(Shoshitaishvili et al., 2015) (Shellphish, 2016), as
well as firmware extraction and modification tech-
niques and tools to automate the discovery of vulner-
abilities in IIoT devices. We have chosen to use PLCs
as our initial IIoT test subject.
Our approach includes extraction and emulation
of PLC firmware, as well as analysis using angr, AFL,
and Driller. This approach has helped us uncover vul-
nerabilities, enabling us to devise solutions to mitigate
those vulnerabilities in order to enhance the security
posture of the Industrial Internet of Things. We have
some early results that have been able to discover vul-
nerabilities in Industrial Internet of Things emulated
in our laboratory environment, namely lack of stack
protection and authentication bypass. As more anal-
yses are conducted and verified, we will update the
community on findings and proposed mitigations to
the discovered vulnerabilities.
Given the early result discussed in the paper, we have
begun expanding our analysis of PLC firmware on
several brands of controllers. We have started to an-
alyze a few versions of the Siemens S7 controller,
as well as several different models of Allen Bradley
PLCs. We are also exploring the potential to improve
the performance of angr through the use of symbolic
summaries. We are working towards expanding the
angr framework’s ability to load other architectures
specific to PLC manufacturers, and exploring the po-
tential to extend the firmadyne tool to further auto-
mate the analysis of PLC firmware.
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