Postcondition: After an experiment, always prepare
for the next one (expNext transition) as follows:
6. If 3 was successful then remove the vacuum (tO f f
7. Enable the access into the IC (expIcEnt transi-
Procedure 3. The maintenance operations
(expMaint transition) must pe performed after 2
consecutive experiments at most.
Procedure 2 is identical to 1 with the exception
that it can contain only one shoot, expFin sequence.
The latter enforces maintenance operations after a
predefined number of experiments.
The current work proposes a novel approach for de-
riving operational procedures for a complex facil-
ity where multiple sub-systems interact between each
other. The constraints can be either local (at the
sub-system level) or global (between different sub-
systems). By using the MTSA software, we can au-
tomatically generate and simulate a procedure such
that the effects of the constraints can be understood.
A high workload represents the development of the
models based on the defined requirements. Further-
more, the constraint definition may include multiple
iterations based on their effects over the entire system
(the parallel composition of all sub-systems).
Future extensions of the current work are mostly
aimed to developing the models by including more
details regarding their behaviour. However, by aug-
menting the models complexity, the constraints defi-
nition will remain the same but their number will be
increased (based on the newly introduced states and
transitions). The ultimate goal for all further devel-
opments is the complete automation of different steps
(eg. automatic alignment procedure, automatic mis-
alignment detection and correction, etc.) and the im-
plementation of the synthesised controller for the au-
tomation of the entire operational process.
We would like to thank the members of the ELI-
NP team with special thanks to Ioan D
ancus¸ (for the
fruitful insights regarding the alignment process) and
Daniel Ursescu (for reviewing and his valuable re-
marks). This work is supported by the Project Ex-
treme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP)
- Phase II, a project co-financed by the Romanian
Government and European Union through the Euro-
pean Regional Development Fund.
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Novel Approach of Deriving Operational Procedures for a Complex Research Facility