The Impact of Online Learning Context in Fostering Open
Leadership Skills
Nesrin Bahçelerli
, Tulen Saner
, Zehra Altınay
, Ebba Ossiannilsson
and Fahriye Altınay
School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Near East University, Cyprus
Faculty of Education, Educational Sciences Institute, Societal Research and Development Center, Near East University,
Nicosia, Cyprus
Swedish Association of Distance Education, Sweden
Keywords: Online Learning, Leadership, Online Learning Environment.
Abstract: The methods of learning have changed rapidly. For online learning process, collaboration, active participation
and technology acceptance are crucial. Active learning plays a great role that learners become leader of their
learning process and knowledge construction process.This study focused on the impact of online learning
context in fostering open leadership skills. In this study, semi-structured interviews and discussion via internet
is used as qualitative research technique. The participants of the research study included twenty students
which aimed to examine leadership skills development of learners within practical training course context. It
is emerged that students have experienced how to be a leader during online learning process and they
developed skills of problem solving, awareness, research and negotiation.
Online learning supports flexiable access that
provides to content and instruction at any time, from
any place. Online learning is defined as an approach
to learning and teaching process that flexible access
learning material, interacting with the content and
instructor. It utilize acqusition and usage of the
knowlowdge in an educational context. Internet and
communication technologies collaboration support
online learning experiences and practices.
According to Muir (2001), advantages of online
learning can be listed below;
Learning can take place anywhere
Learning can take place anytime and at any
There is a synergy between the learner,
instructor and environment.
High quality dialogue can be maintained
because it is not restricted by a traditional
classroom or time models. individuals
learning styles and issues with greater ease.
There is great access to a larger variety of
quality resources.
There is a level playing field for all learners,
regardless of visual or physical
location or learning schedule.
Teachers can use creative teaching methods
in delivering material.
An important goal of distance higher education is
to improve the equality in educational opportunities
among various regions. Distance higher education
was ignoring from traditional higher education. So,
as a unique form of education, from correspondence
education in the nineteenth century to today’s
distance learning based on the Internet, distance
education has undergone great changes (Feng Liang
et. Al., 2014)
All around to world to underline equality in
learning, the principles of online learning and
restructure organizational levels come into the
consideration and traditional learning transform to
open up education. The equal and open learning
context support communication skills and enrich
skills and abilities within the life(EU,2015). Online
learning enviorment have been done in order to share
ideas and good practice through personalized learning
and motivating learners. Moore and Kearsley (1999)
has distinguished three types of interaction: learner–
instructor, learner–content and learner–learner
interaction, which illustrate ways online participation
may be supported.
Bahçelerli, N., Saner, T., Altinay, Z., Ossiannilsson, E. and Altinay, F.
The Impact of Online Learning Context in Fostering Open Leadership Skills.
DOI: 10.5220/0006387107360741
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 736-741
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Song, Singleton, Hill & Koh (2004) focused that
on the learners’ perceptions of helpful components
and challenges in online learning environments.
Koehle, Bird & Bonney (2008) claimed that
achieving professional development involved the
creation and implementation of a program in personal
leadership for the organization.
Sit et al. (2004) stated that students to take
responsibility for their learning process online
learning environment. Students lead this process.
This online learning environment gives an
opportunity to students to develop skills and
confidence in handling difficult tasks and problem-
solving with using the Internet as a resources.
Additionally, Deal and Peterson (2009) stated that
point to the multiple ways school culture fosters
improvement, collaborative decision making,
professional development of students' learning.
Online learning environment, courses are changed by
online materials. Opportunities for students to
undertake tasks and responsibilities in school culture.
Technology is a transformation opportunity of
course contents within the digital age. Integration of
technology to the teaching, learning is sharing
experiences, knowledge within digital platform
enriches skills of learners by the support of social
networking sites (Gilbert, 2005). In this respect,
social networking site fosters learning platform
within practical training course as part of the research
study. Online learning environment intensified need
to consider how social platform enhance learning and
to what extend support skills development and
learners by individualistic responsibility.
In today's information age, managing information
for leaders has become the most important leadership
criterion. The ability to make the most efficient use of
information and ensure maximum recycling depends
on the well-managed knowledge.
It is controversial whether leadership can be
taught. It is found that leadership skills can be taught.
There is an increasing demand for leadership training
and development programs. It has been determined
that the existing training programs are not sufficient
for the development of leadership skills and need to
be developed (Mole, 2004). There is a need for a
management understanding that includes leadership
processes such as creativity, direction, and impact so
that organizations can adapt to the rapid changes in
life and continue their existence (Elmuti et al., 2005).
Indeed, practical training course is the
experiential learning process that students supports
knowledge creation and develop competence and
skills through practice and living experience within
the sector in online learning environment. The
practical training course is very significant for the
undergraduate students which they gained future
experience of work for the success. Within this
research study, the importance of experiential
learning process for future success, the role of
dialogue and interaction for the experience and social
learning are highlighted. As regards the social
networking sites provides platform for interaction,
connectivity and access that foster interaction and
socially negotiated experience as a base for the social
learning. In this respect, living collaborative thinking,
argumentation and reflection in order to achieve
interconnected knowledge and experience become
important. As practical training course significantly
focus on openness, diversity, interaction and
autonomy, those principles have been practiced
within the course to reveal the perceptions and
experiences of the students who enrolled practical
training course course in School of Tourism and
Hospitality Management. Although the literature paid
attention to impact of social interaction (Fernandez,
2006), experience (Pankhurst, 2010), mediation
(Vogel, 2004) for learning, they stay partial. In this
respect, this study puts forward to reveal the
evaluations of their learning and experience with the
support of social networking site (facebook) as
regards the openness, diversity, interaction and
autonomy principles. Further to this, the study aims
to reveal how online social networking sites
(facebook, vb.) are relevant for different fields and
courses such as tourism field and internship course.
According to Fullan (2007) school culture can be
defined as the guiding beliefs and values evident in
the way a school operates.
Ossiannilsson et. al. (2015)stated that new
technologies act as change especially in higher
education and universities enable to meet a broader
range of learners’ needs, adapting traditional teaching
methods and offering a mix of face–to-face and
online learning possibilities that allow individuals to
learn anywhere, anytime.
Higher education institutions should offering
faculty professional development programs to
develop skills that support the pressures of adapting
their current teaching ideologies and practice to align
with rapidly expanding digital tools and expectations
for learning and teaching (Salmon and Wright, 2014).
In this research study, the impact of online
learning contexts is crucial in order to examine the
leadership attitudes by the support of social
networking site (facebook) in terms of practical
training course.
The purpose of this research study was to reveal
the impact of online learning context in fostering
The Impact of Online Learning Context in Fostering Open Leadership Skills
open leadership skills. Furthermore, this research
aimed to assess the skills and capabilities of students
within the scope of practical trainning courses.
Additionally, practical training course is of great
importance to gain responsibilities, personal
leadership and solving problem abilities for students
who study in tourism and hotel management because
tourism industry given the labour intensive nature
during the tourism education.
The research design for the study was based upon the
framework of qualitative research which covers the
understanding, interpretation of socially constructed
meanings within an inductive process. Within the
qualitative research framework, experiences and the
process, based on collobaration which is considered
by energing theory and practice.
Action research was employed in this research
study that skills development of learners through
online social platforms and digitally integrated
learning, teaching context were created.
Semi-structured interviews and discussions via
internet were used in order to examine importance of
practical training courses. Students actively discussed
subjects among each others.
Online learning context provided social learning
platform for dialogue and negotiation beside the
classroom learning and teaching process in this study.
The 20 students provided semi-structured interviews
response within a frame of this qualitative research.
This showed how principles of theory practiced and
how this theory and facebook group space contribute
learning, self-leadership, decision making and
reflection skills.
The participants of the research study included
twenty students which aimed to enhance skills
development of students as learners within practical
training courses context. This research was conducted
one semester consist of 16 weeks. Online learning
platform was used as a support for conducting theory
of education and students voluntarily participated in
the study and the data were collected through
purposive sampling.
In this study, 20 practical training course students
from School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
voluntarily involved the practice connectivist theory
in learning process. In addition, online platform has
been constructed to activate dialogue and interaction
as significant principle of the online learning
environment. Course supported collaborative
thinking and dialogue has been practiced to foster the
theory in the practice with the involvement of
lecturer. As regards the outcome about the online
platform, the semi-structured interview revealed large
amount of qualitative data and provided credible
results to confirm that almost all students developed
dialogue and interaction thus they learn more from
others and others’ experiences, enhance self-
leadership, decision making and reflection skills.
Expectation Students from Online Learning
and Leadership
Data collected from semi-structured interviews
assembled via mail and students commented and
discussed their decision. Student clarified
information about online learning and expectations
from these course. Almost all students considered
online learning as an support to experience of their
self development conceptions of teaching and
These research implemented fourth class, second
semester course. Although, all students had enough
therotical information in their diciplinary. First of all
online learning definition requested from students.
ST5 and ST8 defined that, online learning is the
process where a person would seek to develop their
own knowledge, or even find technological resources
for a certain subject. ST2 remarked, that online
learning environment is internet using. ST13
emphasized that this method is so far beyond the
ordinary education system, learners need comfortably
oblivous to any restriction in terms of of information
and communication between individuals with regard
to each other, provided the environment is very high
comfort. Majority of students indicated that students
as a teacher and controller of their own without any
pressure or coercion in the online learning. Students
agree with the responsibility for developing and
responsible for their own learning skills, additionally
how separate topic to learn and their learning speed.
The data demonstrate that students expectation
from these online learning environment course.
Practical training course helped students to earn job
experience before their graduation and gain
advantage for their future life. Such that, ST9
underlined that to consolidate and gain experience by
blending the practical course with received training.
Students obtained that knowledge has not enough for
future life, necessary to reinforced with practical
knowledge because of job environment that differ
FOLSC 2017 - Special Session on Fostering Open Leadership in School Culture
from theory.
Practical training course caused to increase
students’ experience on the other hand online learning
environment aimed to discussed happens during
practice and compare theoritical knowledge. ST10
remarked that contribution to the theory with
practical knowledge is created over time. Students go
along with practical knowledge in online learning
environment course created with their theoretical
knowledge, and taking time to reinforce their
Table 1: Expectations from Online learning.
Topics Expressions
Number of
Innovative Developing
technology and
Achieve a lot of
online resources
Control belongs
to student
Advanced own
knowledge from
online learning
environment no
time and place
Experience Knowledge
transferred to
experince in
online learning
Table 1. shown that, students positive vision appeared
for online learning. It was possible to divide into
three categories online learning definations.
According to students’ perspective online learning
related with innovative,belongs to student and gain
experience and unlimited resources.
Students identifies as their leadership abilities
also more abstinent. Student emphasize that need
time to adjust themselves and to express themselves
Defining the Leadership Attitudes
Multiple data showed that students perceived
advantages of practical knowledge in online learning
course added inestimable aspect and vision for
personal and professional development for their
future career.
Before discussing students’ self leadersip cases
and growth in these course context, concept of
leadership asked to students in semi-structured
interviews. ST10 and ST18 defined that leadership is
a ability to transfer the goals and objective to
community. Additionally, ST20 believed that an
innate characteristic of leadership, but people trying
to combine this feature with the knowledge gained
over time to lead the field and their orientation to
people. Other students remarked that leaders have a
lot of skills and ability to manage people and
persuaded to achieve goals and objectives.
In parallel with concept of leadership, students
discussed that leadership styles and they have or not.
All students who attend these study have work
opprtunity during summer training program in their
regular education. So, student have enough
information about training course, cases and
experiences about their leadership attitudes. ST1
explained that self leadership ability to manage,
problem solving ability, to appeal to the community
in the separation, and being a model such as the
Table 2: Defining Leadership Attitudes.
Topics Expressions
Number of
Well Organized
Ability to
organize and
Team Work Sharing
knowledge and
learning with
other learners
skills, empathic
and negotiation
and self-
During these process, redounded self leadership
skills in the online learning environment. According
to semi-structured interviews, students clarified that
their self leadership skills during practical phase. ST5
and ST8 reported that come out top of their
performance of a workplace and correcting
deficiencies noticed. All students agreed with
awareness of their responsibility and interfered
The Impact of Online Learning Context in Fostering Open Leadership Skills
The Effect of the Online Learning
Students reported their experiences and perceptions
as regards the contributions of online learning
environment for their learning and skills
development. The reflections through self-report
confirmed that online platform give space revealed
how supports learning and the skills development of
students based on particular online learning
environment and activities of the practical training
course. In this respect, students reflect consensus on
that dialogue, negotiation and complexity of
discussion questions in online context within a
framework help them construct knowledge and
develop leadership skills, negotiation and reflection
skills within self-discipline. Almost all of students
underlined that course requires inquiry, question and
knowledge sharing which enhances learning and peer
evaluated and reflected skills development process. In
this respect, students practiced the principles which
are learning and knowledge rests in diversity of
opinions; process of connecting specialized nodes or
information sources; reside in capacity to know more
critical than what is currently known; maintaining
connections is needed to facilitate continual learning;
ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and
concepts is a core skill; decision-making is itself a
learning process; chaos, network, complexity, self-
organization are significant for learning through
discussions and collaboration with pers within online
As a result of the study, the students discussed that
leadership styles features among themselves,
expressing better in the online learning process. In the
context of this research, online learning has shown
how students develop leadership skills in the online
learning environment by developing the skills of
thinking, researching, taking responsibility and
solving problems.
For this reason, this research determined that the
students who reach the theoretical level of the
knowledge, at the same time continue to apply
technology during practically, their future career
developments and ability to express themselves, take
responsibility and solve problems.
Students stated that more aware of their online
review process and are more capable of solving
problems. During this time, students developed their
abilities by producing solutions by observing the
students and other problems on site.
The lack of time and space constraints has helped
to create a comfortable work environment for
students. At the same time, online learning plays an
effective role in determining the goals and objectives
of the students in their future lives.
However, a few students (5 out of 20) yielded that
satisfied with classroom learning model. Although
the minority of the group revealed the question on the
effectiveness of new practice, in-depth examination
can be done for the impact of cultural and contextual
factors, learning styles of students for diversity as
these are the limitations of this study that needs to be
considered in detail and may be investigated in-depth.
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The Impact of Online Learning Context in Fostering Open Leadership Skills