GLITCH: A Discrete Gaussian Testing Suite for
Lattice-based Cryptography
James Howe and M
aire O’Neill
Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT), Queen’s University Belfast, U.K.
Post-quantum Cryptography, Lattice-based Cryptography, Discrete Gaussian Samplers, Discrete Gaussian
Distribution, Random Number Generators, Statistical Analysis.
Lattice-based cryptography is one of the most promising areas within post-quantum cryptography, and offers
versatile, efficient, and high performance security services. The aim of this paper is to verify the correctness of
the discrete Gaussian sampling component, one of the most important modules within lattice-based cryptog-
raphy. In this paper, the GLITCH software test suite is proposed, which performs statistical tests on discrete
Gaussian sampler outputs. An incorrectly operating sampler, for example due to hardware or software errors,
has the potential to leak secret-key information and could thus be a potential attack vector for an adversary.
Moreover, statistical test suites are already common for use in pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs),
and as lattice-based cryptography becomes more prevalent, it is important to develop a method to test the
correctness and randomness for discrete Gaussian sampler designs. Additionally, due to the theoretical re-
quirements for the discrete Gaussian distribution within lattice-based cryptography, certain statistical tests for
distribution correctness become unsuitable, therefore a number of tests are surveyed. The final GLITCH test
suite provides 11 adaptable statistical analysis tests that assess the exactness of a discrete Gaussian sampler,
and which can be used to verify any software or hardware sampler design.
Post-quantum cryptography as a research field has
grown substantially recently, essentially due to the
growing concerns posed by quantum computers. The
proviso being to provide long-term and highly secure
cryptography, practical in comparison to RSA/ECC,
but more importantly being adequately safe from
quantum computers. This requirement is also has-
tened by the need for “future proofing” currently
secure data, ensuring current IT infrastructures are
quantum-safe before large-scale quantum computers
are realised (Campagna et al., 2015).
As such, government agencies, companies, and
standards agencies are planning transitions towards
quantum-safe algorithms. The Committee on Na-
tional Security Systems (CNSS) (CNSS, 2015) and
the National Technical Authority for Information As-
surance (CESG/NCSC) (CESG, 2016) are now plan-
ning drop-in quantum-safe replacements for current
cryptosystems. The ETSI Quantum-Safe Cryptogra-
phy (QSC) Industry Specification Group (ISG) (Cam-
pagna et al., 2015) is also highly active in researching
industrial requirements for quantum-safe real-world
deployments. NIST (Moody, 2016) have also called
for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms for
new public-key cryptography standards, similar to
previous AES and SHA-3 competitions.
Lattice-based cryptography (Ajtai, 1996; Regev,
2005) is a very promising candidate for quantum-safe
cryptography. Lattice-based cryptography bases its
hardness on finding the shortest (or closest) vector in a
lattice, which is currently resilient to all known quan-
tum reductions and hence attacks by a quantum com-
puter. Furthermore, lattice-based cryptography also
offers extended functionality whilst being more effi-
cient than ECC and RSA based primitives of public-
key encryption (P
oppelmann and G
uneysu, 2014) and
digital signature schemes (Howe et al., 2015).
Lattice-based cryptoschemes are usually founded
on either the learning with errors problem (LWE)
(Regev, 2005) or the short integer solution problem
(SIS) (Ajtai, 1996) or variants of these over ideal
lattices. The general idea within lattice-based cryp-
tosystems is to hide computations on secret-data with
noise, usually discrete Gaussian noise, which would
otherwise be retrievable via Gaussian elimination.
The rationale for using discrete Gaussian noise (as
Howe, J. and O’Neill, M.
GLITCH: A Discrete Gaussian Testing Suite for Lattice-based Cryptography.
DOI: 10.5220/0006412604130419
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 413-419
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
opposed to another probability distribution) is that
it allows for more efficient lattice-based algorithms,
with smaller output sizes such as ciphertexts or sig-
natures. Background on discrete Gaussian sampling
techniques is provided by Dwarakanath and Galbraith
(Dwarakanath and Galbraith, 2014) and Howe et al.
(Howe et al., 2016).
The specifications for the discrete Gaussian noise
within lattice-based cryptography are very precise.
The statistical distance between the theoretical dis-
crete Gaussian distribution and the one observed
in practice should be overwhelmingly small (Peik-
ert, 2010), usually at least as small as 2
for λ
{64,... ,128}. Providing guidelines to test implemen-
tations of discrete Gaussian samplers is therefore nec-
essary for real-world applications in order to prevent
attacks exploiting biased samplers. Moreover, an er-
roneously operating sampler could affect the target se-
curity level of the overall lattice-based cryptoscheme.
Additionally, the test suite is applicable for lattice-
based cryptoschemes whose outputs are also dis-
tributed via the discrete Gaussian distribution, such as
lattice-based encryption schemes (Lindner and Peik-
ert, 2011; Lyubashevsky et al., 2013) and digital sig-
natures (Gentry et al., 2008; Ducas et al., 2013).
Indeed, a biased sampler or cryptoscheme could
be a potential attack vector for an adversary. Opera-
tional errors or bugs within sampler software or hard-
ware designs, could significantly effect the theoretical
security of the lattice-based cryptoscheme. To combat
these issues for PRNGs, the DIEHARD (Marsaglia,
1985; Marsaglia, 1993; Marsaglia, 1996) and NIST
SP 800-22 Rev. 1a (Bassham III et al., 2010) test
suites were created. This is therefore clearly needed
for discrete Gaussian random number generators.
This research investigates and proposes a discrete
Gaussian testing suite for lattice-based cryptography,
named GLITCH, which tests the correctness of a
generic discrete Gaussian sampler (or lattice-based
cryptoscheme) design. GLITCH takes as input his-
togram data, thus being able to test any discrete Gaus-
sian sampling design, either in hardware or software.
This paper surveys statistical tests that could be used
for this purpose, proposing 11 tests appropriate for
use within lattice-based cryptography. These test the
main parameters and the shape of the distribution, and
include normality and graphical tests.
The next section provides prerequisites on the dis-
crete Gaussian distribution. Section 3 details a survey
of the tests considered for the discrete Gaussian test
suite, and is furthered by the 11 tests considered in
GLITCH. The results are then analysed in Section 4.
The discrete Gaussian distribution or discrete normal
distribution (D
) over Z with mean µ = 0 and pa-
rameter σ is defined to have a weight proportional to
(x) = exp((x µ)
)) for all integers x. The
variable S
= ρ
(Z) =
2πσ is then
defined so that the probability of sampling x Z from
the distribution D
is ρ
. For applications
within lattice-based cryptography, it is assumed that
these parameters are fixed and known in advanced.
Theoretically, the discrete Gaussian distribution
has infinitely long tails and infinitely high precision,
therefore in practice compromises have to be made
which do not hinder the integrity of the scheme. The
discrete Gaussian parameters needed are (µ, σ,λ, τ);
representing the sampler’s centre, standard deviation,
precision, and tail-cut, respectively.
The mean (µ) is the centre of a normalised distri-
bution. Within lattice-based cryptography, the mean
is usually set to µ = 0.
The standard deviation (σ) controls the distribu-
tion’s shape by quantifying the dispersion of data
from the mean. The standard deviation depends on
the modulus used within LWE or SIS. For instance in
LWE, should σ be too small the hardness assumption
may become easier than expected, and if σ is too large
the problem may not be as well-defined as required.
The precision parameter (λ) governs the level of
precision required for an implementation, exacting
the statistical distance between the “perfect” theoret-
ical discrete Gaussian distribution and the “practical”
to be no greater than 2
, corresponding directly to
the scheme’s security level.
The tail-cut parameter (τ) administers the exclu-
sion point on the x-axis, for a particular security level.
That is, given a target security level of b-bits, the tar-
get distance from “perfect” need be no less than 2
Thus, instead of considering |x| {0,}, it is instead
considered as |x|{0,στ}. Applying the reduction in
precision also affects the tail-cut parameter, which is
calculated as τ =
λ ×2 ×ln(2).
These parameters are chosen via the scheme’s
security proofs. For example, the Lindner-Peikert
lattice-based encryption scheme (Lindner and Peik-
ert, 2011) requires parameters (µ = 0, σ = 3.33,λ =
128,τ = 13.3) and the BLISS lattice-based signature
scheme (Ducas et al., 2013) requires much larger pa-
rameters (µ = 0,σ = 215,λ = 128,τ = 13.3). The
next section presents a variety of statistical tests to
check these parameters from observed data outputs
from a generic discrete Gaussian sampler.
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
This section describes the GLITCH discrete Gaussian
testing suite for use within lattice-based cryptogra-
phy. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is
the first proposal for testing the outputs of discrete
Gaussian samplers for use within lattice-based cryp-
tography. That is, if the samplers are actually pro-
ducing the distribution required for specific values for
µ,σ, τ, and λ. GLITCH can also be applied to outputs
of cryptoschemes which follow the discrete Gaussian
distribution, such as the BLISS signature scheme.
3.1 Statistical Testing Within
Statistical testing is used to estimate the likelihood
of a hypothesis given a set of data. For example,
in cryptanalysis, statistical testing is commonly used
to detect non-randomness in data, that is to distin-
guish the output of a PRNG from a truly random bit-
stream or to find the correctly decrypted message.
The need for random and pseudorandom numbers
arises in many cryptographic applications. For exam-
ple, common cryptosystems employ keys that must be
generated in a random fashion. Many cryptographic
protocols also require random or pseudorandom in-
puts at various points, for example, for auxiliary quan-
tities used in generating digital signatures, or for gen-
erating challenges in authentication protocols.
Moreover, the inclusion of statistical tests is
paramount when implementing cryptography in prac-
tice. For example, to test a PRNG for cryp-
tographically adequate randomness, the test suites
DIEHARD (Marsaglia, 1985; Marsaglia, 1993;
Marsaglia, 1996) and NIST SP 800-22 Rev. 1a
(Bassham III et al., 2010) were proposed to check
for insecure randomness, that is, to test a PRNG for
weaknesses that an adversary could exploit.
3.2 Statistical Testing for Lattice-based
To exploit or attack a PRNG, an algorithm could de-
termine the deviation of its output from that of a truly
uniformly random deviation. This is especially im-
portant for the discrete Gaussian distribution within
lattice-based cryptography, since these values hide se-
cret information. Normality tests can be used to deter-
mine if, and how well, a data set follows the required
normally structured distribution. More specifically,
statistical hypothesis testing is used, which under the
null hypothesis (H
), states that the data is normally
distributed. The alternative hypothesis (H
), states
that the data is not normally distributed. All of the
methods proposed for testing the correctness of a dis-
crete Gaussian sampler design only require an input
of histogram values output from the sampler.
For the test suite, two normality tests are adopted,
each using the same statistics of the discrete Gaussian
samples, by producing two important (and somewhat
distinct) results. Both also follow the same hypothe-
ses; the null hypothesis that the sample data is nor-
mally distributed, and the alternative hypothesis that
they are not normally distributed.
The first test considered is the Jarque-Bera (Jar-
que and Bera, 1987) goodness-of-fit test, which takes
the skewness and kurtosis from the sample data, and
matches it with the discrete Gaussian distribution. It
tests the shape of the sampled distribution, rather than
dealing with expected values, which makes the test
significantly simpler than, say, a χ
test. Interest-
ingly, if the sample data is normally distributed, the
test statistic from the Jarque-Bera test asymptotically
follows a χ
distribution with two degrees of freedom,
which is then used in the hypothesis test.
The second test is the D’Agostino-Pearson K
nibus test (D’Agostino et al., 1990), and is another
goodness-of-fit test using the sample skewness and
kurtosis. This test however is an omnibus test, which
tests whether the explained deviation in the sample
data is significantly greater than the overall unex-
plained deviation. The test also has the same asymp-
totic property as the Jarque-Bera test.
D’Agostino et al. (D’Agostino et al., 1990) anal-
yse the asymptotic performances of more commonly
used normality tests; those being the χ
test, Kol-
mogorov test (Kolmogorov, 1956), and the Shapiro-
Wilk W-test (Shapiro and Wilk, 1965). These are
important results, since the sample sizes required are
far beyond those used in typical applications, in say,
medicine or econometrics. Additionally it is recom-
mended not to use the χ
test and Kolmogorov test,
due to their poor power properties. That is, for a large
sample size, the probability of making a Type II error
(that is, incorrectly retaining a false null hypothesis)
significantly increases. Furthermore, for sample sizes
N > 50, D’Agostino et al. state the Shapiro-Wilk W-
test is no longer available, and even with the test ex-
tended (N 2000) (Royston, 1982), it still falls be-
low the required sample size. The final major test for
normality is the Anderson-Darling test (Anderson and
Darling, 1952; Anderson and Darling, 1954). How-
ever, the D’Agostino-Pearson K
omnibus test is pre-
ferred since the Anderson-Darling test is biased to-
wards the tails of the distribution (Razali et al., 2011).
GLITCH: A Discrete Gaussian Testing Suite for Lattice-based Cryptography
The final tests are graphical. The first simply
plots the observed histogram data versus the expected
data. The second graphic is a quantile-quantile (QQ)
plot. This test illustrates how strongly the histogram
data follows a discrete Gaussian distribution, pro-
viding a QQ-plot and coefficient of determination
). The QQ-plot is supplementary to the numeri-
cal assessment of normality and is a graphical method
for comparing two probability distributions. In this
case, these two probability distributions are the ob-
served and expected quantiles of the discrete Gaus-
sian distribution. This test is essentially the same
as a probability-probability (PP) plot, wherein a data
set is plotted against its target theoretical distribu-
tion. However, QQ-plots have the ability to arbitrarily
choose the precision (to equal that of λ, say 128-bits)
as well as being easier to interpret in the case of large
sample sizes, hence its inclusion over PP-plots.
The R
value complements this plot, analysing
how well the linear reference line approximates the
expected data. The output R
[0, 1] is a measure
of the proportion of total variance of the outcomes,
which is explained by the model. Therefore, the
higher the R
value, the better the model fits the data.
3.3 The GLITCH Test Suite
The GLITCH test suite is provided in Python and is
made publicly available online
. Additionally, dis-
crete Gaussian data sets are provided. GLITCH is
designed to take, as input, a histogram of discrete
Gaussian samples. This is seen as advantageous over
an input of listed samples, as calculations are signifi-
cantly simplified, are significantly faster, and decrease
storage. The suite of tests are specifically chosen so
that each parameter in the discrete Gaussian sampling
stage is tested. The main parameters under test are
the mean and standard deviation of the discrete Gaus-
sian (µ,σ), with additional tests included to check the
shape of the distribution, and finally normality tests.
Precision is also adaptable and set to 128-bits as per
most lattice-based cryptoschemes.
3.3.1 Tests (1-3): Testing Parameters
The first set of tests are to approximate the main
statistical parameters µ and σ, producing values for
sample mean (¯x) and sample standard deviation (s).
This is done by using adapted formulas for the
first (m
) and second (m
) moments, taking as in-
put a histogram of values (x
), where m
= ¯x =
)/N corresponding to the sample mean, and
GLITCH software test suite available at
= s
= (
)/N corresponding to the
sample variance, for a sample size N. The subsequent
moments are then m
= (
, us-
ing sample standard deviation s =
Next, the standard error (SE) is calculated for the
sampling distribution. This statistic measures the re-
liability of a given sample’s descriptive statistics with
respect to the population’s target values, that is, the
mean and standard deviation. Additionally, the stan-
dard error is used in measuring the confidence in the
sample mean and sample standard deviation. For this,
a two-tail t-test is constructed, given the null hypoth-
esis µ = 0 (similarly for σ), with the alternate hypoth-
esis that they are not equal. So, if the null hypothesis
is accepted, it is concluded that a 100(1 α)% confi-
dence interval (C.I.) is ¯x ±ε
and s ±ε
, where ε
and ε
= t
. Since the aim of these tests
if for the highest confidence (99.9%), t
= 3.29.
3.3.2 Tests (4-7): Testing the Distribution’s
The next set of tests deal with statistical descriptors of
the shape of the probability distribution. The first de-
scriptor is the skewness; which is a measure of sym-
metry of the probability distribution and is adapted
from the third moment. The skewness for a normally
shaped distribution, or any symmetric distribution,
is zero. Moreover, a negative skewness implies the
left-tail is long, relative to the right-tail, and a posi-
tive skewness implies a long right-tail, relative to the
left-tail. The population skewness is simply m
however the sample skewness must be adapted to
ω = m
N(N 1)/N 2 to account for bias (Joanes
and Gill, 1998). Also SE
is calculated, to show the
relationship between the expected skewness and ω.
The forth moment is kurtosis; and describes the
peakedness of a distribution. For a normally shaped
distribution, the target sampled kurtosis is three, and
is calculated as m
. More commonly, the sam-
pled excess kurtosis is used and is defined as κ =
) 3. A positive kurtosis indicates a peaked
distribution, similarly a negative kurtosis indicates a
flat distribution. It can also be seen, given an increase
in kurtosis, that probability mass has moved from the
shoulders of the distribution, to its centre and tails
(Balanda and MacGillivray, 1988). Similarly, SE
calculated to show the relationship between the ex-
pected excess kurtosis and κ.
An appropriate test for these statistical descriptors
would be a z-test, where confidence intervals could
also be calculated for some confidence level α. How-
ever, under a null hypothesis of normality, z-tests tend
to be easily rejected for larger samples (N > 300)
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 1: Histogram of observed (blue) discrete Gaus-
sian samples versus expected (red).
Figure 2: QQ-plot of the observed discrete Gaussian
samples with the coefficient of determination (R
) value.
taken from a not substantially different normal dis-
tribution (Kim, 2013).
Higher-order moments, specifically the fifth and
sixth, are used in the last two tests on the distribu-
tion’s shape. The first of these tests hyper-skewness
= m
, which still measures symmetry but is
more sensitive to extreme values (Hinton, 2014, p.97).
Likewise, the second of these tests is for excess hyper-
kurtosis κ
= m
, which tests for peakedness
with greater sensitivity towards more-than-expected
weight in the tails (Hinton, 2014, p.100).
3.3.3 Tests (8-9): Normality Testing
These tests calculate the test statistic and p-value
for the two normality tests described in Section 3,
these are the Jarque-Bera (Jarque and Bera, 1987) and
D’Agostino-Pearson (D’Agostino et al., 1990) om-
nibus tests. The Jarque-Bera test statistic is calculated
as JB = (N/6)(ω
+ ((κ 3)
/4)), where its p-value
is taken from a χ
distribution with two degrees of
freedom. The null hypothesis (of normality) is re-
jected if the test statistic is greater than the χ
The D’Agostino-Pearson omnibus test is based on
transformations of the sample skewness (Z
(ω)) and
sample kurtosis (Z
(κ)), which are combined to pro-
duce an omnibus test. This statistic detects deviations
from normality due to either skewness or kurtosis and
is defined as K
= Z
+ Z
3.3.4 Tests (10-11): Illustrating Normality
D’Agostino et al. (D’Agostino et al., 1990) recom-
mend, as well as test statistics for normality, graph-
ical representations of normality are also provided.
Hence, the final two tests are illustrative tests on the
discrete Gaussian samples. The first graphic, shown
in Figure 1, plots the histogram of the observed values
(in blue) alongside the expected values (in red).
The second graphic is a quantile-quantile (QQ)
plot, shown in Figure 2. For this test, the cal-
culated z-scores are plotted against the expected z-
scores, where if the data is normally distributed, the
result will be a straight diagonal line (Field, 2009,
p.145-148). A 45-degree reference line is plotted,
which will overlap with the QQ-plot if the distribu-
tions match. The coefficient of determination (R
value is calculated as R
= 1 (SS
), where
is the residual sum of squares and
is the total sum of squares, y
is the
observed data set and f
is the expected values.
The research on statistical testing for discrete Gaus-
sian samples reapplies well established statistical test-
ing techniques to lattice-based cryptography, taking
into consideration the stringent requirements within
the area. This was completed by conducting a full
survey on a number of different testing techniques,
collating the relevant tests to form the adaptable
GLITCH software statistical test suite.
The first number of tests are for analysing the
main discrete Gaussian parameters from the observed
data; giving standard error, confidence intervals, and
hypothesis tests with the highest level of confidence
(99.9%). The next set of tests verifies the shape of
the distribution, analysing whether there is any bias
towards the positive or negative side of the distribu-
tion, and whether the distribution has a bias towards
the peak of the distribution. For these tests and for the
following tests on normality, the tests which allow for
samples sizes large enough for lattice-based cryptog-
raphy constraints are chosen. The last tests illustrate
the difference between the observed data’s distribu-
tion and the expected distribution’s shape.
GLITCH: A Discrete Gaussian Testing Suite for Lattice-based Cryptography
The tests chosen are powerful and operate well on
large sample sizes, with each analysing different as-
pects within the discrete Gaussian distribution. Fail-
ure in any of these tests indicates a deviation from
the target distribution, which is therefore evidence of
an incorrectly performing discrete Gaussian sampler.
The software for GLITCH is made available online
(, which also
provides sample data for discrete Gaussian samplers;
which are able to be tested upon.
The full version of this paper is available at (Howe
and O’Neill, 2017), which includes more concise de-
tails on the statistical formulae used as well as exam-
ple results discussions.
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GLITCH: A Discrete Gaussian Testing Suite for Lattice-based Cryptography