discovery of information enabling us valuable in-
sights from Big Data. AI claims to be in the position
to provide information consumers with useful in-
sights. There is no doubt, data mining, machine learn-
ing, deep learning, etc. are essential in data science.
Their methods and tools produce a lot of useful data,
which, in turn, lead to the expected insights. How-
ever, focusing exclusively on AI would restrict us to
insights that we may gain from the results of AI tools.
The capabilities of the available AI tools determine
the range of insights.
By viewing data science as the discipline of infor-
mation discovery performed along the requirements
of information consumers and managed by data sci-
entists we bring humans into the loop of technology
design and use. The user-centred approach shifts the
focus from a purely data-driven approach towards a
problem-driven approach. We see practical data sci-
ence rather as the result of a cooperative effort of dis-
covery team representing domain and technical
knowledge and managed by the data scientist. In this
article we sketched the profession of the data scientist
from this perspective that conceives the data scien-
tists rather as a master of the information discovery
lifecycle than data mining expert or the like.
Data scientists do not construct models for all
kinds of analysis tools and reasoning systems but
should clearly be aware of the information those sys-
tems presume to produce. They should constantly
check the results for false positives, in particular,
when personal data are involved and/or expectations
are high on the outcome of the data analysis. The data
scientist is a scientist. She or he should take care that
information is put to good use. We can expect that she
or he assumes ethical responsibility and makes sure
that information provided is reliable. The “everything
is possible” attitude that shines through in many Big
Data discussions is dangerous and rises false expec-
tations. The polls during the recent elections in USA
showed that sometimes even the whole statistical and
data mining machinery of an entire country can fail
quite embarrassingly. Data Scientists need to develop
a sound sensation of plausibility that helps them to
rise doubts and to prompt a closer look when the re-
sults of data analysis seem too questionable to them.
Finally, we advocate for the education in data sci-
ence a stronger focus on text mining, information vis-
ualization, ethics aspects rised by Big Data, and the
management of information discovery.
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