When the copper thin film thickness is 80 nm, it
is found that the electric field between the interface
of the copper film and the air has low amplitudes.
The maximum amplitude is 2.7x10
V/m as shown
in Figure 12. The electric field that occurs show
unclear patterns and not consistent along the copper-
air interface.
From the simulation results, it is found that the
thickness of the thin copper film has direct effect to
the occurrence of the surface plasmon waves. The
thickness of 40 nm is considered the best thickness
for the activation with the 632.5 nm wavelength. It
yields very clear and consistent surface plasmon
waves pattern. It also has the highest electric field
amplitude at the copper-air interface.
Our analysis results which are obtained by using
the finite element method, give similar results to (F.
Atida Said et al., 2016) which uses the finite
difference method when the incident light source has
785 nm wavelength. That is, when the light source
with the 785 nm wavelength is used, the best copper
thin film thickness is 40 nm. It gives high and
consistent surface plasmon wave amplitudes at the
copper-air interface.
Recently, researches in the area of plasmonics have
been highly active. There are applications in various
areas such as biomedical engineering where SPR
devices are used as sensors to detect the presence of
DNA molecules which are adhered to metal
surfaces. Such adhesion layer change the local
refractive index which results in the shift of the
resonance angle of the incoming light. Moreover, the
electric field of the plasmon wave with high
applitudes can be used to generate second ( or third)
harmonics due to surface plasmon coupling
Kim et al., 2005) (H.J. Simon et al., 1974). This
could identify the
structural information of bio-
molecular substances
. Plasmons also have been
considered as a means of transmitting information
on computer chips. This is another potential
application in technology. Plasmons support
frequencies in the THz range. This would solve the
data loss problem of conventional wires which have
the GHz transmissions loss problem. In this project,
we try to find the suitable thickness of the copper
film which creates the surface plasmon resonance at
the copper-air interface when the light source is the
632.5 nm TM mode. This light source is an
economical red laser which can be easily found
commercially. It is cheaper and easier to find than
the green laser and blue laser lights. Based on the
finite element method, the results suggest that the
copper thin film with the thickness of 40 nm is the
most suitable one for the surface plasmon resonance
using the Kretschmann configuration. The simulated
electric field amplitude at the copper-air interface is
high and consistent along the interface when the
632.5 light is applied which also means that the best
surface plasmon resonance is generated at this
metal-air interface.
It is very likely that if a
Graphene film is applied over the copper thin film
with the thickness of 40
nm, the plasmonic
characteristics will be positively improved; thus
improves the copper based
surface plasmon sensors
which are to be developed.
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