($lat_point2))) + (cos(deg2rad($lat_point1))
$distance = $degree * 111.13384;
Conversion from degrees to kilometers,
considering that in each degree, there are
111.13384 kilometers.
As a result, it has been possible to develop a position-
based application, oriented to a web environment;
which allows to visualize the different sports com-
plexes; as well as their information; which can be seen
in the figure 4(a):
Once selected the sports complex of preference,
the user must select the field to use; As shown in fig-
ure 4(b).
Finally, the user must enter his information in or-
der to register the reservation; which is done in the
form shown in the figure 4(c). In the figure 4(d), is
shown the registered reservation.
Through the present investigative work, we have been
able to determine:
That the HTTP protocol is an excellent mecha-
nism for the rapid exchange of information within a
web environment; however, it offers limited security
Likewise, it was possible to determine that a client
server model is suitable for a web environment that
has among its interests to ensure availability, secu-
rity and performance. The proposed model allows to
ensure the availability of the system by virtue of di-
viding the application into two; one client application
and another server. Likewise, security and business
are managed within the server layer; Which proved to
provide a higher level of safety and performance.
All this process allowed to raise a web software
that allows to promote the different sports scenarios
near the location in which the users are; as well as the
management of the reservations made.
Also, it was possible to evaluate the different
tools of codification, web design and server emula-
tors; From which we conclude that the editor used
for coding and web design presented remarkable per-
formance; therefore, it never stopped working or ex-
perienced bugs when using it; however, to visualize
the changes made within the code, it was necessary to
save the changes, and refresh the page; which easily
becomes a tedious task that causes delays and prob-
lems with the buffer of web browsers.
We tested the performance of the XAMPP emula-
tor, which has a well-known portability and installa-
bility feature; It is possible to install and run it from
any operating system (Windows, Linux). Also, during
the development of the application proved to be a ro-
bust system; As it was possible to handle exceptions
properly by always being operational. Likewise, it
denoted wide efficiency and performance in trial time
and execution of the application.
In the same way, the different mechanisms of geo
positioning did not show major disadvantages to per-
form the geo positioning of their equipment; How-
ever, the web browser used (Firefox) showed draw-
backs to remember the user’s location preferences;
which generated problems for the system to obtain the
exact position of the user on more than one occasion.
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Development of a Web Application for the Management of Reserves of Sports Scenarios