diagram. It is planned to automate transformation or
provide synchronization between TFM and activity
diagram. It is time-consuming process to write
scripts for providing behavior and create it inside of
the activity diagram for activity to be executed. It is
planned to analyze in the future work if it is
necessary to store object characteristics (attributes)
in TFM. By comparing TFM and the UML activity
diagram it is possible to see that TFM has a lower
count of elements in graph than UML activity
diagram (join, fork, merge and decision). A large
count of elements can complicate the reading of the
graph, model or diagram.
Theoretically, execution models can help to
determine the weak places in the software system
during model execution and to fix them, yet it is still
not clearly proven in practice. The early error
correction can save time and money in the future,
yet it is necessary to weight in the additional efforts
needed to create and maintain such execution
models. Templates of the user interface (in Cameo
Simulation Toolkit or Enterprise Architect) can be
demonstrated to the customer before the
implementation to help them properly specify their
needs and wishes, which is not a trivial task in most
cases (Chunka, 2011).
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detailed analysis in action of two additional tools –
Papyrus with Moka and BridgePoint. This will allow
to gain a deeper insight in the benefits these tools
provide as well as their usability in various
situations in conjunction with the TFM.
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Lessons Learned on using Execution Model Implementation in Sparx Enterprise Architect for Verification of the Topological Functioning