The Effect of the Online Learning
Students reported their experiences and perceptions
as regards the contributions of online learning
environment for their learning and skills
development. The reflections through self-report
confirmed that online platform give space revealed
how supports learning and the skills development of
students based on particular online learning
environment and activities of the practical training
course. In this respect, students reflect consensus on
that dialogue, negotiation and complexity of
discussion questions in online context within a
framework help them construct knowledge and
develop leadership skills, negotiation and reflection
skills within self-discipline. Almost all of students
underlined that course requires inquiry, question and
knowledge sharing which enhances learning and peer
evaluated and reflected skills development process. In
this respect, students practiced the principles which
are learning and knowledge rests in diversity of
opinions; process of connecting specialized nodes or
information sources; reside in capacity to know more
critical than what is currently known; maintaining
connections is needed to facilitate continual learning;
ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and
concepts is a core skill; decision-making is itself a
learning process; chaos, network, complexity, self-
organization are significant for learning through
discussions and collaboration with pers within online
As a result of the study, the students discussed that
leadership styles features among themselves,
expressing better in the online learning process. In the
context of this research, online learning has shown
how students develop leadership skills in the online
learning environment by developing the skills of
thinking, researching, taking responsibility and
solving problems.
For this reason, this research determined that the
students who reach the theoretical level of the
knowledge, at the same time continue to apply
technology during practically, their future career
developments and ability to express themselves, take
responsibility and solve problems.
Students stated that more aware of their online
review process and are more capable of solving
problems. During this time, students developed their
abilities by producing solutions by observing the
students and other problems on site.
The lack of time and space constraints has helped
to create a comfortable work environment for
students. At the same time, online learning plays an
effective role in determining the goals and objectives
of the students in their future lives.
However, a few students (5 out of 20) yielded that
satisfied with classroom learning model. Although
the minority of the group revealed the question on the
effectiveness of new practice, in-depth examination
can be done for the impact of cultural and contextual
factors, learning styles of students for diversity as
these are the limitations of this study that needs to be
considered in detail and may be investigated in-depth.
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