Question’s Advisor
A Wizard Interface to Teach Novice Programmers
How to Post “Better” Questions in Stack Overflow
José Remígio
, Franck Aragão
, Cleyton Souza
, Evandro Costa
and Joseana Fechine
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraíba, IFPB, Monteiro, Paraíba, Brazil
Federal University of Campina Grande, UFCG, Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil
Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence, LIA, Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil
Keywords: Stack Overflow, Answerability, System, Question Quality.
Abstract: Programmers often recur for online communities in order to find help for a current problem that they are
facing. However, after sharing a question, its author has no guarantee if he will receive an answer, neither
when. Recent studies have found that low quality is one of the top reasons why questions remain
unanswered. In this work, we conducted a qualitative study aiming identifying what programmers are
looking in a question that they decide to answer. Based on this feedback, we designed a tool to help
programmers to write high quality questions. We named the app Questions’ Advisor, due his role of helping
but without forcing the user to follow it, and it is available for desktop and mobile clients. We believe it
could be very helpful, especially for novice programmers.
Stack Overflow is a Community Question and
Answering (CQA) site for professional and
enthusiast programmers. It is built as part of the
Stack Exchange platform of Q&A sites and it is the
largest community of the network with 6 million
users and over 12 million asked questions
. Stack
Overflow works like a thread based community. The
questions’ titles are presented in a “wall”, ordered by
their latest interaction, and, by clicking them, users
can see the description and answer it.
In general, questions in Stack Overflow are
answered in a very short time (Mamykina Manoim
and Mittal, 2011). However, after sharing a question,
its author has no guarantee if he will receive an
answer, neither when. According Hao, Shu and
Irawan (2014), over the years, the number of
unanswered or ignored questions is constantly
increasing. Interestingly, the fact that those
questions are not answered is not caused by users
not having seen them (Baltadzhieva and Chrupała,
2015). One of the main reasons to a question being
ignored is its low quality (Asaduzzaman et al.,
Some recent studies have found that there is a
correlation between the question characteristics and
its responsiveness. In Facebook, for example,
Teevan, Morris and Panovich (2011) found that a
concise style of question-asking, a defined scope (or
audience), and the inclusion of a question mark were
associated with more and higher quality responses
within shorter periods of time. Regarding Stack
Overflow, many works suggest that the quality of
the question itself can have an important effect on
the likelihood of getting useful answers
(Baltadzhieva and Chrupała, 2015).
In this work, we asked programmers which
characteristics they were expecting when they
choose a question to answer. Based on the feedback,
we designed this hybrid app (mobile and web) to
help novice programmers to post “better” questions
on Stack Overflow. The user “scratches” his
question in the app and receives suggestions on how
to improving the quality of the question. The
suggestions are the result of a Natural Language
Process (NLP) analysis over the question, which
aimed identifying the “good” characteristics that are
Remígio, J., Aragão, F., Souza, C., Costa, E. and Fechine, J.
Question’s Advisor - A Wizard Interface to Teach Novice Programmers How to Post “Better” Questions in Stack Overflow.
DOI: 10.5220/0006389504710478
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 471-478
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The survey application resulted in a list with
sixteen characteristics. Most respondents agreed that
only a little portion of Stack Overflow’s questions
have high quality. Previous studies have already
found that it is possible to teach people to ask better
questions (Sullins et al., 2015). Thus, this assistance
could be very useful to improving the general
question quality in the community.
This work is organized as follows. Section 2
presents related work and how what we are
proposing differs from them. Section 3 details the
results from the survey application, as well our list
of “good characteristics”. Section 4 explains how we
plan to change the usual Q&A process and Section 5
describes how the app works. In Section 6, we
discuss the conclusions and future work.
According Liu, Bian and Agichtein (2008), low
quality questions often lead to bad answers whereas
high quality questions usually receive good answers.
In (Souza et al., 2016a), it was presented a case
study that demonstrated the advantages of writing
high quality questions over poor quality questions,
in real world situation. In addition, Ravi et al.,
(2014) analysis showed that higher quality questions
continue to garner interest over time in comparison
to lower quality questions.
However, writing high quality question may not
be intuitive for all. In a CQA, a good question is not
just one that is found to be useful by other people: a
question is good if it is also presented clearly and
shows prior research (Ravi et al., 2014). Hao, Shu
and Irawan (2014) identified 14 features that will
help in the increasing of the quality of questions, in
Stack Overflow. In their work, the authors found
that the following content-related features are
positively associated with question quality: “w”
word, completeness, and subjectivity; while question
length, title length, number of tags, code snippet
presence, complexity and politeness are negatively
associated. Later, a study from (Baltadzhieva and
Chrupała, 2015), identified that questions containing
incorrect tags, or that are too localized, subjective or
off topic are considered of bad quality. On the other
hand, the presence of an example has a positive
effect on the question score and the number of
answers (Baltadzhieva and Chrupała, 2015).
Mamykina and Manoim, (2011) found that 92%
of Stack Overflow questions are answered in a
median time of 11 minutes. Their research suggests
that aspects of the question may influence the speed
of response, with, for example, questions that invite
discussion being less likely to receive fast responses.
According Treude, Barzilay and Storey (2011) the
most common use of Stack Overflow is for how-to
questions. The site is also effective for code reviews,
explaining conceptual issues and answering
newcomer questions (Treude, Barzilay and Storey,
2011). The type of question is not the only factor for
getting good answers. Other factors seem to include:
the technology in question, the identity of the user,
the time and day in which the question was asked,
whether the question included a code snippet, or the
length of the question (Treude, Barzilay and Storey,
2011). The thoughts about the influence of the
question length are mixed and contradictory and
further research is still necessary in order to provide
better insights in its importance for the number of
answers and the question score, according
(Asaduzzaman et al., 2013).
Asaduzzaman et al., (2013) proposed the
taxonomy to explain why questions remain
unanswered in Stack Overflow. The top five reasons
are: “Fails to attract an expert member”, “Too short,
unclear, vague or hard to follow”, “A duplicate
question”, “Impatient, irregular or inconsiderate
members” and “Too hard, too specific or too time
consuming”. Understanding those factors that
contribute to questions being answered as well as
questions remain ignored can help information
seekers to increase their chances of getting answers
from the community.
Dror, Maarek and Szpektor, (2013) proposed
using this information to give users immediate
feedback about the ability of his question in
attracting answers. Imagine that a user is preparing
to broadcast a question in a CQA. If he knew which
factors can affect response rate, he could shape his
request to fit these factors and theoretically improve
his chances of finding help. According Sullins et al.,
(2015) it is possible to teach people to ask better
questions. Their case study revealed that participants
in the question training condition asked significantly
more “deep” questions on the post-test than did the
participants in the control condition.
Figure 1 illustrates the traditional social query
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: The traditional social query process.
The process starts with the user accessing the
website. He, alone, phrases his problem and shares
with all users in the collaborative environment. In
Figure 7, we used a CQA as example, but it could be
any social context like a social network or e-mail’s
group, for instance. Some collaborative
environments could even provide recommendations
of which users are able to respond (query routing).
However, the literature review opens the
following research opportunity: assisting the user in
the task of including these “good” characteristics
into the question structure in order to enhance Q&A
experience (improving both question quality and
attractiveness). We could change the way how social
query works.
Basically, we could include a step, before the
question is released, in which we assist the user in
the task of formulating his problem through the
system interface. This assistance aims to help users
insert “good” characteristics into their questions.
Thus, they are, theoretically, improving their
chances of finding help. This new process is
presented in Figure 2.
The main difference between the two processes
is that, instead of writing the question alone, in this
new one, the user is somehow assisted by the
website interface. The user interface (UI) “knows”
which characteristics a question should have. It
analyzes the question and searches for the presence
and absence of these “good characteristics”.
The UI could give tips on what “good
characteristics” are missing in the question’s
structure or suggest rewritten versions of the original
question, but with the “good characteristics” already
implemented. For instance, if most questions that are
answered have a certain length, the analysis consists
in checking if the new question has this exact length
Figure 2: New social query process.
or is close to it. If it does not have it, adjusting the
question length will be one of the suggestions
outputted by the UI. User will receive this feedback
and decide if he wants to follow it or not. He also
decides in what extension applying the suggestions.
In addition, if we are in a context where query
routing works, during “Assistance Phase”, the user
could also be inquired about reducing the scope of
the Expert Search establishing demographic filters.
After “Assistance Phase”, the query routing would
proceed normally.
This “assistance phase” would be more efficient
to improve question quality and attractiveness than
using the “good characteristics” list as guidelines to
users. Imagine a context where there are fifty
desirable features that a question could have. It is
unlike that all users will study this entire list to ask
good questions. However, if the UI “hints” users
only with suggestions about features that are missing
in the question, probably it would be easier to him to
Including this “assistance phase”, however,
would demand previously identifying which are the
“good characteristics” that a question should have at
that context. It is important to highlight that these
“good characteristics” are strongly related to the
studied context. The list of “good” characteristics is,
in Figure 8, obtained through the investigation of
CQA’s questions history. However, this list of
characteristics could also be obtained through: (1)
interviews with active users asking them which
factors attract them to answer a question; and (2)
surveying the literature about question asking in that
environment to identify good practices and
characteristics that impact response rate. We
surveyed the literature to present a preliminary list
Question’s Advisor - A Wizard Interface to Teach Novice Programmers How to Post “Better” Questions in Stack Overflow
of “good characteristics”, but, before designing our
solution, we also collected users’ opinion through a
questionnaire, in order to identify which are the
“good characteristics” that a question should have to
motivate them to answer.
In next section, we discuss these and others
outcomes of the survey application.
We elaborate a survey to ask users from
Programming CQA how close our first drawing of
“good characteristics” was from what they was
looking for in questions. In addition, we asked
which characteristics they were expecting that were
not included in the list yet. We collected 400
answers. Before summarizing the results of the
survey application, we want to start describing the
profile of people who answer the questionnaire.
4.1 Respondents’ Profile
Figure 3 describes the occupation of the
Figure 3: Occupation of the Respondents.
Students represent the larger part of our sample
(46%). Since the questionnaire was broadcasted
through the university channels, this was expected.
The remaining 44% work with programming related
jobs (analyst, tester and, of course, programmer).
Only 10% of them work as a professor.
Most respondents access these sites in a weekly
(39%) or daily (36%) basis. In addition, we also
found that while most Programmers (62%) accesses
these sites in a daily basis, most Students (41%) are
weekly visitors. Probably, this is consequence of
their relation with Programming. While professional
Programmers deal with Programming daily, as part
of their profession, Students check the site
sporadically, since their relationship with
Programming is not so intensive, when they are
facing homework or just studying.
Figure 4 shows which activities respondents
perform when they visit these sites (multiple choices
were allowed).
Figure 4: Actions of the Respondents.
We found interesting that asking questions and
searching for questions similar to a current problem
were such common roles. People run to Stack
Overflow more often than the own documentation of
the technology that they are using, when they are
facing a problem. This just highlights the
collaborative aspect of programming. Unfortunately,
our sample is only composed 20% by people who
actually answer questions. However, this was
already expected, since the respondents are a small
portion of the entire community (Furtado et al.
4.2 Respondents’ Open Suggestions
Since we did not want to influence respondents with
our list, we started asking which characteristics they
believed was related with question attractiveness and
quality, in their own opinion. We used an open
question and we tabulated answers, in order to
identify the more frequent suggestions.
Table 1 shows the top five characteristics
(grouped by respondent occupation).
In Table 1, we can see that two characteristics
were related to both question attractiveness and
quality. They are: (1) objectivity, and (2) clarity.
These are all subjective characteristics. It also worth
mention that programmers like to answer questions
from people who know about the topic they are
asking, indicating that programmers do not like to
answer newbies’ questions. In addition,
programmers and professors associated the code or
example presence with question quality.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Number of mentions of characteristics related to
question quality and attractiveness.
Characteristic related with question attractiveness
Characteristic Prof. Stud. Prog.
Other Total
Example or code. 18 77 56 24 175
Objectivity. 17 74 38 35 164
Clarity. 12 57 16 20 105
Short description. 7 30 16 14 67
between title and
5 33 12 14 64
Characteristic related with question quality
Characteristic Prof. Stud. Prog.
Other Total
Clarity 9 61 22 21 113
Objectivity 10 47 26 17 100
Show that knows
the topic.
7 32 35 19 93
Example or code. 9 24 30 9 72
Be polite. 5 26 12 11 54
4.3 Respondents’ Agreement Rate
In (Souza et al., 2016a), we performed a literature
review that aimed to draft a first version of the
“good” characteristics list. In (Souza et al., 2016b),
we found interesting correlations between the
presence of these “good” characteristics and
questions’ performance.
We used the questionnaire to capture people’s
opinion about this version of our “good”
characteristics list. In the last part of the
questionnaire, we presented this first drawing and
we asked if the respondent agreed that the presence
of each characteristic was important. Table 2 shows
the percentage agreement of the respondents with
each “good” characteristic.
In Table II, we can see that two characteristics
have a high disagreement percentage: Title entirely
written in capital letters and prioritizing long
description. We believe that long description
requires more effort from the user to answer,
discouraging most people. In addition, the
disagreement related to the use of capital letters is
due its Internet meaning, which it is usually taken as
yelling. These characteristics were not considered
later on our study.
Table 2: Agreement rate with “suggested” characteristics.
Characteristic Yes No None
Well-chosen title 94% 1% 5%
Title partially written in capital
10% 34% 56%
Title entirely written in capital
2% 62% 36%
Coherence between question
description and title
97% 1% 2%
Understandable description 95% 1% 4%
Including a vocative 12% 30% 59%
Prioritizing short description 47% 18% 36%
Prioritizing medium size description 43% 6% 51%
Prioritizing long description 12% 55% 34%
Showing an example 82% 5% 13%
Avoiding a large amount of code 51% 22% 28%
Avoiding description with only code 60% 15% 25%
Restricting each question to a single
72% 7% 21%
Including greetings 42% 10% 48%
Using proper language 44% 9% 47%
Avoiding creating duplicate
81% 4% 16%
Avoiding creating factoid questions 27% 31% 42%
Do not create homework questions 76% 5% 19%
Including links related to the
65% 5% 30%
Combining links with partial
53% 7% 40%
The following characteristics received a high
“indifferent” rate: Title partially written in capital
letters, including vocative, prioritizing medium size
description, including greetings, using proper
language, avoiding creating factoid questions and
combining links with partial content. These
characteristics were not entirely considered on our
study, as we will explain next.
After analyzing the responses for both, the open
and the objective, questions, we reduce our list of
“good” characteristics to the following:
1) Objectivity: objectivity was the top
characteristic for both quality and attractiveness,
Question’s Advisor - A Wizard Interface to Teach Novice Programmers How to Post “Better” Questions in Stack Overflow
according respondents. However, it is a strongly
subjective concept to identify. Most dictionary
definitions emphasize the shortness aspect of
objectivity. Thus, we will reduce Objectivity to these
other characteristics: (1) Restricting each question to
a single problem; and (2) Prioritizing short
description. Although we summarized objectivity in
only these two features, we believe that the
objectivity’s presence is also related to other features
included on the list, such as “Clarity” and “Well-
written description”.
2) Clarity: clarity was another top mentioned
characteristic and, similarly to objectivity, it is a
strongly subjective concept too. We define clarity as
the quality of being easily understood. We decide for
checking clarity through these three other
characteristics: (3) Coherence between question
description and title; and (4) Making the problem
the more evident as possible in the description.
3) Well-written description: although users want
to help, poorly written questions (vague or
incomplete, for instance) will discourage them. For
this reason, it is important to make an effort in
writing self-contained questions. We believe that
these hints would help in this matter: (5) Including
example or code; (6) Including links related to the
question; (7) Combining links with partial content;
and (8) Avoiding description with only (or a large
amount of) code.
4) Be polite:there were (a few) mentions, in
open suggestions, that the politeness of the asker
was one of the factors that courage people into
helping. Thus, we included in the final list these
etiquette rules for asking questions online: (9)
Avoiding creating duplicate questions; (10) Do not
create homework questions; (11) Including
greetings; and (12) Using proper language.
This list summarizes what the community wishes
all questions look like. Thus, based on this list, we
develop a suggestion engine, which analyzes
questions looking for the absence of each one of
these 16 characteristics and giving feedback to the
user on how to improve his question’s quality by
adding the ones that are missing. The NLP
techniques were programmed using CoGroo
(, OpenNLP
(, and LanguageTool
Next, we will present the mobile app, which it is
an instance of this suggestion engine.
We named the app Question’s Advisor, due his role
of helping but without forcing the user to follow it.
The software was developed using Progressive Web
Apps (PWA) technology, which makes it suitable
for Desktop and Mobile clients. One can access our
prototype using this address
In Figure 5 (left), we show the login screen of
the Question’s Advisor (we will illustrate using the
mobile vision). When the user clicks in “authorize”,
he is requested to login using his Stack Overflow
credentials (center). This process is mandatory to
allow the app publishing questions in Stack
Overflow using the user’s account.
Figure 5: Login screen and authorize screen from
question’s advisor.
After login, we ask the user the mandatory
permissions for reading and writing using his
account, this also can be seen in Figure 5 (right).
After, the user is directed to the home screen of the
app, that it is presented in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Home screen from Questions’ Advisor.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In Figure 6, we can see an empty list (left), but
the home screen is also able to list all questions
published by the user (right). Below each question
on the list, he has a summary of the question’s
performance regarding number of answers, points
and views. When clicking in one of questions, the
user is directed straight to Stack Overflow, where he
can check the activity over his question. The “plus”
button in the home screen (or the lateral menu)
directs the user to the new question screen, inside
the app. This screen is presented in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Writing a new question using Question’s
In Figure 7, we can see that the description of the
question may include code snippets and they will
appear with a different style to make the reading
easier. Moreover, the user can also add tags to
describe the question subject. These tags will be
published on Stack Overflow too. While making
usability tests, most users prefer writing their
question accessing the app through a computer
instead a smartphone, but both “visions” offer the
exact same functionalities.
After writing the question, the user will click on
“publish”. However, before the sharing the question,
he will receive a feedback from the app about how
he can improve the question; this can be seeing on
Figure 8 (left).
In Figure 8 (center), we can see the list of
suggestions too. The suggestions are the result of a
Natural Language Process (NLP) analysis over the
question, which aimed identifying the “good”
characteristics that are missing. The user can roll
down this list and he will see the “ignore” button
and the “review” button. If the user clicks in
“ignore”, the question will be immediately shared on
Stack Overflow. If the user clicks in “review”, he
will have the chance of following the suggestions
and rewriting the question.
Figure 8: Checking the Question and Suggesting
After editing the question, the user will click
again in “publish” and the Question’s Advisor will
calculate if the number of “good” characteristics has
increased in comparison with the last analysis
(indicating a gain in the question quality). In the
case where the number of “good characteristics” fell,
the user will keep receiving suggestions on how to
improve the question (he will be able to ignore
again, if he prefers).
After publishing, the user will receive a
confirmation that his question was published in the
Stack Overflow, as presented in Figure 8 too (right),
and the question will appear in the Home Screen.
Programmers often recur for online communities in
order to find help for a current problem that they are
facing. However, CQAs like Stack Overflow, while
are efficient for this goal, does not ensure an answer
for all question. The number of ignored questions is
constantly increasing. One of the reasons why
questions remain unanswered is due their low
quality. In addition, some studies found a correlation
between the question’s characteristics and its ability
of drawing attention and being answered.
In this work, we conducted a mixed study aiming
identifying what programmers are looking in a
question that they decide to answer. We designed a
questionnaire where people could suggest their own
thoughts and also agree or disagree with our opinion.
Based on these answers, we developed a tool to help
programmers to write high quality questions. Our
solution analyses the original question written by the
user and suggests including the missing “good”
characteristics. We named the app Questions’
Advisor and it is available for desktop and mobile
Question’s Advisor - A Wizard Interface to Teach Novice Programmers How to Post “Better” Questions in Stack Overflow
clients. We believe it could be very helpful,
especially for novice programmers.
For future work, we aim to test our solution
locally, collecting feedback, and reporting what
happened. In addition, we need to do a further
investigation on how the presence of these features
relates to question’s performance. This research
would also have the goal of finding new relevant
characteristics that were not suggested though the
questionnaire. Last, we want to design a plugin that
allows people to add our suggestion engine in any
text area component. This way, our solution could
be added into small learning communities from
Moodle or Facebook, for instance.
We want to thank IFPB for all the support during the
execution of this research.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems