over fifty staff members and close to twenty
• 2014: This year was a period of transformation
and diversification in order to adapt to market
conditions. The number of staff members
declined and the use of contractors was
minimal. The period associated with a specific
growth state transition statement is indicated in
Table 5 to Table 12 (see Appendix).
The demonstration of the 5S SME Growth State
Transition Model as applied to the history of
company SME X highlighted the following:
• The Model would mature by use with the
addition, deletion and consolidation of growth
state transitions.
• Some of the growth state transitions may be
• Application of the Model could result in various
outcomes, such as not being applicable, single
occurrence, multiple occurrences and repetitive
The most important awareness was that the
Model successfully eliminated the constraint of
stages associated with SME growth stage models.
The research objective of the work presented in this
paper was to develop an SME growth state transition
model that can be used as input to our research to
position BPM a management approach for SMEs.
The requirement was for such a model to address the
criticism regarding the sequential nature of the
existing SME growth stage models. The
development of the 5S Growth State Transition
Model included: (1) the identification of SME
growth state transitions as defined in existing SME
growth stage models, (2) the definition of a 5S SME
Growth State Classification Framework for the
classification of the growth state transitions, and (3)
the consolidation of the identified growth state
transitions by mapping them to the 5S SME Growth
State Classification Framework.
A study based on information from company
SME X demonstrated that the 5S Growth State
Transition Model is a fair representation of the SME
growth state transitions. These state transitions
identified potential changes and transformations in
the organisation.
BPM is typically a discipline that adds value
during changes and/or transformations. The value
contribution of the 5S SME Growth State Transition
Model can be summarised as a better understanding
of the transitions associated with SME growth,
making it possible to position BPM as a
management approach to manage change during
transformation. The next challenge is to develop a
BPM approach, supportive of self-sufficiency, which
can be used as input to the development of a BPM
approach to assist SME managers to manage a
specific growth state transition.
The work presented in this paper was conceptualised
based on the research for the PhD Degree of Dina
Jacobs, completed in 2016, at the Vaal Triangle
Campus of North-West University, South Africa.
Paula Kotzé and Alta van der Merwe were her PhD
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