have been provided by involving other researchers
into several stages of the conducted research.
External validity has been revealed by international
co-operation as following:
the research preparation has included individual
interdisciplinary consultations given by other
the present contribution has been worked out in
co-operation with international colleagues and
assessed by international colleagues, and
the research has been partly presented at
international conferences.
Therein, the findings of the present research are
validated by other researchers.
The present research has limitations. The inter-
connections between e-business process, binary
customer behaviour, the e-shop visitors’ burstiness,
and frequency have been set. Another limitation is
the empirical study based on one case only, namely
eBay. Therein, the results of the study cannot be
representative for the whole area. Nevertheless, the
results of the research, namely the three phases of
the newly elaborated e-business process, namely
Phase 1 Viewing, Phase 2 Selling/Buying and Phase
3 Evaluation, may be used as a basis of analysis of
burstiness in e-business process. If the results of
other cases had been available for analysis, different
results could have been attained. There is a
possibility to continue the study.
Investigation of further functions of burstiness
are in the focus of future research. Further research
tends to search for other indicators of e-shop
visitors’ burstiness that can serve as the predictor of
performance in e-business process. Empirical studies
on burstiness in a variety of e-business sectors are to
be implemented. The search for relevant methods,
tools and techniques for the analysis of burstiness in
e-business process is proposed. A comparative
research on analysis of burstiness in other scientific
fields could be carried out, too.
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