Clustering is an unsupervised method in data mining.
Unlike classification (supervised learning), clustering
doesn’t rely on predefined classes. Clustering
partitions data sets into groups according to their
similarity. Within one cluster, examples are similar to
one another and are dissimilar to objects in other
clusters (Han and Kamber, 2006). In manufacturing
the major areas where clustering is used are customer
service support, fault diagnostics, yield improvement
and engineering design (Choudhary et al., 2009).
In variant design it is advantageous to organize the
wide variety of products in clusters of similar
products (product families). Therefore it is necessary
to measure the distance between products based on
bill of materials (Romanowski and Nagi, 2005). A bill
of materials (BOM) is a hierarchical, structured
representation of products that contains information
about necessary parts, raw materials and quantities.
Forming generic bills of material (GBOMs) that
represent the different variants in a product family
can be used to facilitate the search for similar
previous designs and the configurations of new
variants (Romanowski and Nagi, 2004).
Another framework for identifying product
families based on data mining techniques is presented
in Chowdhury and Nayak, 2014. Here an Extended
Augmented Adjacency Matrix (EAAM) is proposed
as a representation of the BOM. Cosine similarity is
used to generate a similarity matrix of the EAAM
representations which is the input for a clustering
High product variant diversity results in a high
process variety and raises the importance of
addressing the correspondence between these
varieties in order to make good planning decisions
and maintain a stable production (Jiao et al., 2005). In
their approach the coordination between product and
process variety is based on the unification of BOM
data and routing data. Routing data describes the
sequence of operations which are executed to
manufacture a certain product and includes
specifications for production planning like set-up and
processing time. With a product-process variety grid,
for each customer order, the product design in terms
of BOM and production process can be configured.
Companies face a similar challenge when
generating assembly process plans in an environment
with high product and process complexity. Clustering
techniques can be used to identify similar products or
assembly processes and to group them according to
the similarity of their characteristics. Beyond that,
classification can be applied to classify new assembly
structures into the identified clusters (Wallis et al.,
Another application of clustering algorithms is the
solution of cell formation problems in the design of
cellular manufacturing systems. This requires the
identification of machine groups that can produce
parts with similar processing requirements.
Alhourani, 2013 developed a procedure for solving
the machine-part grouping problem using the
Similarity Coefficient Method. In this approach
important production data such as operations
sequence, production volume, lot size and routings
are considered.
In the framework presented in this paper, similar
production data is taken into account, but here the
objective is to group similar materials together in a
cluster, not the machines. In our approach it is not
proposed how to arrange machine into manufacturing
cells, this is assumed as given. In contrast the goal is
to identify similar materials. This is the prerequisite
for reducing a huge number of materials to a
manageable variant diversity for simulation
A central issue of discrete event simulation in the
field of production planning and control is the
investigation of different parameter settings and
planning strategies in order to minimize overall costs
for inventory, setup and tardiness or maximize
service level. In the following the Simulation
Generator SimGen and the necessary input data for
the simulation models is presented.
3.1 Simulation Generator SimGen
The Simulation Generator SimGen, as presented in
Hübl et al., 2011, Felberbauer et al., 2012 or
Felberbauer et al., 2013 is a generic, scalable
simulation model and is parametrized by a database.
The advantage of the generic and scalable simulation
model is, that on model start up the necessary data is
loaded from the database and the production system
structure is generated automatically. Thereby,
different simulation scenarios can be defined without
any adaptation of the simulation model itself and
model functionalities can be reused. The logic is
implemented in the simulation model but the
parametrization is stored in the database and loaded
on model start up. In the simulation model a