Towards an Understanding of the Connected Mobility Ecosystem from a
German Perspective
Anne Faber, Adrian Hernandez-Mendez and Florian Matthes
Chair of Software Engineering for Business Information Systems, Technische Universit
at M
Garching bei M
unchen, Germany
Connected Mobility, Ecosystem, Visualization.
This paper presents a model of the connected mobility ecosystem, which contains a description of the as-
sociated industry. Although connected mobility is a topic of global relevance and interest, we analyzed the
ecosystem from a Germany perspective due to Germany’s strong history of automotive OEMs and suppliers.
To gain a better understanding of the mobility ecosystem, we introduced a modified ego network visualization
focusing on mobility services. This visualization guarantees an user-centred design analysis of the ecosystem
and enables stakeholders to identify companies that are highly contributing in providing these services and
rather passive contributors. Additionally, it allows ecosystem stakeholders to understand the complex collab-
orations of companies in providing mobility services. We plan to continue our work focusing on mobility
scenarios addressing the needs and demands of mobility consumers.
The enterprise’s competitive battleground is shifting
towards creation and contribution within the ecosys-
tem in which the business exists (Bosch, 2016).
This increases the relevance of modeling enterprises
from a holistic point of view, which considers not
only the company itself yet their business relation-
ships, networks, and alliances (Kelly, 2015) with part-
ners, suppliers, customers, and competitors (Bosch,
2016). Knowing and understanding the entire ecosys-
tem could lead to the selection of strategy deciding
about enterprise’s success or failure.
Several approaches for modeling the business
ecosystems are used in research. For example, the
importance of digital business ecosystems for small
and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Europe is de-
scribed in (Nachira, 2002). Whereas, Basole et al. fo-
cus on the visualization and understanding of dynam-
ics of business ecosystems following a data-driven
approach ((Basole and Karla, 2011), (Basole et al.,
2015), (Iyer and Basole, 2016)).
As digitalization and its advancements has long
reached the personal urban mobility and is transform-
ing the mobility landscape (Henfridsson and Lind-
gren, 2005), it is also transforming the ecosystem for
mobility. Digital technologies are continuously inte-
grated in vehicles, traffic systems, and infrastructure
(Mitchell, 2010), and are changing the mobility be-
havior of humans, especially in big cities. New phe-
nomenon such as shared mobility, which includes car
sharing, ridesharing, and bike sharing, and their cor-
responding sustainability business models, arise (Co-
hen and Kietzmann, 2014). Thereby, the digitization
of mobility is often addressed with the term ”con-
nected mobility”, to emphasize the interconnected-
ness between mobility consumers, vehicles, and traf-
fic systems and infrastructure, both by industry (e.g.,
(Rossbach et al., 2013), (Robert Bosch GmbH, 2012),
(Mathes et al., 2015)) and research ((Plum, 2016),
(TUM LLCM, 2015)).
With this shift from mobility to connected mo-
bility the classical mobility ecosystem, consisting
mainly of automotive original-equipment manufac-
turers (OEMs), their specialized parts supplier con-
tributing in the value chain of car manufacturing and
public transportation and car rental companies offer-
ing complementary mobility to using the own car is
rapidly accelerating. Digital giant such as Google
and Apple are entering the mobility scene, especially
in connecting with self-driving cars and autonomous
driving ((Etherington and Kolodny, 2016), (Taylor,
2016)). As new groups of industries entering the
ecosystem, established mobility players are forced to
focus on innovation regarding the connectivity, safety
and assisted driving (Mosquet et al., 2015). By offer-
Faber, A., Hernandez-Mendez, A. and Matthes, F.
Towards an Understanding of the Connected Mobility Ecosystem from a German Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0006388005430549
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 543-549
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ing own mobility services, such as BMW’s DriveNow
(BMW Group, 2017) or Daimler’s Car2Go (Daim-
ler AG, 2017), the automotive OEMs are already ad-
dressing these changes. This holds true also for public
transportation companies offering for example mobile
scheduling and ticketing. Thus, the connected mobil-
ity ecosystem demonstrates innovative characteristics
and a high dynamic.
The aforementioned elements are the main chal-
lenges of modeling the connected mobility ecosys-
tem, which also includes a description of the industry
The research approach could be considered as the
first iteration of Hevner’s three cycle view of the de-
sign science research framework (Hevner, 2007). The
three cycles within this research framework corre-
spond to:
Relevance cycle: Identifying relevant entities and
their relations, in the connected mobility indus-
try by analysing related German companies. Al-
though connected mobility is a topic of global rel-
evance and interest, we consider that Germany of-
fers a good starting point for the analysis of the
connected mobility ecosystem, due to the strong
history of automotive OEMs and suppliers.
Design cycle: Representing the ecosystem model
with a modified ego network visualization type fo-
cusing on mobility services. This approach is ap-
plied to the connected mobility ecosystem from a
German perspective.
Rigor cycle: Evaluating the existing literature of
modeling business ecosystems, especially the data
visualization following a data-centric approach
and extend the existing models with an ecosystem
services focus.
Additionally, we lay the groundwork for evaluat-
ing the requirements for a tool, which allows the
ecosystem stakeholders to explore and thereby under-
stand the connected mobility ecosystem from an user-
centered design perspective.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: section 2 describes the process steps to visual-
ize the connected mobility ecosystem with an user-
centered approach. Subsequently, the German per-
spective of the connected mobility ecosystem is dis-
cussed in section 3 together with limitations of the ap-
proach in section 4. Finally, in section 5 we conclude
and provide an outlook for future work.
One possible way to support stakeholders in gaining
a better understanding of the ecosystem their compa-
nies are acting in is applying a visual approach (Iyer
and Basole, 2016). The resulting network visual-
izations are valuable for executives, venture capital-
ists and additional user groups in supporting them in
their ecosystem related decisions and thus applying
the ”wide lens” (Basole et al., 2016).
To gain insights about the connected mobility
ecosystem, we apply the proposed visual approach,
which consists of the four process steps (1) Determine
industry structure, (2) Identify companies and their
attributes, (3) Finalize semantics for nodes and de-
pendencies and (4) Visualize, analyze, and interpret.
2.1 Determine Industry Structure
The first step of the visual approach to understand
ecosystems is analyzing the industry structure ( i.e.,
the connected mobility industry). To identify and de-
termine the value chain of the connected mobility, in-
dustry and trade publications and newspaper articles
addressing the connected mobility were considered
(e.g., (Rossbach et al., 2013), (Robert Bosch GmbH,
2012), (Mathes et al., 2015), (Mosquet et al., 2015)).
The identified stack is shown in Table 1.
Additional to the classic mobility ecosystem players –
the automotive OEMS, their parts suppliers, car rental
agencies and public institutions offering public trans-
portation – new industry groups gain relevance.
The first addition to the classic mobility stack are
technology companies, which vary from companies
focusing on advanced driver assistance systems, ma-
chine learning, artificial intelligence to cyber security
(Nayak, 2016), all addressing the digitized advance-
ments of mobility. These companies enrich the mobil-
ity environment by adding completely new services,
such as the Starship’s delivery robot, or by supplying
automotive OEMs with software and hardware, such
as thinkstep’s data analysis software. For a better un-
derstanding of the influence of technology companies
on the ecosystem, a further subdivision of this group
is envisioned for the future.
Companies offering the transmission of data and
providing access to mobility services are bundled
in the platform and connectivity provider group.
Thereby, they play an important role in enabling dig-
itized mobility, connecting users to the provided ser-
AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling
Table 1: Identified connected mobility stack.
Automotive OEMs For example, BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes
Parts Supplier For example, Robert Bosch, Drxlmaier, Continental, Denso
Technology Companies For example, thinkstep AG, Panoratio, Starship Technologies, Siemens
Platform & Connectivity Provider For example, Deutsche Telekom, Vodaphone, Google, RideCell
New competitors of affected industries For example, Allianz, RWE, Sixt
Public Institutions For example, City of Munich, SWM (Munich City Utilities operating
inner city city public transportation), StMWi (Bavarian Ministry of
Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology)
Mobility services address the user’s wish for mo-
bility as a service, which is ”a mobility distribution
model in which all users major transport needs are
met over one interface and are offered by mobility op-
erators” (ITS Finland, 2015). Mobility services gain-
ing more and more importance, especially in cities,
and might even be the future of OEMs business, re-
placing the automotive production and sales (Bots-
man, 2015). Using mobility services to get from point
A to B, mobility consumers have the option to choose
several means of transportation. Especially popular
and widely discussed became transportation network
companies (TNCs) as mobility services, such as Uber,
Lyft or Gett, which connect private drivers using their
own cars to passengers searching for a lift.
New competitors of affected industry also recog-
nize the advancements in connection with digitized
mobility. An obvious example are insurance com-
panies, offering insurance rates depending on driving
habits or user’s general mobility footprint. Other in-
dustries are energy providers, addressing the charg-
ing challenge in connection with e-mobility. As the
affected industries compared to other groups of the
connected mobility ecosystem stack participate but
not shape the ecosystem, they are collectively repre-
The last group of entities, identified in the con-
nected mobility ecosystem, covers public institutions
including public transportation companies in the clas-
sic mobility ecosystem. These companies have to
adapt to the digitized service landscape for exam-
ple by proving online travel planning and ticketing.
However, of even greater importance are public in-
stitutions responsible for legal and tax regulations.
They have the power and ability to influence the
mobility ecosystem by enabling business models or
forestalling them. Especially in the context of pri-
vacy of mobility data and the liability in context with
autonomous driving, new regulations are necessary
(Collingwood, 2016), which will form the connected
mobility ecosystem.
The separation of these identified groups of
ecosystem entities is not strict, as entities might fit
into more than one group. This will be considered
in the refinements of the stack, which are necessary
since the ecosystem further evolves.
2.2 Identify Companies and Attributes
To understand the connected mobility ecosystem, for
all identified industry groups of the connected mobil-
ity stack (see Table 1) companies and their attributes
have to be gathered and documented. Additionally,
the type of relationship between these entities is re-
quired to understand the interaction within the ecosys-
tem. Thereby, the type of relationship varies from ne-
gotiation and failed talks, investments, partnership or
cooperations, personnel move to acquisitions. With
the large amount of entities in the connected mobil-
ity ecosystem and their various types of relations, an
understanding of the ecosystem is a challenging task.
Following the aforementioned visual approach
(Iyer and Basole, 2016) industry publications, internet
search engines, news portals, and websites, but also
company’s websites should be evaluated to gather rel-
evant entities of the ecosystem and their relations.
2.3 Visual Model Language
From the data model perspective, the connected mo-
bility ecosystem can be modeled using a graph. The
entities (i.e., the companies and their attributes) are
the nodes and their relations are the links. The graph
model allows the visual representation of the ecosys-
tem using the traditional information visualization
Towards an Understanding of the Connected Mobility Ecosystem from a German Perspective
Figure 1: Proposed ego network visualization for the con-
nected mobility ecosystem.
techniques such as Adjacency Matrix
and Node-Link
. However, the visualization of graph mod-
els are a challenging task in the area of information
visualization (Iyer and Basole, 2016).
In this paper, we proposed a modified ego network
where the focus is on the mobility ser-
vices provided in the ecosystem (see Figure 1). The
center of the visualization contains the mobility ser-
vices represented using hexagons as marks. Addition-
ally, the entities are represented as circles, grouped
into categories of the connected mobility ecosystem
stack (see Table 1). Finally, each category and type
of relation between entities is mapped to a different
color, using a 30 colors scale to differentiate them in
the graph.
2.4 Interpretation
By putting the mobility services in the center of
the visualization, we adopt an user-centered view, as
these services have direct interfaces to the mobility
users, addressing the need for mobility as a service.
This visualization enables the ecosystem stakeholder
to gain an understanding of which and how compa-
nies are collaborating to provide a mobility service.
Additionally, relations and with that entities are
identified, which do not link and thus contribute to
any mobility service, suggesting that these companies
might have a backlog adjusting to digitized mobility.
By visualizing all relations necessary to provide a mo-
bility service, the complexity of the provided mobility
service are demonstrated.
The presented visualization might thereby help
stakeholders of the connected mobility in addressing
the trend from products towards (mobility) services
(Bosch, 2016).
1 matrix
2 drawing
In a next step, the previously described approach is
applied to the connected mobility ecosystem. The
German automotive industry, being the largest indus-
try in Germany, comprising not only of world leading
automotive OEMs and tier-1 suppliers, but also – with
around 85 % – of medium-sized Tier 2 and 3 supplier
(Germany Trade & Invest, 2013). As these companies
are also affected by the changes of mobility, analyzing
the connected ecosystem from a German perspective
serves as a valid starting point for the collection and
evaluation of relevant data.
3.1 Identify Companies and their
By applying a German perspective on the connected
mobility ecosystem, we collected data starting with
established German OEMs and their supplier net-
work. By analyzing the OEMs web presence and
published reports, the relations between OEMs and
supplier were identified. Additional to these classic
mobility ecosystem entities and relations, the mobil-
ity services already provided by OEMs were docu-
mented, including the associated relation. The same
was applied to companies providing public trans-
In a next step to gather new ecosystem entities
and their relations publicly accessible data sources
were collected and evaluated. The number of these
databases is huge, ranging from national databases,
e.g. Gr
or Bayern- International
, to in-
ternational ones, e.g. Crunchbase
or AngelList
To identify especially technology companies for
this work, the database Crunchbase was used, which
provided a limited but free of charge access. Com-
panies are tagged with attributes describing their field
of action, for example, ”Transportation” or ”Mobile”.
By searching for German automotive OEMs, rele-
vant funding and acquisitions were identified using
Crunchbase. Additionally, news feeds were scanned
and evaluated regarding cooperations of German au-
tomotive OEMs, mobility services, technology com-
panies and affected industries.
AEM 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling
Figure 2: The connected mobility ecosystem from a German perspective.
Conducting the above-described steps, an overall
sum of 97 connected mobility ecosystem companies
and 192 associated relations were collected and doc-
3.2 Visualize the Connected Mobility
Ecosystem Explorer from a German
The collected data relevant to the mobility ecosystem
from a German perspective is visualized in Figure 2.
Due to the high amount of entities and relations, we
filtered the data and visualized one company and its
relations. Thereby, we chose the BMW group due to
its size and relevance for the German industrial land-
3.3 Interpretation
The visualization validates that the BMW group is
highly involved in providing mobility services, and
thereby adapting to the changes in context with dig-
itized mobility. It shows the strong integration with
German automotive part suppliers and already estab-
lished technology companies enriching the mobility
By filtering for other companies, the same un-
derstanding of involvement in the connected mobility
ecosystem can be gained.
By using the presented visual approach and applying
it to connected mobility ecosystem, we realized the
following limitations.
First, the data gathering in this context is im-
mensely time-consuming. Although established au-
tomotive OEMs share their activities regarding pro-
vided mobility services openly, they are rather con-
servative with sharing collaboration information. To
gather this kind of information all potential enter-
prises, supplying automotive OEMs with technology
or hardware, have to be analyzed, in addition to in-
dustry publications, news portals and websites. That
is why we envision to explore techniques like crowd-
sourcing also in combination with gamification ap-
proaches to gather data enriching the process and
thereby the ecosystem.
Furthermore, the data model and the identified
categories are constantly evolving, as the ecosystem
is, and thus key attributes change. The presented vi-
sualization and with this the underlying tool provid-
ing the visualization have to adapt to these constant
Finally, the visual languages presented in this
work must be enlarged to address the clear sepa-
ration between mobility services and mobility ser-
vice provider including suppliers of mobility services.
Additionally, the different kind of relations between
ecosystem entities are not yet encoded in the visual
Towards an Understanding of the Connected Mobility Ecosystem from a German Perspective
language. Due to the high amount of relations, es-
pecially for automotive OEMs and part suppliers, the
proposed visualization language is only feasible when
selecting one specific ecosystem entity.
In this paper, we presented a model of the connected
mobility ecosystem, which contains a description of
the connected mobility industry. The provided visu-
alization fosters the understanding of the interaction
of ecosystem companies providing different mobility
services. Thereby, ecosystem stakeholders, which are
not directly involved in providing a service, can gain
knowledge about mobility services they are enabling
by providing their services. Secondly, the knowledge
about what components are necessary to provide a
mobility service is increased.
We plan to continue researching on the presented
visual approach of the connected mobility ecosystem,
in order to address the limitations discussed previ-
ously. We envision a connected mobility ecosystem
explorer focusing on the user-centered visualization
and interpretation of the connected mobility environ-
ment. In order to provide such a tool, the various mo-
bility scenarios will be gathered, evaluated and visu-
This work is part of the TUM Living Lab Connected
Mobility (TUM LLCM) project and has been funded
by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and
Media, Energy and Technology (StMWi) through the
Center Digitisation.Bavaria, an initiative of the Bavar-
ian State Government.
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Towards an Understanding of the Connected Mobility Ecosystem from a German Perspective