dimensional target systems and enterprise
Two practice-methods that address these
challenges, the Balanced Scorecard and Enterprise
Architecture Management were identified and
evaluated in this paper. The Balanced Scorecard
enables enterprises to manage complex and link
multi-dimensional strategies. However, the current
energy EA can´t deliver the energy data necessary for
proper system management. EA Modelling enables
the visualization of the energy enterprise architecture
to identify gaps in data flow and digital processes.
These gaps define the roadmap towards a future
Energy Enterprise Architecture that copes with the
planned future development.
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EAM to the energy domain seems to offer a
promising impact for managing corporate energy
systems. Yet, further research is needed in respect of
method integration, to find standardized interfaces
between business demand and operational energy
system data sources. Future research on conceptual
models and their validation by empirical use cases
will elaborate the data driven management of
decentralized energy systems.
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