implemented the child protection by prevention. The
Childhood protection is a subject with high value for
the society, but, the Child Abuse cases are difficult
to identify (JN, 2013). The process from suspicious
to accusation is very difficult to achieve. It must
configure very strong evidences. Typically, Health
Care services deal with these cases from the
beginning where there are evidences based on the
diagnosis, but they aren't enough to promote the
accusation. Besides that, this subject is highly
sensitive because there are legal aspects to deal with
such as: the patient privacy, paternity issues, medical
confidentiality, among others.
The development of standards of health care
software is a big step to the interoperability between
information systems in this area. There are, at least,
six entities that have developed standards in this
field: The American Society for Testing and
Materials with ASTM-E31, The American National
Standards Institute with ANSI-HL7, The European
Committee for Standardization with CEN-TC251,
The International Organization for Standardization
with ISO-TC215, The Association of Electrical
Equipment and Medical Imaging Manufactures with
NEMA-DICOM and IEEE with multiple standards
(IRMA, 2013). With the evolution of the health care
information systems the access to patient
information using Electronic Health Record Systems
(EHRS) is facilitated, e. g. Urgency treatment data,
health monitoring data, among others. According to
the health domain analysis report from the technical
committee from HL7 about security and privacy of
health care information, particularly, in exchange of
information between information systems and
according to HL7 Security and Privacy Ontology
was possible for us to identify critical knowledge
concepts in health care domain (WG, 2013, HL7,
2010): Substances abuse, Sexual abuse and domestic
violence, Genetic disease, Sexual transmitted
disease, Sickle Cell, Sexuality and Reproductive,
HIV/AIDS, Psychiatry and Taboo (HL7, 2010), see
figure 1.
From this, we explore the subject General
Abuses with the focus on the child abuse and based
on regulations and legal documentation we have
constructed an ontology that maps the concepts:
symptoms, behaviour and other evidences of child
abuse (Saúde, 2008). For the different phases and
objectives of this research we have used multiple
research techniques: survey literature techniques,
content analysis and proof of concept in Design
Research context.
“Design Science research is a research paradigm
in which a designer answers questions relevant to
human problems via the creation of innovative
artefacts, thereby contributing new knowledge to the
body of scientific evidence. The designed artefacts
are both useful and fundamental in understanding
that problem” (Hevner and Chatterjee, 2010).
The design science research has its roots in the
sciences of the artificial. Artificial as something that
is created by humans that doesn’t exists in Nature.
Design Research is fundamentally a problem-solving
paradigm. It consists in seeking innovation through
ideas, practices, technical abilities and products
obtained from a set of routines such as: analysis,
design, implementation, and use of information
systems concerning the effectiveness and efficiency
achievement on organizations. The outputs forms of
Design research could be: constructs (vocabulary
and symbols), models (abstractions and
representations), methods (algorithms and practices),
and instantiations (implemented and prototype
The model of the system, see figure 1 and 2, is
defined by four components: the knowledge capture
component that allows to extract topics and the
descriptors from documents, the critical knowledge
ontology component that is used to filter the critical
topics and descriptors addressing the context of
ontology; the critical knowledge repository
component that stores all files produced in all
process of the system; and the alert and log
component that we need the use of Artificial
Intelligent algorithms and techniques that allow to
predict actions. Each component is based on a
variety of information systems fields (Pereira and
Santos, 2012, Pereira and Santos, 2013a).
Knowledge Security - An Empirical Use of IT – Child Abuse Monitor System Model