rotational characteristic, where n = 18, there are 4
known differences between the ciphertext and its rota-
tional counterpart. The attacker initializes MORUS-
1280-256 with an arbitrarily chosen IV and obtains
the ciphertext block. Now the attacker can predict the
ciphertext (4 bits), which would be generated from
MORUS initialized with the rotated IV (each word of
the IV rotated by 18). So, using rotational characteris-
tics the prediction is possible up to 10 rounds, yet we
need a stronger assumption — a key from the weak
key class.
We have proposed a new approach for the theoret-
ical key recovery attack against the round-reduced
MORUS. The technique can be seen as an accelerated
exhaustive search and it works not only with differen-
tial cryptanalysis but also with other types of distin-
guishers. The technique could be particularly useful
for ciphers, which have completely different struc-
ture than typical block ciphers such as AES, for ex-
ample for the sponge-based cryptographic primitives
(Bertoni et al., a).
We have also analysed the resistance of MORUS
against internal differentials and rotational cryptanal-
ysis. Our findings have revealed that the cipher offers
solid security margin against these techniques. As
MORUS has some unorthodox design features (such
as a lack of round constants) we think it is essential to
analyse such new, promising algorithms with a possi-
bly wide range of cryptanalytic tools and techniques.
All performed test are applicable for old and new ver-
sion of submitted cipher. Our work helps to realize
this goal.
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SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography