Figure 4: The Execution time in millisecond of the
CDQL, TAP and GDAP depend on the number of
agents in different type of networks.
paper. Our approach combines a single agent learn-
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tion and social cooperation between agents, and con-
sequently the agents’ group performance. It also in-
cludes the increasing of communication knowledge
between agents. This method performs the task allo-
cation policy which enhance the efficiency of the sys-
tem. We experimentally show that our approach can
handle the task allocation problem. Although our ap-
proach overcomes some dilemmas, one of the aspects
that we did not fully exploit is its ability to handle het-
erogeneous agent types. Furthermore, due to decen-
tralization and reallocation features, it still has several
deficiencies. All these problems will be faced in near
future work, that will focus on assessing the mecha-
nism’s ability to deal with larger state action spaces
than the one exemplified in this paper and review the
performance benefits compared to the heavier-weight
alternative solutions.
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