Understanding Modeling Requirements of
Unstructured Business Processes
Zaharah Allah Bukhsh
, Marten van Sinderen
, N. Sikkel (Klaas)
and Dick Quartel
University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5, 7522 NB, Enschede, The Netherlands
BiZZdesign BV, Capitool 15, 7521 PL, Enschede, The Netherlands
Business Process Management, Case Management, Business Process Model and Notation, Case Management
Model and Notation, BPMN, CMMN, Unstructured Business Process, Flexibility.
Management of structured business processes is of interest to both academia and industry, where academia fo-
cuses on the development of methods and techniques while industry focuses on the development of supporting
tools. With the shift from routine to knowledge work, the relevance of management of Unstructured Busi-
ness Processes (UBP) is increasing. However, currently available modeling notations are not optimally suited
for modeling UBP. By means of a representative example, we investigate the limitations of Business Process
Model and Notation (BPMN) and Case Management Model and Notation (CMMN) in this respect. We de-
rive a set of requirements for representations that are needed for modeling UBP. These requirements allow to
express end-to-end business processes while providing flexibility for run-time changes. We demonstrate these
requirements by a possible extension to BPMN.
Business process modeling has been a very useful
notion for process management. A business pro-
cess model maps the end-to-end business operations,
thus provide the business process awareness, filter out
complexities, and enable estimation of resource uti-
lization (Bandara et al., 2005). Depending on the na-
ture of business process, the task of process modeling
can be very straightforward or very complex. A busi-
ness process is characterized by its involved partic-
ipants, resources and its interactions with computer
systems (Dumas et al., 2005). Various studies (Mc-
cready, 1992; Kemsley, 2011; W.M.P and Van Hee,
2004) have defined the classification of business pro-
cesses based on their level of structuredness. A busi-
ness process having an ordered set of planned activi-
ties, which are defined at design-time, is said to be a
Structured Business Process (SBP). While, a business
process which depends on real-time events, available
data and knowledge of knowledge workers is referred
as an Unstructured Business Process (UBP).
In last few years, we observed an increased fo-
cus on UBP management by industry. According to
report by AIIM (Miles, 2014), for 51% of the compa-
nies polled, more than half of their business processes
are unstructured and unpredictable in nature. Compa-
nies adopt various methodologies (e.g. in-house col-
laborative systems, process management suites, etc.,)
to deal with the shift in focus from structured to un-
structured business processes. Traditionally, UBP are
dealt in a structured way (Dumas et al., 2010). For ex-
ample, a business process is modeled on design-time
using Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
while Business Process Management Suite (BPMS)
implements the designed business process. Such pro-
cess automation provides efficiency, however, it limits
the process engineer to predefined activities and con-
ditional flows.
Considering these limitations, some new and/or
modified process management paradigms and mod-
eling languages have been suggested that are specif-
ically targeted to provide the flexibility for manage-
ment of UBP. Van der Aalst et al. (2005), proposed
case handling as a new paradigm to deal with UBP.
To support the dynamic nature of business processes,
a number of new modeling constructs were added
in the BPMN v2.0 release (OMG, 2011). More-
over, OMG recently proposed a new modeling lan-
guage called Case Management Model and Nota-
tion (CMMN) for modeling processes where the pro-
cess activities depend on real-time evolving circum-
stances (OMG, 2014). The availability of a number
of process modeling paradigms, with their advertised
Bukhsh, Z., Sinderen, M., (Klaas), N. and Quartel, D.
Understanding Modeling Requirements of Unstructured Business Processes.
DOI: 10.5220/0006398400170027
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 2: ICE-B, pages 17-27
ISBN: 978-989-758-257-8
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
vendor solutions, pushes companies to rethink their
tools that are used for process modeling. On one
hand, BPMN is usually preferred since it is widely
adopted and understood as an industry standard. On
the other hand, the new proposed modeling language
(i.e. CMMN) is attractive since it promises an in-
creased level of expressibility for modeling of evolv-
ing business processes. The current scientific litera-
ture on process modeling languages lacks a compari-
son and capability assessment of BPMN and CMMN
for UBP. However, a number of online discussions
1, 2
and a recently published study by Hinkelmann (2016)
suggest the integration of BPMN and CMMN for im-
proved process modeling benefits.
This study intends to fill the gap in the scien-
tific literature by assessing the modeling capabilities
of BPMN and CMMN with respect to UBP. More-
over, this study also assists companies, and specifi-
cally their process engineers and process consultants,
in making a careful selection of the most suitable
modeling language for the process at hand by con-
sidering its modeling requirements. Therefore, num-
ber of representational requirements has been derived
from literature. We believe, a process modeling lan-
guage that is able to fulfill these representational re-
quirements can model the SBP and UBP, while keep-
ing their run-time flexibility. The work presented in
this paper is a result of research efforts undertaken as
Master thesis at University of Twente (Allah Bukhsh,
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: char-
acteristics of UBP are provided in Section 2. To as-
sess the capabilities of modeling languages proposed
by OMG, a sample business process is modeled with
BPMN and CMMN in Section 3. Based on the results
of a capability assessment, a number of representa-
tional requirements for UBP are derived in Section 4.
The representational requirements are demonstrated
by means of an application scenario in Section 5. The
validation of representational requirements with three
experts from BiZZdesign is presented in Section 6.
Finally, Section 7 provides our conclusion.
It is argued that in SBP, the predefined routing
rules drive the process while in UBP the character-
istic of the particular process instance drive the pro-
cess (van der Aalst and Berens, 2001). UBP requires
tacit knowledge, collaboration and decision making
skills from knowledge workers. The knowledge work
of an organization cannot be straight-jacketed into an
automated process and electronic forms due to its un-
structured and evolving nature (Van der Aalst et al.,
2005). Eshuis and Kumar (2016) suggested an ap-
proach to convert the UBP to SBP to be able to model
them with imperative modeling languages.
Many literature studies have discussed the char-
acteristic of UBP under the title of case manage-
ment (Di Ciccio et al., 2014; White, 2009; Mund-
brod et al., 2013; Kitson et al., 2012). Following are
some of the aspects of UBP which make them differ-
ent from SBP.
Goal Oriented: UBP are goal oriented, which
means a process evolves through a series of sub-
goals and milestones (Di Ciccio et al., 2014). The
achievement of each goal depends on a number of
factors, e.g. availability of required data, execu-
tion of activities, decisions of knowledge workers,
and responses from customers. Every sub-goal of
a process is well-integrated with one final goal.
An achieved sub-goal can be modified or proven
wrong as more data and knowledge emerges as the
process progresses (Mundbrod et al., 2013).
Data Dependent: UBP are data dependent which
means process and data are strictly inte-
grated (Chiao et al., 2013). The modification, ad-
dition or deletion of process data defines the fu-
ture activities of the process. However, the un-
availability of particular data may halt the pro-
cessing of the whole process.
Coordination and Collaboration: Execution of
UBP highly relies on the coordination and col-
laboration among the knowledge workers (Mund-
brod et al., 2013). Usually, a single process
involves many knowledge workers (Di Ciccio
et al., 2014). As the process progresses, new
knowledge workers may get involved or existing
knowledge workers may leave their roles.
Business Rule Driven: Conformance to business
rules and standards is one the most convincing ar-
guments to automate a business process. How-
ever, due to the uncertain and emergent nature of
UBP, knowledge workers are required to maintain
the business rules and standards during process
execution. All the process activities are influenced
by particular rules and policies of business (Di Ci-
ccio et al., 2014).
ICE-B 2017 - 14th International Conference on e-Business
BPMN and CMMN have been modified and intro-
duced, respectively, to deal with UBP (Unstructured
Business Process). We use an application scenario of
an admission process to investigate and compare the
capabilities of these notations to model an UBP.
3.1 Application Scenario
The admission process is a knowledge intensive pro-
cess which involves collaboration and communication
among different departments to perform the smooth
intake of students. Following is the detailed descrip-
tion of the admission process.
With the announcement of admission, the stu-
dents can send their documents to the univer-
sity through an online form. Students are re-
quired to submit their personal information
with their academic certificates, motivation
letter and language certificate. Once the ad-
mission application is submitted by the stu-
dent, the admission office is notified. Based
on documents received, each admission file
might go through at number of assessments
before the final decision can be made. Ini-
tially, the admission administrator checks
the application for its correctness and com-
pleteness. The admission file is then for-
warded to the corresponding department of
university for assessment. The admission co-
ordinator will review the admission file to
check the attached academic certificates. The
final decision can be made by the admission
coordinator only or it can require the discus-
sion and decision from the admission panel.
During the decision process, the provided de-
tails can be verified and new documents can
be requested from the student. At the end,
a student can be admitted, rejected or con-
ditionally admitted. The involved knowledge
workers and the decision highly depend on the
particular admission file. Finally, the student
is informed about the decision based on his
admission file.
In this scenario description, verbs in italic letters
show the activities of the admission process while
nouns in bold letters represent the involved knowl-
edge workers.
3.2 Modeling UBP with BPMN
As discussed earlier, BPMN is one of the widely
adopted process modeling notations due to its ease of
use and expressibility. A BPMN process model pro-
vides a layout of the business process by modeling
the set of ordered activities, events, and process flow
logic (Dumas et al., 2010). BPMN is often regarded
as the modeling notation of choice for SBP (Rosen-
feld, 2011). Figure 1 shows the admission process
modeled using BPMN modeling constructs.
Following are some problems of modeling
an UBP with procedural modeling language like
BPMN (Rychkova and Nurcan, 2011).
Task Ordering: Procedural modeling languages like
BPMN introduce the ordering and task dependency in
process executions. For example, in Figure 1, the task
ordering implies that the activity ‘Send certificate for
authentication’ will be only performed after the task
‘Review admission form’ has been completed. While,
in reality, the verification of certificates and review of
admission form can be performed in parallel.
Unavailable Optional Tasks: In BPMN, the ex-
ecution of tasks can be skipped only by employing
conditions on an exclusive gateway. However, tasks
that are defined with a sequential flow on the pro-
cess model without any conditions cannot be skipped.
Even if the tasks are not required by the particular
process instance, the tasks are needed to be executed
to continue the process flow. For example, the activ-
ity ‘Send certificates for authentication’, in Figure 1,
should be regarded as an optional activity if the au-
thentication is not needed.
Limited View on Data: BPMN provides a very
limited view on data. Business processes like the ad-
mission process are data-intensive in nature; the pro-
vided data can define the flow of activities. With
BPMN, the data input and output flow can be de-
picted, but the changing state of data can not be de-
Some of the problems that are highlighted with
BPMN can be mitigated by using the extended BPMN
elements (OMG, 2011, p. 30). The concept of ad-
hoc subprocess has been found to be most useful for
modeling an UBP. An ad-hoc sub-process does not
specify the ordering among activities. The activities
in an ad-hoc sub-process can be executed any number
of times without any pre-defined ordering. Based on
process instance requirements, the activities of ad-hoc
sub-processes can be done, redone or even skipped.
However, according to the BPMN version 2.0 stan-
dard specification (OMG, 2011), many process en-
gines don’t provide support for ad-hoc sub-process
execution. Moreover, use of extended BPMN ele-
Understanding Modeling Requirements of Unstructured Business Processes
Figure 1: Process Model of Admission Process Using BPMN.
ments results into a very complex process model. The
activities defined inside the ad-hoc sub-process can-
not be labeled to indicate whether activities are op-
tional, required or re-executable. The use of vari-
ous events and sub-processes can negatively influence
the understandability and readability of the process
3.3 Modeling UBP with CMMN
CMMN is for modeling the case/process where the
activities are not strictly defined, but dependent on
evolving circumstances and decisions of knowledge
workers (OMG, 2014). As compared to BPMN,
CMMN is a relatively new process modeling lan-
guage with unique constructs. Modeling construct of
CMMN, which are exploited in Figure 2 for admis-
sion process model, are the following:
A rectangle shape with the title of Admission Pro-
cess’ is called case folder, while the title depicts the
name of the case/process. A case folder is a con-
tainer that consists of all CMMN elements to model
the process. A rectangular shape with angled cor-
ners shows the episodes of a process which are called
stages. ‘Check Admission File’, Assess Admission
File’ and ‘Decision on Admission File’ are stages of
the admission process. Shapes with half-rounded cor-
ners are called milestones; they represent the goals
to be achieved in a process. ‘Completed Admission
File’ and ‘Final Decision Submitted’ are milestones
that are required to be achieved in processing of the
admission file. Finally, diamond shapes in the model
are called as sentries; they define the entry and exit
criteria for tasks and stages.
Following are problems that were encountered
while modeling an UBP with CMMN.
Predefine Users: CMMN doesn’t have any nota-
tion to represent the assigned user roles. According
to CMMN specification OMG (2014), the user roles
are defined semantically when the case/process is ini-
Limited View on Data: CMMN is meant to
model those processes that evolve with time and
where the execution of a process is mainly based on
data and knowledge workers’ decisions. CMMN has
a concept of case file along with file versioning. How-
ever, the versioning of a case file is defined semanti-
cally. From a visualization perspective, CMMN pro-
vides a very limited view on data.
Task Dependency: Connectors and sentries rep-
resent the concept of task dependency in CMMN. The
tasks will be executed only if the entry/exit condition,
associated with it, is fulfilled. However, as compared
to BPMN, the combination of connector and sentries
provides poor readability. For example, in Figure 2,
the stage of Assess Admission File will only be exe-
cuted if the milestone Application Check Completed
has been achieved.
Unlike BPMN, CMMN is a declarative language.
It is used to specify what should be done in the pro-
cess instead of how it should be done. The purpose
of a CMMN model is to provide a guidance map
which instructs the process engineers on what can
be done for successful process execution. Instead of
design-time defined conditional flows, the evolving
data and knowledge of knowledge workers drive the
process execution. Consequently, BPMN is more ex-
pressive in its process flows as compared to CMMN.
On the other hand, the discretionary tasks and stages
of CMMN provide a better understanding of which
tasks can be skipped during process execution as com-
pared to ad-hoc sub-processes of BPMN. A detailed
ICE-B 2017 - 14th International Conference on e-Business
Figure 2: Case Model of Admission Process Using CMMN.
comparison of BPMN and CMMN notations is pro-
vided in (Allah Bukhsh, 2015, section 4.4).
In this section, representational requirements of UBP
are presented. These requirements will facilitate us
into modeling the UBP in a flexible manner. The
proposed requirements are based on the limitations of
BPMN and CMMN discussed in Section 3. Cardoso
et al. (2016) also comparatively evaluated the BPMN
with another modeling language and concluded that,
despite its popularity, BPMN is limited in its ability
to model UBS. Therefore, representational require-
ments for modeling UBS are suggested in this study.
Some literature studies (Hauder et al., 2014; Di Ci-
ccio et al., 2014; Chiao et al., 2013) have proposed
the requirements for the development of an adaptive
process management system, which support flexibil-
ity in management of a knowledge-intensive process.
While, the representational requirements presented in
this section are mainly focused on process modeling.
To define requirements concretely, we adopted the
convention from (Chiao et al., 2013), where each re-
quirement is explained with the help of an application
4.1 Process Specification Requirements
Each process has some general requirements that need
to be fulfilled to represent the real-world scenarios.
Support to Capture Real-time Events: It should
be possible for UBP to capture and respond to real-
time events. These real-time events can be related to
process start or end, arrival of data, modification of
existing data, or they can be triggered by user activity.
When an applicant submits his admission ap-
plication, the admission office is notified. The
notify event can be a start event to initiate the
admission process.
Support to Quantify and/or Qualify the Condi-
tions: On certain steps in processing of an UBP, the
decision to execute next process activities is taken. It
should be possible to represent the conditional flow
on process model.
A complete check in admission process is an
example of quantifying condition.
4.2 Activities Specification
Activities define the work that is expected to be
performed for successful execution of a process.
The requirements of activities specification from the
perspective of an UBP are discussed below.
Support for Ordered and Unordered Activi-
ties: A business process consists of structured and
unstructured parts of the process. It should be pos-
sible to define and follow the control flow among the
activities as well as skip the activities’ execution, if
Understanding Modeling Requirements of Unstructured Business Processes
Ordered Activities: The steps like submission
of admission file by student and notifying it to
admission office are ordered set of activities.
These process activities are required to be ex-
ecuted one after another.
Unordered Activities: An assessment activity
which consist of check on academic certifi-
cates, analysis of their authenticity and review
of other related documents are example of un-
ordered process activities.
Support for Required and Optional Activities:
Due to non-deterministic and emergent nature of
UBP, it should be possible to define the process ac-
tivities as optional or required.
Required Activities: Irrespective of type of
admission file, it is required to inform the stu-
dent about the status of his application.
Optional Activities: During the assessment
activity, the activity of certificates authenti-
cation can be treated as an optional activity
based on admission application.
Support for Re-execution and Undo Activities:
An UBP mainly relies on decisions made by knowl-
edge workers. Such decisions may lead to undo or
re-execute the previously performed activities.
Re-execution of Activities: An admission ap-
plication from the recognized national uni-
versity might require single review while the
international admission application might go
through a number of reviews.
Undo Activities: For example, a request to de-
fer the admission for a specific time can lead
to undo certain activities that had marked the
student as an upcoming admitted student.
Support for Collaboration among Activities:
In addition to parallel execution of activities, it should
be possible to define and depict the collaboration
among the individual process activities. BPMN de-
picts the collaboration between the external and inter-
nal process through message passing but not with-in
a process.
The activities of discussion and decision re-
quire collaboration and can further leads
to verification of the admission application.
Therefore, the collaboration activities should
be explicit.
Support for Varying Levels of Granularity: A
process model with low level of granularity provides
the flexibility for knowledge workers in process exe-
cution while a process with high level of granularity
limits the knowledge workers’ freedom.
Assessment and verification are examples of
those activities that be modeled with varying
level of granularity.
Support for Process and Data Alignment: Un-
like traditional business process, where data are lim-
ited to defining control flows, UBP have an abundance
of data with changing states. With process and data
alignment, it should be possible to trace back data
through a process and vice versa.
Almost each activity of admission process
have associated data e.g. admission docu-
ments, remarks, decisions, etc.
Support for Process/Activity Call: It should be
possible to model the already available process or ac-
tivity. The callable aspect will reduce the burden of
re-modeling/re-doing the same activity.
In case the applicant, who had applied for ad-
mission, also submitted his application for a
scholarship. With activity/process call, the re-
sults of the authentication activities can be re-
used from admission process.
4.3 Data Specification Requirements
UBP are fundamentally data-centric, which means
that the process and data are strictly bounded (Marin
et al., 2013; Van der Aalst et al., 2005). The execu-
tion of process highly relies on available and evolving
process data.
Support for Data Representation: UBP pro-
duce and consume data during execution. It should
be possible to clearly define the inflow and outflow of
data files for a particular process activity.
ICE-B 2017 - 14th International Conference on e-Business
In the assessment activity, the admission ap-
plication can be represented as an input data
file while remarks as an output data file.
Support for Data Authorization: With the in-
volvement of number of knowledge workers in UBP,
it is should be possible to define the access level of
The admission application should not be ac-
cessible to the admission coordinator and ad-
mission panel before it is verified by admis-
sion administrator.
Support for Version Control of Data: Due to
evolving nature of data, the version control of data
is important. The concept of versioning for UBP is
introduced by OMG in CMMN version 1.0 OMG
(2014). Data versioning can be modelled as data
states on a process model.
The remarks and the decision on the admis-
sion file have evolving nature which can be
revised, added or deleted.
4.4 Business Rules Specification
To conform to standards and business policies, busi-
ness rules need to be employed during process execu-
tion. These rules provide information on how certain
business processes should be performed and how the
resources can be used Penker and Eriksson (2000).
The alignment of process with business rules will an-
swer the questions about ‘how and why certain ac-
tivities were performed and specific decisions were
The admission deadline defined by an insti-
tute is one example of business rule, which is
related to admission process.
4.5 Process Goals Specification
Goal-orientedness is one of the most distinguishing
characteristics of UBP. Based on the main goal, a
process evolves into a number of sub-goals and mile-
stones as process progresses. To provide an overview
of process, it should be possible to model goals and
The main goal of admission process is fi-
nal verdict of acceptance or rejection of ad-
mission application, while the other goals
can be ‘application received’, ‘application re-
viewed’, and ‘application verified’.
4.6 Knowledge Workers’ Specification
Knowledge workers play a critical role in manag-
ing and solving UBP. Knowledge workers, primary
job is to create, distribute and apply their tacit and
explicit knowledge to comprehend process, analyze
related information and make decisions Grudzi
Kuna (2013).
Support for Knowledge Workers’ Roles As-
signment: Due to involvement of many knowledge
workers in process management, it should be possible
to define the roles of each knowledge workers along
with their assigned tasks.
Admission administrator, admission coor-
dinator, and admission decision panel are
knowledge workers of the admission process
with their assigned set of tasks.
Support to Capture Knowledge Workers Deci-
sions: One of the most important tasks of knowledge
workers is to utilize their tacit knowledge, available
data and process context to take the certain decisions.
The decisions made by knowledge workers affect the
process running time, its control flow, final outcome
and many other process related aspects. It should
be possible to capture every decision of knowledge
The admission administrator needs to make a
decision about the completeness of the admis-
sion application before forwarding it to ad-
mission coordinator.
To demonstrate the proposed representational require-
ments, a few extended modeling constructs based
on BPMN are suggested in Table 1. The reason
to demonstrate representational requirements with
Understanding Modeling Requirements of Unstructured Business Processes
Table 1: Extended Modeling Constructs of BPMN (Demonstration).
No Name Notations Semantics
1 Collaborative Sub-process
Collaborative sub-process represents collaboration
among different activities of the process
2 Decision Activity
Decision activity shows a decision taken during
the course of process execution
3 Optional Activity
Optional activity defines an activity that can be
skipped during the process execution considering
the process context
4 Required Activity
Required activity defines a process activity that
must be executed
5 Undo Activity
Undo activity represents an activity that can be
undone considering the particular process context
6 Goal Goal represents the purpose of the process.
7 User Role
User role represents a person or a class of people
who are assigned to perform the process execution
8 Business Rule
Business rule represents a related business rule on
the process model
BPMN is two fold: First, as compared to CMMN,
BPMN is widely known and adopted by process en-
gineers. Second, many available modeling constructs
provided by BPMN are able to fulfill a number of rep-
resentational requirements.
Using BPMN and the extended modeling con-
struct, an admission process is modeled in Figure 3.
The description of each construct is provided as added
comments in Figure 3 and with Table 1. All the activ-
ities without incoming and outgoing sequential flow
are unordered, while the sequential flow define the or-
der between activities. Moreover, a sub-process can
be attached to the conditional flow to reach to the
goal. For instance, the goal Application verified can
be only be reach if the condition verification com-
pleted is met. Data objects with their changing states
are also represented in the process model. The po-
sition of data objects in the process model shows the
data access levels for the involved performers. For ex-
ample, the data object applicant file with created and
verifying state is only accessible by admission admin-
istrator while the applicant file with verified state can
be accessed by all the involved performers.
As compared to the admission process model pre-
sented in Figure 1 and 2, the admission model
that fulfills the representational requirements offers a
number of advantages.
Expressive Process Model: As compared to
CMMN, the process model provided in Figure 3 has
a well-defined process start and end event. More-
over, the modeling constructs to show the required,
optional, decision and collaborative tasks makes the
process model easy to read and communicate.
Ability to Model (un) Structured Process: The
process model shown in Figure 3 represents the struc-
tured and unstructured process parts. Sequential flow
represents the task ordering and task dependency be-
tween tasks which is a must requirement to model
structured process. CMMN doesn’t have the concept
of sequential flow while in BPMN the use of the se-
quential flow inside the ad-hoc sub-process yields a
semantically incorrect process model.
Ability to Model User Roles: With the user role
notation, a person or group or department can be set
as responsible to perform certain activities. CMMN
and BPMN don’t have any notation to define the user
roles on the process model. However, in BPMN lanes
are used for this purpose.
Ability to Model Data Access Level: The data
access level is defined based on data object position
on the process model. A data object that is defined
inside the sub-process belongs to the assigned user
only, while, the data object outside any sub-process is
accessible by all the involved users of a process.
Ability to Model related Business Rules: With
BPMN and CMMN, it is feasible to represent busi-
ICE-B 2017 - 14th International Conference on e-Business
Figure 3: Process Model of Admission Process.
ness rule related activities either by a business rule
task or planning table. However, in order to show the
effect of business rules on process control flow, an ex-
tended modeling construct is used in Figure 3.
Ability to Model Collaborative Activities: The
process model provided in Figure 3 shows the col-
laboration among the activities. The collaboration
among activities presents that the activities are depen-
dent on each other for their execution.
The validation of proposed representational require-
ments and their demonstration with extended BPMN
constructs were performed with three experienced
practitioners of BiZZdesign. Each of these practition-
ers has considerable working experience with BPMN
process modeling language. Semi-structured qualita-
tive interviews were conducted with each participants
in separate sessions that lasted from 60 to 90 minutes.
The suggested representational requirements and
their demonstration with BPMN extended constructs
were mainly validated for their usefulness, ease of un-
derstanding and correctness. The result of validations
is provided as follows:
Usefulness: The concepts of required, optional, col-
laborative sub-process, goal and decision activity
are regarded as very useful for modeling unstruc-
tured business processes. However, the concept
business rule is termed as unnecessary because
business rules are often extensive and are diffi-
cult to be included in process model. Apart from
business rules, the respondents found the concepts
of data specification very powerful. According to
one of the responded, the demonstration of data
specification in Figure 3 is very intuitive as com-
pared to technical specification of BPMN.
Ease of Understanding: The suggested representa-
tional requirements are easy to understand and
yields flexibility for modeling UBS. However, the
demonstration of representational requirements in
Figure 3 is indicated difficult to read when com-
pared to BPMN process model (see Figure 1) and
easy to read when compared to CMMN process
model (Figure 2).
Correctness Some of the comments regarding simi-
larities of BPMN with suggested concepts as re-
quirements were highlighted. According to one
of the respondent, the concept of optional task
can be achieved by employing BPMN gateway.
While, he also acknowledges the involved com-
Understanding Modeling Requirements of Unstructured Business Processes
plexity of modeling optional task with gateway
(requiring three constructs) as compared to using
simple optional task. Moreover, the concept of
undo and compensation event of BPMN is found
to be similar. Another respondent suggested to
keep one concept between required and optional
as if some task is not required then it would be
optional. However, other responded find the sepa-
rate concepts of required and optional very useful
as it will bring clarity to the process model.
On overall, it is found that representational require-
ments and a set of extended BPMN constructs are able
to model USB without incorporating unnecessary de-
tails and complexity while representing the needed
run-time flexibility.
UBP are goal-oriented, data dependent, emergent,
and require coordination and collaboration among
stakeholders. Taking the unique nature of UBP
into consideration, a number of modeling limita-
tions of BPMN and CMMN are identified, for in-
stance, BPMN introduce task dependency in process
execution whereas CMMN is unable to model user
roles/task assignments in process modeling. Though,
BPMN provides a number of useful constructs (e.g.
ad-hoc sub-processes, re-execute task) for modeling
unstructured business processes. But, use of vari-
ous modeling constructs results into a very complex
process model, which is difficult to communicate to
business people along with its semantic content. On
the other hand, the expressibility of CMMN model-
ing constructs is found to be insufficient for process
Our contribution in this paper is to derive explicit
requirements for notions that should be represented
in a modeling language for UBP. We have shown how
this could be done by defining an extension to BPMN
that covers these requirements. We do not claim that
this extension is the only or the best notations pos-
sible, but it does show that more adequate modeling
notations for UBP are feasible.
The future work of this study seeks to explore and
demonstrate the suggested representational require-
ments with other imperative and declarative modeling
languages. Considering the fact that a structured busi-
ness process often consists of unstructured activities
and vice versa, there is a need for a comprehensive
modeling language that is able to fulfill the modeling
requirements of structured and unstructured business
processes without introducing unnecessary complex-
ity in process models.
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