Development of a Web Application for the Management of Reserves of
Sports Scenarios
Liliana Enciso
, Willian Borja
, Junior Vasquez
, Elmer Zelaya
and Pablo Quezada-Sarmiento
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci
on y Electr
Universidad T
ecnica Particular de Loja, San Cayetano Alto, 1101608, Loja, Equador
Sistemas Inform
aticos y Computaci
on, Universidad T
ecnica Particular de Loja,
San Cayetano Alto, 1101608, Loja, Equador
atica, Universidad T
ecnica Particular de Loja, San Cayetano Alto, 1101608, Loja, Equador
Client-Server, PHP, Apache, MySQL, REST, Scrum.
Actually, jobs schedules and personal occupations limit the free time that each person has; which consequently
restricts the activities that they can carry out throughout the day. In order to contribute to a decrease of
sedentary lifestyle, and to offer a mechanism that allows the reservation of sports spaces in an easy and fast
way, there was considered the development a web application that calculates the user’s location, a list of the
nearest available stadiums; saving time and money. For this, it has been considered to structure the application
under a client-server architecture, following the principles of a REST web service and methodology Scrum.
After the development of the application, we concluded that the HTTP protocol provides a quickly mechanism
for the exchange of information in a web environment; likewise, it was possible to determine that a client server
model is suitable for a web environment that has to ensure availability, security and performance.
According to the United States Department of Health
and Human Services, physical activity is the move-
ment of the body that requires the work of different
muscles (NIH, 2014). Likewise, this institution say
that the main benefits of regular physical practice, are:
strengthening of the heart and lungs, risk reduction of
coronary heart disease and heart attacks (NIH, 2015).
By June 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO)
reported that approximately 80% of the world’s ado-
lescent population does not maintain a correct phys-
ical activity level; because of the sedentarism, which
mentions that it is accentuated especially in urban ar-
eas, and proposes as main causes to the overpopula-
tion, the poverty and criminality increase, the traffic
jam, the air quality, and the lack of sports facilities
(OMS, 2016).
Conscious of this growing reality, and in order to
increase the sport practice level, there was considered
the development of a mechanism that facilitates the
promotion, localization, reservation; as well as the
proper administration of sports spaces.
By 2015, the 32% of Ecuadorian households had
Internet access; an index that indicates a growth of
more than 10% since 2012; In the same way, this in-
stitution reported that the use of Internet within the
country has shown a remarkable growth, from a 17%
registered in 2012 to a 33% registered in 2015; an
increase of approximately 16% in 3 years (INEC,
2015), (Enciso et al., 2016b). These values show that,
as time goes on, there is greater access and use of the
Internet by the Ecuadorian population; so the solution
to be considered should be oriented to a web environ-
Today, the industry has led the emergence of
Global Distribution Systems (GDS); which at their
most general level, provide automated mechanisms
that facilitate the process of management of reserves
through computer systems. The main applications
of this type of software are automated booking sys-
tems for airlines (Kelly, 2016), inventory control
programs, hotel reservation management, cars,trains
(Coza, 2014) and pharmacies (Enciso et al., 2016a).
These systems have found support within the dif-
ferent programming languages, database systems and
servers that allow to carry a service to a web environ-
By January 2017, PHP has shown a strong pres-
ence in the web application market; being cata-
loged as the sixth most used programming language
(TIOBE, 2017). For (Mart
ın, 2012), PHP stands out
Enciso, L., Borja, W., Vasquez, J., Zelaya, E. and Quezada-Sarmiento, P.
Development of a Web Application for the Management of Reserves of Sports Scenarios.
DOI: 10.5220/0006386304220429
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 422-429
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
because of:
Totally free and open language.
Low learning curve.
Development environments are fast and easy to
Easy deployment: fully self-installing packages
that integrate PHP.
Easy access to databases
In the same order, one of the database manage-
ment systems that is widely used is mysql. According
to (Quezada, 2012), this manager has its own specifi-
cations that gives you:
High scalability.
Excellent performance.
Wide range of availability.
Being an open source platform, it facilitates the
introduction of improvements.
The guidelines that guide the present investigation
Investigate the advantages and disadvantages as-
sociated with using the HTTP protocol for a web
Propose an architectural model to ensure avail-
ability, safety and performance for the applica-
Analyze and develop a web application that al-
lows the proper management of reserves of sta-
diums of the city.
The first part of the paper provides a description
of the central topics of related projects. The second
section deals with the theory of the work that follows.
The third part provides a deep description of the sys-
tem developed. The fourth section presents the re-
sults of the research carried out, and finally, the fifth
part presents the conclusions to which we have arrived
once the investigation has been completed.
One of the applications based on the location is Uber;
which offers taxi requests services. In this app, any-
one can join as a partner: either as a taxi driver or
user. This application has had a wide demand in many
countries; So developers have had to pay attention
to the scalability of the system. That’s why, Uber
has been developed under a multilayer architecture,
where each layer is implemented in a different server.
For this, it was considered the use of the Ringpop
system; which implements a membership protocol
that allows the different nodes to discover the other
nodes, disseminate information quickly, and maintain
a consistent view of the different nodes that are part
of the application cluster. Ringpop uses a variation
of the SWIM (Scalable Weakly-consistent Infection-
style Process Group Membership Protocol) protocol,
in order to diffuse state changes made by different
member servers, which are contained within a spe-
cific cluster (Hoff, 2015).
George Denezis, after executing a test program for
the analysis of web security, implementing commu-
nication through the HTTP protocol, concludes that
through the HTTP protocol, it is possible to carry out
a series of attacks; Even with the use of the security
transport layer (TLS); that’s why he invites the use of
advanced protocols, with integrated security mecha-
nisms, such as the SSL Protocol, or HTTPS (Danezis,
For Jos
e S
anchez Rold
an, the technological lack
associated with the sport practice, such as the dif-
ficulty in consulting the nearest stadiums, making
reservations and the respective payment, causes the
offer of low quality services that require the user
mobilization to the offices. For that reason, there
was proposed a system for the management of sports
spaces that allows the correct administration of the
stadium reservations, their users, and the sports that
are practiced in the campus. The application has a
mobile and web version; and was developed under the
REST infrastructure (S
anchez Rold
an, 2013).
For Iv
an Garc
ıa, the importance of maintaining a
reservation management system lies in the ease of ad-
ministration of sport spaces and reserves. For this rea-
son, there was proposed a web and mobile solution,
that allows the owners and customers to manage and
register reservation requests with just one click; In
addition, the system provides a secure payment plat-
form, which means that the customer should not travel
to make their payments. Likewise, a friendly graph-
ical interface that allows users to locate the nearest
stadiums. As part of the management component, the
system informs the owner about the reservations reg-
istered in the month. Finally, the system offers social
network functions, allowing interaction between users
of the application. The web application has been built
based on a model view control architecture; while the
mobile application has been structured with a layered
model (Garc
ıa, 2014).
Daniel Wilches and Pablo Figueroa present an AR
application (Augmented Reality) for mobile devices
from conception to evolution. This application ma-
Development of a Web Application for the Management of Reserves of Sports Scenarios
nipulates and shows data in 3D (Three-dimensional
image), georeferenced in iPhone to allow its users
to buy information from geo-referenced buildings
stored in a database against the real information seen
through the device camera with the aim of contrast
the information of what should be built in a sector of
the city against what is actually built (Descamps-Vila,
GIS-based groundwater identification software
and a client-server architecture that has been devel-
oped to identify vulnerable areas in a regional level
with the use of pesticide models. The area investi-
gated is divided into polygons with homogeneous en-
vironmental characteristics and the pesticide transport
is modeled with the PELMO model in each polygon.
The software is used by the Lombardy and Italy re-
gions for PPP risk management purposes. VULPES
has been designed and implemented to transfer scien-
tific knowledge in terms of pesticide risk assessment
to risk assessors. Allows to apply consolidated mod-
els methodologies used in the standardized scenarios
for pedological, meteorological and agronomic data
(DiGuardo and Finizio, 2015).
3.1 Smarthphones
Below we present a description of the main themes
that structure the present investigation:
Hypertext Transfer Protocol: It is a protocol for
the exchange of distributed, collaborative, and hyper-
media information. It is a generic, global protocol that
can be used for many tasks, such as Distributed Object
Management Systems servers, through request meth-
ods, error codes and headers (Fielding et al., ). In the
main characteristics of HTTP we find the typification
and negotiation of the representation of data; which
allows its construction independently of the type of
information that will be transferred (Fielding et al., ).
Client - Server Architecture: It is one of the
most popular types of network architecture; whose
utility stands out because of its use within the Inter-
net; for which it makes use of various communica-
tion protocols, such as the hypertext transfer proto-
col (HTTP). Briefly, you can define a server as any
computer or system that answers requests made by a
client computer or subsystem. In a client / server envi-
ronment, the PC or workstation is usually the client.
The model can be visualized in the figure 1; which
presents an application that divides the execution of a
work unit between the activities initiated by the end
user (client) and the responses of resources (services)
to the activity request. The Client / Server architec-
ture shows a type of cooperative processing between
devices that are physically separated, and intercon-
nected through a network (Held, 2000).
Figure 1: Client - server architecture.
Web Service: According to the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C), a web service is a set of appli-
cations or technologies that interoperates on the Web.
This institution says that this type of systems can in-
terchange data with each other, with the aim of offer-
ing services; for which, providers offer their services
as remote procedures and users request a service by
calling these procedures through the Web (Consor-
tium, 2014).
(Navarro, 2016) mentions that in the last decade
three different types of web services have been popu-
larized, which are:
Remote Procedure Calls (RCPs): When the web
services provides a remote procedure call inter-
face and distributed functions; however, its imple-
mentation forces the direct call of specific func-
tions and methods that limits the efficiency and
scalability of these systems.
Service Oriented Architectures (SOA): The com-
munication unit is the message, and allows the ex-
ecution of procedures as a sequence of services
specific to the application.
REST: They intend to emulate the procedures pro-
vided by the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP);
Providing an interface composed of a group of
function calls.
Also, (Navarro, 2016) indicates that REST defines
a set of principles for the design of software architec-
tures oriented to a networked environment; providing
an interface that allows the transmission of data over
the HTTP protocol; without requiring a defined ser-
vice layer; unlike SOAP.
According to (Da Palma et al., 2008), the main
advantages of implementing the REST architecture
within a web application are:
APMDWE 2017 - 2nd International Special Session on Advanced practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
Simplicity to implement components.
Reduce the complexity of connector semantics.
Improve efficiency of performance optimization.
Increase scalability of server components.
Web Server: It is any system or device that re-
ceives, processes and answers to requests made by a
client. To establish communication, it uses protocols
such as HTTP, HTTPS, or whatever it requires, de-
pending of the communication type (Hino, 2012).
Taking advantage of the technologies presented,
we propose the development of a web oriented soft-
ware that allows the stadium owners advertise and
manage the reserves of their scenarios in an easy and
fast way. Likewise, this solution proposes to help
to all those athletes who wish to reserve an avail-
able field near his/her location; providing information
of the stadium, such as its schedule, phone number,
number of fields and services offered; besides infor-
mation specific to each field, for example, its dimen-
sions, material, sport category, rates and information
of stands.
For the implementation of the proposal, we used
free access software and tools. Because the applica-
tion is a web site, the graphical user interface will be
based on interaction through web pages coded and de-
signed under the HTML and CSS language, respec-
tively. The layout and coding of the program will
be done using the editor ”Sublime Text”. The server
application will be coded in the PHP programming
language. The management and storage of the appli-
cation information will be done through the MySQL
database manager.
Scrum: It is an Agile development methodol-
eguin et al., 2012), (Roche, 2013), which has
a more human-oriented approach to problem solving,
which instead of wasting time in creating cumber-
some and confusing documentation, gives the team a
quick start in coding. Likewise, the Agile method-
ology considers the inputs of the client during the
entire development cycle, as opposed to the tradi-
tional methodologies in which the requirements are
collected only at the beginning of the cycle (Dimes,
2015). That is why this methodology of development
was chosen for project.
4.1 Analysis
The correct development of software requires a
scheme of systematic implementation, not exces-
sively rigid. Quality and compliance must go hand
in hand (Dimes, 2015).
For the development, a methodology is used that
constitutes a reference frame called Scrum, which ac-
cording to Dimes, Troy, allows to create complex soft-
ware and deliver it on time in a easy way. First, a
product stack is created, then this stack of product as-
similates to a list of requirements for the development
of the application. Being a prioritized list, you work
on the most important elements of the product stack.
Ensuring features less indispensable leaving aside the
most important. That is why Scrum proposes to do the
work in short iterative cycles, from a week to a month.
The result of each iteration must be a ready-to-deliver
product. The team reviews the final product and sub-
mits it to stakeholders for feedback, given feedback,
the team can update the entire product stack or itera-
tions (Dimes, 2015).
Based on the results, the agile framework, es-
pecially the Scrum, proved to be a viable option
as a project management approach (Azanha et al.,
2017). Agile methodologies are a group of incremen-
tal and iterative methods that are more effective, and
have been used in project management. Kanban and
Scrum are two powerful Agile project management
approaches in software development. The objective
of Scrum and Kanban is achieved by optimizing the
development process by identifying the tasks, manag-
ing time more effectively, and setting-up teams (Lei
et al., 2017).
Once considered the case; as well as the differ-
ent problems and limitations associated with the man-
ual reservation of stadiums, we propose the develop-
ment of a web application that allows different users
to locate the sport places nearest to their geographical
position; and at the same time, provide administra-
tors a mechanism that allows them to easily advertise
and manage the reservations of fields made by their
The figure 2 describes the overall operation of the
system. Because the application is a web-oriented
software, the user is free to use it in the hardware /
software platform that he/she prefers; However, it is
necessary to have an active connection to the Internet.
In order for a user to be able to view the closest
stadiums to his/her location, his/her terminal device
must send a routing request to the application servers.
On the other side, the server will process the request,
and based on its IP address, will consult the location
of the user through the geolocation service provided
by Google maps. Subsequently, the system will eval-
uate and show the sports establishments closest to the
user’s location; Who will finally select the stadium
with the desired schedules. In case of no availabil-
Development of a Web Application for the Management of Reserves of Sports Scenarios
ity conflict, the application will show a reservation
confirmation message; Otherwise, the user will be in-
formed about the inconvenience.
Once the reservation is confirmed, the stadium
manager will receive a notification from the applica-
tion, who will be able to view details of the reserva-
tion, such as the date, time and place of entry; As well
as information about the client, such as his/her first
and last names, email, contact number. The admin-
istrator will be able to cancel the reservation, at any
time. In this case, the system will send a notification
to the user who registered the reservation.
4.2 Architecture
For the construction of the application, it is necessary
to use an architecture that gives an adequate level of
security, ensures availability and performance; So the
client-server architectural style has been considered;
which is made up of two main subsystems: a client
and a server. According to (Somasegar et al., 2009),
the main advantages of this architectural style are:
High level of security: Because access to the sys-
tem databases is managed directly by the applica-
tion server; Which runs on a different layer than
the client.
Centralized Information: All system information
is stored in the application databases; Which fa-
cilitates the access and maintenance of the same.
Ease of maintenance: The functions of a system
are distributed in several servers interconnected
with each other; Which isolates the user from
server repair and relocation operations.
The figure 1 describes the architectural schema
client - server, in which the information is centralized.
The requests are made by terminal equipment, and
at the other end, a server program receives and pro-
cesses them to subsequently send a response to the
client. The architectural model presented is suitable
for a web environment that has among its interests
to ensure availability, security and performance. The
proposed model allows to ensure the availability of
the system by virtue of dividing the application into
two; one client application and another server. Like-
wise, security and business are managed within the
server layer; Which proved to provide a higher level
of safety and performance.
4.3 Data Modeling
According to (Silberschatz et al., 2002), the normal-
ization process involves the modeling of different ta-
bles, and their relationships, adhering to standards
that are designed to avoid redundancy of data; as well
as dependencies between them; for this reason, the
database design of the application has been carried
out following the normalization process in three lev-
els, and has resulted in the model shown in the figure
3. The model of the figure suggests that a owner can
have 1 or more stadiums; while a stadium may be-
long to a single owner. Also, a stadium may have one
or more fields, which will be assigned one or more
prices, depending on the time of use; With this, the
system allows to realize discounts, according to the
time of reservation. In the same way, a stadium can
offer on one or several services, and each one of them
can be established to one or more sport scenarios. Fi-
nally, a client can reserve one or several fields; at the
time that the reservation of a certain set of loaves, for
a same date, can be realized by a single client.
4.4 Development
The application will be structured in two parts: a
client and a server. The server application will be
written in the PHP programming language, and will
be responsible for, among other things, the handling
of data access components; Which is done by the code
Listing 1: Database connector.
public function connect($host, $user,
$pass, $database){
$con = mysql_connect($this->host,
$this->pass) or die("The app could not
connect to the database");
$con) or die ("The app could not connect
to the database");
return $con;
The code 2 describes the algorithm followed by
the application for instance a new connection object;
by means of which you can consult, add, update and
delete information from the database.
Also, one of the main functions of the application
lies in the suggestion of the sports scenarios closest to
the user’s location. For this, after an analysis process,
it has been decided to use the haversine algorithm;
which is described in the code
Listing 2: Haversine algorithm.
function distanceCalculation($lat_point1,
$long_point1, $lat_point2, $long_point2){
// Distance calculation using the
Harversine algorithm
$degree = rad2deg(acos((sin(
deg2rad($lat_point1))*sin (deg2rad
APMDWE 2017 - 2nd International Special Session on Advanced practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
($lat_point2))) + (cos(deg2rad($lat_point1))
$distance = $degree * 111.13384;
Conversion from degrees to kilometers,
considering that in each degree, there are
111.13384 kilometers.
As a result, it has been possible to develop a position-
based application, oriented to a web environment;
which allows to visualize the different sports com-
plexes; as well as their information; which can be seen
in the figure 4(a):
Once selected the sports complex of preference,
the user must select the field to use; As shown in fig-
ure 4(b).
Finally, the user must enter his information in or-
der to register the reservation; which is done in the
form shown in the figure 4(c). In the figure 4(d), is
shown the registered reservation.
Through the present investigative work, we have been
able to determine:
That the HTTP protocol is an excellent mecha-
nism for the rapid exchange of information within a
web environment; however, it offers limited security
Likewise, it was possible to determine that a client
server model is suitable for a web environment that
has among its interests to ensure availability, secu-
rity and performance. The proposed model allows to
ensure the availability of the system by virtue of di-
viding the application into two; one client application
and another server. Likewise, security and business
are managed within the server layer; Which proved to
provide a higher level of safety and performance.
All this process allowed to raise a web software
that allows to promote the different sports scenarios
near the location in which the users are; as well as the
management of the reservations made.
Also, it was possible to evaluate the different
tools of codification, web design and server emula-
tors; From which we conclude that the editor used
for coding and web design presented remarkable per-
formance; therefore, it never stopped working or ex-
perienced bugs when using it; however, to visualize
the changes made within the code, it was necessary to
save the changes, and refresh the page; which easily
becomes a tedious task that causes delays and prob-
lems with the buffer of web browsers.
We tested the performance of the XAMPP emula-
tor, which has a well-known portability and installa-
bility feature; It is possible to install and run it from
any operating system (Windows, Linux). Also, during
the development of the application proved to be a ro-
bust system; As it was possible to handle exceptions
properly by always being operational. Likewise, it
denoted wide efficiency and performance in trial time
and execution of the application.
In the same way, the different mechanisms of geo
positioning did not show major disadvantages to per-
form the geo positioning of their equipment; How-
ever, the web browser used (Firefox) showed draw-
backs to remember the user’s location preferences;
which generated problems for the system to obtain the
exact position of the user on more than one occasion.
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APMDWE 2017 - 2nd International Special Session on Advanced practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
(a) Sports complex selection. (b) List of sport fields.
(c) Register of reservation. (d) Registered Reservation.
Figure 4: Software Application for reservation of sport complexes.
Development of a Web Application for the Management of Reserves of Sports Scenarios