The interviews with place owners were held
individually, in order to consider their different
professional areas. Each session had the duration of
30 minutes, where issues related with payments,
ticketing and identification through mobile devices
were discussed. The first set of interviews was
performed with 4 place owners: (i) a responsible from
a tourism office that provides information about the
city and sells tickets for transports and public
attractions; (ii) a restaurant owner; (iii) a place owner
that manages multiple service provisioning; (iv) a bar
owner. After this first set, another stakeholder
approached our company, volunteering to provide
context and real world scenarios for the project. This
stakeholder owns a renown Portuguese winter sports
resort, and feels considerable efficiency problems on
payments, identification, ticketing and marketing that
fit the scope and goals of the weWallet project. In this
sense, were performed 2 more interviews: one with
the resort owner, focusing business goals and vision
regarding the use of mobile wallets at his place and
the second with the administrator of the resort, where
he showed operational needs, problems and
restrictions. The 6 interviews allowed to understand
the place owner’s perspective, assuring abstraction
regarding business areas and dimensions.
On the next section, we show the key findings,
which are summarized by the functional architecture
of the system.
As introduction to this section, which will have the
form of explanation of the requirements for a
holistic mobile wallet per area (payments,
identification, ticketing and marketing), our user-
centered studies confirmed that despite the
recognized advantages of mobile wallets, the current
solutions do not fulfil the users’ needs. All the
participants (Wallet Owners and Place Owners) see
advantages on these systems, but only one Wallet
Owner (6,7%) mentioned to have a mobile wallet
application installed on his smartphone, which just
works for one restaurant brand, for gathering points
to get discounts in future meals. The remaining
participants (93.3%) mentioned that they didn’t
have a mobile wallet installed because they never
needed it. Place Owners demonstrated that the
friction on the adoption of these kind of services
comes from the low adaptation on the current
solutions to their needs, the small number of users
of this kind of systems and the current safety
concerns users have. These findings confirmed the
challenges in hands. On the next subsections, we
will describe the requirements gathered, which are
summarized and depicted on Figure 1.
4.1 Personas and Key System Concepts
Our studies revealed that to assure the abstraction
and the scalability of the mobile wallet ecosystem in
different areas of application (restaurants, resorts,
stores, public transports, corporate facilities,
summer festivals and others) and for different
business sizes, it has to consider the following
personas: (i) Wallet Owner: the persona that has the
mobile wallet application installed on the
smartphone, and is able to use it for payments and
management of receipts, personal identification,
buying and managing tickets of several types,
receiving and managing items of customer
engagement, such as loyalty programs or coupons.
The demography of this persona is very broad,
basically anyone with a smartphone; (ii) Place
Owner: the persona responsible for the business with
which the mobile wallet owner interacts, being
interested on the system business metrics (data
visualization, business performance notifications
and other management features), on managing the
system modules and on managing the employees’
performance and permissions on the system. This
persona has permissions to do everything that the
Place Manager and Place Controller do. The
businesses scope (places that a Place Owner may
own) is defined by any place that involves
payments/money transfer, user’s identification,
ticketing or marketing; (iii) Place Manager: the
operator responsible for interacting with the wallet
owner in payments, identification, ticketing and
marketing; (iv) Place Controller: the operator that
confirms/validates wallet owner’s ID or the
permission for those personas to be on a specific
As key concepts for ensuring the encompassing
of different types and dimensions of businesses, we
found that the system needs to be prepared to have
representation of: (i) Brands: group of places from
the same company (ex: set of restaurants or hotels
from a group; set of facilities from a company or
public corporation, or other); (ii) Places: a specific
place, like a store, office, restaurant, cinema, mall,
football stadium, or other; (iii) Spots: a specific spot
on a place, for example a specific corridor, the
entrance, the spot nearby a specific Nike shoes.
On the next subsections, we present the system’s
requirement findings organized per functional area.