A systematic literature was conducted in order to
answer fours research questions (RQ1-RQ4 – see
Section 2.2) in the intersection between Big Data
Analytics and decision-making process of
enterprises. This topic is relatively new and, to our
knowledge, no prior SLR studies on this topic have
been conducted. The selection process for choosing
the studies for analysis is composed of five steps (see
section 2.4). After applying the inclusion and
exclusion criteria, as well as the quality assessment
process, twenty studies were considered relevant and
selected to be used into this SLR (see Section 2/Table
1 for the list of studies selected).
This SLR study yields four main contributions:
(1) presentation of the state-of-the-art on the
intersection between Big Data Analytics and
decision-making process (see section 3, subsections
3.1 to 3.4); (2) the understanding on how the Big Data
Analytics results can contribute to the decision-
making process (see section 3, subsection 3.1); (3) the
identification of the business functions where Big
Data Analytics has been applied (see section 3,
subsection 3.2); and (4) the list of impediments for
using the analytics in decision-making (see section 3,
subsection 3.4 - Table 2). Collectively, these
contributions add to the emerging knowledge base on
Big Data Analytics and decision-making. Based on
this SLR study, we conclude that Big Data Analytics
results plays an important, multi-faceted, role in
corporate decision-making.
On the management front, two important issues
identified are: (i) aligning data-driven decision-
making with business strategy and (ii) collaboration
across business functions (See Section 3, subsection
3.4). Also, on the technical front, big data present
some challenges due to lack of tools to process
multiple properties of Big Data (such as variety,
veracity, volume, and velocity).
Finally, the SLR results also demonstrates that
there has been little scientific research aimed at
understanding how to use the analytics results in the
decision-making process of organizations. Most of
the relevant studies address the advantages and
benefits of using big data analytics to support the
decision-making process. However, an understanding
on how to use the results to make better decisions is
still in its infancy.
The current study was conducted with a grant support
to the first author from CNPq, The National Council
of Technological and Scientific Development –
Brazil. Process number 200218/2015-8. The authors
would like to thank Jie Lan for his help and effort in
the initial steps of this SLR.
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