language. Due to the high amount of relations, es-
pecially for automotive OEMs and part suppliers, the
proposed visualization language is only feasible when
selecting one specific ecosystem entity.
In this paper, we presented a model of the connected
mobility ecosystem, which contains a description of
the connected mobility industry. The provided visu-
alization fosters the understanding of the interaction
of ecosystem companies providing different mobility
services. Thereby, ecosystem stakeholders, which are
not directly involved in providing a service, can gain
knowledge about mobility services they are enabling
by providing their services. Secondly, the knowledge
about what components are necessary to provide a
mobility service is increased.
We plan to continue researching on the presented
visual approach of the connected mobility ecosystem,
in order to address the limitations discussed previ-
ously. We envision a connected mobility ecosystem
explorer focusing on the user-centered visualization
and interpretation of the connected mobility environ-
ment. In order to provide such a tool, the various mo-
bility scenarios will be gathered, evaluated and visu-
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by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and
Media, Energy and Technology (StMWi) through the
Center Digitisation.Bavaria, an initiative of the Bavar-
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AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling