2015; He et al., 2015; Liu and Wang, 2013; Sanborn
and Skryzalin, 2015; Erk, 2012). There are also many
tools available capable of comparing the meaning of
two sentences, with different success rates (SEMI-
LAR, 2017; DKPro, 2017; RxNLP, 2017; Pilehvar
et al., 2013; Linguatools, 2017; Cortical.io, 2017).
At the moment, we think that existing solutions can
provide acceptable results, but still much further re-
search must be done to accomplish our vision. To the
best of our knowledge, there is no available system
that is using this kind of techniques and is capable of
generating code in this context.
The proposed solution is based on many components,
each with varying degrees of complexity. Refine-
ments can be made to any of them for further im-
proving the platform (e.g., using an improved head-
less browser that is aligned with the latest Web stan-
dards, improving the classifiers, implementation of
new patters for the detection of signatures’ descrip-
tions, etc.). Regarding the system’s architecture, we
plan on adding a REST API to each of the compo-
nents, thus making the platform easily deployable and
accessible in cloud environments and highly scalable.
It could also be easily integrated in environments
that make use of Enterprise Service Buses (Chappell,
2004), or newer approaches like Swarm Communica-
tion (Alboaie et al., 2014; Alboaie et al., 2013). Be-
sides the improvements that will be made to the plat-
form, much work will also be directed towards the
development of the tools that enable the use cases.
First, there is the tool that is able to scan code written
in different languages, extract all the used functions,
eliminate those that were locally defined, interrogate
our knowledge base, and build the report regarding
support status for the targeted version of the inter-
preter/library. Then, we have the semantic annotator
tool, that is able to mark up HTML code referencing
the specific entities.
In this paper we have addressed the problem of
keeping software applications and their execution en-
vironments up to date. As we have seen, this task
comes with some difficulties. System administrators
have no insight about the internals of the applications
that run on their infrastructure, so if they are faced
with updating the execution environment, they do not
know if the applications will be fully functional after
the update. It is up to the development team to do
the necessary verifications and eventual changes. The
same applies in case of software libraries on which
the applications depend. The tests require a lot of
manual work and take time to accomplish. We have
proposed a novel approach that improves productiv-
ity in accomplishing such tasks, by automating the
assessment of the changes that were made in a new
version and their impact on the functionality of the
application. Our solution is based on one major com-
ponent, the platform that is able to automatically cre-
ate a knowledge base containing details about sup-
ported functionalities in each version of the targeted
interpreter/library, independent of the programming
language used. It has applicability in many fields,
like software administration, software maintenance,
and even project management. In this paper we pre-
sented the prototype of the platform. To the best of
our knowledge, similar solutions do not exist. The ex-
isting tools that are used require manual specification
of the changes that were made and are also language
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ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies