Morphotectonic Analysis between Crete and Kasos

D. Lampridou, P. Nomikou, M. Alexandri, D. Papanikolaou, C. Hübscher, T. Ioannou, P. Sorotou, L. Ragia



The morphotectonic structure of the offshore area lying between Crete and Kasos is studied on the basis of new detailed bathymetric data. The resulting bathymetric map is presented. Qualitative analysis of morphological slope values, as well as the analysis of the watershed at the eastern part of Crete, confirms that the current seabed topographic relief reflects intense tectonic activity. The high morphological slope values indicate well-defined morphotectonic features, which mainly trend SW-NE and, secondarily, SSW-NNE. The main large-scale tectonic structures trend SW-NE correspond to the marginal faults that bound the Crete-Kasos basin. The overall basin geometry is an elongated rectangular which is divided into seven sub-basins, and the deepest one (2800m) is located at the eastern part of the area. Moreover, the complex regime of the seafloor includes submarine canyons, landslides and a well-defined slump with vertical displacement more than 400m.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Lampridou D., Nomikou P., Alexandri M., Papanikolaou D., Hübscher C., Ioannou T., Sorotou P. and Ragia L. (2017). Morphotectonic Analysis between Crete and Kasos . In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management - Volume 1: GISTAM, ISBN 978-989-758-252-3, pages 142-150. DOI: 10.5220/0006387201420150

in Bibtex Style

author={D. Lampridou and P. Nomikou and M. Alexandri and D. Papanikolaou and C. Hübscher and T. Ioannou and P. Sorotou and L. Ragia},
title={Morphotectonic Analysis between Crete and Kasos},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management - Volume 1: GISTAM,},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management - Volume 1: GISTAM,
TI - Morphotectonic Analysis between Crete and Kasos
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AU - Lampridou D.
AU - Nomikou P.
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AU - Papanikolaou D.
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AU - Ioannou T.
AU - Sorotou P.
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DO - 10.5220/0006387201420150