tyagi, 2015).
A ‘service’ is described as a self-contained web based
application capable of completing tasks on its own
and able to discover and engage other services to
complete higher level transactions (Stojanović and
Dahanayake, 2005). Services are viewed as blocks
and therefore SOA has component orientation that
incorporates loose coupling and process control into
its design (Hau et al., 2008).
Whilst SOA may seem to be the ideal architecture
to tackle most business requirements other
architectures such as Event-Driven Architecture or a
combination of SOA and other architectures can be a
better choice (Malekzadeh, 2010). Yet limited case
studies of SOA in different industries exist
(MacLennan and van Belle, 2014; Joachim, 2011).
There are concerns that the risks and costs around the
implementation and use of SOA design principles
could make SOA projects run longer and become
more expensive without yielding immediate benefits
(Hau et al., 2008). Companies also struggle to
Chindove, H., Seymour, L. and Merwe, F.
Service-oriented Architecture: Describing Benefits from an Organisational and Enterprise Architecture Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0006383604830492
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 483-492
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
measure SOA return on investment (Malekzadeh,
2010). The SOA approach is described as less
successful than anticipated with many challenges and
SOA success stories are noted to be rare (Alghamdi,
Potter and Drew, 2016). Therefore, there is a call to
study these as case studies (Joachim, 2011; vom
Brocke et al., 2010). Hence, the research question
posed here is “What benefits are organisations
achieving from adopting SOA?” Researchers have
also noted the lack of a model for classifying SOA
benefits (Viering, Legner and Ahlemann, 2009) and
therefore we describe benefits using two frameworks,
the first being Enterprise Architecture (EA).
Services used in SOA are often described with
characteristics and attributes that include; interface
orientation, autonomy, loose coupling,
standardization, reusability, business orientation and
compassable (MacLennan and van Belle, 2014;
Malekzadeh, 2010). Although SOA is grounded in IT,
it does not mean it should be IT driven but it needs to
also be driven by business (Alghamdi et al., 2016;
MacLennan and van Belle, 2014). A view of how
SOA is understood from an organisational
perspective can be critical to its implementation. EA
is an architecture that assists in understanding the
business and IT perspective (Kistasamy et al., 2010).
In as much as EA and SOA are different, they
share a number of objectives and SOA without EA is
compromised (Alghamdi et al., 2016). EA can be
viewed as a structured and aligned set of plans which
provide integrated modelling of the enterprise’s
business and technology landscape, in past, current
and future states (Simon, Fischbach and Schoder,
2013). The models form the central deliverable of the
EA practice. When EA evolution is not managed and
aligned at the modelling level, misrepresentation and
occasionally even failures result (Alwadain et al.,
EA can be considered as a collection of the
constituent Business, Information, Application and
Technology architectures with inter-relationships
among them, with their joint properties being
essential to the entire architecture (Rohloff, 2011).
Business systems should be agile to maintain
business-IT alignment and EA has become an
important enabler (Harishankar and Daley, 2011;
Sasa and Krisper, 2011).
Business architecture artefacts can come from
organisation initiatives such as strategic business
planning and business process redesign (Harishankar
and Daley, 2011). Therefore, business architecture
should determine the technology architecture
(Rohloff, 2011). Both SOA and EA share the
objective of achieving business and IT alignment
(Kistasamy et al., 2010). SOA can impact EA
frameworks, methodologies, governance and tools
(Alwadain, Fielt, Korthaus and Rosemann, 2016). To
align EA models with the corresponding real world,
enterprise architects need to be aware of changes in
the enterprise (Alwadain et al., 2016).
However due to misunderstanding the
relationship between SOA and EA, organisations
have failed to benefit from their combined use
(Alwadain et al., 2016; Kistasamy et al., 2010). There
are no empirical studies describing how EA evolves
due to SOA. Therefore, researchers have called for
studying their integration (Alwadain et al., 2016).
EA and SOA both co-exist equally to ensure that
technology solutions support business processes and
SOA touches all EA domains. SOA brings more
agility to EA practice, increases EA acceptance and
usability (Zhao, 2013). EA provides SOA practice
with enterprise views (Zhao, 2013). SOA and
business architecture both enable business agility.
SOA uses business architecture to develop artefacts
such as the component business model as input to
business services (Harishankar and Daley, 2011).
SOA is also a methodology optimised to the
application architecture domain (Kistasamy et al.,
2010). Table 1 shows the mapping of EA domains
with the relevant SOA solution stack.
Table 1: Mapping EA and SOA domains (Kistasamy et al.,
SOA solution stack EA Domain
Business Process Business architecture
Services and components Application architecture
Integration Architecture Technology architecture
Data Architecture Information architecture
Quality of Service, monitoring
and infrastructure
Technology architecture
Evaluation of SOA should consider the costs, risks
and benefits of its adoption. Power relations between
firms in a specific industry play an influential role in
SOA adoption and lead to variations of adoption in
different industries (Ciganek, Haines and Haseman,
2009). Therefore, SOA needs to be evaluated and
studied in different contexts. A driving factor for
AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling
adopting a methodology is cost. SOA adoption has
significant hardware and network infrastructure costs,
deployment costs (including application migration,
integration, and database conversions), support and
maintenance costs, especially in the early adopting
stages, and performance costs (Rabhi et al., 2007).
The most important project risks are reliability,
security and performance (MacLennan and van Belle,
2014). Other risks include implementation
challenges, SOA expertise, development governance,
service design, technical systems health and project
time constraints (Koch, 2007; Komoda, 2006;
MacLennan and van Belle, 2014; Rabhi et al., 2007).
Depending upon the project, SOA can introduce
conflict such as when certain SOA design principles
make the project longer and more expensive without
yielding immediate benefits (Hau et al., 2008). The
benefits of SOA also vary depending on the maturity
levels of SOA adoption. SOA adoption can move
from initial services, architected services, business
and collaborative services, measured business
services and finally optimized business services
(Soni, 2005). Given that many organisations are
failing to achieve return from SOA investments
(Malekzadeh, 2010; vom Brocke et al., 2010), it is
important to more clearly describe benefits of SOA.
This paper aims to do this. SOA benefits identified in
the literature are described in more detail in the
findings section of this paper.
The purpose of this study is to explore and describe
the benefits derived by the use of the SOA
architectural style versus those derived through other
software architectural styles. This research is
qualitative and interpretive in nature using a multiple
case study (Yin, 2012) of three departments
responsible for application development and
application support (C1-C3) in a single large South
African retail organisation where SOA and non-SOA
architectural styles are used. Interpretive studies
include second-order constructs of the researcher’s
interpretation of interviewees’ first-order constructs
(Walsham, 2006). The case study approach is useful
for descriptive and explanatory approaches going
well beyond exploratory research (Yin, 2012). Semi
structured interviews were performed during 2015,
supported by observation notes. Additional data
sources include the extract of support calls and
change requests from the service management
system. The thirteen respondents were selected using
judgement sampling across various roles in the
software development process including:
2 project managers (C1 and C2);
3 enterprise architects (C1, C2 and C3);
3 solution developers / support personnel (C1,
C2 and C3);
1 solution testers (C1); and
2 business analysts (C1 and C2).
A combined deductive and inductive thematic
analysis was performed (Fereday and Muir-
Cochrane, 2006) by validating themes identified in
the literature, uncovering new themes and describing
the meanings the social actors attached to benefits of
the architecture style used. Each text excerpt or
empirical observation for each theme was counted
and then totalled. Data validation was achieved
through triangulation between multiple independent
data sources.
C1 with 5 respondents had adopted SOA as its
software architecture style across the entire
department. C1 supported multiple systems to deliver
merchandise to customers and subscribers of their
systems and was responsible for managing customer
information. The C1 application portfolio comprised
15 in-house applications and interactions with other
third party applications. C1 had 10 employees, had
existed for 2 years and had 9 other third party
C2 with 6 respondents was not making use of
SOA but followed an approach focusing on
application design principles and using point to point
integration and enterprise integration. C2 supported
systems for inventory management, internal
merchandise logistics and merchandise planning for
the retailers of the organisation. Their application
portfolio comprised 17 systems of mostly
applications developed and licensed by third party
vendors but also some custom built applications. C2
had 50 employees, had existed for over 10 years and
had 20 other third party partners.
C3 with 2 respondents made partial use of the
SOA architectural style in some aspects of its
architecture but also applied other application design
principles to achieve enterprise integration with
different departments. C3 supported internal
enterprise integration and integration with external
partners. Their application portfolio of 60 systems
comprised mostly applications developed in-house
and other third party applications. C3 had 8
employees, had existed for 10 years and had 30 other
third party partners.
Service-oriented Architecture: Describing Benefits from an Organisational and Enterprise Architecture Perspective
Table 2: Summary of Benefits with counts of text excerpts per case.
Categorised Benefit References C1 C2 C3
Strategic Benefits 26 6 6
Improved Agility (Joachim, 2011; Komoda, 2006; Malekzadeh, 2010) 6 1
Opportunity for agile development (Malekzadeh, 2010) 6
Improved Change Effect Size 3
Domain Driven Development (Bukhsh, Sinderen and Singh, 2015) 1
Leveraging Legacy IT Assets (Lewis et al., 2005; Rabhi et al., 2007) 3 1
Reuse opportunity (Bukhsh et al., 2015; Rabhi et al., 2007) 8 6 3
Operational and Maintenance
28 5 14
Reduced Maintenance Effort (Carey, 2008) 7 2
Improved Operations Support (Hau et al., 2008; Joachim, 2011) 4
Reduced Development Time (Rabhi et al., 2007; Yoon and Carter, 2007) 4 1
Improved Flexibility
(Bukhsh et al., 2015; MacLennan and van Belle,
5 1 4
Reduced Testing effort 1
Increased Issue Isolation 1
Improved Refactoring Opportunity 1 2 1
Improved Standardization (MacLennan and van Belle, 2014) 3 2
Improved Interoperability (Lewis et al., 2005) 2 1 1
Improved Self Documentation 1
Reduced Maintenance Costs (Hau et al., 2008; Joachim, 2011) 1
Ability to handle large data volumes (Yoon and Carter, 2007) 1
Incremental Development
Organisational Benefits 17 1 4
Improved Collaboration 3
Improved Learning Opportunity 6 2
Increased Opportunity to Innovate 4 2
Improved System Understanding 4
Improved Team Dependencies 1
Managerial Benefits 4 4
Ease of Integration (Joachim, 2011; Yoon and Carter, 2007) 1 1
Improved Data Visibility (The Open Group, 2009) 1
Opportunity to measure cost savings 1
Separation of Concerns 1 3
Governance Benefits 6
Improved Application Control (Hau et al., 2008) 1
Improved Change Control 4
Improved Compliance Management 1
Key: Unique to SOA Not Unique to SOA Not in SOA
In this section, we will for brevity purposes refer to
the SOA architectural style simply as SOA. In this
case study respondents described some of the benefits
as being either unique to SOA, achieved through SOA
but not uniquely and not achieved through SOA. The
findings are presented in Table 2 with the count of
empirical observations or text excerpts from all
interviews. Note that in some cases a respondent
could have mentioned one benefit more than once. A
benefit framework for SOA covering strategic,
operational and technical dimensions has been called
for (Viering et al., 2009) and therefore these
categories were used and extended. Due to space
limitations, only the benefits seen as unique to SOA,
are described and contrasted with the relevant
AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling
5.1 Strategic Benefits
SOA has the capacity to assist with developing a
sustainable, IT-based plan to achieve strategic goals.
Six themes emerged, namely: improved agility,
improved opportunity for agile software
development, improved change effect size, domain
driven development opportunity, reuse opportunity,
and leveraging legacy IT assets.
Agility refers to the ability of the organisation to
sense and respond to market opportunities and
changes in its local environment. Krafzig et al. (2005)
state that the main motivation around SOA is to
deliver agility and enable rapid development and
modification of software through service
composition. Within the SOA case, new system
development time was reduced by means of reuse as
demonstrated in the following quote: “so the time and
effort to fulfil all those capabilities now when you
plug in a new sales system is far easier and quicker.
So that gives the business the agility” (R4-C1).
With agile development, software evolves
through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-
functional teams with adaptive planning,
evolutionary development and rapid and flexible
responses to change. A software architecture design
artefact is expected to be expanded during the design
phase of a software engineering process which is
represented by a software development methodology
(SDM) and can thus be considered as a well-
structured process for elaborating a software system
(Reyes-Delgado et al., 2016). The separation of
concerns is used as a principle in both agile software
development and SOA which can be considered in
terms of component orientation thereby supporting
loose coupling and ultimately flexibility and agility of
the solution. Separation of concerns positively
influenced the development process and delivery time
allowing for agile development practices. Agile
software development was a major theme that was
only evident in C1. “In terms of delivery… no matter
where you have to work, you kind of know where to
find everything... You will know exactly what piece of
code to look at when maintaining” (R3-C1).
Improved change effect size measures the benefit
of a single change on one component across
applications. This emerged as a minor theme in C1
where SOA was adopted and changes to a service
resulted in a cascading effect on all other components
making use of the updated component. “so it might
not be quicker to implement the change but when you
implement the change everyone benefits immediately
from that change so we have seen that going quite
well” (R1-C1).
Domain driven development is a software
development approach where the implementation is
tied to an evolving model with the main focus being
on a core domain and domain logic. SOA provides an
opportunity to categorize service provisions at a
domain level within an organisation and provides the
organisation more opportunities to reuse their assets
and develop new functionality where ownership and
standards reside with the owners of the services for a
domain. The ownership derived from the domains
will also improve collaboration in the cases where
reuse is required. This was evident in C1 and C3.
“Also the nice thing we are seeing coming from SOA
is you know the term called domain driven
development. Each company or division owns that
domain of the business. …so with our approach and
moving towards SOA, basically it comes down to the
people who own that domain they will provide
services around those domains” (R8-C3).
5.2 Operational and Maintenance
Operational benefits in this study refer to operational
activities performed by the relevant case departments
enabled by SOA as well as the actions taken to
prevent, diagnose, update, replace and repair IT
infrastructure. We describe five benefits unique to
SOA, namely, reduced maintenance effort; improved
operations support; reduced development time;
flexibility; and reduced testing effort.
Maintenance effort was reduced through the reuse
of existing capabilities to develop applications in
response to support calls. This confirms the literature
(Carey, 2008). Figure 1 shows that over a period of a
year when support calls for the SOA infrastructure
increased there was not a significant increase in
changes implemented to resolve the calls.
Figure 1: Support calls and resultant change requests.
Improved operations support only appeared as a
theme in C1. SOA made operation work more
manageable and simpler in the cases where
investigations have to be conducted due to the use of
Service-oriented Architecture: Describing Benefits from an Organisational and Enterprise Architecture Perspective
asset wrapping for vendor applications. Figure 2
shows that in C1 the ability to resolve support calls
within agreed service delivery agreement parameters
improved with SOA when introduced in 2015 and
even when there was a spike in calls. “whereas with
this one now you can kind of say, if something is going
wrong with somebody’s order when it is not being
delivered they you know ‘okay it is in this area’ so you
can go and look exactly in that area” (R11-C1).
Literature has noted that SOA improves the
automation and management of business processes
(Joachim, 2011).
Figure 2: C1 support calls and service level agreements.
Reduced development time (Yoon and Carter,
2007) is enabled by reduced component
dependencies. SOA is component based (The Open
Group, 2009) and also due to the composability of
services component dependencies are minimal. The
reduced component dependency influences flexibility
and testing effort whilst it is dependent on
composability of the service. Four respondents
mentioned this as a SOA benefit: “with the services
we were able to agree on what data we were going to
transmit between each other through a service layer
first and each one of us could write dummy endpoints
that we could then code against and test against.
When we were both ready we simply took off the
dummy points and pointed at each other and it would
work. That saved us a lot of time as that meant we
could develop our work in parallel... we could keep it
quite segregated” (R1-C1). Development effort for
new services replacing legacy applications also
reduced with SOA. The creation of asset wrappers for
legacy applications enabled tests to compare legacy
applications with new services.
Flexibility in system designs allows high design
adaption with external changes and is a valued SOA
benefit (MacLennan and van Belle, 2014). Flexibility
appeared across all cases but was more evident in C1
and C3. Composability and interoperability improve
flexibility. SOA increased flexibility allowing a
number of application frontends to be developed
based on one backend. The reuse of the backend
services and SOA design principles improved
flexibility. Robust architecture design principles of
layered architectures and reduced component
dependencies also drive flexibility in the application
landscape. Loose coupling of services with SOA
requires good design principles to achieve flexibility
(MacLennan and van Belle, 2014). This is evident
from a quote: “so if you haven’t followed these design
principles, basically you are going to rewrite the
application. I mean you are duplicating all the logic,
all the business rules and duplicating effort. Whereas
if you had the layered architecture with the OO
principles and the SOA principles, you will be in a
position where all your business rules and all your
business logic is encapsulated into your service layer
and then you really get a light-weight front end. So
your front-end really does nothing except interact
with the user” (R4-C1).
Reduced testing effort emerged as a minor theme
appearing once in C1. Through service composition,
testing in single functional areas was much simpler.
There was a better view of dependencies in the
landscape enabling directed testing and less testing
effort. “I think it has made it a lot much quicker
because things are so much compartmentalised, …so
you really won’t need to do the whole regression
testing and all that kind of stuff because it hasn’t
really touched those areas” (R11-C1).
5.3 Organisational Benefits
Organisational SOA benefits refer to benefits in the
IT employee’s view of the organisation and its
environment. These included improved collaboration,
improved learning opportunity, increased opportunity
to innovate, and improved system understanding.
Collaboration is the action of working together on
a joint intellectual effort. This theme appeared in two
C1 interviews and showed that SOA enabled
collaboration in solving problems. Different teams
would work together to deliver solutions and assist
each other in problem solving. It is argued that with
SOA using layered service components, people with
different skills can work in different layers providing
flexibility in skills management (Zhao, 2013).
Participants using SOA were seeing more
learning opportunities coming from using this
architectural style as it enabled quick initial
contributions without having a full understanding of
the business processes: “no matter where you have to
work, you kind of know where to find everything…
which brings down the learning curve” (R3-C1).
Innovation is the process of translating an idea
into a product or service that creates value to its
consumers. This was a minor theme with respondents
AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling
mentioning that there were more opportunities to
innovate using SOA. Given the opportunity to reuse
existing services, there are opportunities to innovate
how a service is delivered to consumers such as
through mobile or web based solutions.
Improved system understanding refers to the
ability to comprehend the linked tasks of delivering a
service. C1 respondents described how the
architectural view allowed a better understanding of
the application portfolio from a development
perspective. At a glance one could better understand
how the application portfolio is arranged and also
how the low level parts of the landscape are
organized. “it is a lot simpler because you … see at a
glance what is happening. It is not like everything is
this huge complicated and everything is thrown
together like the old legacy systems” (R11-C1).
5.4 Managerial Benefits
Managerial benefits incorporate those related to the
control and monitoring of organisational resources.
Three themes unique to SOA in the cases studied are:
ease of integration; improved data visibility, and
opportunity to measure cost savings.
Integration refers to joining together subsystems
into a single system. Ease of integration appeared as
a minor theme but it has a significant influence on the
other benefits of SOA. Ease of integration enabled
development without bottlenecks arising at
integration stages as standards of interoperability had
been agreed to. Due to ease of integration, a range of
potential solutions existed for new requirements. A
literature review identified multiple papers
supporting integration as a SOA benefit (Joachim,
Data visibility through messaging and the ability
to measure cost savings through metrics appeared as
minor themes in the data, and were only evident in
C1. Measurement metrics were applied to costs in the
SOA application landscape as demonstrated by the
following quote: “if you take each capability …
determine effort in providing a solution … and look
at how many times you reuse that capability. You can
determine the cost savings” (R4-C1).
5.5 Governance Benefits
Governance benefits relate to the processes that help
to ensure efficient and effective use of IT in enabling
organisational goals. Three themes emerged in this
investigation namely: Improved application control,
improved change control and improved compliance
management in software development.
Literature refers to improved application control
as a new SOA world that can be easily controlled and
adapted (Hau et al. 2008). The presence of domain
boundaries improves application control improving
the governance of processes and compliance. "Where
services help is for example if your services is
returning a clear text ID number… you can mask it at
your service level so that every system that is
subscribing gets a masked ID number… makes every
(system) POPI compliant in one go” (R1-C1). In this
case POPI refers to the Protection of Personal
Information Act in South Africa.
Improved change control refers to managing
software changes, ensuring that unnecessary changes
aren’t made, that services are not unnecessarily
disrupted and that resources are used efficiently.
Responsive change management can be considered a
technical architecture principle. This theme was only
evident in C1 and was derived from SOA through
flexibility, composability and separation of concerns
governed by agile software development principles.
In terms of the web service and the windows services
using the same block of code, refactoring is quite
simple. Like most of the code sits in one place and you
know where to go find it and is relatively simple” (R3-
C1). “This model gives you the capabilities to adapt
and control new changes” (R5-C3).
Compliance management in software
development refers to complying with rules, which
may be organisational standards or legislation. This
theme appeared as a minor theme in case C1 where
SOA had improved compliance management.
Through the increased change effect size, changing
selective components of services to be compliant
resulted in all systems making use of the relevant
service becoming compliant. With SOA compliance
management can be at a domain level of services.
This eases domain application and ownership of
5.6 Summary of SOA Evaluation
The relationship between SOA and EA has been
misunderstood resulting in organisations failing to
benefit from their combined use (Alwadain et al.,
2016; Kistasamy et al., 2010). Researchers have
therefore called for studying their integration
(Alwadain et al., 2016).
To assist in the understanding, the benefits
identified in this study are summarised from an EA
perspective in Figure 3 and show how SOA is
contributing towards all four EA domains. The
explanation of the categorisation and the definition of
Service-oriented Architecture: Describing Benefits from an Organisational and Enterprise Architecture Perspective
Categorised Benefits
Business Architecture
Info / Data Architecture
Technology Architecture
Application Architecture
Strategic Benefits
Improved Agility x
Opportunity for agile
Improved Change Effect Size x
Domain Driven Development x
Operational and Maintenance Benefits
Reduced Maintenance Effort x
Improved Operations Support x
Reduced Development Time x
Improved Flexibility x
Reduced Testing effort x
Organisational Benefits
Improved Collaboration
Improved Learning
Increased Opportunity to
Improved System
Managerial Benefits
Ease of Integration x
Improved Data Visibility x x
Opportunity to measure cost
Governance Benefits
Improved Application Control x
Improved Change Control x
Improved Compliance
Figure 3: Benefits of SOA classified from an EA
the domains from TOGAF (The Open Group, 2011)
Application Architecture describes the structure
of software applications, their inter-relations and
relationships with key business processes. As
expected, the majority of SOA benefits are within the
application architecture domain.
Business Architecture describes the structure and
relationships between business strategy, governance,
functions, and key business processes. The benefits
improved agility and domain driven development fall
under this domain. Improved agility is a business
strategy and supports key business processes so falls
in the Business Architecture domain. The concept of
a business domain can be viewed as how an
organisation draws its competitive boundaries or
Data Architecture describes the structure and
relationships between the organization's data sources,
logical and physical data assets and data management
resources. Four benefits are considered data
architecture benefits Improved change effect size has
an impact on data and cascading changes to all
existing applications as the data is tightly coupled
with the service that manages it. The measurement of
cost saving is possible through the data architecture
which can expose and enumerate data that was not
previously evident. Compliance is not possible unless
the data / information architecture allows for its
specific measurement, evaluation and management.
Data visibility can be considered in terms of
data/information architecture in that you need to
define the messages, their attributes etc. which
benefits the information architecture.
Technology Architecture describes the the
technology building blocks from which that IT
system will be constructed using the logical software
and hardware capabilities, such as networks and
standards that support the other architectures. Four
benefits are included under technology architecture
because of their impact on the underlying
infrastructure. Improved flexibility and ease of
integration is achieved through services which reduce
component dependencies. When considered from an
ITIL perspective, change control is the governance of
the technical process of implementing and managing
the software change. Finally data visibility is also
considered from its technical implementation through
messaging and hence is also within the technical
architecture domain.
Some of the benefits also had associated cost and
risk implications that were not be described here and
are required for a complete evaluation. The
practitioners noted that improved reuse opportunities
resulted in implications on backward compatibility,
maintenance effort, testing challenges and increased
testing costs. The more a single service is reused
across a number of different applications, the greater
the effort required to modify the service. This in turn
influenced service composition and reuse opportunity
where greater focus on the design was required to
meet the disparate change requests.
AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling
5.7 Limitations
This study has limitations in that some respondents
failed to fully comprehend several benefits and in C2
there were very few respondents. The study also
limited its scope to benefits even though the
respondents referred to the risks and costs of SOA.
The categorisations used for grouping the benefits
were derived from interpretive thematic analysis and
to an extent are exploratory. Further studies could
validate the classification.
Researchers have called for more studies of
successful SOA cases and a better understanding of
the SOA business case. In response, this study
describes SOA benefits within a large successful
retail organisation in South Africa. The benefits of the
SOA architectural style are classified into five broad
categories in an organisation and in terms of the EA
domains. These benefits will be useful for
practitioners when making SOA business cases and
when trying to ensure that benefits are obtained. The
study also explores the connections between EA and
SOA from a practioner perspective, an area that
requires further research. Benefits impacted all EA
domains which to some extent supports the
perception of SOA as an EA style (Zhao, 2013).
The respondents described how the SOA
approach enabled them to improve themselves and
the organisation as a whole. Organisational benefits
arising from the use of SOA have not been described
before and include greater collaboration across teams
and improved learning opportunities. This resulted in
better engagement of the staff and better involvement
in their workspace.
During the study it became apparent that there is
still a gap in knowledge in terms of the levels of
stakeholder involvement in SOA projects that needs
study. Future work can also focus on gaining more
understanding of the causal costs and risks around
adopting SOA. Future work could therefore apply a
different research approach such as grounded theory
to provide more information around the phenomena
of SOA. This can assist in having a more defined
business case for SOA in organisations. A future
longitudinal study could also identify additional SOA
benefits and understand which benefits are achieved
as an organisation goes through different levels of
SOA maturity.
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AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling