Reducing Variant Diversity by Clustering
Data Pre-processing for Discrete Event Simulation Models
Sonja Strasser and Andreas Peirleitner
Institute for Smart Production, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Wehrgrabengasse 1-3, Steyr, Austria
Keywords: Clustering, Data Pre-processing, Variant Diversity, Discrete Event Simulation.
Abstract: Building discrete event simulation models for studying questions in production planning and control affords
reasonable calculation time. Two main causes for increased calculation time are the level of model details as
well as the experimental design. However, if the objective is to optimize parameters to investigate the
parameter settings for materials, they have to be modelled in detail. As a consequence model details such as
number of simulated materials or work stations in a production system have to be reduced. The challenge in
real world applications with a high variant diversity of products is to select representative materials from the
huge number of existing materials for building a simulation model on condition that the simulation results
remain valid. Data mining methods, especially clustering can be used to perform this selection automatically.
In this paper a procedure for data preparation and clustering of materials with different routings is shown and
applied in a case study from sheet metal processing.
Manufacturing companies are faced with challenging
market situations. An increasing number of high
customized products have to be produced in shorter
periods of time in order to be competitive. The
fulfilment of customized orders results in a high
variant diversity and a high process variety (Jiao et
al., 2005). To manage this complexity successfully,
optimized decisions in production planning and
control are essential. As a result of optimized
planning decisions low costs, a high service level,
short lead times and a stable production can be
Since analytical models for optimization often
lack the practical applicability, discrete event
simulation can be used to study the impact of certain
decisions in production planning and control. With
simulation the influence of different production
planning strategies (Huang et al., 1998, Jodlbauer and
Huber, 2008) or different dispatching rules for
production systems (Kutanoglu and Sabuncuoglu,
1999) can be compared and capacity estimations of
production systems can be made (Abdul-Kader and
Gharbi, 2002). For a discrete event simulation study
the most time consuming phase is the input data
collection and the model development (Perera and
Liyanage, 2000, Randell and Bolmsjo, 2001). So
efforts are made to develop flexible discrete event
simulation structures in an object oriented
environment (Borenstein, 2000, Anglani et al., 2002).
The developed simulation generator (SimGen) for
analysing production planning problems enables the
implementation of simulation models which are
parameterized by a database (Hübl et al., 2011).
Running simulation models can become a runtime
intensive task for instance in combination with
heuristic optimization methods for determining
optimized production planning parameters. So the
number of different materials which can be simulated
is limited, however real data from manufacturing
companies often include a high variant diversity. The
challenge for building a simulation model under such
conditions is to reduce the number of materials while
maintaining valid simulation results. Doing this
selection manually can become a very time
consuming task and so a framework using methods
from data mining, in particular clustering, is proposed
in this paper.
First related work for clustering products or
processes is discussed. Then the simulation generator
SimGen and its necessary input data are described in
more details. In the next section a framework for data
pre-processing including the reduction of material
numbers by clustering is presented. Towards the end
of the paper the proposed framework is applied in a
case study from sheet metal processing.
Strasser, S. and Peirleitner, A.
Reducing Variant Diversity by Clustering - Data Pre-processing for Discrete Event Simulation Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0006394401410148
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2017), pages 141-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-255-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Clustering is an unsupervised method in data mining.
Unlike classification (supervised learning), clustering
doesn’t rely on predefined classes. Clustering
partitions data sets into groups according to their
similarity. Within one cluster, examples are similar to
one another and are dissimilar to objects in other
clusters (Han and Kamber, 2006). In manufacturing
the major areas where clustering is used are customer
service support, fault diagnostics, yield improvement
and engineering design (Choudhary et al., 2009).
In variant design it is advantageous to organize the
wide variety of products in clusters of similar
products (product families). Therefore it is necessary
to measure the distance between products based on
bill of materials (Romanowski and Nagi, 2005). A bill
of materials (BOM) is a hierarchical, structured
representation of products that contains information
about necessary parts, raw materials and quantities.
Forming generic bills of material (GBOMs) that
represent the different variants in a product family
can be used to facilitate the search for similar
previous designs and the configurations of new
variants (Romanowski and Nagi, 2004).
Another framework for identifying product
families based on data mining techniques is presented
in Chowdhury and Nayak, 2014. Here an Extended
Augmented Adjacency Matrix (EAAM) is proposed
as a representation of the BOM. Cosine similarity is
used to generate a similarity matrix of the EAAM
representations which is the input for a clustering
High product variant diversity results in a high
process variety and raises the importance of
addressing the correspondence between these
varieties in order to make good planning decisions
and maintain a stable production (Jiao et al., 2005). In
their approach the coordination between product and
process variety is based on the unification of BOM
data and routing data. Routing data describes the
sequence of operations which are executed to
manufacture a certain product and includes
specifications for production planning like set-up and
processing time. With a product-process variety grid,
for each customer order, the product design in terms
of BOM and production process can be configured.
Companies face a similar challenge when
generating assembly process plans in an environment
with high product and process complexity. Clustering
techniques can be used to identify similar products or
assembly processes and to group them according to
the similarity of their characteristics. Beyond that,
classification can be applied to classify new assembly
structures into the identified clusters (Wallis et al.,
Another application of clustering algorithms is the
solution of cell formation problems in the design of
cellular manufacturing systems. This requires the
identification of machine groups that can produce
parts with similar processing requirements.
Alhourani, 2013 developed a procedure for solving
the machine-part grouping problem using the
Similarity Coefficient Method. In this approach
important production data such as operations
sequence, production volume, lot size and routings
are considered.
In the framework presented in this paper, similar
production data is taken into account, but here the
objective is to group similar materials together in a
cluster, not the machines. In our approach it is not
proposed how to arrange machine into manufacturing
cells, this is assumed as given. In contrast the goal is
to identify similar materials. This is the prerequisite
for reducing a huge number of materials to a
manageable variant diversity for simulation
A central issue of discrete event simulation in the
field of production planning and control is the
investigation of different parameter settings and
planning strategies in order to minimize overall costs
for inventory, setup and tardiness or maximize
service level. In the following the Simulation
Generator SimGen and the necessary input data for
the simulation models is presented.
3.1 Simulation Generator SimGen
The Simulation Generator SimGen, as presented in
Hübl et al., 2011, Felberbauer et al., 2012 or
Felberbauer et al., 2013 is a generic, scalable
simulation model and is parametrized by a database.
The advantage of the generic and scalable simulation
model is, that on model start up the necessary data is
loaded from the database and the production system
structure is generated automatically. Thereby,
different simulation scenarios can be defined without
any adaptation of the simulation model itself and
model functionalities can be reused. The logic is
implemented in the simulation model but the
parametrization is stored in the database and loaded
on model start up. In the simulation model a
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
hierarchical production planning concept is
implemented, using Material Requirements Planning
(MRP). For all materials MRP production orders are
generated including start and end dates and quantities.
Then the four steps netting, lot sizing, backward
scheduling and BOM explosion are performed. The
input parameters for MRP are, among others,
planning parameters for the materials and the BOM.
3.2 Input for Simulation Models
The input data for the simulation model is exported
from the Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, pre-
processed and then stored in the database. Necessary
input data sets are:
Routing data including setup and processing times
Production planning parameters like lot sizes,
planned lead times and safety stock for all
Shift calendars defining the available capacity,
including holidays
Skill groups and number of employees
Production program and forecast for end items
Customer demand, order amount size and
corresponding customer required lead times
If product variant diversity is very high, this leads to
long computation times and an inappropriate level of
model details. Therefore for a simulation study on
optimal settings of planning parameters it is desirable
to reduce the number of materials to a reasonable
amount which does not harm the objective of the
simulation study.
In this section a framework for selecting
representative raw materials from a huge number of
existing materials is presented. This framework can
be divided in two phases. In the first phase, the
necessary input-data has to be collected and different
data preparation steps are done. These steps are
necessary to make the data useable for the application
of the following clustering steps in the second phase.
4.1 Input-data
For the proposed approach two input data sets are
needed: a data set with the information of the bill of
material and another data set with the corresponding
routing of the materials in the production process.
4.1.1 Bill of Material Data (BOM Data)
The relationships between end items, subassemblies
(SA) and raw materials (RM) is described by the bill
of material (see Figure 1). We assume that P different
end items are built from N subassemblies and each
subassembly can consist of different raw materials
which we denote shortly by materials. The number of
different materials is indicated with M.
Figure 1: Bill of Material.
BOM data is stored in a company’s database, but
there are no common guidelines concerning the
formatting and the attributes. For our purpose we
need a table of BOM data with the following
attributes (in columns):
Material ID to identify each material uniquely.
Subassembly ID related to the material in the first
column to identify the corresponding
subassembly uniquely.
End item ID related to the subassembly and the
material in the first two columns to identify the
corresponding end item uniquely.
Applied lot size policy for the material in the first
column, e. g. fixed order period (FOP), lot-for-lot
(LFL), fixed order quantity (FOQ), consumption-
based (CB).
If there are multiple end items with the same
combination of raw material and subassembly then
multiple rows in this input file are needed. The
material ID and end item ID are mandatory attributes.
All the other attributes are optional and can be
complemented by other attributes which are
important in a certain production environment.
4.1.2 Routing Data
A routing describes the sequence of workstations
passed through by a material in the production
process (Hopp and Spearman, 2008). The necessary
routing data has to be stored in a table with the
following attributes (in columns):
Reducing Variant Diversity by Clustering - Data Pre-processing for Discrete Event Simulation Models
Material ID to identify each material uniquely.
Work station (identified with a unique ID)
Standard time at the corresponding work station.
Operations sequence number to define at which
position this work station is used to process the
If the standard time isn’t available by default, it can
be calculated by the sum of processing time and the
quotient of set-up time and average lot-size. Since
commonly each material is processed by several work
stations, there are multiple rows in the routing data
table which correspond to the same material in order
to represent the whole operations sequence.
4.2 Data Preparation
In the first phase of the framework four steps of data
preparation are carried out (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Data Preparation Steps.
4.2.1 Data Integration
As a first step the BOM-data and the routing data have
to be joined into a common master table, whereby the
material ID serves as primary key attribute. The
master table includes the attributes material,
subassembly, end item, lot size policy, work station,
standard time and operations sequence number.
4.2.2 Data Cleaning
In the data cleaning step examples with missing
values should be removed just like duplicate rows
which can occur for various reasons. Work stations
which are not relevant for building the simulation
model can be filtered. In some situations it can be
useful to combine similar work stations to a new
group of work stations if they perform the same
processing step. Finally for the sake of clarity the
master table should be sorted by end item,
subassembly, material and operations sequence
number. Now the operations sequence of each single
material of a certain subassembly and end item can be
read in subsequent rows.
4.2.3 Data Aggregation
The goal of this step is that the operations sequence
of each material appears in a single row and the
sequence of the workstations is displayed as a new
attribute. This can be achieved by data aggregation
for each end item and each subassembly in nested
loops. The data is grouped by material ID and the
other attributes in the aggregated data table are the
mode of the lot sizing policy, the sum of the standard
times, the operations sequence, subassembly ID and
end item ID.
4.2.4 Dummy Coding
There are two categories of attributes in the
aggregated data. On the one hand attributes like lot
size policy, sum of the standard times, operations
sequence and subassembly are attributes which will
be used for clustering in the second phase of the
proposed framework. On the other hand the attributes
material ID and end item provide information for a
unique identification and should not be included for
building clusters.
Further the operations sequence as a single
nominal attribute is not appropriate for clustering.
Measuring similarity of two materials would deliver
1 if there are identical sequences and 0 otherwise,
even if there is only a slight difference. For this reason
the operations sequence is split up into single work
stations and new attributes are generated by dummy
coding. Every work station defines a new attribute
which has value 1 if the material is processed at this
work station and 0 otherwise. In this way we get
various numerical attributes instead of one nominal
attribute. But measuring similarity of two materials
has more gradations now. The only thing which
cannot be detected by this kind of coding is the
chronological order of the operations. Operations
sequences A-B and B-A have identical attributes and
therefore a distance of 0. For practical application this
is negligible. Usually, due to technical dependencies,
the sequence of operations cannot be changed (e.g.
turning – milling – drilling).
In order to get only numeric attributes, dummy
coding is also applied to the lot size policy and the
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
subassembly ID. This enables the use of k-means
clustering in the next step.
4.3 Clustering and Selection of
The goal of the second phase of the proposed
framework is the selection of representative materials
for each end item to reduce the high variant diversity.
This phase consists of two steps: The application of a
clustering method for each end item and the selection
of representative materials of each cluster (see Figure
3). For clustering the k-means algorithm is applied
because k-medoid results in considerable longer
calculation times and worse performance regarding
the average distance within each cluster.
4.3.1 k-Means Clustering
As all attributes in the prepared dataset are numeric,
k-means clustering can be applied. There are two
parameters which have to be defined for this data
mining method: the number of clusters k and a
measure to define the similarity of two examples. In
the proposed framework clustering is applied for
every end item. As end items consist of different
numbers of materials the number of clusters has to be
adjusted to the number of materials:
k (i 1,..., P)
where k
denotes the number of clusters and m
number of materials of end item i. The number k
rounded to the next integer. Constant c is determined
by selecting a number K of desired representative
materials (so that running the simulation model is
within an acceptable time-frame) and the assumption
that every cluster delivers one representative:
i1 i1
Kk m c
For measuring the similarity of two materials we use
cosine similarity:
i1 i1
cos A, B
where A and B are two row vectors in our dataset with
I attributes. RapidMiner provides different numerical
measures for clustering. But an analysis with the data
of the case study (see section 5) reveals that cosine
similarity outperforms other numerical measures
comparing them by averaging the distance between
the centroid and all examples of a cluster.
Figure 3: Clustering Steps.
The basic idea of k-means can be described by the
following steps:
Step 1: Initialize k different cluster centroids.
Step 2: Calculate the similarity between every
example and every cluster centroid
Step 3: Assign each example to the most similar
cluster centroid.
Step 4: Update the cluster centroid for each cluster by
calculating the arithmetic mean of all corresponding
Step 5: Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 iteratively until no
change in the mapping of the examples occur.
This data mining method is applied to every end item
i and the result is the grouping of all relevant materials
into k
4.3.2 Selection of Cluster Representatives
As a final step the selection of cluster representatives
is performed. Choosing the cluster centroid as cluster
representative results in unrealistic values of
attributes, because for instance decimal values can
occur for integer attributes. So the material with the
highest similarity to the cluster centroid is selected as
cluster representative. This step delivers k
representative materials for end item i and all in all K
materials are selected for the further use in the
simulation model.
Reducing Variant Diversity by Clustering - Data Pre-processing for Discrete Event Simulation Models
The described concept is applied to real-life
manufacturing data from sheet metal processing. The
high variant diversity in this production is represented
by 40,000 different material numbers, 400
subassemblies, 40 end items and up to 1,500
production orders every day. In a simulation model of
the complete sheet metal processing different
questions of production planning and control have to
be studied.
To guarantee a reasonable calculation time for the
simulation runs, the number of different materials has
to be reduced to a size of approximately 1000. Doing
this manually is a challenging and time consuming
task. So the framework shown above was applied
with RapidMiner 7.3, an open source software tool
for data mining and machine learning (Mierswa et al.,
5.1 Input Data
From the company’s databases the necessary input
data was extracted and saved in two different Excel-
files. The BOM-table includes 54,265 examples with
five different attributes:
material ID
subassembly ID
end item ID
corresponding business unit
applied lot size policy
The routing-table consists of 369,535 examples with
six different attributes:
material ID
material name
work station
process ID
operation description
planned standard time (in hours)
The process ID includes information about the
sequence of the sheet metal processing steps. Sorting
the examples of the routing-table with a particular
material ID by ascending process ID results in a
correct sequence of the work stations which are run
by this material.
5.2 Data Preparation Steps
In the first phase of the framework the data
preparation steps according to section 4.2 are
performed. In the data cleaning step the business unit
which should be simulated is selected and only work
stations for in-house-manufacturing are extracted.
(External processing is not part of the simulation
model.) Another simplifying step was the aggregation
of all work stations with laser cutting.
To get the right sequence of work stations for
every material ID (for a certain end item and
subassembly) the examples are sorted by end item,
subassembly ID, material ID and process ID (see
Table 1). For instance for end item 1, subassembly
135 the material 30700 is passed from work station
W1 to W5 and W4 with lot size policy fixed-order
quantity 1. The standard times on these three work
stations are 0.011, 0.15 and 0.022 hours. After this
preparation step the dataset contains 183,103
Now all examples are aggregated by material ID
and the work stations are concatenated as a string to
represent the operations sequence for this material.
The attribute process ID is omitted in this
aggregation, it only served as an auxiliary attribute for
the sequence generation. Before proceeding with
clustering the sequence of work stations, the sub
assembly ID and the lot size policy are transformed
by dummy coding as described in section 4.2.4. The
result for the sample dataset after this aggregation is
shown in Table 2. For instance, material 21000,
which belongs to subassembly 135 and end item 1,
passes through the work stations W1 and W2 with
total standard time of 0.084 hours and lot size policy
Fixed-Order Period 28. After the aggregation step
34,192 examples with 119 attributes are available.
Apart from the end item, material ID and the total
standard time 75 different work stations, 37 different
subassemblies and 4 different lot size policies
generate the remaining attributes.
Table 1: Sample dataset after data preparation.
Table 2: Sample dataset after aggregation by material ID.
5.3 Clustering Steps
In the second phase of the framework the k-means
clustering algorithm is performed on the aggregated
dataset for 37 different end items separately. The
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
number of desired representative materials is
specified with K = 2,000 considering that various
materials will appear in multiple clusters of different
end items and so the number of different
representative material will be much smaller than
2,000. The number of clusters k
for end item i is
calculated according to formula (1) and it varies from
5 to a maximum of 141.
Then immediately before the clustering
algorithm, the standard time is transformed to a range
of 0 to 1 to make it comparable to all other attributes
which are binary. Cosine similarity is used to measure
similarity between examples and k-means clustering
is applied to every end item. The results are 37 cluster
models with different number of clusters and
materials. For instance 562 materials which are part
of end item 35 are grouped in 28 clusters. Within one
cluster there are materials with similar properties
concerning the operations sequence, the type of
subassembly, total standard time and lot sizing policy.
To illustrate the result of this cluster model, the
number of materials and the number of different
operations sequences are displayed in Figure 4.
In the final step the cluster centroids are calculated
for every cluster of each end item. Then for every
cluster the similarity between the cluster centroid and
all examples belonging to this cluster is calculated.
Cosine similarity is used here again and the material
with the highest similarity is chosen as representative
material for this cluster.
This procedure results in a list of 1711
representative materials. This number is smaller than
K = 2000, because it can happen that some of the
clusters are empty. Furthermore some materials
appear multiple times in this list of representatives.
For instance the most frequent representative material
can be found in 18 different end items. But the
majority of 945 materials are unique. All together we
determined 1183 different materials by this approach.
This is a magnitude of material which can be used in
SimGen to generate a simulation model of the sheet
metal processing.
Figure 4: Number of materials and operations sequences for
end item 35.
Table 3: Frequencies of representative materials.
Real world manufacturing environments are
generally too complex to be modelled in discrete
event simulation accurately. The proposed
framework shows how to select a manageable and
representable number of materials for simulation
modelling. For this purpose the necessary input data
and preparation steps are shown in a first phase of the
framework. In the second phase a clustering
algorithm is applied to group similar materials and
finally one representative material is selected from
each cluster. This approach was applied in a case
study to real world manufacturing data from sheet
metal processing.
In further research the proposed framework
should be applied to other real world scenarios and a
comparison to other heuristic approaches for
selecting material is planned. The results of multiple
simulation runs have to be compared in order to
evaluate if the proposed framework delivers better
results than simple heuristic selection criteria. If the
results are promising this framework should be
integrated in the developed simulation generator
SimGen as an automatic data pre-processing step for
simulation modelling.
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