A Survey on Domain Knowledge Representation with Frames
Vladislavs Nazaruks and Jānis Osis
Department of Applied Computer Science, Riga Technical University, Sētas iela 1, LV-1048, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: System Modelling, Frames, Knowledge Base.
Abstract: Domain knowledge acquisition, presentation and maintenance play an important role in software
development. Frame-based knowledge bases are used to support the decision-making process. We believe
that a use of a knowledge base that supports model transformations is not less important. To clarify the current
state of a use of frame systems we have investigated recent research in the field to find out about techniques
used for knowledge acquisition, frame elements, implementation technologies, existing limitations in
implementation and integration with other knowledge representation formats. The overview showed that
knowledge acquisition often is manual, procedural knowledge in frames can be separated, web-enabled
knowledge bases are the trend, and the frame systems can be used in hybrid knowledge bases. However, some
limitations in performance and integration with other knowledge representation systems exist due to support
of different world paradigms. The obtained results show that despite existing limitations, frame-based
knowledge systems still are in use and researchers found ways how to adapt them to the modern requirements.
One of unsolved issues in software development is
inconsistency between the problem and its solution.
Some of the causes are insufficient understanding of
characteristics of the problem domain, their
instability, and a lack of formal means to represent,
maintain and provide domain knowledge for all the
stakeholders in the development process.
There are three core things that could be applied
to avoid (or solve) this issue, namely, unification,
standardisation and solid theories (Osis & Asnina
2011; Osis & Asnina 2014). Unification lead up to the
origin of Unified Modelling Language (UML) and
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN).
Standardisation is an ongoing process, where
different technologies and approaches obtain
common interfaces that allow their common usage
and integration. Development of the solid theory (or
theories) is the hardest one.
The solid theory requires accurate understanding
of domain phenomena. The appearance of Model
Driven Architecture (MDA) (Miller & Mukerji 2001)
can be seen as the first step. MDA can be defined as
“an approach to system development and
interoperability that uses models to express and direct
the course of understanding, requirements elicitation,
design, construction, deployment, operation,
maintenance, and modification” (OMG 2010). The
key principle of the MDA is a separation of concerns
in specifications. Thus, a system is analysed from
three viewpoints and corresponding models, namely
a computation independent model (CIM), a platform
independent model (PIM) and a platform specific
model (PSM).
The CIM specifies domain knowledge, business
rules and processes, data vocabulary, and
requirements (Miller & Mukerji 2001). The CIM can
be represented by means of BPMN (Rhazali et al.
2016), Data Flow Diagrams (Kardoš & Drozdová
2010), UML diagrams (e.g. use case and activity
diagrams), user stories, business rules (Essebaa &
Chantit 2016), etc. Often it is unstructured text,
structured text, or semi-formal (or even informal)
graphical representations. These formats cannot keep
all the knowledge about the domain in the format
understandable for automated processing and
inferring. Therefore, one of the questions is how to
represent domain knowledge to have enough facts
and rules on the domain to automate knowledge
processing for model to model transformations.
Nazaruks, V. and Osis, J.
A Survey on Domain Knowledge Representation with Frames.
DOI: 10.5220/0006388303460354
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2017), pages 346-354
ISBN: 978-989-758-250-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: The place of the knowledge base in the computation independent model.
We believe that a domain knowledge base (or
bases) can serve as storage of this knowledge in the
consistent and computer-understandable format
(Figure 1). The knowledge base inferring mechanism
must help in avoiding untrue facts about the domain.
The knowledge base should maintain domain
knowledge related to system functionality, behaviour
and structure. Then this knowledge can be used in the
further analysis models that should be obtained by
automated transformation of this knowledge model.
Knowledge acquired from the solution domain must
be in consistency with problem domain knowledge.
Thus, consistency between corresponding analysis
models also should be kept. Then this analysis models
could be refined.
There are several formats for knowledge
representation such as frame networks, ontology,
concept networks, product rules etc. The very
interesting idea of keeping natural language
semantics in text in the so-called artificial natural
languages (e.g., Esperanto, Conlang, Lingvata) is
expressed in (Roux 2013), where the author states that
this may help translate semantics correctly from one
language to another. However, this field is very
specific and is out of scope of this paper.
Each of knowledge representation formats has its
own advantages and limitations. The limitations are
caused by two of the most fundamental problems in
the field of expert systems, namely knowledge
acquisition and representation (Kornienko et al. 2015)
and search (Kornienko et al. 2015; Marinov 2004).
As Minsky defines in (Minsky 1974), “a frame is
a data structure for representing a stereotyped
situation”. A frame can be thought of as a network of
nodes and relations. The “top levels” of a frame are
fixed, and represent things that are always true about
the supposed situation. The lower levels have many
terminals — “slots” that must be filled by specific
instances or data.
Collections of related frames are linked together
into frame systems. Originally, for implementation of
frame systems a frame representation language
(Foster & Juell 2006) was developed on the base of
Lisp programming language, however it did not
continue to be maintained and repaired. At the
present, there is no single language for
implementation of frames.
The distinction of the frame systems and
ontologies is in different inferring mechanisms. The
frame system supports the so-called closed-world
inferring paradigm (Detwiler et al. 2016), where all
facts that are presented in the system are true. If some
fact is not presented, that means that it is untrue. It
allows avoiding errors in inferring mechanism related
to the knowledge representation format. Other
formats as, for example, ontology, may support the
open-world paradigm, where all facts that are not
presented may also be true. This can lead to errors in
inferring mechanism, but on the other hand may allow
an engineer to discover new knowledge from the
existing facts. A frame-based knowledge base is one
of the typical models or a part of such models for
knowledge representation in expert and decision-
making systems (Kornienko et al. 2015).
In the current research, we overview research
work that deal with frame systems. The goal of this
A Survey on Domain Knowledge Representation with Frames
review is to summarize information about knowledge
acquisition, frame elements, implementation
technologies, existing limitations in implementation
and integration with other knowledge representation
Section 2 states the research questions and
research method. Section 3 gives an overview of the
related research. Section 4 summarizes the results.
As previously mentioned, the knowledge base for
maintaining declarative and procedural knowledge
about the domain should be suitable for automated
model transformations. The frame systems can be
well integrated with the object-oriented paradigm
used in the MDA models. Therefore, we would like
to get answers of the following questions:
Q1. What is a way of entering knowledge into the
frame systems: manual or automated?
Q2. What are domains of knowledge represented
in the frame systems?
Q3. What technologies are used to implement
frame systems?
Q4. What elements of frames are used?
Q5. What limitations exist?
Q6. Does integration with other knowledge
representation systems exist, and what they are?
The research procedure was the following. We
have investigated the following publication databases
IEEE Xplore Digital Library, SpringerLink,
ScienceDirect, and ACM Digital Library. The search
keywords used were “frame-based knowledge
system”, “frame-based knowledge base”, “frame
system”, “knowledge frame”, “knowledge base”.
In the ACM Digital Library, there were found 14
publications on frames, 4 of whom were excluded
since either were not related to the frames, or
contained only detailed information of frame
elements. The following 10 publications on frames
were overviewed: (Beltrán-Ferruz et al. 2004;
Corcoglioniti et al. 2016; Foster & Juell 2006;
Gennari et al. 2005; Grigorova & Nikolov 2007;
Kramer & Kaindl 2004; Marinov 2004; Rector 2013;
Kim et al. 2008; Tan et al. 2007).
In the ScienceDirect database, there were found
the following 8 publications: (Al-Saqqar et al. 2016;
Bimba et al. 2016; Detwiler et al. 2016; Hernández &
Serrano 2001; Marinov 2008; Shiue et al. 2008; Xue
et al. 2012; Zopounidis et al. 1997).
In the SpringerLink database and the IEEE Xplore
Digital Library, there were found 2 publications:
(Tettamanzi 2006) and (Xue et al. 2010),
The selected publications are overviewed in the
chronological sequence.
Frames as a part of hybrid knowledge-based
system are presented in (Hernández & Serrano 2001),
where they are integrated with product rules,
constraints and other knowledge representation
techniques. The knowledge base represents control
knowledge and domain knowledge required for the
emergency system. Design and implementation are
done using Knowledge Structure Manager tool and
the corresponding methodology.
The manual knowledge acquisition is described in
(Beltrán-Ferruz et al. 2004), where the frame system
represents Mikrokosmos system that is used in
knowledge-based machine translations. The
Mikrokosmos contains definitions of concepts that
correspond to classes of things and events in the
world. The world model is organized as objects,
events and properties set in a complex hierarchy. The
format of Mikrokosmos Ontology formally
introduces its syntax and semantics using a BNF
grammar. Ontology is saved in a text file using
Spencer notation that is based on XML. Another
possibility is to use notation called Beale that is based
on Lisp. The reasoning is implemented using JENA
and the DIG interface, as well there are two different
inference engines: RACER and FaCT. For ontology
implementation, they have developed an import plug-
in for Protege 2.0. The frames used contain a concept
name, slots, corresponding facets and filler(s). There
are two kinds of slot fillers: (1) ATTRIBUTE or
RELATION, that represent links between concepts in
the hierarchy; (2) special ONTOLOGY-SLOTs
dedicated to determining the structure of ontology.
Possible descendants for the latter one are
IS-A, RANGE and SUBCLASSES. A filler generally
contains either a name of a concept of the ontology or
an instance. The authors mention that some special
slots limit expressiveness. In the research, the authors
provide mappings from Mikrokosmos Ontology
frame system to descriptive logic language OWL that
supports SHIQ logic. Because of the transformation,
some knowledge is kept as annotations to description
MDI4SE 2017 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
logic concepts due to the limitation of description
logic expressiveness.
The authors in (Kramer & Kaindl 2004) also
discuss knowledge frame-based systems, which
contain frames with slots with values and rules in
form IF-THEN that are not attached to frames. The
authors believe that evaluation of modularization
metrics such as coupling and cohesion can help in
assessment of technical quality of such systems that
may suffer from inadequate representation of
knowledge. This evaluation should help quickly
understand potential problems with constructs in the
knowledge base.
The implementation of frames using XML
(eXtensible Markup Language) is discussed in
(Marinov 2004). Evolution of web-based knowledge
modelling languages opens new opportunities for the
application of Web-oriented frame-based knowledge
representation. The new generation of such languages
is DAMPL (DARPA Agent Markup Language), OIL
(Ontology Inference Layer) and SHOE (Simple
HTML Ontology Extension). They are system
independent and web compatible thanks to XML and
RDF support. The frame structure considered in the
research is classical one, where a frame consists of
slots, facets, and active slots with query procedures
and daemons, which represent product rules. As the
author mention in (Marinov 2008), tools for
implementation of frame systems may be Protégé
2000, Conceptually Oriented Design/Description
Environment (CODE4), and FrameD (a distributed
object-oriented database).
The authors in (Gennari et al. 2005) investigate
transformations between two fundamentally different
knowledge representation formats, namely frame
systems and relational databases. A frame-based
system was developed in Protégé that subscribes to
the Open Knowledge Base Connectivity. The authors
declare that a frame-based system has greater
expressiveness, and such transformation should lead
to the loss of some information.
The author in (Tettamanzi 2006) proposes a
frame-based formalism for representing imprecise
knowledge, combining it with fuzzy logic. The
formalism is based on frames, but frames are
simplified. According to this formalism, knowledge
consists of three basic types of objects: (1) knowledge
elements, which can be either atomic (atoms) or
complex (frames); (2) fuzzy sets, or linguistic values;
and (3) relations, which can be fuzzy rules or
subsumption relations.
The list of the basic methods for knowledge
representation (Grigorova & Nikolov 2007) state that
classification and inheritance in frame systems
support knowledge engineering efficiently. The
authors mean three disadvantages of frame-based
knowledge base: (1) it should work with completely
known object characteristics; (2) the knowledge
domain has to be static; and (3) the fact that
procedural knowledge is represented with
programming code inside the frame does not allow
reasoning about this knowledge (reasoning could be
done with it). The authors declare that frames are a
proper method for knowledge representation when
the goal is realization of a natural language sentences
In (Tan et al. 2007), the authors use ontologies as
a structured and semantic representation of domain
knowledge. The authors propose a method for
building frame-based corpus for the domain of
biomedicine based on domain knowledge provided
by ontologies. They compared one frame to the
corresponding frame in BioFrameNet, and examined
the gaps between the semantic classification of the
target words in the domain-specific corpus and in
FrameNet and PropBank/VerbNet.
The authors in (Kim et al. 2008) describe frame
application for probabilistic dialog systems, namely,
they have introduced a frame-based state
representation. The frames have slots that can
dynamically update their values, and frames can be
grouped per indistinguishable user goal states.
Knowledge accusation methods and integration with
other knowledge representation formats are not
Application of frames in banking expert systems,
which requires fast and up-to-date decision-making is
discussed in (Shiue et al. 2008). The basic knowledge
representation format for such systems are rules that
in the long run lead to decrease of the
understandability and accessibility of the knowledge
base as well as to increase of the complexity of
maintenance of knowledge rules. The knowledge
acquisition is manual. The frames are chosen since
they provide “an easy way for encapsulating
declarative knowledge with procedural one”. The
frames contain slots with decision-making criteria,
and corresponding procedures. Frame system
maintenance foresees changing rules stored in
objects. To create web-enabled interface for the
expert system, the authors use Jess (Java Expert
System Shell) and Object Web model, while an UML
class diagram is used for representation of the model
of the frame system. JavaBeans structures
encapsulate the knowledge objects in the knowledge
base. The limitation of such implementation is
decrease of the performance of the system inference
A Survey on Domain Knowledge Representation with Frames
and execution, when the knowledge frame structure
gets more complicated.
The authors in (Xue et al. 2010) propose a frame-
based ontological view specification language
(FOSL) that is based on the knowledge frame
paradigm and uses XML as encoding. XML
documents that hold knowledge frames allow
development of web-enabled information systems.
The authors suggest using the “ontological views” on
the conceptualization of the domain, thus establishing
a possibility of several such views, and integration of
ontological languages. The language uses a concept
of a frame that has four standard levels: frame, slot,
facet, and data. The authors also indicate on frame
paradigm characteristics, i.e. a trade-off between the
good expressiveness and the ease of inference.
Continuing their research in (Xue et al. 2012), the
authors analyse the capabilities of semantic
integration on the basis of the frame-based
ontological view, which can be created from the
information model of an information system.
The interesting discussion about representation
and inference possibilities of ontologies, frames and
UML is given in (Rector 2013). The author
distinguishes knowledge representation systems into
template-based (frames and UML) and axiom-based
(ontology) by their inference mechanisms. It
considers classical frame structures provided by
The authors in (Sim & Brouse 2014) uses Protégé-
Frames tool for implementation of OntoPersonaURM
model that consists of three interrelated ontologies.
This system like a system in (Shiue et al. 2008) is
foreseen to be web-enabled and able to check
constraints and run queries on the ontology by using
PAL plug-in toolset of Protégé-Frames.
The authors in (Al-Saqqar et al. 2016) use
knowledge frames to represent agent knowledge and
correspondent communicative commitments
presented by modal logic in multi-agent systems. The
knowledge frame based system is integrated with
model checking mechanism. However, it is not clear
what method is used to acquire knowledge to the
frame system.
The authors in (Bimba et al. 2016) provide very
exhaustive survey on knowledge representation,
implementation and acquisition techniques (for
2000–2015 years), i. e. the linguistic knowledge
bases, expert knowledge bases, ontology and
cognitive knowledge bases. The authors stress that a
use of production rules that contain expert knowledge
is not suitable for every knowledge type. The authors
found out that knowledge acquisition is manual
through communication with domain experts with
some automated methods such as LSPE and acquiring
English sentences from the Open Mind Common
Sense (OMCS) corpus. The authors have summarized
that there are different applications for Natural
Language Processing, Question Answering,
Information extraction/retrieval, classification,
knowledge discovery, engineering, health care,
education, finance, environment, business, machine
learning, robotics and forecasting. To implement
linguistic knowledge bases, FrameNet, WordNet and
ConceptNet supporting tools are used such as
Sesame, SWI, NTLK, and ADW. Programming and
mark-up languages used in such implementations
may be XML, Python, Java, SQL, RDF, SPARQL,
Perl, and JSON. In case of product rules in expert
systems Prolog is also used. In most linguistic
knowledge bases, frame elements, semantic networks
and semantic graphs (of frames, lexical semantic
associations between synsets and graphs) are used,
while expert knowledge bases make a use of IF-
THEN rules that join linguistic objects, values and
operators. One of big limitations of linguistic
knowledge bases are their dependence on volatile
expert knowledge, and expensiveness and difficulty
in building and expending the base. Besides that,
frame nets cannot handle text coherence and link
arguments across sentences. As the authors mention,
FrameNets integration with other knowledge
representation techniques is very difficult, and
transformation to them requires additional effort in
preserving richness of its annotations.
The authors is (Corcoglioniti et al. 2016) suggest
a new approach called PIKES that is implemented as
an open-source Java application. This approach is
dedicated to analysis of any text in a natural language
by means of several Natural Language Processing
tools. The resulting net is implemented in RDF
(Resource Description Framework) knowledge graph
by means of extended RDFpro tool and support of
SPARQL-like rule evaluation, where instances are
linked to matching entities in DBpedia using OWL
elements, and typed according to classes encoding
VerbNet, FrameNet, PropBank and NomBank frame
The authors in (Detwiler et al. 2016) describe the
transformation of the Foundational Model of
Anatomy (FMA) represented in a frame system to the
modern semantic web language OWL2. The main
difficulty of the transformation lies in the difference
between closed-world assumption made in frame
systems and open-world assumption made in the
ontology. The open-world assumptions may lead to
mismatches in interpretations, since from its point of
view even if some fact is not stated in the system, it
MDI4SE 2017 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
does not mean that this fact is untrue (as it is in frame
systems). Therefore, some untrue facts may be
considered as possible. The frames in FMA are
characterized by names, slots and facets (that are used
as constraints to slot values). But there is no straight
correspondence between slots and class properties in
OWL, since slots may represent as frame structural
properties as relations to other frames. Besides that,
in frames the semantic of slots without values is not
clearly defined. Although it is possible to have such
slots in frames, in the ontology only those properties
that must have values are to be listed.
Summarizing overview results here and in tables
(Table 1, Table 2, Table 3), it is possible to conclude
that the most common way of entering knowledge
into the frame system is manual, i. e. a knowledge
engineer enters facts and assertions about the domain
based on results of interviews with domain experts
and other information about the domain. Only in case
of text analysers automated entering is applied, but
the amount of human participation in this process is
not clear.
The frame-based representation of declarative and
procedural knowledge has a wide application, but the
last decade tendency is the health care and
biomedicine (mostly for ontologies of terms),
forecasting and text/natural language processing (Q2
Table 1).
The most used implementation tool is Protégé-
Frames (
Table 2). The implementation languages
differ from the specific knowledge representation
languages like FOSL to general ones like Java. The
overview showed that many frame-based knowledge
systems are often integrated with other ontology nets.
Besides that, there is a tendency to make frame
systems more web oriented (
Table 2).
Limitations mentioned by authors are inadequate
representation of knowledge (Kramer & Kaindl
2004), greater expressiveness that can lead pure
ontologies to the loss of information in case of
transformation into them (Gennari et al. 2005; Bimba
et al. 2016; Detwiler et al. 2016), necessity to work
with the completely known characteristics and static
knowledge domain (Grigorova & Nikolov 2007),
representation of the procedural knowledge as
programming code inside frames (Grigorova &
Nikolov 2007), and the fact that complex structures
can decrease the performance of the system inference
and execution (Shiue et al. 2008; Xue et al. 2010).
There could be integration with other knowledge
representation systems such as product rules and
business constraints (Hernández & Serrano 2001),
OWL (Hernández & Serrano 2001; Corcoglioniti et
al. 2016; Detwiler et al. 2016), fuzzy logic
(Tettamanzi 2006), and modal logic (Al-Saqqar et al.
The obtained results show that frame systems are
still in use. There are made optimistic attempts to
adapt this knowledge representation format to new
technologies, especially web technologies. This
Table 1: Answers on Q1 and Q2.
Characteristics References
Q1. What is a way of entering knowledge into the frame systems: manual or automated?
Manual (Beltrán-Ferruz et al. 2004; Shiue et al. 2008; Bimba et al. 2016;
Detwiler et al. 2016)
Automated (Grigorova & Nikolov 2007; Xue et al. 2010; Xue et al. 2012;
Corcoglioniti et al. 2016)
Not discussed (assumed to be manual) (Hernández & Serrano 2001; Gennari et al. 2005; Tettamanzi 2006;
Tan et al. 2007; Kim et al. 2008; Shiue et al. 2008; Rector 2013; Sim &
Brouse 2014; Al-Saqqar et al. 2016)
Q2. What are domains of knowledge represented in the frame systems?
Emergency systems (Hernández & Serrano 2001)
Machine translation (Beltrán-Ferruz et al. 2004; Bimba et al. 2016)
Biomedicine, health care (Tan et al. 2007; Detwiler et al. 2016; Bimba et al. 2016)
Probabilistic dialog systems (forecasting) (Kim et al. 2008; Bimba et al. 2016)
Banking expert systems (Shiue et al. 2008; Bimba et al. 2016)
Not domain-specific (Natural language
processing, question answering,
information extraction/retrieval,
classification, machine learning, robotics)
(Kramer & Kaindl 2004; Marinov 2004; Marinov 2008; Gennari et al.
2005; Tettamanzi 2006; Grigorova & Nikolov 2007; Xue et al. 2010;
Xue et al. 2012; Rector 2013; Sim & Brouse 2014; Bimba et al. 2016;
Al-Saqqar et al. 2016)
A Survey on Domain Knowledge Representation with Frames
Table 2: Answers on Q3 “What technologies are used to implement frame systems?”.
Characteristics References
Tools Knowledge Structure Manager (Hernández & Serrano 2001); Protégé 2.(Beltrán-Ferruz et al. 2004;
Marinov 2008; Gennari et al. 2005; Rector 2013; Sim & Brouse 2014); CODE4 (Marinov 2004);
Jess (Shiue et al. 2008); RDFpro (Corcoglioniti et al. 2016);
Reasoning JENA and DIG interface that use RACER and FaCT inference engines (Hernández & Serrano
Spencer notation based on XML (Beltrán-Ferruz et al. 2004); Beale based Lisp (Beltrán-Ferruz et
al. 2004); XML, DAMPL, OIL, SHOE (Marinov 2004); UML for graphical representation (Shiue
et al. 2008); Java (Shiue et al. 2008; Bimba et al. 2016; Corcoglioniti et al. 2016); FOSL (Xue et
al. 2010); Python (Bimba et al. 2016); SQL (Bimba et al. 2016); SPARQL (Bimba et al. 2016;
Corcoglioniti et al. 2016); Perl (Bimba et al. 2016); JSON (Bimba et al. 2016); Prolog (Bimba et
al. 2016);
Databases FrameD (Marinov 2004)
Ontologies BioFrameNet, FrameNet, PropBank/VerbNet (Tan et al. 2007; Rector 2013; Corcoglioniti et al.
2016); DBpedia, NomBank (Corcoglioniti et al. 2016);
XML (Marinov 2004; Marinov 2008; Xue et al. 2010; Sim & Brouse 2014; Bimba et al. 2016);
RDF (Marinov 2004; Marinov 2008; Bimba et al. 2016; Corcoglioniti et al. 2016); Web Object
model (Shiue et al. 2008; Xue et al. 2010)
Table 3: Answers on Q4 “What elements of frames are used?”.
Characteristics References
Frame name (Beltrán-Ferruz et al. 2004; Kramer & Kaindl 2004; Marinov 2004; Tettamanzi 2006; Kim et al.
2008; Shiue et al. 2008; Xue et al. 2010; Bimba et al. 2016; Detwiler et al. 2016)
Slots (Beltrán-Ferruz et al. 2004; Kramer & Kaindl 2004; Marinov 2004; Tettamanzi 2006; Kim et al.
2008; Shiue et al. 2008; Xue et al. 2010; Bimba et al. 2016; Detwiler et al. 2016)
Facets (Beltrán-Ferruz et al. 2004; Marinov 2004; Xue et al. 2010; Bimba et al. 2016; Detwiler et al. 2016)
Fillers (Beltrán-Ferruz et al. 2004; Kramer & Kaindl 2004; Tettamanzi 2006; Kim et al. 2008; Xue et al.
2010; Bimba et al. 2016)
stored rules
(Marinov 2004; Tettamanzi 2006; Shiue et al. 2008; Bimba et al. 2016)
(Kramer & Kaindl 2004; Bimba et al. 2016)
allows integrating frame-based knowledge systems
with already existing ontologies and other knowledge
representation techniques. This means that frame
systems can be applied also for our purpose
considering enumerated limitations and possibilities.
The further research is related to the design and
implementation of the frame-based or hybrid
knowledge base for software development based on
the model-driven paradigm. As mentioned in
Introduction, the goal of this knowledge base is to
support system modelling from the computation
independent viewpoint and corresponding knowledge
transferring to functioning, behavioural and structural
design models. Based on this research result, it
become clear that we should pay strong attention to
this system flexibility, maintainability, performance
and integration with web technologies.
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Beltrán-Ferruz, P.J., González-Calero, P.A. & Gervás, P.,
2004. Converting Mikrokosmos frames into description
logics. Proceeedings of the Workshop on NLP and XML
(NLPXML-2004): RDF/RDFS and OWL in Language
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Bimba, A.T. et al., 2016. Towards knowledge modeling and
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Corcoglioniti, F., Rospocher, M. & Aprosio, A.P., 2016. A
2-phase frame-based knowledge extraction framework.
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Detwiler, L.T., Mejino, J.L.V. & Brinkley, J.F., 2016. From
frames to OWL2: Converting the Foundational Model
of Anatomy. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 69,
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Essebaa, I. & Chantit, S., 2016. Toward an automatic
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Foster, J. & Juell, P., 2006. A visualization of the frame
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MDI4SE 2017 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering