support the method and process of filling the canvas
by the users without the need for expert coaching by
providing step-by-step user guidance. This software
should provide, for each field of action, a menu of
specific technical options and provide technical
depth to the point that the choices can later be
applied for a semi-automated cloud platform
configuration for new big data projects. To
empirically support the choice of technical options
for each canvas field, a meta-analysis of several
existing big data application case studies (e.g., in
Davenport and Dyché, 2013) should be performed.
The BDM canvas in its electronic form can, in turn,
support process automation in BDM by partially
automating the configuration of new cloud big data
applications. Therefore, a second step is to develop a
configuration tool structured by the BDM canvas to
automate building infrastructures for data storage,
analytics, and visualization. This automated big data
cloud computing environment will ask specific
parameters in each of the fields of action of the
BDM canvas, and use this input for the automated
configuration of (1) the analytics platform using the
CRISP4BigData method (Berwind et al., 2016) and
(2) the interactive visualization using the
IVIS4BigData method of Bornschlegel et al., (2016).
The aim is to provide a platform that automates the
task of requirements engineering and configuration
for cloud big data applications as far as possible.
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