0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Example #
Relative error
Relative errors of poles before and after separation
Figure 4: Relative errors of the stable and unstable poles
after separation, compared to the original ones, for 26 gen-
eralized systems, with order n ≤ 541.
The separation of the systems spectra into stable
and unstable parts has also been investigated. For de-
scriptor systems this includes a preliminary separa-
tion into finite and infinite parts. The infinite part is
void, since matrix E is nonsingular (but moderately
ill-conditioned for
examples). The stability
degree τ has been set to −10
, and the tolerance has
been set to 0, i.e., a default value was used. The CPU
times are comparable to those in Fig. 3.
Figure 4 shows the relative errors of the stable and
unstable poles after separation, compared to the orig-
inal ones. Their number is preserved for all prob-
lems. There are 3 stable systems:
, and
. Example
has 3 unstable poles, and each
of the other 22 examples have one unstable pole. The
largest relative error, recorded for the
is due to a pair of complex poles with imaginary parts
of about ± 6.5854 · 10
, while the reordered poles
became real. Such a change is entirely motivated the-
oretically. Omitting these two poles, the relative error
example becomes 2.7174· 10
Numerical techniques and procedures for comput-
ing stable/unstable and finite/infinite spectrum sepa-
ration, additivespectral decomposition, and removing
the non-dynamic modes, have been discussed. These
techniques and procedures represent the theoretical
and practical foundation for the new routines included
by the authors into the SLICOT Library for standard
and descriptor systems. The functionality of several
main new routines has been briefly described, and
their essential features highlighted. Numerical results
obtained on a comprehensive set of examples from
the COMPl
ib collection have been summarized and
illustrate the performanceand capabilities of this SLI-
COT Library extension.
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