(short response time).The Fig.11 until Fig.16
illustrated the efficiency of smith predictor with
FOPID controller with and without disturbance
(very good robustnes, stability and presicion). The
Fig.17 until Fig.23 and Table.III show that the H
controller is more efficient then the FOPID (short
response time and good precision). In the table.III
we can observed that the designed Smith predictor
with FOPID controller gives the best performences
and robustnes.
In this work we have presented a structure of Smith
Predictor controller based on PID and Fractional
order PID control (FOPID) and robust H
applied to the industrial didactic process, modeled
by a linear model with time delay. A detailed
description of the system was presented with
identification phase. The chosen model has been
validated. the obtained results show the new smith
predictor sutructure with an Fractional order PID
control improves more the performance of the
process compared with PID or H
controller and
keep the study open for further optimization of the
FOPID parameters in case of a big time delay.
Different optimization algorithms can be applied
such as PSO or Genetic algorithms.
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