5.7 Limitations
This study has limitations in that some respondents
failed to fully comprehend several benefits and in C2
there were very few respondents. The study also
limited its scope to benefits even though the
respondents referred to the risks and costs of SOA.
The categorisations used for grouping the benefits
were derived from interpretive thematic analysis and
to an extent are exploratory. Further studies could
validate the classification.
Researchers have called for more studies of
successful SOA cases and a better understanding of
the SOA business case. In response, this study
describes SOA benefits within a large successful
retail organisation in South Africa. The benefits of the
SOA architectural style are classified into five broad
categories in an organisation and in terms of the EA
domains. These benefits will be useful for
practitioners when making SOA business cases and
when trying to ensure that benefits are obtained. The
study also explores the connections between EA and
SOA from a practioner perspective, an area that
requires further research. Benefits impacted all EA
domains which to some extent supports the
perception of SOA as an EA style (Zhao, 2013).
The respondents described how the SOA
approach enabled them to improve themselves and
the organisation as a whole. Organisational benefits
arising from the use of SOA have not been described
before and include greater collaboration across teams
and improved learning opportunities. This resulted in
better engagement of the staff and better involvement
in their workspace.
During the study it became apparent that there is
still a gap in knowledge in terms of the levels of
stakeholder involvement in SOA projects that needs
study. Future work can also focus on gaining more
understanding of the causal costs and risks around
adopting SOA. Future work could therefore apply a
different research approach such as grounded theory
to provide more information around the phenomena
of SOA. This can assist in having a more defined
business case for SOA in organisations. A future
longitudinal study could also identify additional SOA
benefits and understand which benefits are achieved
as an organisation goes through different levels of
SOA maturity.
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